On Thursday 24th January we held a meeting for existing student ambassadors and welcomed our new recruits! This gave us a chance to network and chat about events that had taken place so far, including the ‘Beyond the Barricade‘ exhibition held at Studio 3. We had a presentation from Dr Ben Marsh, to discuss exciting events coming up and get involved with.
Ralph Roberts talked about workshops that had taken place at the Bowes museum, County Durham.
We had an update from Kesia Wills and Jasmin Hart about their initial visit to the site of the Peterloo Massacre, and the upcoming workshops that will be taking place with Manchester Histories. With an update from Dr Marsh regarding the work-in-progress on the Graphic Novel, and the schools edition that will be produced – more to follow on this!
Jessie Concannon, Jonathan Burton and Ben Bradley shared their experiences when they visited the Old Operating Theatre, and with their participation at the ‘Up Close and Medical’ event held at the British Dental Association – which provided an excellent networking opportunity. GCSE revision workshops will be taking place soon at the Old Operating Theatre – so watch out for an update on these!
Other projects and collaborations discussed were:
Regimental Museums including Princess of Wales Royal Regiment Museum, Royal Greenjackets, Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum, Cornwall’s Regimental museum/
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Ironbridge and New Lanark
Watch this space for the latest news and updates………………