Tag Archives: Publish on Site Editor

Testing out a theory


PensionsPlus – a new way to save for your retirement

From 1 February 2020, the University is introducing PensionsPlus to help offset the cost of saving for your retirement.

PensionsPlus is a new way to make contributions to your SAUL or USS pension scheme, which reduces your National Insurance deductions and means you take home more pay than you would outside of PensionsPlus.

All salaried staff will be automatically opted in to PensionsPlus from 1 February 2020 unless they choose to opt out before 31 January 2020. An opt out form is available on Staff Connect.

You can find out more about the way PensionsPlus works, and calculate how it will affect your take-home pay, on the PensionsPlus webpages.

Or you can attend a presentation/drop-in session this month (January) to obtain more information and ask questions:

-Drop-in – Tuesday 14 January, 09.00-11.00 (Cornwallis East Seminar Room 1, Canterbury)

-Presentation – Friday 17 January, 10.30-11.30 (Grimond Lecture Theatre 3, Canterbury)

-Drop-in – Monday 20 January, 17.00-19.00 (Keynes Seminar Room 15, Canterbury)

-Drop-in – Thursday 23 January, 11.00-14.00 (Keynes Seminar Room 20, Canterbury)

-Drop-in – Tuesday 28 January, 15.00-17.00 (Peter Brown Room, Canterbury)

All staff are welcome. There is no need to book in advance.

Doing things differently in 2020

New Year – new decade – time for a change?

It’s that time of the year when many of us start to think about what changes we can make to enrich our lives. We’ve had a long break over Christmas and New Year and often this triggers us to consider what we can do to be healthier, fitter, more ethical, or more relaxed. We’re all different and follow our own rhythms in life so, if we’re considering new initiatives to make us feel better, it’s worth taking time to focus on what’s best and most sustainable for us.

There are five categories of activity that wellbeing and mental health organisations recommend to help us all increase our feelings of wellbeing:

*Connect – with the people around you ie family, friends, colleagues, neighbours or in your local community
*Be active – go for a walk or run, cycle, play a game, garden or dance
*Take notice – be observant, look for something beautiful or remark on something unusual
*Keep learning

Whatever changes you may be considering, you can connect them to one of these five steps to Wellbeing. Attach your New Year’s aim or resolution to this wider concept and you may find it easier to maintain!

The University of Kent Wellbeing Zone has lots of material to help guide you with any new resolution. Take a self-assessment of your wellbeing to get an idea of your starting point and plan some goals to track your improvements. There are recipes for health eating, exercise plans to increase activity and a variety of articles including sleep, mental health, Dry January and yoga at your desk. The resource is free and totally confidential.

So, whatever your plan is, think about using the Wellbeing Zone to help you achieve it. For more information visit the Wellbeing Zone website

Sabbatical officers jumping

Kent Union Leadership Elections – nominate a student

You know Kent students better than anyone. If you think you know someone who’d make a great leader then we’d love to know. Many Officers are first recommended to us by staff and we’re asking for your help to identify potential candidates. At this stage we would contact the student for an informal chat, so no pressure or commitment.

Each year five students are elected by their peers to shape the shape their students’ union and represent the student voice to the University. If you think you know a student who has what it takes, recommend a leader using the form below and we’ll do the rest.

 Recommend a leader by 3 February 2020

Emay Enemokwu founder of streetwear business Jehu-cal

ASPIRE Inspiring Entrepreneur series

Want to feel inspired this new year?

With two upcoming talks in January, one at Medway and the other at Canterbury, University of Kent former student Emay Enemokwu tells all about his founding streetwear business, Jehu-cal.

Emay Enemokwu founded streetwear brand, Jehu-cal, while still a student at Kent Business School. He talks about his inspiration for starting his company, developing an international brand, working with Nike and taking part in London Fashion Week as well as his sustainability initiative, Project Purify.

Tickets are free but must be booked.


Where: Dockyard Church, Medway

When: Wednesday 22 January at 11.00 – 12.00

For more information on how to book tickets for the talk at Medway please click on this Eventbrite website 


Where: LT2 Sibson Building, Canterbury

When: Wednesday 22 January at 14.00 – 15.00

For more information on how to book tickets for the talk at Canterbury please click on this Eventbrite website


Christmas baubles

Events to fill your Christmas stocking

Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year with an abundance of festive events on the run up to Christmas! From cabaret to classic films the Gulbenkian has something for everyone this December.

