Category Archives: Notes on Music

The philosophy of music: or the music of philosophy ?

Image Gallery: Jonathan Mayer / Mitel Purohit workshop

After their mesmerising lunchtime concert last week, sitarist and composer Jonathan Mayer and tabla-player  Mitel Purohit stayed on to lead a workshop with some of the University students, exploring aspects of Indian classical music.

Our thanks to two stellar musicians for sharing their insights with our students.

Images © Matt Wilson / University of Kent

Cathedral Concert tomorrow: nearly there…

Just under twenty-four hours until baton-down in the Nave of Canterbury Cathedral, as tomorrow’s all-day musical extravaganza looms.

cathedral_cloud_floodlit_webOrchestra and Chorus in fine form last night; the Orchestra meets again tonight to put some finishing touches to the Vaughan Williams symphony, and then it’s back on campus at 9am sharp tomorrow, for the technical team (including your loyal correspondent) to organise all the equipment to be moved down to the Cathedral.

Not long to go, team…

HAIR raising adventure next week

Prep-HAIR for an adventure next week, as the University Music Theatre Society brings its annual production to the Gulbenkian Theatre.

Hair runs from Wednesday 19th March to Friday 21st March in a series of evenings shows starting at 7.30pm.

Here’s a trailer of the Society in rehearsal to whet your appetites.

Book your ticket on the Gulbenkian website here. Good luck to everyone involved!

Preparing for the Cathedral Concert next week

Next Saturday sees the annual Colyer-Fergusson Cathedral Concert, in which the University Chorus and Orchestra will come together to commemorate the start of the First World War in music by Elgar, Vaughan Williams, Bach and Fauré.

This Sunday is our all-day rehearsal in the hall, a first combined run-through; then it’s Monday – Thursday – Friday – Saturday over the course of next week, and then Sunday for everyone to recover…

In rehearsalThe concert on the 15 March features Elgar’s Spirit of England, for which we’ll be joined by soprano Sally Silver, Fauré’s Cantique de Jean-Racine, Elgar’s arrangement of Bach’s Fantasia in C minor, and Vaughan Williams’ Symphony no.3.

Looking forward to Sunday’s Greater Coming Together; Ladies and Gentlemen of the Chorus and Symphony Orchestra, we’ll see you there!


Image gallery: lunchtime concert on the foyer-stage

The University Cecilian Choir and Music Scholars came together in an evocative and dramatic lunchtime concert on the foyer-stage last week, as part of a month-long series of events across the campus to mark LGBT Month.

Conducted by your loyal correspondent, the Cecilian Choir opened the concert with several movements from Britten’s Friday Afternoons, delivered with great vigour. Following this were two of Britten’s folk-song settings; Down By The Salley Gardens (sung by soprano Kathryn Cox) and O Waly, Waly (from soprano Paris Noble). These two moving, initimate reflections on love and loss were performed with real commitment, drawing the hushed audience so close that it was as though the listeners were hunched right around the stage.

The Cecilian Choir returned to the stage, together with third-year harpist Emma Murton, to close the concert with four movements from the Ceremony of Carols, moving from the high drama of ‘This Little Babe’ to the lyrical, evergreen simplicity of ‘Spring Carol,’ through the declamatory ‘Deo Gracias’ and ending with the plainchant of ‘Hodie Christus natus est.’

An engaging concert, and a great opportunity to make a musical contribution to the month’s events. Bravo, team.

Images: Matt Wilson (c) University of Kent

Make Believe with the Music Theatre Society

Prepare for a land of ‘Make Believe’ in the company of the Music Theatre Society this weekend.

Make Believe Final Poster

On Saturday 1st of March at 4 pm (Matinee) and 8 pm (evening) and Sunday 2nd of March 8 pm, Darwin’s Missing Link will come alive to music from Les Miserables, Matilda, Beauty & The Beast and other favourites.

Ticket are a mere snip at £5 available from The Mandela Building on Campus or online via the Kent Union website: find out more on the Society’s Facebook event page here.

Celebrating Britten next Wednesday

The University Cecilian Choir, fresh from its seasonal debut on the foyer-stage at Christmas, is currently in rehearsals in preparation for its concert towards the end of term, in which the Choir will present a range of contemporary pieces alongside Hassler’s Missa super Dixit Maria.

The Cecilian Choir performing in 2013
The Cecilian Choir performing in 2013. Image credit: Matt Wilson

But before then, the Choir will be singing in a lunchtime concert next Wednesday, as the ‘Watch This Space’ series celebrates LGBT Month with the music of Benjamin Britten. The programme will include movements from the Ceremony of Carols including harpist Emma Murton; folk-songs sung by Kathryn Cox and Paris Noble; and will conclude with movements from Britten’s rambunctious Friday Afternoons.

The event starts at 1.10pm; admission is free.