Dr Lina Eriksson/Dr Tiziana Torresi, co authors, ‘State power and breastfeeding promotion: A critique’. Contemporary Political Theory (2018)
Dr Charlotte Faircloth, co-founder CPCS and author of Couples’ Transitions to Parenthood. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)
Dr Ruth Ann Harpur/Sue Haddon, founder members of the Infant Feeding Alliance (IFA), ‘A movement of parents and allies from across the UK that calls for compassion, autonomy and safety in infant feeding policy and practice’ and co-authors of ‘Typologies of postnatal support and breastfeeding at two months in the UK: Research participant commentary’, Social Science and Medicine (2020)
Professor Ellie Lee, Director of the Centre for Parenting Culture Studies
Jessica Murray, runner up Heather Trickey Memorial Prize 2022
Katherine O’Brien, Associate Director of Communications and Campaigns at British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) an organisation ‘campaigning for reproductive choice since 1968’
Dr Sunna Símonardóttir, associate of CPCS, co-author, ‘When breast is not best: Opposing dominant discourses on breastfeeding’, The Sociological Review (2018)
Ella Whelan, Journalist and commentor, articles include: ‘Breast is not always best’
Dr Vera Wilde, author ‘Breastfeeding Insufficiencies: Common and Preventable Harm to Neonates’, Cureus(2021)
Dr Erin Williams, co-founder and Director of Feed, an independent infant feeding charity that champions the Right to Food for all women and infants, and provides unbiased and compassionate infant feeding information #bottlesboobsortubes
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