You’ll find there’s plenty of festivities to take your fancy:

The Snow dragon – Wednesday 11 – Sunday 22 December
RHOH: The Nutcracker (recorded) – Wednesday 18 December at 19.15
The Albion Christmas Band – Wednesday 18 December at 19.30
It’s a Wonderful Life film – Saturday 21 December at 18.00
Family Film: Home Alone – Sunday 22 December, 11.00
Family Film: Frozen II – Friday 20 December – Sunday 5 January 2020

Feeling peckish? Then why not dine in their café and indulge in the evening menu with a special festive twist? The younger ones needn’t miss out as there’s a festive-inspired children’s menu too!

For more details on what’s on please go to the Gulbenkian website

If music is sure to get you into the celebratory mood then don’t miss out on these atmospheric concerts:

Caritas Chamber Choir a Choral Christmas – Saturday 21 December at Colyer-Fergusson Hall, 19.30
Celebration for Christmas with Kent Music – Sunday 22 December at Colyer-Fergusson Hall, 14.00

For more details click on the University of Kent Music website

Kent logo

Condolences for Moreen Biron

Moreen Biron, a retired Tonbridge Centre tutor, passed away at home on Monday 9 December 2019.

Moreen’s broad knowledge of architecture, design and the decorative arts inspired students for over 30 years since the Tonbridge Centre was built in 1984. Her energy, enthusiasm and kindness was boundless, and she achieved much in a long life. Moreen made many friends through her association with the University of Kent, and she will be fondly remembered by all who worked with her or were taught by her.

Staff interested in sending condolences to her family, or attending her funeral (likely to be in mid-January 2020), should send cards internally to the Tonbridge Centre or email tonbridgeadmin@kent.ac.uk.


Dr. Olly Double, Reader in Drama in the School of Arts

Olly Double interviewed by comedian Mark Simmons

Dr Olly Double, Reader in Drama in the School of Arts, features in the the latest episode of the podcast Jokes with Mark Simmons.

Every week Mark Simmons and a guest share jokes they’ve written that just haven’t worked – because they’re too long, too stupid, too clever, too groanworthy or just too rubbish.

Olly is the author of Stand-Up! On Being a Comedian (1997), Britain Had Talent: A History of Variety Theatre (2012), and Getting the Joke: the Inner Workings of Stand-Up Comedy (2nd edition, 2014). Among the modules he teaches at Kent are Stand Up Comedy and Popular Performance.

In the episode, he talks about teaching students comedy, double acts, and the art of making stand-up comedy look spontaneous. ‘Stand up is a pretence, like it’s just a conversation. You play it like it’s off the cuff, and don’t put any effort into it.’

To listen to the podcast, please see the page here

Christmas tree

Keeping healthy over the Christmas holiday

For most people, preparations for Christmas are in full swing.

For many, there is much to look forward to: the family getting together, the giving and receiving presents, lots to eat and drink, a holiday getaway abroad, building memories and reflecting on Christmas Past.

For others, the upcoming festivities are a nightmare prospect: the family getting together, the giving and receiving presents, lots to eat and drink, a holiday getaway abroad, building memories and reflecting on Christmas Past!

Whatever your practices and beliefs about the upcoming mid-winter festivities, there are things you can do to help you manage through the period. Below are links to advice from a number of different organisations on what to do to keep healthy and well, in mind and body:

Reducing stress

Mental health



General wellbeing advice

Brenda Brunsdon, Occupational Health & Wellbeing Team Manager

Kent Sport Member stories

Kent Sport member stories: inspirational triumphs

As we start a new year looking forward to how we can be successful within ourselves, we also take inspiration in those around us. We each choose to be successful in certain areas of our lives whether it’s in our studies, work or extracurricular activities.

In 2019, we spoke to four individuals who shared their fitness journey with Kent Sport. From injuries to championships to getting back to sport, each person’s story relayed how they enriched their lives further through sport and fitness.

Rebecca Barton-Hagger
Kent Sport scholar – Karate
Rebecca Barton-Hagger’s story is all about her journey through the karate world and her time at the University of Kent. She’s gone far and wide to gain her international reputation within karate. View her story here.

Oliver Daws
Kent Sport scholar – Golf
After suffering a traumatic injury, Oliver has endeavoured to keep his sporting career moving forward. View his story here.

Shun Chang
From Let’s Play to Premium Plus member
Shun Chang was a frequent Let’s Play participant that wanted more from his university experience. View his story here.

Patrick Stillman
Kent Sport scholar – Fencing
Discovering fencing at a fairly young age, Patrick Stillman has made the most out of his university experience by juggling his studies and his passion for sport. View his story here.

Share your journey with us
Whatever your triumphs are, share your fitness journey with Kent Sport – we want to hear it all!
If you’d like to share your stories, please get in touch with our Marketing team at sportsenquiries@kent.ac.uk. Or drop us a DM on our various social media channels @UniKentSport.