Congratulations to Dr Ming Zhou who graduated on 17th July 2019. Ming did her PhD with Rachel McCrea, Diana Cole and Eleni Matechou and her thesis, titled Statistical Developments of Ecological Removal models, can be accessed here.
Congratulations to Dr Ming Zhou who graduated on 17th July 2019. Ming did her PhD with Rachel McCrea, Diana Cole and Eleni Matechou and her thesis, titled Statistical Developments of Ecological Removal models, can be accessed here.
Congratulations to Anita who graduated on the 19th of July 2018 with a PhD in Statistics!
Congratulations to Emily who graduated today. Her PhD thesis was Development of statistical methods for monitoring insect abundance.
Congratulations to Dr Ben Hubbard who graduated in a congregation ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral on 13th July. Ben Hubbard did his PhD with Diana Cole, on parameter redundancy with applications in statistical ecology.
His thesis, and the computer code that supports the thesis, is available at