Author Archives: Miriam Sandiford

Biometric Residence Permits and being replaced by eVisas

Replace your physical visa document with an eVisa

The Home Office is replacing physical immigration documents with an eVisa for customers already living in the UK, and for new visa applicants.

What do Biometric Resident Permit (BRP) holders need to do?
BRP holders living in the UK will need to create a UKVI account to access their eVisa.

Students who hold a BRP that expires on 31 December 2024, and who have immigration permission to be in the UK beyond this date, do not need to apply to renew their BRP, as all recently issued BRPs are due to expire on this date. Instead, these students should follow the instructions on this Home Office page to create a UKVI account.

Creating a UKVI account is free, straightforward, and will not usually require BRP holders to send the Home Office either their passport or BRP. Once a student with a BRP has created their UKVI account, they should update their account with any new passport or contact details.

Who is affected by this change?
Everyone that uses a BRP who does not already have an eVisa is affected by this change, as BRPs are all due to expire at the end of 2024.

What if students already have a UKVI account and an eVisa as well as a BRP?
If customers hold a BRP as well as an eVisa, then they do not need to create do anything to anything. Students who already have an eVisa should ensure that their UKVI account is kept up to date with their latest contact information and any passport which they intend to travel with.

What happens if students do not create an account to access their eVisa?
BRP holders should take steps to create a UKVI account and access their eVisa before it expires to prevent any unnecessary delays in proving their rights. Students with expired BRPs will not be able to use them to travel internationally.

Further information, including details of the eVisa support available, can be found at

Postgraduate Conference success

Kent’s Annual Postgraduate Conference took place on Wednesday 3 July 2024, hosted by the Graduate and Researcher College (GRC), in collaboration with the Division of Arts and Humanities, the Division of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Kent Business School, the Division for the study of Law, Society and Social Justice, and the Division of Natural Sciences.

It was a remarkable celebration of the vibrant research community here at Kent, with a record number of students and staff attending.

Students and staff at conference Speaking at the Conference Reception, Gordon Lynch, the Director of the GRC said:

“The heart of the University’s mission is to produce new knowledge, to train people in developing new knowledge and ways of thinking, and to share that knowledge with the wider world. The annual PG Conference is a celebration of that work – whether it’s for all the innovative work done by our research students, all the investment in their training and development by supervisors and all the work done by other members of staff to make that community of learning possible. It’s been fantastic to see so many people engage with this year’s event and to continue to build on the partnership between the Graduate and Researcher College and our Schools and Divisions.”

Talk at conference in lecture theatre

Thank you to the student and staff organisers for their brilliant efforts in coordinating the Divisional sessions, and to the student presenters for their outstanding contributions. The engaging research talks, insightful panel discussions, impressive poster presentations, and dynamic interactive workshops made the day truly exceptional.

PGR Student Basma receiving award

Finally, we would like to extend our congratulations again to the winners and runners up for the Kent Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition, GRC Prizes, and Divisional Session Competitions. A full-list of winners can be found on the GRC Annual Postgraduate Conference 2024 page.

Medway Pride rainbow

Free Medway Pride tickets now available

Tickets allocated specifically for the Universities at Medway for Medway Pride on Saturday 17 August are available now!

Please only book the tickets you need, as these are limited.

Summer at Kent

Summer at Kent: What’s on in July

As well as relaxing in the sunshine, summer is a great time to meet new people, develop your skills and explore!

Summer at Kent is a series of events aimed at students who are staying on or near campus, whether that’s for a few weeks or the whole summer.

Get involved this month

Develop your writing skills with writing well sessions, Academic English Support for ESL students and dissertation writing workshops.

Network at the Annual Postgraduate Conference on Wednesday 3 July. The conference celebrates our postgraduate research community and is open to all PG students and includes the chance to attend talks, take part in interactive workshops and enjoy a free buffet lunch.

Get creative with regular Creative Spaces events where you can work on your crafts or just come along for a chat. To celebrate the Olympics, you can also join Chef Ben Elsberry to bake and decorate cookies and cupcakes with a prize for the best Olympic themed decorated baked item.

Get outside and get active by volunteering at the Kent Community Oasis Garden, open 10:00-14:00 on Wednesdays and Fridays. Enjoy spending time in nature and learning new skills. On Thursday 18 July you can join in a fun “School Sports Day” to celebrate the Olympics. Come along as a group or on your own, no athleticism necessary. Games will include the Sack Race, Relay Race, Egg and Spoon, Tug-of-War and much more. Plus, try Olympic sports with Give It A Go Weightlifting and Basketball.

Chill out with regular Chill Zone sessions where you can play Nintendo Switch MarioKart, board games and more as well as free refreshments. If you’re enjoying the football, you can watch the Euro’s on high-definition screens in K Bar. At Medway on Tuesday 16 July, come to the Oasis Lounge in Medway building for a Medway Games and Crafts session. Drop in for as long as you like.

