
International Biometric Conference

From 8th-13th July Byron and Marina attended the International Biometric Conference in Barcelona.

Marina gave a talk on Integrated Population Modelling Incorporating Spatial Information.

Byron gave a talk on Hidden Markov modelling for a multi-species index.


Paper: Funder Restrictions on Application Numbers Lead to Chaos

Daniel Bearup with Dylan Childs and Robert Freckleton have written the paper Funder Restrictions on Application Numbers Lead to Chaos, which has been published by Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Paper abstract: Restricting application rates is an attractive way for funders to reduce time and money wasted evaluating uncompetitive applications. However, mathematical models show that this could induce chaotic cycles in total application numbers, increasing uncertainty in the funding process. One emergent property is that smaller institutions spend disproportionally more time unfunded.




International Statistical Ecology Conference

Rachel, Byron, Diana and Marina attended the International Statistical Ecology Conference in St Andrews from 2nd to 6th July.

Rachel was chair of the scientific committee.

On 2nd July Marina gave a talk on Integrated Population Modelling Incorporating Spatial Information.

On 3rd July Diana gave a talk entitled Is Bayesian Identifiability Really a Problem?

On 6th July Byron talked about Integrated population modelling of fuliginator beetle data with two temporal dynamic scales.

