Conferences/Meetings/Workshops, News

Model Averaging meeting

15th of September 2016, 2-4.45pm

Maths Lecture Theatre
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of Kent

Jointly organised by the Environmental Statistics Section of the RSS and the East Kent local RSS group

The meeting is free and open to all but please register your intention to attend (for hospitality purposes)

Doodle poll

Meeting organiser: Dr Eleni Matechou


  • Professor Richard Chandler, UCL, 2-2.45pm
The interpretation of climate model ensembles
Almost all projections of future climate, and its impacts, rely at some level on the outputs of numerical models (simulators) of the climate system. These simulators represent the main physical and chemical (and, in some cases, biological) processes in the atmosphere and oceans. However, different simulators give different projections of future climate – indeed, the choice of simulator can be the dominant source of uncertainty in some applications. It is therefore becoming common practice to consider the outputs from several different simulators when making and using climate projections. The question then arises: how should the information from different simulators be combined? There are many challenging statistical issues here. Two key ones are (a) that simulators cannot be considered as independent (for example, many of them share common pieces of computer code); and (b) that no single simulator is uniformly better than another so that simple techniques, such as assigning weights to simulators, are not defensible. This talk will review the issues involved and present a Bayesian framework for resolving them. The ideas will be illustrated by considering projections of future global temperature. The talk is based on joint work with Marianna Demetriou.


  • Professor Jonty Rougier, University of Bristol, 2.45-3.30pm
Ensemble averaging and mean squared error
In fields such as climate science, it is common to compile an ensemble of different simulators for the same underlying process.  It is an interesting observation that the ensemble mean often out-performs at least half of the ensemble members in mean squared error (measured with respect to observations).  This despite the fact that the ensemble mean is typically ‘less physical’ than the individual ensemble members (the state space not being convex).  In fact, as demonstrated in the most recent IPCC report, the ensemble mean often out-performs all or almost all of the ensemble members.  It turns out that that this is likely to be a mathematical result based on convexity and asymptotic averaging, rather than a deep insight about climate simulators.  I will outline the result and discuss its implications.


  • Coffee Break, 3.30-4pm


  • Dr Kate Searle, CEH, 4-4.45pm
Ecology isn’t rocket science….it’s harder: a practitioner’s perspective on the development of ecological analyses in complex systems
Understanding how environmental drivers influence the seasonal dynamics and abundance of species is key to developing predictive models for populations over space and time. This is particularly important in disease ecology where the phenology and seasonal abundance of vector species and hosts is a key determinant of disease risk. In this talk I will present a summary of collaborative research between ecologists and statisticians aimed at developing models that describe and predict the seasonal abundance of key insect vector species. These models were particularly challenging because insect vectors tend to show rapid rises and falls in population size across orders of magnitude, and may also be entirely absent from some regions at certain times of the year. Developing a model that is robust to these data-driven challenges required some novel statistical developments (and a lot of suffering on the part of both the ecologists and the statisticians!). This seminar will describe the evolution of our modelling approaches over a four-year study, culminating in a (reasonably) successful modelling framework for drawing inference and predictions in highly eruptive populations. Finally, I will highlight difficulties in applying model averaging techniques within the context of ecological models with typically low explanatory power.


NERC Advanced Training Course

Statistical models for wildlife population assessment and conservation


9-13 January 2017


University of Kent


Deadline for applications: 5pm on Friday 14th of October 2016.

We have 30 fully-funded places (inc. travel and accommodation) and priority is given to NERC-funded PhD students but if spaces remain we are able to offer the funded places to other PhD students and early-career researchers.

Please e-mail a completed Application Form to

Within the environmental sector there is currently a shortage of practitioners equipped with the statistical modelling skills to carry out reliable population assessments. Consequently, environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and development mitigation projects often use population assessment protocols that are not fit-for-purpose1. The skills shortage arises because (1) recent advances in statistical models for population assessment are largely confined to the academic sector with little penetration to the end-users; and (2) although many postgraduate programmes have a statistical modelling training component, this often fails to expose PhD students to new models in the area and the potential applications these have for conservation practice2. This training programme will provide a cohort of PhD students and early career researchers/practitioners with the relevant modelling skills required for a career that involves wildlife population assessment for conservation.


  1. Griffiths, Foster, Wilkinson and Sewell (2015). Science, statistics and surveys: a herpetological perspective. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12463
  2. McCrea and Morgan (2015). Analysis of capture-recapture data. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Florida.