If you have resits, there are online sessions around revision skills and coursework resit planning to help you progress.

More events will be added throughout the summer, so make sure to check back on the Summer at Kent website.

Student eating lunch at Gulbenkian Cafe

£3 Meals moving to Gulbenkian Café for summer

From Monday 24 June, the £3 cost of living hot meals will be moving from Rutherford Dining Hall to the Gulbenkian Café for the duration of the summer. This temporary move allows Rutherford Dining Hall to accommodate language schools during the vacation.

£3 hot meals at the Gulbenkian Café will be available:

• Monday – Friday, 10:00 – 14:00
• Saturday & Sunday, 14:00 – 20:00

Meals will be displayed on the in-house specials board, and there will always be a plant-based option available. Please note that these meals are offered on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to order early to avoid missing out.

Additionally, £3 sandwich meal deals can be purchased at Dolche Vita and Rutherford Dining Hall throughout the summer. Please be aware that the opening times for these venues will vary, so we recommend checking the online timetable for the latest information.

The cost of living meals will be back at Rutherford Dining Hall in September for the new academic year.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact us at


Preparing for resits

Hi, I’m Tim from the Student Learning Advisory Service, here with a few hints and tips as you prepare to resit one or more of your exams.

Firstly, stay motivated. The satisfaction of successfully passing your exams awaits you, so stay highly-focussed on reaching this important goal over the coming weeks. Free up as much time as you can to ensure success, perhaps by rescheduling some less important activities.

Consider any feedback that you may have received on your previous exams. What does it indicate that you need to improve for your resit? Perhaps you need to improve your depth of knowledge around a particular topic, or ensure that you include more key ingredients in your answers. Identify and use feedback to help you steer your preparation.

Reflect on how you managed the previous exam. Perhaps it was not lack of knowledge that let you down, but your exam technique. Perhaps you lost track of time so that you failed to complete the exam paper, or forgot to plan your answers before writing and lost your way halfway through them. Identify and note down any potential improvements to your exam technique that you can make, and practise them before your resit.

Plan your time so that you use it as efficiently as possible between now and your resit. Having identified gaps in your knowledge or aspects of your exam technique that require improvement, draw up a schedule on a time planner that will enable you to address all these issues in time for your exam. Break each day into one- or two-hour chunks of study time, each allocated to an achievable goal – be that revising from your notes on a specific topic, practising writing an essay under timed conditions, or committing important facts, formulas or theories to memory.

Remember that your exam is a performance. While you’ll want to work very hard between now and your resit to achieve the best possible result, you will need to stay fit and well at the same time. Establish a routine that balances your revision with enough sleep, regular breaks, good food and fresh air to keep you in excellent shape for your exam.

Finally, consider a 1-1 with an advisor from the Student Learning Advisory Service, to discuss revision skills, essay writing, exam techniques or any related topics before you resit your exam. You can book an appointment via the Student Learning Advisory Service website, where you will also find printable time planners to help you plot your course to success.

Good luck with your resit.

Students sat on bench on campus chatting

Events roundup: 10-16 June

It’s the final week of summer term and the end of the undergraduate academic year! Find out what’s on this week.

Staying on or near campus over the summer? Check out the Summer at Kent website for events and ways to meet other students.

Monday 10 June: From Wild to Web talk by Conservation Practitioner

Join Louisa, a Conservation Practitioner with over two decades of experience, as she shares her unique career journey evolving from Field Researcher to Academic Dean and Independent Consultant ‘From the Wild to the Web 3.0: An Unusual Journey’, focusing on sustainable conservation practices across Africa. This event is taking place in Kennedy and you are welcome to stay for refreshments and activities afterwards.

Tuesday 11 June: Reflective writing, free breakfast at Medway and help if you are graduating soon #ClassOf2024

Try out this reflective writing workshop that includes a walk to the labyrinth on campus.  Reflective writing is a skill that can help you to nurture a sense of progress and development, both personally and professionally.

If you’re based at Medway, on Tuesday morning you can enjoy a free community breakfast at the Hub.

Graduating soon? Find out how the careers service can help you if you are about to graduate, plus there’s also a workshop on how to reflect and identify questions to ask before deciding what to do next.

Wednesday 12 June: Chill zone, therapy dog and trip to Rye and Camber Sands (Medway)

Take a break in the Chill Zone in Templeman Library DG-01/02 (near Nexus) where you can play Nintendo Switch MarioKart, relax with arts and crafts and play some board games. Plus enjoy some refreshments.

Looking for an easy way to de-stress? Enjoy the last Pause for Paws of the summer term featuring Coco the therapy dog.

