Tag Archives: parking

Car park and road updates

Canterbury campus

Central visitor P&D car park- January 23-25

Number of bays closed to permit holders: 15 bays

Reason for bay closure: to assist the Gulbenkian for their children’s show Hippity Hop

Requested by: The Gulbenkian

Darwin car park – January 24

Number of bays closed to permit holders: 25

Reason for bay closure: to assist Kent Union with companies attending the Student Housing Fair

Requested by:  Kent Union

Giles Lane car park- January 24

Number of bays closed to permit holders: approx. 19

Reason for bay closure: to assist with the Applicant Day

Requested by: Recruitment and Admissions Office

Giles Lane car park- January 25

Number of bays closed to permit holders: 35 bays

Reason for bay closure: to assist with parking for the University Court Meeting

Requested by: Council Secretariat

Giles Lane car park- January 30

Number of bays closed to permit holders: approx. 35

Reason for bay closure: to assist with the Applicant Day

Requested by: Recruitment and Admissions Office

Giles Lane car park- January 31

Number of bays closed to permit holders: approx. 30

Reason for bay closure: to assist with the Applicant Day

Requested by: Recruitment and Admissions Office

Giles Lane car park- February 2

Number of bays closed to permit holders: approx. TBC

Reason for bay closure: to assist with the Applicant Day

Requested by: Recruitment and Admissions Office


Medway Campus

Mast Pond car park- January 24

Number of bays closed to permit holders: No bays will be closed. Parking will be in the Mast Pond car park at the Historic Dockyard

Reason for bay closure: To assist with the Applicant Day

Requested by: Recruitment and Admissions Office

Car park and road updates

Canterbury campus

Canterbury Open Day

  • Saturday 20 October- A traffic management plan will be in place for the Canterbury Open Day.

Medical school meeting (Darwin car park, Canterbury)

  • Tuesday 23 October- 10 bays will be reserved in Darwin as requested by the Kent and Medway Medical School.

Medway campus

 There are no known car park disruptions to Medway campus for the next two weeks. Any disruptions that we are made aware of will be updated on the transport events calendar

Parking and road updates – Canterbury and Medway

Canterbury campus

Hedge cutting (Park Wood Courts and Central Visitor car parks, Canterbury)

  • Monday 20 – Friday 24 August- Approximately 12 bays will be closed in Park Wood courts car parks for hedge cutting, as requested by Estates Grounds Maintenance. Parking bays will be reopened as each area is finished.
  • Thursday 23 August- Approximately 25 bays will be closed in the Central Visitor car park in the morning while hedges are cut by Estates Grounds Maintenance.

bOing! festival (Rutherford car park, Canterbury)

  • Thursday 23- Monday 27 August- 16 bays will be closed on Thursday for delivery of scaffolding relating to bOing! Festival. On Friday, approximately 16 further bays will be closed to allow set up for bOing! as requested by the Gulbenkian. Accessible bays are being temporarily relocated within the Rutherford car park. The car park will reopen after the bank holiday on Tuesday.

Giles Lane car park closure (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

  • Monday 9 July- Wednesday 29 August- Giles Lane car park will be reopening (without the ANPR barriers) this weekend to assist bOing! festival and then officially reopen to pink permit holders Wednesday 29 August. For more information see our Giles Lane car park changes webpage.

Coach parking (Oaks car park and Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

  • Sunday 2- Friday 14 September- The section of Giles Lane car park behind Woolf will be closed for coach parking, as requested by the Conference Office.
  • Wednesday 12- Monday 17 September- Oaks car park will be closed for coach parking as requested by the Conference Office.

Medway campus

There are no known car park disruptions to Medway campus for the next two weeks. Any disruptions that we are made aware of will be updated on the transport events calendar

Parking and road updates- Canterbury and Medway

Canterbury campus

Giles Lane car park closure (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

  • Monday 9 July – September– Giles Lane car park is closed over the summer for essential maintenance and improvement works to take place. This closure has been requested by the Estates Department. For more information see our Giles Lane car park changes webpage.

Canterbury Retreat (Purchas Court 1-16 car park, Canterbury)

  • Monday 22 July- Thursday 9 August– Purchas Court 1-16 car park will be closed for the Canterbury Retreat conference group. This closure has been requested by the Conference Office.

Rothford car park closure (Rothford car park, Canterbury)

  • Sunday 5 August –Thursday 9 August– Rear of Rothford car park is closed to dismantle the UPP compound and reopen the bays in this area. This closure has been requested by UPP.

Medical Centre parking (University Medical Centre, Canterbury)

  • Reminder that parking bays outside the University Medical Centre are for people attending the Medical Centre only and are not part of the University pink or blue zone car parks.

Medway campus

Community Speed Watch scheme (Mast Pond, Dockyard)

  • Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust (CHDT) have registered a Community Speed Watch scheme which is part of the police National Speed Watch. The speed limit at the Dockyard is 10mph. Warning road signs will be deployed at both entrances to the site on days selected for speed monitoring. If your vehicle is detected travelling above the CHDT speed limit, the details of the vehicle will be taken, and your vehicle could be prohibited from entering the site in the future. Excessive speeds will also be reported to Kent Police Speed Watch team. Please continue to drive to the CHDT speed limit to ensure the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and other drivers.

