Pudsey comes to Sing for Children in Need!

Well, alright, Pudsey actually conducted, rather than sang, if the headline misled you slightly.

Musicians and visitors at the University of Kent sang for Children in Need last Thursday, and raised £155 in thirty minutes as they performed ‘O Fortuna’ from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff.

Photo credit: Spencer Scott, University of Kent

Complete with two electric pianos and an array of percussion, volunteers arrived in Eliot Hall at lunchtime to piece together the famous theme to ‘The X-Factor,’ and raise money to support this year’s Children in Need appeal. The event was featured in the hourly cyclorama of county events during the Friday night broadcast on the BBC.

Many thanks to all who participated and made a donation, to Hannah Perrin who assisted, and to Pudsey himself for turning up!

Diversity is key: arts in the modern world

For the arts in the twenty-first century, for both practitioners as well as the venues that house them, the watchword is becoming diversity, as two recent articles demonstrate.

A recent feature in the San Franciso Classical Voice (via the ArtsJournal) highlights this from the point of view of a performer, cellist Zoe Keating, illustrating how diversifying has allowed her to sustain a career as a musician.

As she has found, using the Internet to your advantage is crucial, side-stepping more traditional means of engaging with a wider audience and finding new, media-rich ways of reaching them: social media, Facebook and Twitter, YouTube, and blogging. Classical musicians are also bloggers: Stephen Hough blogs for The Daily Telegraph, for instance, whilst the conductor Mark Wigglesworth blogs for Gramophone magazine. Keeping in touch with your audience and making them feel involved is important, whether you are an individual performer, an ensemble or a venue: it’s all about building a fan-base, and then sustaining it.

Artists are learning to manage the different avenues within their own careers: publicity, marketing, teaching, performing, workshops, educational projects, and making their own recordings. Using the internet is a cost-effective means of promoting yourself and doing your own promotion. Widening the musical genres across which you operate is becoming increasingly important, making you more employable (as well as harder to classify): simply pigeon-holing yourself as a classical or jazz musician is no longer helpful. Internationally-renowned pianist Joanna Macgregor performs across a wide range of genres, everything from Baroque to jazz and more, as well as being artistic director of the Bath International Festival.

Similarly, but from the perspective of an arts venue, an article in the New York Times discusses the importance of diversity to performance venues, in this case to the New Jersey Performing Arts Centre in Newark.

As its President and Chief Exective indicates, “The basic economic model of presentations, tickets sales and fund-raising is beginning to break down.” Venues need to attempt to become the social and artistic heart of their communities, to weave themselves inextricably into those communities in which they are situated to make themselves economically viable as well as indispensable.

“The arts center has to be the town square of New Jersey. Corporate events, weddings, bar mitzvahs, poetry festivals, other nonprofits doing their fund-raisers here, graduations, job fairs. It has to be more than what’s on your stages.”

Being pro-active across a range of disciplines, as well as being able to see creative possibilities in more areas than just simply performing, can sustain a musical career in the twenty-first century, and keep an arts venue operating. Especially in the light of recent cuts to the arts and funding issues…

Was It Good For You: Dominic Del Nevo

A series profiling musical alumni of the University of Kent. This week, Dominic del Nevo.


When were you at Kent ?

2002/2003 – 2004/2005

What subject did you study ?

Politics & International Relations

What occupation are you now engaged in ?

Pensions Administration.

If music is not your profession, do you participate in any musical experiences now ?

Dominic del Nevo
Married to the job: Dom del Nevo.

Yes – I have recently taken on the position of choir director at St Paul’s Church in Canterbury.  I also sing with a couple of Canterbury-based chamber choirs.

How were you involved in music whilst at Kent ?

I sang with the Chamber Choir for two years and conducted it in my final year.  I was the Secretary of the Music Society in my secnd year.  I also sang with the University Chorus, and did the occasional stint of barbershop singing.

What did you gain from your University music experience, and has this helped you in any way since leaving Kent ?

It was certainly a lot of fun, and I gained some great friends (and a fiancée, now wife!) in the process.  I was able to take advantage of some brilliant opportunities – singing and conducting in the Crypt of the Cathedral, and solo singing in the Cathedral and elsewhere.  The experience of conducting the Chamber Choir is one of the reasons why I’m now conducting a church choir every week.

What was your most memorable musical experience at Kent ?

Being involved in the first ArtsFest – it was so different from ‘just’ the Prom concerts of previous years, and a really exciting and unpredictable event…plus the weather was perfect!

What would you say to current musical students at the University ? (optional!)

Come and join St Paul’s Church choir!  But seriously, take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, you may not get another chance.


If you’re a musical alumnus and would like to be featured, get in touch via the Music Department website: we’d love to hear from you!

London Jazz Festival on Radio 3: Robert Glasper Trio

Robert Glasper

As I’ve mentioned over on ‘On The Beat,’ Radio 3 are currently broadcasting from the London Jazz Festival, and last night’s excellent gig by the Robert Glasper Trio is now on the iPlayer for a week.

Click here for more, including links to the programme, a review of the gig on the LondonJazz blog, and Glasper’s website. A treat for jazz fans. (The gig, that is!).

Understanding the hype: two attitudes to marketing

Proper Discord presents a breakdown of key marketing terms, and what they really mean. (Health warning: this article will have you in stitches.)

Whilst Greg Sandow looks at press releases, and how to write them.

Talking loud and saying...

What have we learned ?

Present ideas in ways that avoid cliché, keep press releases short and link to media examples where appropriate to give reviewers exanples of what you are trying to flog keen to promote, and don’t use buzz-speak – its meaning is usually diametrically opposed to what you are actually saying.

On the Hop: a blessing with the Good Shepherd Neame

Traditionally the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, autumn is also the time when the hops have been harvested, and celebrations and thanks are given for a bountiful year.

Each year, dignitaries from Shepherd Neame and representatives of the brewing industry gather at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Selling, for the annual Hop Blessing, instigated by the Faversham-based Shepherd Neame, Britain’s oldest brewery.

On Friday 1 October, singers from the University of Kent were invited to perform both during the blessing service, and afterwards at a traditional Hop-Pickers’ Lunch. The group sang Tourdion, originally an old French melody, translated as When I Drink Good English Ale, which celebrates the virtues (and the drawbacks!) of the grain and the grape.

Alany Holder, Adam Henriksen, Nicola Ingram, Charles Green, Freya Goom, Ben Tomlin, Amy Clarke

After a hearty lunch of traditional hop-picker’s fayre, the group joined with everyone present in singing a selection of popular ballads, and also performed for the gathering an old English round, He That Will An Ale-House Keep and Anders Edenroth’s entertaining Words, rich in close-harmonies and a real a cappella calling-card.

With thanks to Tom Falcon, Production and Distribution Director for Shepherd Neame, for inviting us to perform, and to Alison Shelley for the photographs, for helping to organise the singers and making them feel so welcome.