The generations network is developing a selection of interdisciplinary readings and resources relevant to our understanding of the concept of generations, and the way this concept is deployed in policy discussions.
Andrews, M. (1997) ‘Life review in the context of acute social transition: The case of East Germany’, British Journal of Social Psychology, 36(3), pp.273-290.
BBC Radio 4 (19 January 2020) ‘Separated siblings’.
BBC Radio 4 (2 March 2020) ‘OK, Boomer!’ Discussion of generations and generational conflict featuring Helen Kingstone and Jennie Bristow.
Bristow, J. (2020) ‘Post-Brexit Boomer blaming: The contradictions of generational grievance.’ The Sociological Review, Special Section: Exploring the Legacy of the Baby Boomers: Myths and Realities of Intergenerational Relations in the Twenty-first Century.
Bristow, J. (2019) Stop Mugging Grandma: The ‘generation wars’ and why Boomer blaming won’t solve anything. London: Yale University Press.
Bristow, J. (2016) The Sociology of Generations: New directions and challenges. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bristow, J., Cant, S. and Chatterjee, A. (2020) Generational Encounters with Higher Education: The Academic–Student Relationship and the University Experience. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Brown, R. and Kulik, J. (1977) ‘Flashbulb memories’, Cognition, 5(1), pp.73-99.
Burnett, J. (2016) Generations: the time machine in theory and practice. Routledge.
Connolly, J. (2019) ‘Generational conflict and the sociology of generations: Mannheim and Elias reconsidered’, Theory, Culture & Society, 36(7-8), pp.153-172.
Edmunds J, Turner BS eds. (2002) Generational Consciousness, Narrative and Politics. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Elliott, J. (2013) ‘Talkin’‘Bout My Generation’: Perceptions of Generational Belonging among the 1958 Cohort’, Sociological Research Online, 18(4), pp.1-16. (The interviews are available for download from the UK data archive so can be used as a research resource by others.)
Erll, A. (2011) Memory in Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
France, A. and Roberts, S. (2015) ‘The problem of social generations: a critique of the new emerging orthodoxy in youth studies’, Journal of Youth Studies, 18(2), pp.215-230.
Furedi, F. and Bristow, J. (2010) Licensed to Hug: How child protection policies are poisoning the relationship between the generations and damaging the voluntary sector. 2nd edn. London: Civitas.
Gallagher, A. (2020, in press) Slow Ethics and the Art of Care. Bingley: Emerald.
Holmes, A. and Conway, M.A. (1999) ‘Generation identity and the reminiscence bump: Memory for public and private events’, Journal of Adult Development, 6(1), pp.21-34.
International Longevity Centre (2017) When I’m 64 – The ILC-UK factpack on retirement transitions.
International Longevity Centre (2019) A different age: A snapshot of diverse later lives.
Kingstone, H. and Broughton, T. (2019) ‘Victoria’s Victorians and the Idea of Generation’, Journal of Victorian Culture, 24 (3).
Kingstone, H. and Broughton, T. (2019) ‘The Generation Born in 1819’, Journal of Victorian Culture, 24 (4).
Mannheim, K. (1952) The problem of generations. In: Kecskemeti P (ed.) Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge. London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 276–322.
Purhonen, S. (2016) ‘Generations on paper: Bourdieu and the critique of “generationalism”’, Social Science Information, 55(1), pp.94-114.
Rigney, A. (2018) ‘Remembering Hope: Transnational activism beyond the traumatic’, Memory Studies, 11(3), pp.368-380.
Rothberg, M. (2020) ‘Trauma and the Implicated Subject.’ In The Routledge Companion to Literature and Trauma.
Ryder, N. B. (1965) ‘The cohort as a concept in the study of social change’, American Sociological Review, 30(6), pp.843-861.
Shilliam, R. (2015) ‘RasTafari and reparation time’, OpenDemocracy, 16 January.
Teigen, K.H., Böhm, G., Bruckmüller, S., Hegarty, P. and Luminet, O. (2017) ‘Long live the king! Beginnings loom larger than endings of past and recurrent events’, Cognition, 163, pp.26-41.
Unwin, J. (2018) Kindness, emotions and human relationships: The blind spot in public policy. Carnegie UK.
WHERL project (Wellbeing, Health, Retirement and the Life Course).
Wrisk project (Understanding and improving the communication of risk relating to pregnancy).
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