Any further parking or road updates to Medway campus that we are made aware of will be updated on the transport events calendar

Car Park Disruptions- Canterbury and Medway campuses

Canterbury Campus

Giles Lane car park closure (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

  • Monday 9 July – September – Giles Lane car park is closed over the summer for essential maintenance and improvement works to take place. This closure has been requested by the Estates Department. For more information see our Giles Lane car park changes webpage.

Canterbury Retreat (Purchase Court 1-16 car park, Canterbury)

  • Monday 22 July- Sunday 9 August–  Purchase Court 1-16 car park will be closed for the Canterbury retreat. This closure has been requested by the Conference Office.

Oaks Coach and Minibus park (Oaks Car Park, Canterbury)

  • Wednesday 25 July- Oaks car park will reopen to permit holders whilst the Canterbury retreat is in Parkwood. After 8 August, we will continue to assess whether this area is needed for coach and minibus parking and advise accordingly.

Rothford car park closure (Rothford car park, Canterbury)

  • Sunday 5 August –Thursday 9 August– Rear of Rothford car park closed to dismantle the UPP compound and reopen the bays in this area. This closure has been requested by UPP.

Medway campus

There are no known car park disruptions to Medway campus for the next two weeks. Any disruptions that we are made aware of will be updated on the transport events calendar.

Parkwood Road Closure

Parkwood Road will be closed from Monday 23 June to Tuesday 24 June. This is due to urgent repairs and cabling works which need to be carried out.

For those two days, the one way system will allow two way traffic to give access to the car parks coming off of Park Wood road. We will not lose any parking spaces as a result of the closure.

Buses will be unable to serve Parkwood during the works.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

For more information on car park closures please see the Staff and Student Transport Calendar. 


Car park disruptions at Canterbury and Medway campuses

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the University. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

  • Wednesday 4 April- 114 spaces (large applicant day)
  • Thursday 5 April- 30 spaces
  • Saturday 7 April- 186

AUDE Conference (rear of Stacey, Sibson and Sports Centre car parks, Canterbury)

The AUDE Conference (Association of University Directors of Estates) is a high profile event being hosted by the University of Kent this year. The following parking bays are being reserved for this event, as requested by the Estates Department and Conference Office:

  • Friday 6- Tuesday 10 April- the reserved bays for Kent union minibuses and the School of Physical Sciences vehicle behind Stacey building bay will be reserved for a delivery lorry. The bays will be reserved Friday at 17.00
  • Sunday 8- Wednesday 11 April- the Sports Centre blue zone car park will be closed to permit holders. This area will be reserved for exhibitors attending the event
  • Monday 9- Wednesday 11 April – 5 bays will be reserved within Sibson car park for AUDE VIP guests

Applicant day (Mast Pond car park, Historic Dockyard, Medway)

  • Wednesday 4 April- Currently 63 visitors have requested parking for the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Mast Pond car park.

Parking disruptions at Canterbury and Medway

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the University. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

• Wednesday 7 March- 146 spaces (large applicant day)
• Thursday 8 March- 17 spaces
• Saturday 10 March- 182 spaces
• Monday 12 March- to be updated
• Wednesday 14 March- to be updated (likely to be a large applicant day)
• Thursday 15 March- to be updated
• Saturday 17 March- to be updated

BOCCIA event (Sport Centre blue zone car park, Canterbury)

•Thursday 8 March- The Sports Centre blue zone car park will be closed to permit holders. The car park is being reserved for minibuses to transport disabled children to the BOCCIA school games being held at the Sports Centre, as requested by Kent Sport.

Applicant day (Drill Hall car park, Medway)

•Saturday 10 March- There are currently 85 visitors who have requested parking for the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Drill Hall car park. As this is a Saturday it should not cause much disruption.


Car park disruptions- Canterbury and Medway campuses

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the university. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

  • Wednesday 7 February- 10 spaces
  • Thursday 8 February- 19 spaces
  • Saturday 10 February- 176 spaces
  • Monday 12 February- to be updated
  • Tuesday 13 February- 38 spaces
  • Wednesday 14 February- to be updated
  • Thursday 15 February- to be updated
  • Friday 16 February- to be updated
  • Monday 19 February- to be updated


Applicant day (Mast Pond car park, Historic Dockyard, Medway)

  • Wednesday 7 February- There are currently 52 applicants to the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Mast Pond car park at Chatham Historic Dockyard. While no parking bays are being reserved, the additional visitors to campus may affect parking on this day.


Canterbury car park disruptions

12 January 2018- Giles Lane car park, event

170 spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park for Kent Business School’s “Shaping Kent’s Future” event. This is a high profile event for the University.


18 January 2018- Giles Lane car park, Applicant Day

31 spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Applicant Days are essential recruitment events for the University.

Please refer to our transport event calendar in between newsletters to keep up to date.