CPCS press coverage in 2013

We were delighted to welcome Joan Wolf, Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at Texas A&M University, as our first international Visitor to the Centre for Parenting Culture Studies. During her stay over the first two weeks of February Joan participated in a range of discussions involving Centre Associates, and got to know more about our work. The focal point of her visit was an Open Lecture she gave at the University of Kent to a full lecture theatre. You can watch the lecture in full here. The questions and discussion are posted here. You can read coverage of Joan’s lecture in spikedThe ObserverThe Independent The New Statesman Mumsnet and listen to her on Radio 5 live (1 h 55m) There was also further coverage in: ‘The witches of breast milk need to back off’, Live chat, ‘Is breast best?’ and  ‘Breast is best. Or is it?’ (with comment by Ellie Lee) Joan’s book is now available in paperback, and the facebook page is here

School for 4-year-olds’, with comment by Helene Guldberg

Janet Golden and Michael Yudell, ‘Nutrition, Public Health and Food

Deborah Lupton has a new book out in the Palgrave Pivot series this month, The Social Worlds of the Unborn She is also the editor of this new living book, on the topic of the ‘unborn’: a great resource for teaching

‘Should adults read children’s books?’ Discussion on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme with Jennie Bristow

On breastfeeding, social mobility, advertising and choice; discussion with Ellie Lee from about 24 minutes with phone in from about 2 hours 23 minutes
 ‘Who’s afraid of internet porn?’ by Alka Sehgal Cuthbert

‘Abortion, Motherhood and the Medical Profession’: event report

On breastfeeding, social mobility, advertising and choice; discussion with Ellie Lee from about 24 minutes with phone in from about 2 hours 23 minutes

In recent weeks, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence issued the recommendation that midwives should breath test pregnant women to see if they smoke, and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) put out a report suggesting that, if pregnant, women could be ‘better safe than sorry’ if they avoided plastics in everyday objects like packaged food and non-stick frying pans. These are responses from CPCS Associates:

Ellie Lee on breath tests for pregnant women includes MetroThe SunSunday TimesThe Australian Deccan ChronicleSpits (Netherlands)Delfi (Italy) A summary of coverage about this issue is here: ‘UK: Anger at proposals to test pregnant women for smoking’

On the RCOG report: Stop messing with mothers-to-be. The mountain of scary ‘advice’ facing pregnant women is built on risk inflation and utterly junk science, by Ellie Lee

‘Pregnant women aren’t incubators – so why does medical advice treat them as though they are?’

‘Should adults read children’s books?’ Discussion on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme with Jennie Bristow

 ‘Who’s afraid of internet porn?’ by Alka Sehgal Cuthbert

‘The anxious modern culture of parenting goes global’ Sally Millard

‘Bottled Up’, by Suzanne Barston

Pro-family politicians: a threat to the family’, by Jennie Bristow

Discussion about risk, fear and litigation in US Schools, with comment from CPCS Associate Nancy McDermott

Do we live in a ‘top-shelf society’? Discussion with contributors including CPCS Associate Jan Macvarish

This manual is, frankly, a disaster for children’. Interview with Chris Lane by Helene Guldberg about DSM-5

Frank Furedi, ‘Parenting skills are a con’Huffington Post 

Charlotte Faircloth, ‘When ‘breast is best’ meets shared parenting’, Working Mothers Magazine

Nancy McDermott, ‘Breast is Best: the worst kind of hectoring’Spiked-online

Interview with Frank Furedi, about his new book, Moral Crusades in an Age of Mistrust: The Jimmy Savile Scandal

‘You and Yours’BBC Radio 4, ‘Should we involve children and young people in decisions that affect them?’ With guests including  Frank Furedi.

British children ‘babied’ by intrusive parents, says MP (with comments from Frank Furedi)

BBC Radio 4, Call You and Yours: Parenting (with Ellie Lee, Oliver James and callers)

Frank Furedi, University students, Are they toddlers or young adults? 

Susan Elkin, ‘Why don’t we encourage young people to grow up?’ (with comment from Frank Furedi)

British Medical Journal podcast on abortion policy in Britain, with Ellie Lee

Nancy McDermott, with Free Range Kids, heads an initiative to challenge overreaction to Sandy Hook

Ellie Lee, on determinism new and old. ‘Whatever happened to free will?’

Stephanie Knaak, in The Huffington Post, Canada. ‘Is modern parenting bad for mommy’s health?’

Frank Furedi, on the latest NSPCC campaign. ‘Using children as a moral shield’ 

Frank Furedi, on the legacy of the death of Jamie Bulger