Panel 7
Rosalind Edwards, University of Southampton and Val Gillies, London South Bank University, Who‟s looking out for your children? Changes and continuities in British mothers and fathers experiences of parenting over half a century
Kristina Alexandra Diana John and Daniela Grunow, University of Amsterdam
The dynamics between expertise, parenting norms and politics: Media-analytical evidence from the Netherlands and Germany
Panel 8
Stefan Ramaekers, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, What has happened to parental responsibility? Some philosophical notes
Helen Reece, LSE, From Authoritative Parenting to Positive Parenting
Ciara Smyth, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Exploring parental responsibility for children‟s cognitive development
Panel 9
Judith Suissa, Institute of Education, London, Parents, Children and the Science of Happiness
Nina L. Powell, University of Birmingham, Parenting Science
Alka Sehgal Cuthbert, University of Cambridge, The Brain Is Not Enough – Education versus Neuroscience
Panel 10
Karen Clarke, University of Manchester, Poor parents, poor development and early intervention
Joan Wolf, Texas A&M University, Constructing Normal: Social Science, Childcare Research, and Maternal Attachment
Panel 11
Erik Löfmarck, Södertörn University and Uppsala University, Sweden, Risk and parental feeding practices in everyday life
Gillian Hawkes and Angela Cassidy, University of East Anglia, Feeding baby: How parents negotiate and manage advice around infant and early nutrition
Jenny Green, University of Hull, Midwifery and infant feeding policy
Panel 12
Pam Lowe, Aston University and Geraldine Brady, Coventry University, Empty vessels? Conceptualisation of ‘the child’ in parenting discourse
Martyn Pickersgill, University of Edinburgh, Brainy Kids: Education, Social Care, and the Circulation of Neurologic Knowledge
Eva Silberschmidt Viala, University of Aarhus, Immigrant parents as „coaches‟ for their children in the Danish school system
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