Category Archives: Uncategorized


We are pleased to announce that the Campus Shuttle booking system in now live.

It is essential that you Book a Seat prior to travelling.   

Once you have your Annual Pass there are 2 Shuttle services that you can book onto:

  1. UniKent Travel – this service operates during the day from 07:30hrs to 20:00hrs (8pm)
    You can book onto these services at anytime up to 5 minutes before departure.
  2. UniKent Overnight – this service operates after 20:00hrs (8pm) and prior to 07:00hrs (7am)
    You can book onto these services from 36 hours prior to departure and up to 5 minutes before the departure time.

For guidance on how to apply for your Annual Pass and booking a seat refer to ‘Booking Guide’.

Welcome to the newsletter

Welcome to the transport team newsletter.

The transport team newsletter replaces emails to permit holders sent out via our old parking system. Instead, parking news is now a regular slot in the newsletter.

The newsletter also includes travel news relating to walking, cycling, buses, the campus shuttle, car share and more.

We are trialling sending out the newsletter twice a month.

In between newsletters please view the transport team events calendar to be informed of any events or disruptions to transport or parking.

We hope you enjoy the new format. Please send any feedback to

Canterbury applicant day parking- 6 April

Enrolment Management Services will be holding an Applicant Day on 6 April 2016 at the Canterbury campus.  These are essential recruitment events for the University.

To assist with this event 189 parking bays will be closed in Giles Lane blue zone car park.

All car parks in the centre of campus may be full before 09.00, which could mean you need to use the car parks within the Park Wood area.  There are parking bays available next to the Park Wood accommodation as well. We recommend that you consider allowing for the additional time that may be required to travel to and from Park Wood.

Pedestrian signs within Park Wood Courts, will inform you of the average time required to walk to the main campus. Alternatively, you can use the Park and Ride bus ticket that was sent with your parking permit to travel to and from the main campus.

Please remember that parking enforcement will continue in accordance with the University Regulations for the Management of Traffic.

Travel Plan Survey- have your say!

Tell us how we can improve travel for you to, from and around our campuses! Complete the Travel Plan Survey before Friday 13th November:

The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete depending on how much information you are willing to share with us. Don’t forget to provide your University of Kent email address in the last question if you wish to enter into the prize draw.  You could win £100 food voucher to use within the University’s catering outlets or one of 200 hot drinks vouchers.

The data from this survey will be used to update the University Travel Plans, which aim to improve or maintain the transport infrastructure and reduce single car occupancy where possible for next 5 years.

If you or your colleagues are having trouble completing the survey, please do not give up as your opinions are important to us. Contact the Transport Team, Estates Department and we will assist you.

Enter our Cycling Competition

WIN a FREE full bike service by visiting Dr. Bike at Canterbury Campus.

On 4th November drop your bike off at the West Oast Cycle Garage, at Park Wood, (opposite Grounds Maintenance) and get your FREE Winter bike MOT to check your bike over!

We recognise that this is not in Central Campus so why not use one of Dr. Bike’s free courtesy bikes to ‘park’ your bike ‘and ride’ back to Central campus.

Who is Dr Bike? Dr Bike are experienced bike mechanics from CyclingAge, who work in partnership with the Transport Team, Estates Department to help promote cycling at the University.

To find Dr Bike garage see map

Travel Plan Survey 2015

Tell us how we can improve travel for you to, from and around our campuses! Complete the Travel Plan Survey now:

The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete depending on how much information you are willing to share with us. Don’t forget to provide your University of Kent email address in the last question if you wish to enter into the prize draw.  You could win £100 food voucher to use within the University’s catering outlets or one of 200 hot drinks vouchers.

The data from this survey will be used to update the University Travel Plans, which aim to improve or maintain the transport infrastructure and reduce single car occupancy where possible for next 5 years.

If you or your colleagues are having trouble completing the survey, please do not give up as your opinions are important to us. Contact the Transport Team, Estates Department and we will assist you.

Cycle storage update- Canterbury

The Estates Department understand that cycle storage is very important to you all and so we are working hard to provide more spaces for bikes to be stored on campus, as well as trying to improve the quality of the current cycle storage available. Here is an update in regards to some of the issues that have been raised today, as well as the projects we are currently working on:

Sport Centre road cycle storage update

· We are pleased to report that the issue regarding the Sports Centre road cycle shelter (sometimes referred to as Jennison) has now been resolved and in working order. We are looking at how to improve communications in regards to if locks are not working in the future.

New cycle storage

· The Cornwallis East cycle rack is currently awaiting power to improve lighting and to provide card access control.

· The Central Visitor car park is currently awaiting power to improve lighting, CCTV and to provide card access control. The official opening day is for this cycle shelter is 19 October.

· The Darwin bicycle shelter is awaiting power to provide card access control and CCTV. The Project Team are aiming to complete this shelter before the end of October.

· The bicycle storage at the bottom at the bottom of St Stephen’s Hill next to the Tyler Court steps is now completed and in use.

Old cycle storage

· Once the Central Visitor car park cycle shelter is completed and fully operational, the old Cornwallis bike storage near the Gulbenkian main entrance will be closed.

· Once the new Darwin bicycle shelter lock has been activated and the shelter is fully operational, the old Darwin bicycle shelter with the College, will be closed.

Follow @unikent_travel on twitter or check back here for further updates