Category Archives: Student Guide


Complete the Student Support and Wellbeing Survey – you might win £50!

We hope that you’ve benefitted from Student Support and Wellbeing services in the past year if you’ve needed them.

To help us understand ways to further improve our offering to meet your ongoing needs, we’d be really grateful if you could spend just 5 minutes answering a survey on your experience and preferences for accessing support.

Take the survey online now, and you’ll automatically be entered into a prize draw to win one of four £50 Love2Shop vouchers which can be spent online on a huge range of things from food, to clothing, technology, sports equipment, DIY and outdoor supplies.

The survey closes on Tuesday 4 May and prize winners will be contacted by Friday 7 May.

Work set up organisation

What’s on this week: 6-11 April

It’s the last week of the Spring Term, so this week’s update includes exam preparation workshops, tips to help manage stress and help with graduate job selection tests.

Coming soon – Launch of KentVision and read-only access to Student Data System (SDS)

The new KentVision student portal launches on Monday 19 April. So SDS will close from 9 April. Find out more about the great new system. 

Events for you to try this week:

Browse all events

Have you read this?

Browse all student support

Keep an eye on:

Let us know what you think of these updates by emailing

red sticker with the text 'I voted'

Thursday 6 May 2021 is Election Day!

Kent County Council and Police & Crime Commissioner elections are taking
place on Thursday 6 May.

You need to be registered to vote in order to participate and vote at these elections and the deadline to do this is midnight on 19 April.


If you are a student living at your term-time address in the Canterbury area,
you may be able to register to vote from your home and term-time address.
(Students need to re-register from their term-time address each academic

Please click on this link to find out more about the benefits of registering to vote.

To register to vote please visit or call 01227 862007.

If you have any questions or if you are not sure whether you are entitled to register to vote, please email us at

Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

Student exam accommodation

What is stress and what can we do about it?

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Due to Covid-19 and lockdown, this year it is more important than ever to understand stress and how it can be reduced. With deadlines and exams fast approaching, many students can find this a very stressful time. Understanding stress and how it affects you can make it easier to deal with. Below are some interesting facts about stress and some links for where to go if you need help.

What is stress?

Stress is when your body thinks it is under attack and switches to ‘fight or flight’ mode. It releases hormones and chemicals like adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine, which causes a number of reactions.

Everyone can experience stress in different ways and changes caused by stress can be emotional, physical, behavioural, or a mixture of the three.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year that they felt overwhelmed and unable to cope.

Where can I go for help?

Student Support and Wellbeing Services:

If you feel that stress is affecting your mental health, don’t be afraid to reach out to Student Support and Wellbeing. The University is able to offer counselling and other support to any students experiencing issues such as anxiety, depressed feelings and emotional difficulties. For more information, head to Student Support and Wellbeing.

Stress Management Workshops are also available and delivered by qualified counsellors who will help you to identify stress triggers and learn how to manage stress levels effectively. Sign up for the next workshop on 28 April.

Speak to your friends or family (or someone you trust):

When you’re feeling stressed, often the temptation is to isolate yourself. However, speaking to friends and family can help a lot!

Although it can be difficult to connect with friends due to Covid-19, interaction with others can help with relaxation and generally just talking things through. A good idea could be to go for a socially-distanced walk, or to call your friends online.

The Stress Management Society’s ‘Free Stress Guide’:

If you’re looking to better understand stress and how to deal with it, take a look at the Stress Management Society’s ‘Free Stress Guide’. It explains what stress is, how to recognise it, and what you can do to cope better.

Prepare, Connect, Be Calm

Exam season can be difficult and this year students all over the world are facing new challenges as they prepare for exams. At Kent we have a lot of resources, information and activities to help you stay calm, connected, and feel prepared to tackle your exams.

Head to the Exam Calm page to see how you can make the most of a range of support from different university departments who are working together to help all students throughout the summer term.

Remember: stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing! It helps us to survive dangerous situations and is a natural reaction. However, being in a state of stress for long periods of time can be damaging to our health, so don’t be afraid to reach out if you feel you need help. To look after yourself, ensure you are getting enough sleep, managing your time, taking part in physical activity and talking to others! Try taking up hobbies, and take breaks from work whenever possible.

Spring concert 18 April

Virtual spring concert for charity – ‘Music in Springtime’

The KSL Music Collective are back with another virtual music concert – Music in Springtime, with performers from the South East, including several alumni of the University of Kent. The concert is organised by Arun Silva (organist and singer), alumnus of the University of Kent. The group includes several musicians who have studied at the university’s Historic Dockyards campus. The performance will be streamed via YouTube on 18 April 2021 at 17.30 and will cover a variety of musical styles, performed virtually by singers and instrumentalists. The aim of this event is to bring music and cheer to audiences in any location, at this time, when live performances and events have been limited.

The group are keen to continue to support a charitable cause through their events. This concert is in aid of the Young Minds Trust, a charity that supports children and young people’s mental health. Donations can be made via the JustGiving page. To access the programme and receive a link to view the concert, viewers should register free via the Eventbrite page or the Facebook event page. All donations will go directly to the Young Minds charity.

Young Minds provide young people with tools to look after their mental health. They give them the space and confidence to get their voices heard and change the world we live in. Coronavirus has had a significant impact on the mental health of young people. Whether they need a reassuring conversation, specialist mental health support, or simply the knowledge that they are not alone in how they are feeling, Young Minds ensures that all young people get support they need as quickly as possible.

Register your free ticket online. 

You can also view the event on Facebook.


What’s on: 29 March – 4 April 2021

This week exam timetables will be released, we enter the next stage of the easing of lockdown and you can start to prepare for online exams.

