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Testing out a theory


SEPnet Diversity Webinar: Nurturing community and belonging

The University of Kent will be hosting the SEPnet Diversity Webinar Nurturing community & belonging – particularly during Covid-19 on Wednesday 2 December 2020, 10.00 – 13.00

Building an inclusive community within universities where students and staff feel heard and supported is more important than ever in the current climate. Universities need to consider the impact of remote working and studying as well as dealing with future uncertainty for different groups including, for example, 1st generation students, those from different BAME backgrounds and those with physical and mental health issues.

Early career researchers can be forgotten and feel a lack of empowerment and anxiety about their future.  Understanding how different groups engage with their working and learning environment is key to helping them feel a sense of belonging and enabling them to achieve their potential.

This annual workshop will explore how we can engage students and support early career researchers through specific interventions aimed at addressing these challenges. This event is aimed at all STEM staff, PGRs and student representatives and those responsible for diversity and inclusion including Project Juno and diversity champions, Athena SWAN representatives, HR managers and academics.

The workshop will be chaired by Professor Nigel Mason, Head of School of Physical Sciences at University of Kent and is FREE to attend.  Places are limited.  Please register for a place  on the Eventbrite website on a first come, first served basis.  Please circulate to your relevant colleagues.

Joining instructions and a link to join the webinar will be sent nearer the time.


10.00  Chair’s Introduction – Professor, Nigel Mason, Head of School and E&D Committee

10.15  The effect of online/remote learning on widening participating students

Amy Low, Service Delivery Director, AbilityNet

10.40  Understanding attainment differentials at a London-based university: student engagement through a mixed-method lens

Dr Diego Bunge, Independent Researcher and Dr Daniel Hartley, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance

11.05  Early Career Researcher Mental Health in Academia

Dr Zoë Ayres, Research Scientist and Mental Health Advocate

11.30  Panel discussion

11.50  Break

12.05  Breakout group discussions

12.35  Summary and questions

13.00  Close of proceedings

man waring mask on bus

Tips for planning your journey during Covid-19

It is important to plan your journey, especially at the moment to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Here are some tips from the University’s Transport Team.

  • Plan all your journeys before leaving your house.
  • Make sure you bring a face covering (unless you are exempt) and hand sanitiser with you. The Government has also provided a useful checklist that includes questions to ask yourself and what to take with you before leaving home.
  • Be prepared for travel disruptions. For example, due to lower capacity, the bus you were expecting to catch may be full and you may need to wait for longer than anticipated.
  • Ensure your vehicle/bicycle is serviced regularly.
  • Social distance and follow the travel providers’ rules.
  • Ensure you know what payment methods travel providers require.
  • Be familiar with and follow the Government travel guidance.
  • Avoid travel during busy times, if possible.
  • Keep up to date with the latest advice from your travel service provider. See the list below for up to date guidance on public transport.
  • Remember to be kind and support each other – there are health reasons that mean not everyone is able to wear a face covering or may need to use a particular route that others are not able to use.

If you are travelling via public transport, it is important to ensure that you are familiar with what is required to travel with the service provider. For example, you are required to wear a face covering (if you can) when travelling on public transport or Campus Shuttle service. Some travel services may request card payment only and/or bookings only.

The travel providers have published some guides to explain their journey planning, social distancing and how to pay for travel:

For more information, please visit the Covid-19 travel webpage and the coronavirus information webpages.

Kent logo

Covid-19 update – 21 October 2020

This Covid-19 Update explains the ‘Tiers of Restriction’ set out by Government which concern HE provision. These differ to the national Covid Alert Levels, which are sometimes called ‘tiers’ or ‘local lockdowns’.

The Tiers of Restriction recommend restrictions to HE provision based on the infection rates within a particular area. The Government recommends that if restrictions are required, these should be implemented in a phased manner to ensure students and staff are supported.

The National Institute of Health Protection (NIPH) will provide guidance on how any additional restrictions will apply to students travelling between university and home.

Currently, Kent is at Tier 1 teaching provision out of a possible 4. The Tiers are outlined below:

Tier 1 (default position): This is our current position. HE providers are expected to deliver blended learning, with online and face-to-face tuition, whilst following public health guidance (for example, the use of suitable face coverings)

Tier 2 (fallback position): HE providers will move to an increased level of online learning. Face-to-face teaching should be continued according to the provider’s own risk assessment. In most cases, this will be for clinical or practical teaching and research.

Tier 3 (stricter measures): HE providers will further increase online learning and face-to-face teaching will be reserved only for priority courses (e.g. clinical and medical courses), and in as limited number of situations as possible. At this Tier, providers should support students by keeping key services such as libraries and catering facilities open. Students will need to follow local Government guidance including remaining in their current accommodation to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Tier 4 (last resort): The majority of HE provision will now be online. Buildings will be open only for essential workers and students who must still attend for face-to-face teaching. This includes the continuation of essential research.