At Medway, you can join a full day trip to Rye and Camber Sands. Explore and meet new friends.

Thursday 13 June: Free breakfast at Medway

At Medway on Thursday, you can join for a free community breakfast at The Hub. As a Right to Food University, these breakfast sessions symbolise our ongoing dedication to tackling food insecurity.

Friday 14 June: Record your 3 Minute Thesis and Kent Community Oasis Garden

If you’re a postgraduate researcher, you can book a slot to record your 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) which celebrates research and encourages you to explain your research in three minutes in appropriate language to a non-specialist audience.

Get out in nature and volunteer at the Kent Community Oasis Garden. Everyone is welcome at Kent Community Oasis Garden, whether you’re an expert gardener, a complete beginner, or just coming along for a chat.

See more student events.



Students and staff in Sibson at GRC Annual Postgraduate Conference

GRC Annual Postgraduate Conference, 3 July

This summer, the Annual Postgraduate Conference returns and will exhibit  exceptional work carried out by our research community at the University of Kent.

Join us on Wednesday 3 July in Sibson and Kennedy at the Annual Postgraduate Conference to celebrate postgraduate research and our community at Kent.

This year, the Graduate and Researcher College (GRC) will be collaborating with the Division of Arts and Humanities, Division of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Kent Business School, Division for the study of Law, Society and Social Justice, and Division of Natural Sciences to celebrate our postgraduate researcher community.

The Annual Postgraduate Conference is an excellent opportunity for all postgraduate students to attend talks, take part in interactive workshops, learn from colleagues, a chance to view research posters – there are even GRC prizes to be won too!

There will be an awards ceremony and buffet lunch provided – an excellent opportunity to network.

Find out more and book your place.

Student putting book on shelf in library

Returning your library books

As we move closer to the end of the academic year, we’d like to encourage you to return your library books to the Templeman Library.

Please take any opportunity when you’re visiting campus to return books you no longer need, especially if you’re a final year student and are leaving Kent this year, or are going to be away from campus over the summer. Books you have borrowed can still be reserved by other people during the vacation.

Your options for returning books

  • If you’re on the Canterbury campus, use the book returns drop off point in the Welcome Hall or the external book drop on Library Road.
  • If you live in the Medway area, you can return Templeman Library books to the Drill Hall Library at the Universities of Medway campus.
  • Posting books: depending on weight and volume, you could consider breaking up a large parcel into smaller ones. Courier services might be cheaper than Royal Mail and pick up the parcel from you. Whatever method you use, please make sure you get a receipt.

Our postal address is:  

Book Returns, 
Templeman Library, 
University of Kent, 
Canterbury, Kent, 

If you’re unable to return your books by any of these methods, please get in touch with the Library and we’ll work out a solution with you.

Contact the Library Team

Please contact us if you need any help or advice around returning books or any other library or IT query. Our staff are here to help you: 

Cassie, Sakina and Harry sat in mooting chamber

Kent Stars: World leaders in the making

This month’s Kent Stars are Politics and International Relations students Cassie, Sakina and Harry who were recently selected to take part in the Model NATO event in London. Hosted by the British International Studies Association (BISA), Model NATO offers an opportunity to experience how countries manage their responses to world events and the many challenges this brings. Hear from Cassie, Sakina and Harry:

Harry – “Hey! My name’s Harry and I’m a second year studying Politics and International Relations with Spanish, originally from Barbados. Besides getting up to stuff with friends, I really love to spend my time reading. Nowadays, it’s usually stuff related to my course but when I have time I enjoy fiction as well.”

Cassie – “Hi, I am Cassie, I am a second year Politics and International Relations Student at the University of Kent. I am particularly interested in British Politics as well as Current Affairs.”

Sakina – “My name is Sakina, and I’m currently a second-year undergraduate student studying Politics and International Relations. Alongside my academic pursuits, I have a keen interest in a variety of subjects, including political ideology and contemporary politics. Outside of the academic realm, I actively participate in extracurricular activities such as the equestrian society and have recently joined the Labour society. I am also a veracious reader.”

Tell us about your experience of the Model NATO event

Sakina – “Participating in the Model NATO event was an illuminating and rewarding experience. This simulation mirrors the workings of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, with students assuming the roles of representatives from different member countries to address pressing international issues. Through this immersive experience, I not only deepened my understanding of global politics and diplomacy but also honed essential skills such as negotiation and effective communication.

Collaborating with peers from diverse backgrounds fostered a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives, leading to a profound appreciation for the complexities of geopolitical discourse. Being awarded the most ‘Distinguished delegate’ certificate with my fellow team member Cassie, was such an incredible honour. Importantly, this event solidified my aspiration to pursue a career in international relations, underscoring the significance of such experiential learning opportunities in shaping one’s professional trajectory.”