We hope you have a great Easter weekend and manage to get some well-deserved rest!

Using University facilities? Make sure you are tested regularly for Covid-19

Getting tested for Covid-19 couldn’t be easier with testing centres on campus. We are also giving you a free hot drink at Canterbury to say thanks.

Book your asymptomatic Covid-19 test now

 Events for you to try this week:

Browse all events

 Have you read this?

Browse all student support

 Keep an eye on:

Let us know what you think of these updates by emailing


Upcoming Study Plus courses to boost your skills

The Study Plus scheme provides a range of short-term courses and workshops which can enhance your graduate employability skills alongside your main subject specialism.

All events will be delivered virtually either by teams or zoom, details will be on Target Connect and sent to you beforehand. Here’s what’s coming up:

Study Plus – Digital Writing by Jakki  Bendell 30 March 10.30-12.00 

  • Understand how digital writing differs from academic writing
  • Know what to write about and how to engage your readers
  • Plan and structure your content
  • Get to the point quickly

Study Plus – ASPIRE Pitching finals and showcase 31 March 14.00-16.00

Selected student entrepreneurs have the chance to pitch their business to our panel of expert judges and win £1,000 to develop their business. Everyone is welcome to join the showcase and celebrate the Business Start-Up Journey programme.

Study Plus – Leading your Team Session 2 By Leanne Davies 1 April 13.00-15.00

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of being a leader.
  • Explore different leadership styles and their impact on individual and team performance.
  • Identify what motivates and inspires me and my team to do our best work.
  • Delegate effectively to develop and maintain a performing team.
  • Explore how to give and receive feedback to reinforce or change behaviour.
  • Coaching questions?

Study Plus – Editing and Proofreading by Jakki  Bendell  6 April 14.30-16.00

  • Understand the difference between editing and proofreading, and why they are difficult
  • Know how to check and improve the readability of documents
  • Identify techniques to edit and proofread your document systematically
  • Know what to look for
  • Use free software editing tools

If you book and can no longer attend, please let us know by emailing as we do have limited places.

We look forward to seeing you at the events and don’t forget to check out Study Plus term 3 events.


Students on grass at Canterbury campus

What Covid-19 rules are changing from 29 March?

On Monday 29 March we move into the next stage of the Government’s easing of lockdown – but was does that mean for you?

Here is a quick summary of the changes:

  • The rule of 6 returns
    You may meet outdoors, including in private gardens, with 5 other people not in your household (the ‘Rule of 6’) or as 2 households. Indoor socialising is still not permitted.
  • Kent Sport will start to reopen for outdoor sport
    You may take part in outdoor sporting activities including team sports. The planned reopening of our sports facilities is outlined on our Kent Sport website.
  • ‘Stay at home’ rule ends
    The ‘stay at home’ rule ends on 29 March however please continue to minimise travel where you can.

Please see our recent student email for full details.

Get tested for Covid-19 and get a free coffee

If you’re using University facilities, please continue to get regular asymptomatic Covid-19 tests. And to say thanks, we are giving students on our Canterbury campus a free hot drink.

Find out more and book a test.

Generation genome

Generation Genome – student music competition (£1000 prize!)

KMTV launches exclusive University of Kent music competition for national TV series.

Producers of a new national TV series, created by KMTV and the BFI Young Audiences Content Fund, want a University of Kent student to compose original music for the project. The winner will receive a £1,000 cash prize.

‘Generation Genome’ will be an original series of short documentaries and studio-based discussions, designed to engage young people in cutting edge science, placing them at the centre of a debate about genetics and the impact it will have on their future. The series is aimed at 13 to 18-year-olds and will be broadcast across the UK in 2022.

Having already worked with a secondary school student to help create the logo for the series, the team behind the revolutionary production want a University of Kent undergraduate or postgraduate to produce the theme title music, as well as other original score tracks to be used in the documentaries. It’s open to all students at any academic school or division across the University of Kent campuses.

‘It’s a completely blank canvas for students to be creative,’ says Series Producer Andy Richards. ‘We’re really excited to give this opportunity to a University of Kent student. We had a similar competition several years ago for our ‘Kent Tonight’ main theme, which worked really well. We used a melody created by a student and it’s still on air to this day. We fully expect to see similar results from this initiative for Generation Genome.’

Anybody interested in the competition should register their interest by emailing by no later than 17.00 on Friday 9 April. Entrants will then be invited to an open virtual briefing session, where composers will be given further instructions and can ask questions of the production team, before creating their entries.

Read more about the Generation Genome series.

Photo Credit: National Cancer Institute. Unsplash

Kick-start your fitness journey with our Exercise Referral Scheme

 Article from Kent Sport

It’s difficult to know where to start when beginning your health and fitness journey, or getting back into a fitness routine after some time out. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused disruption to all of our lives; and with gyms reopening on Monday 12 April*, now is a great time to think about kick-starting your journey to a healthier you.

The Exercise Referral Scheme is designed to promote physical activity for people who have an existing health condition and are physically inactive. The weekly check-ins over a 12-week period will keep you motivated to stick to your programme with help and guidance from our Exercise Referral Team.

What does the Exercise Referral Scheme involve?

At the beginning of the programme, a member of our Exercise Referral team will meet with you for an initial consultation, where they will discuss your medical history questionnaire, exercise history, a nutrition questionnaire and a diary to help get you started with your programme. Then, they will provide you with a tailored 12-week personal exercise programme and will support you throughout the programme with diet advice, review your progress and discuss your general wellbeing.

After the 12-week programme, your Exercise Referral instructor will discuss your progress and how you are going to continue with your new, healthier lifestyle.

How do I find out more?

To read more about our Exercise Referral Scheme and to check whether you are eligible, please visit our website.