Feeding Children Inside and Outside the Home: Critical Perspectives
One day symposium: 18TH March 2016
Venue: 11 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3RA
Draft Programme
9.30-10: Arrivals and tea and coffee
10-10.15: Welcome and introduction: Charlotte Faircloth, Benedetta Cappellini and Vicki Harman
10.15-11.15: Keynote speaker: Anne Murcott (SOAS) Discussant: Ellie Lee (University of Kent)
11.15-12.30: Paper session 1 – Feeding Children Outside the Home
Chair: Charlotte Faircloth (University of Roehampton)
In need of refreshment: An examination of the ways parenting is made ‘visible’ via food events in four early childhood settings
Deborah Albon (London Metropolitan University)
“Is There a Free Lunch?” Normative, Political and Nutritional Aspects of School Dinners
Tilly Paz (Independent Researcher)
Disciplining mothers: a Foucauldian approach to unpacking power and classed resistance in children’s packed lunches
Benedetta Cappellini and Vicki Harman (Royal Holloway)
12.30-1.30: Lunch
1.30-3.30: Paper session 2: Historical, social and philosophical perspectives on feeding children
Chair: Benedetta Cappellini (Royal Holloway)
Food, Families and Work: The Diets of Children in Employed Families over Time
Rebecca O’Connell and Julia Brannen (UCL Institute of Education)
Feeding in context: eating occasions as domestic socialized practice
David Marshall (University of Edinburgh)
Infant Feeding Decisions and Philosophical Mistakes About Motherhood
Fiona Woollard (University of Southampton)
Eating and Reading Food: Children’s Literature and Childhood Eating
Angelica Michelis (Manchester Metropolitan University)
When intensive mothering becomes a necessity: Feeding children on the ketogenic diet
Michelle Webster (Royal Holloway)
3.30-3.45: Break (tea and coffee)
3.45-5: Paper session 3: International perspectives
Chair: Vicki Harman (Royal Holloway)
Schoolchildren and food: Exploring food consumption away from home in Accra
Sara Stevano and Deborah Johnston (SOAS)
Child Feeding Experiences in Peri-Urban Cochabamba, Bolivia
Cara Donovan, Debbie Humphries and Alder Keleman Saxena (Yale University)
Feeding Children in Post-socialist Poland: An Ethnographic Account of Parental Anxiety
Zofia Boni (SOAS)
For further information please contact feedingchildrensymposium@gmail.com