Proposed programme of the course


The workshop will focus on ecological questions that arise in conservation practice and use real case study data. Training will include individual-based models, such as capture-recapture, but will also embrace scenarios more frequently used in EIA, such as batch-marked, presence/absence, site occupancy and counts. Applications will include newts, butterflies, birds, bees, beetles, ibex and bats. Each module will be accompanied by a practical computer session using R and each module builds on the last so that delegates build a portfolio of statistical skills.


Training outcomes:  By the end of the course, attendees will be able to:

  • construct, interpret and fit relevant stochastic models, use different methods of inference, understand the pros and cons of Bayesian and classical methods and the use of prior information;
  • personalise R code to undertake modelling of their own research data;
  • understand data needs for animal population assessments for EIAs and conservation;
  • analyse animal population data to meet both conservation and commercial needs.

Draft timetable:


Module 1: Background in statistics and R (Monday PM)
  • Likelihood and probability theory
  •  Bayesian inference
  • Basic model assessment (AIC/absolute GOF)
  • Practical session: Introduction


Plenary session and Round table discussions (Tuesday AM)


Module 2: Understanding statistical uncertainty (Tuesday PM)
  • Imperfect detection
  • Data types, relationships and summaries.
  • Introduction to data sets/case studies (bees, butterflies, newts, mallards etc)
  • Practical session: converting format of data and summarising complex data.


Module 3: Model fitting and assessment (Wednesday AM+PM)
  • Estimating abundance
  • M0,Mtbh, removal
  • CR/RR
  • Occupancy
  • Practical session: model fitting, optimisation, use of packages.


Module 4: Modern challenges (Thursday AM)
  • Citizen science data
  • Small/sparse data and big data issues
  •  Cost-effectiveness in study design and statistical power.
  • Informative prior information.
  • Practical session: power analyses and adapting models


Module 5: Advanced stochastic modelling (Thursday PM)
  • modelling movement
  •  state uncertainty
  • species interaction
  • spatial models
  • integrated modelling
  • Practical session: use of Rjags, Bayesian graphical models using MCMC.


One-to-one consultation sessions (Friday AM)


Module 6: Advanced aspects of R (Friday AM)
  • Practical session: self-lead worksheets
  • Multistate examples
  • PR diagnosis
  • Diagnostic GOF testing
Conferences, Conferences/Meetings/Workshops

Emily and Byron attend the international symposium “Future 4 Butterflies in Europe”

Emily and Byron attended the international symposium “Future 4 Butterflies in Europe” in Wageningen, Netherlands. Emily gave a talk at a workshop on butterfly monitoring in Europe entitled “Recent developments for modelling butterfly monitoring data: GAM and GAI” and gave a talk at the conference entitled “Dynamic models for butterfly monitoring data”. Byron gave a talk entitled “Modelling migrant butterfly species data”.


Occupancy workshop

Diana, Eleni and Rachel gave a 3 day long workshop on occupancy modelling.

The workshop took place 13-15 of January at the University of Kent.

The 20 or so participants were exposed to the ideas behind basic and advanved occupancy models from classical and Bayesian perspectives.

There  were theory and practical sessions, the latter covering R and Presence.

On the last day, participants discussed about their own projects and data with the SE@K group. All of the projects were interesting and some will undoubtedly lead to more collaborations in the future.







Eleni gave invited talk at the META workshop

Eleni presented her work on

Modelling individual migration patterns using a Bayesian nonparametric approach for capture-recapture data

at the first  META (Mathematical Ecology: theory and applications) workshop, which took place at the University of Birmingham.

The workshop, titled

Analytical and computational methods for multiscale ecology, 

was partly funded by the London Mathematical Society and brought together academics and PhD students interested in models for ecological phenomena




Visit to Montpellier

Anita, Byron, Diana and Rachel visited Centre d’Ecologie Fontionnelle et Evolutive in Montpellier in November.

Anita and Rachel worked with Roger Pradel on aspects of diagnostic goodness-of-fit testing, finishing an existing collaborative project and planning the next.

Diana met with Remi Choquet to discuss extending the hybrid symbolic-numeric method for detecting parameter redundancy.

There was a one-day symposium at CNRS on the 13th November, in honour of Jean- Dominique Lebreton. Tributes included talks by Jim Nichols, Hal Caswell and Byron Morgan, whose talk was entitled Canterbury Tales. In the last case the talk traced research collaboration lasting over 25 years, and three generations of researchers. Its research focus was integrated population modeling.