We have produced a new FAQ for staff and students explaining the Tiers of Restriction. These can be found on our Coronavirus webpages (under Returning to Campus/Safety on Campus for staff and in the Studying section for students).

All our academic and professional service departments are currently planning how to continue their service should our Tier status change. This ensures we are prepared for any future context we find ourselves in and can support all our people to work and study effectively at Kent.

Further information concerning the Tiers can be found on the Government guidance concerning reopening buildings and campuses.

Man sitting on a sofa with his head in his hand

Managing Mental Health – online workshop for managers

This interactive workshop for managers, team leaders and supervisors will highlight essential good practice in supporting staff wellbeing and mental health. The aim of the workshop is to enable and encourage managers to develop a management style that strikes the right balance between the needs of the individual/team and the needs of the business.

Course content

  • Signs that might indicate that a staff member is struggling
  • Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic – issues to be aware of
  • 2 golden rules for managing stress and mental health at work
  • Practical problems for managers
  • Good practice framework for managing mental health at work
  • Clarifying the role of the organisation, individual staff and the manager
  • Guidelines for managing sensitive conversations about stress and mental health
  • Practical support – ‘reasonable adjustments’ during and after the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Sources of support for staff and managers

Your trainer

Anna’s background is in mental health where she has accumulated 30 years of practical and managerial experience in both statutory and voluntary sector settings, including 10 years in mental health crisis services. Anna was senior associate trainer for Mind, the mental health charity for over 10 years and is a UKCP accredited Integrative Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor in private practice.

To sign-up

Numbers are restricted so book your place via Staff Connect now.

KentVision: Project Update

KentVision is a major project underway at the University to bring together a number of different administrative processes and simplify how we support the student journey. 

With the key features of the new software system now built and testing in full swing, the focus will turn to ongoing training for staff ahead of the new system launching across the University in January 2021. This will also form part of our wider focus on improving how we work together as new structures and teams take shape. 

KentVision aims 

KentVision is designed to introduce simpler and more consistent ways to input, manage and process student data across the University. As well as replacing the expiring Student Data System (SDS), key outputs include a seamless admin journey for students and applicants; united academic administration across Divisions and Central Services; and integrated mobile-enabled services for students and staff.  

Training and support 

A full package of training and support is currently being developed to help staff who will be using the system when it launches in January. This will take place over late November and December, using a blended approach with both online ‘face to face’ training sessions and a series of bitesize videos to explain how the new system works. A full timeline for this, including the detailing plan for closing SDS and launching KentVision, will be shared by mid-November, with a dedicated trainer then working with staff throughout the initial rollout and into next year as staff adapt to the new system. 

Project sponsor update 

“Introducing a large-scale software system to bring together our student admin processes is an enormous undertaking, but I know from having used similar in other institutions that the effort and challenges involved will be worth it. I hope that as staff begin to explore KentVision more they will quickly get a sense of its benefits, both with more straightforward processes for staff and – crucially – a better user experience for applicants and students throughout their time at Kent.” 

Richard Reece, DVC Education & Student Experience 

Find out more about KentVision  

Professor Karen Cox

Vice-Chancellor’s update – 21 October 2020

As Black History Month reaches its third week, I am pleased to be able to welcome Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies, who will give this year’s Annual Race Equality Lecture via Teams Live on Thursday this week. Please do join us if you can. Sir Hilary has a global reputation for his work on social justice and minority empowerment and his lecture, British Universities as Architects of Slavery and Violent Colonialism: Undoing the Harm, will be challenging and thought-provoking. My thanks go to members of the BAME Staff Network for organising this event.

We continue to work on improving the representation of progression and success of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff and students at our University and, earlier this year, signed up as a member of the Race Equality Charter. We know we have more to do and are currently finalising a programme of work which will underpin the changes that we need to make. We will update you on this shortly. My thanks to Professor Georgina Randsley de Moura for progressing this work.

You will no doubt be aware that, over recent weeks, cases of Covid-19 in a number of areas in the country have increased significantly and that, as a result, universities in these areas are having to introduce changes to their teaching arrangements.

Here at Kent, as our weekly summary of current confirmed cases show, on Monday we had 26 students who have reported as testing positive for Covid-19 and no members of staff. These figures represent an increase on previous weeks. However, these numbers remain comparatively low and the local health protection team have advised that we are taking all appropriate steps at this point.

However, we recognise there is no room for complacency and so we continue to prepare for any changes we may have to make to our own teaching arrangements if we are required to do so. These changes will be in line with the Government’s ‘four tiers of restriction’, which outlines specific changes that universities are expected to introduce if circumstances require it. We will continue to keep you informed.

