British Modern Military History Society

Andy Cockeram (Rutherford 1975-78) is co-founder of the British Modern Military History Society in 2019, a not-for-profit society based in south Oxfordshire, which organises monthly … Read more

Author Profile – Susan Suntree

Expert Susan Suntree’s new audiobook reveals the science and the Native American myths and songs about SoCal’s ancient origins. Susan Suntree, alumna from Rutherford College … Read more

Author Profile – Michael Gould

Michael Gould graduated in 1969 with an upper-second in Classical Studies. He has recently published his book, ‘Stalemate’, which is a light hearted look at the … Read more

Author Profile – Dick Wiggins

Dick Wiggins (Rutherford, 1966-1969) is proud to announce that The SAGE Quantitative Research Kit that he has edited jointly with Malcolm Williams (Cardiff University, UK) … Read more

Author Profile – Nikki Stephens

Nikki was a mature part time student, Rutherford, 1989-1995, studying English and American Literature.  In 1996 she qualified as a Hearing Therapist and has worked … Read more

Author Profile – Peter Simpson

Peter Simpson (Rutherford, 1970) has published the second volume in his England in the Middle Ages series of books, The Angevins: 1154-1216. This volume goes … Read more