Summer Music Day Two: Scenes from Mozart

You know that something rather special is going on when you find yourself having to put out additional seating before a concert to cope with the level of audience which is turning up. Such was the situation yesterday at just before five o’clock, when the storage cupboard was being pillaged for further seating, to accommodate the surprisingly large (yet very welcome!) turn-out for Scenes from Mozart, featuring some of the University Music Scholars accompanied by your loyal correspondent.

An enthusiastic crowd was treated to a selection of moments from three of Mozart’s operas – Clemenza di Tito, Cosi fan tutte and The Marriage of Figaro. With no expense spared on lavish production values, the minimalist approach to staging involved replacing a bed and a chaise-longue with chairs, a cupboard door become – wait for it – a lady’s fan, and Cherubino’s dramatic jumping out of the window involved…well, let’s just say you had to be there…

Ranging from the intimacy of Deh vieni through the high emotions of Dove sono to the feverish drama of Come out, Susana, the programme took in a snapshot of operatic gems, and demonstrated not only Mozart’s wonderful facility for writing the state of the characters and the tone of the moment into the fabric of the music, but the versatility of the singers too.

Well done to everyone that took part. Day Three of Summer Music Week continues today with a Lunchtime Recital from some of the University Music Scholars in the concert-hall at 1.10pm.

That fuss was us! Tomfoolery Dance Orchestra: The Golden Age this Weds

For anyone who’s not come across #hidehidehi, General Harding’s Tomfoolery (aka the University Dance Orchestra!) has been quietly rising through the ranks; hot on the heels of winning the recent Keynestock 2014, the group played the Kent Union Summer Ball on Saturday night to great acclaim, and is set to bring a little of the 1930s to the Colyer-Fergusson Hall this Wednesday lunchtime.


Tomfoolery_SummerBallThe Golden Age will see the band re-creating the sounds of the era – there will be a space for dancing, and period costume is recommended! The gig is free and starts at 1.10pm, prepare to swing – bring your dancing-shoes.

Find out more about the group here, or Follow it on Twitter here, and check out its Facebook Page here. Find out what all the fuss is about this Wednesday at Summer Music Week.

Image Gallery: Summer Music Week: Big Band at the Beach

Congratulations to the dynamic duo of Ian Swatman and the University Big Band, who launched this year’s Summer Music Week in tremendous style yesterday afternoon.

Glorious sunshine, open skies and sizzling temperatures were all matched by some searingly hot music from the band, together with singers Ruby Mutlow and Steph Richardson, on the Memorial Bandstand at Deal. With the gig due to start at 2.30pm, the band arrived for a soundcheck at 1pm and by 1.15pm a sizeable crowd had already developed; I don’t think I’ve ever seen a soundcheck so well attended…!

01Under Ian’s vigorous direction, the band delivered an afternoon of tremendously vibrant music, much appreciated by the large crowd taking in the sun and the songs. The event not only launched this year’s week-long celebration of music to mark the end of the academic year, but was also a part of the yearl-long party for Porchlight, the Kent-based charity that supports homeless and at-risk people across the county; we’re delighted to have taken part.

The week continues today with Scenes from Mozart on the foyer-stage at 5pm, and the Big Band will return this Wednesday for its final musical ‘huzzah!’ in the Colyer-Fergusson Hall at 7.30pm.

Images © Peter Cook / University of Kent

Songs from the Silver Screen: Music Theatre final showcase

Prepare to bathe in the flickering dance of the silver screen’s musical magic, as the Music Theatre Society presents its final showcase of the year on Monday 9 June.

night at the movies posterA Night at the Movies will be bursting with songs from shows including Legally Blonde, Shrek, Sister Act, The Producers and others, and promises to be a all-singing-and-dancing finale to the Music Theatre Society’s epic year.

(Don’t forget you can also catch them on the Colyer-Fergusson Foyer stage later in the week, when they will present ‘Songs from the Shows’ at 1pm on Friday 13 June as part of Summer Music Week (more here).

Tickets for A Night At The Movies are £8/ concessions £6, available from the Gulbenkian Theatre Box Office here. Check out the Society’s event page on Facebook here. Prepare for movie magic…


The daffodils are smiling at the dove; Summer Music Week starts this weekend

University Music will truly be finding an element of fun in every job that must be done from this Sunday onwards, when Summer Music Week bursts into life both on and off campus between 8 – 15 June.