My very best wishes go to you and your families,


Professor Karen Cox | Vice-Chancellor and President

Student accommodation

Support for students self-isolating

We are committed to supporting all individual students and households who are required to self-isolate, whether on or off campus.

Our guide to support for students who are self-isolating is now available online.

When we receive notification of a student needing to self-isolate, their academic school will be informed. Staff from across the school, including academic staff, advisors and administrative staff, will be on hand to support the self-isolation period. This will include contacting students to ensure they are on track with their studies, and providing any resources, materials or support they need to help with their remote learning.

Professional services departments from across the University are working together to provide a package of care for students who are self-isolating. This includes providing a food care pack to get through the first day for students in self-catering accommodation and food deliveries for those on our Bed and Flex or Bed and Bistro packages. Arrangements have been made to help students with laundry, bedding, cleaning materials and to ensure they can receive mail and parcels.

A range of support is being offered to students self-isolating, including welfare checks by the Colleges and Community Life Team, regular check in calls and emails, which can be to individual students and households. Students can access online specialist support such as, counselling services and mental health support, if required, through the Student Support and Wellbeing Team. We also have a 24/7 nursing team available on campus.

A programme of events, activities​s, challenges and competitions have been brought together to help students get through their self-isolation period. More information can be found on the Student Coronavirus webpages.

Black History Month

Black History Month is a yearly event that celebrates the achievements of Black people in the UK. The university in conjunction with Kent Union and GKSU are celebrating Black History Month by hosting various activities over October.


**Rescheduled** University of Kent Annual Race Equality Lecture – Monday 2 November Thursday 17:30 – 19:00

Professor Sir Hilary Beckles (VC of the University of the West Indies) will give a talk on “British Universities as Architect of Slavery and Violent Colonialism: Undoing the Harm”. This will be the University’s fourth Annual Race Equality Lecture and the first to be held online. It is free and open to all, with registration now open.

Decolonisation Discussion Forum – Friday 30 October at 12:30

A roundtable discussion covering what decolonisation means in the context of University students.

Film Screenings

Miss Juneteenth – Thursday 29 October at 19:00

This powerful film will be screened at The Gulbenkian and followed by a panel discussion.


African Women and the British Health Service

This exhibition showcases the work women of African heritage contributed to the NHS.

Kent Black Lives Matter: Student Protests Exhibition

This photographic exhibition is a visual reminder of when students at the University of Kent campus joined together to support the Black Lives Matter anti-racist protests.

Someone typing on a Laptop mac and writing in a notebook

Care first webinars w/c 19 October 2020

Our official Employee Assistance Programme provider, Care first offers a numbers of services and provide useful advice and support, including weekly webinars.

This week’s (Monday 19 October – Friday 23 October) webinars are as follows:

Monday 19 October 2020 –  ‘How Care first can support you’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link.

Tuesday 20 October 2020 – ‘Speaking with people who are breaking the Rules’
Time: 12.30-13.00 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Wednesday 21 October 2020 –  ‘Tips to avoid and alleviate conference call anxiety’
Time: 13.00-13.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Thursday 22 October 2020 – ‘Alcohol Awareness’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Friday 16 October 2020 – ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Two men running together at park

Kent Sport running groups

Kent Sport is bringing back our popular running groups! Dust off those old trainers and get back to running. Whether you’re just starting out or a confident runner, we have adapted our sessions to suit everyone. All running groups are open to students and staff. Remember to book online and meet at the Sports Centre.

Beginners’ Running (Couch To 5K)

Our 10-week Couch to 5K program is perfect for those just starting out and will get you comfortably running each week, leading up to a 30 minute run (approx. 5km) in just 10 weeks. This relaxed and sociable session requires no experience, just a pair of trainers and a sense of humour. Our experienced staff will support you every step of the way and before you know it, you’ll be confident to hit the roads on your own.

Social Run Club

The clue is in the name – this ‘social’ group will meet twice a week at the Sports Centre and will be guided by an experienced member of staff. Whether you’ve done a bit of running in the past, or a regular runner, this group is perfect for you! Each week the route may change depending on the group’s preferences, but we’ll be there to provide that much needed motivation.

Due to the current situation, we have had to impose social distancing measures into all our sessions:

  • You must book and pay for each session online in advance.
  • We have restricted the session size to 11 participants and 1 coach
  • On arrival, you will need to check in for the session at the Sports Centre reception. You may have to queue outside the Sports Centre before checking in
  • Please wear a mask or face covering as you enter reception
  • Once checked in, meet the coach outside the Sports Centre and maintain social distancing at all times during the session
  • Please arrive ready for your session. Our locker and changing facilities are currently unavailable

If you’re interested in any of the running groups, check out our running groups blog item for session days and times.