Cassie, Harry and Sakina at Model NATO event

Harry – “The point of the Model NATO exercise was to craft a response to a humanitarian disaster in the Mediterranean caused by severe earthquakes. We sat in committees around a table alongside students from various other universities, each representing a different country within NATO. Together, we decide what we’re going to talk about, how we’re going to talk about it and in what order.

For each successive issue, everyone takes turns stating and arguing for their point of view, we discuss and negotiate and then eventually, attempt to find a response to that particular point that every single person agrees with. That’s how NATO functions in the real world, every country has to agree. This was quite tricky, and we often got bogged down in the precise wording of particular agreements or things that, when you consider that the hypothetical scenario we were dealing with already had thousands dead, seemed silly. Yet they weren’t because each country is supposed to guarantee their own interests. It did give a lot of perspective in terms of why negotiation between countries can often be so difficult and take so long. We were supposed to be helping people suffering from an earthquake and instead we ended up spending half the morning arguing about if we’d be able to use each other’s satellites. All in all, it was a great experience, it was a lot of fun, I met some cool people and I’d love to do it again.”

Cassie – “We were given the country of Germany, so beforehand we familiarised ourselves with German Capability and Interest in order to stay authentic as a delegation. By practicing our diplomatic skills, we had to collaborate with other delegations to achieve a resolution, which could only be achieved through full consensus. This was the root of much disagreement between delegations, particularly on the topic of priority setting. Many countries felt NATO should remain dedicated to Russian threat as a main priority, where others felt NATO should streamline capabilities in response to the unfolding disaster. This experience highlighted the importance of respecting ongoing geopolitical crises even when attempting to handle new critical disasters. The experience helped solidify my knowledge of international relations as well as helping grow my negotiating and problem-solving skills. At the end of the simulation, we were able to produce a comprehensive resolution to tackle the humanitarian crisis caused by the earthquakes.

Due to our extensive research and knowledge Sakina and I were delighted to be awarded the ‘Distinguished Delegation Award’ in the Military Committee, which is the first time a representation from Kent has won an award through the experience.”

Cassie and Sakina receiving their award

Cassie and Sakina receiving their award for “Distinguished Delegation in the Military Committee”, representing Germany.

What advice would you give to other students? 

Cassie – “Though university is about getting a degree, there are so many opportunities outside of Academics, such as societies, conferences, or exciting events such as Model NATO. Though sometimes it takes a bit of time and effort to seek them out and apply, it is completely worth it.”

Harry – “It is always a good idea to find ways to improve your public speaking skills. It’s important now within university, in classes, to be able to express yourself and describe your understanding and your point of view. Wherever we all end up after university, it is always going to be helpful to be able to speak to a group of people and explain whatever it is you want to explain, clearly, concisely and convincingly. If you agree, you should try out Model UN, there’s a club for it on campus. I think it’s a great way to improve those skills and the club is filled with plenty of cool and friendly people, so, consider checking it out.”

Sakina – “My advice to fellow students is to actively seek out opportunities for experiential learning and personal development. Whether through participation in events like Model NATO, involvement in student clubs, or pursuit of internships, these extracurricular engagements offer invaluable avenues for growth and exploration. Embrace challenges, step out of your comfort zone, and seize every opportunity to broaden your horizons. My own journey exemplifies the transformative power of such experiences, as they not only enrich academic pursuits but also illuminate potential career paths and passions.”

What are your plans for next year?

Cassie – “My plans for next year include my continued involvement in political societies at the University, such as Model UN. I will be entering my third year so I hope to write a dissertation about British Politics.”

Harry – “This September I head to Madrid to do a year abroad for my course. It’s really scary and sad to say goodbye to friends I’ve made here at Kent. I’m definitely going to miss Canterbury and everyone in it over the next year. At the same time, I am definitely looking forward to meeting new people, finding new experiences and (hopefully) learning more Spanish in Madrid. One of the best things about moving to the UK has been learning to adapt to an entirely new environment, so I’m excited to be able to do that again.”

Sakina, Harry and Cassie standing outside

Sakina – “In the upcoming year, I am committed to furthering my understanding and expertise in the field of international relations. This entails pursuing internships or research opportunities aligned with my academic and career goals, thereby gaining practical insights, and forging valuable connections within the industry. Concurrently, I aspire to engage in meaningful community service initiatives, leveraging my skills and knowledge to effect positive change on a local and global scale. Additionally, I aim to embark on enriching travel experiences and cultural explorations to deepen my appreciation for global dynamics and diverse perspectives. These endeavors collectively serve as building blocks for my future, including potential postgraduate studies in a specialised area of international relations.”

Do you know an inspirational student or student group? Let us know.

Learn more about the Kent Stars campaign.