The annual musical adieu to the academic year starts this Sunday, and will present a heady pot pourri of events featuring many of the University musicians and ensembles, culminating in the climactic Music for a Summer’s Day on Sunday 15th June.

Summer Music headerThe week opens with the University Big Band under the baton of the ever-youthful Ian Swatman on the Deal Bandstand, in a charity performance in support of Porchlight, which this year celebrates its fortieth anniversary. The week then includes lunchtime concerts, a recital by University Music Scholars, the Dance Orchestra (recent winners of Keynestock 2014!), the Big Band Gala, a choral concert at St Peter’s Anglican Church, the Music Theatre Society, capped off with the Sunday concert in which the Chorus, Symphony Orchestra, Concert Band and Chamber Choir will come together in the Colyer-Fergusson Hall for a final farewell, followed by cream teas on the Registry lawn.

Music ranges from Big Band swing to scenes from Mozart opera, Glenn Miller, music for strings, and the medieval serenity of works Hildegard von Bingen, whilst  the final Sunday includes a choral medley from Mary Poppins and rousing works by Sullivan and Elgar.

There is a wonderful ethos throughout all the musical ensembles that take place within the University, a true celebration of the coming together of staff, students and members of the local community to take part in the vibrant musical life on the campus. Summer Music Week affords a small but tremendously energetic glimpse of some of the music-making that takes place throughout the whole year, and will be a fittingly festive finale to a memorable year.

The full line-up of events can be found online here, and brochures can be found in the Colyer-Fergusson Building and the Gulbenkian Theatre. Come and help us celebrate music at Kent!

Summer Music Week and Porchlight; interview with Kate Lumley

Ahead of the Big Band’s curtain-raising gig at Deal Bandstand next month in aid of Porchlight, I talked with the charity’s Community Fundraising officer (and Kent alumnus!), Kate Lumley.

Tell me about Porchlight

Porchlight is the charity I work for. Porchlight helps people who are homeless or facing housing issues and also works to prevent homelessness in Canterbury and across Kent.

What sets it apart from other local charitable organisations ?

This is a good question! I think a few things. Firstly, the charity is committed not only to helping people, but also to changing negative attitudes and stereotypes that are connected with homelessness. We want people to understand that homelessness can happen to anyone, that we think everyone has a right to a secure home, and that help is available if anyone finds themselves, or someone they are close to, facing this kind of situation. I also think that the sheer range of our services sets us apart. Porchlight is committed to providing long-term solutions to homelessness, a lot more than a roof over someone’s head and a bowl of soup, but helping someone to tackle the issues that caused them to become homeless in the first place and get their lives back on track. We have such a broad range of services from a 24 hour helpline, a rough sleeper team and different levels of supported accommodation, to prevention work supporting children and adults, so that each person we help can follow a tailored support plan based on their own personal needs and aspirations. It goes without saying that this doesn’t come cheap! And so this is why we are so in need of support from the local community to continue to provide these services.

Kate Lumley
Kate Lumley

Forty years is quite a birthday to be celebrating this year! How are you doing so ?

I feel very privileged to be working for a charity that has been helping people and changing lives for the last 40 years. It’s a very exciting year for us and we are marking Porchlight’s anniversary with lots of different events! We’d really like this year to be about raising the profile of the charity and encouraging people to support us, whether that’s by raising awareness, volunteering or fundraising. Please check out the Porchlight website if you’d like to get involved.

We’re looking forward to our fund-raising event for you: can you guarantee the sun will shine ?!

Haha! No, but I hope it does. And if the Big Band are as good as I remember then it’ll be a great event come rain or shine! Thanks so much to Ian and the band for doing this event for Porchlight, we’re extremely grateful for the support.

PrintFind out more about the Big Band’s seaside gig during Summer Music Week here.

Dance Orchestra at Summer Music Week: playlist on Spotify

Continuing with the jazz thread running through Summer Music Week next month, the new University Dance Orchestra brings the spirit of the 1930s to the Colyer-Fergusson Hall on Wednesday 11 June;  to that end, Captain Murgatroyd has risen from the trombone section to create a Spotify playlist of tunes that we’ll be playing, to get you in the mood (d’you see what I did, there…)

tomfooleryBring your dancing-shoes to the event; period costume optional, but highly recommended! It should be a great occasion; get the date in your diaries now…