
PensionsPlus – a new way to save for your retirement

From 1 February 2020, the University is introducing PensionsPlus to help offset the cost of saving for your retirement.

PensionsPlus is a new way to make contributions to your SAUL or USS pension scheme, which reduces your National Insurance deductions and means you take home more pay than you would outside of PensionsPlus.

All salaried staff will be automatically opted in to PensionsPlus from 1 February 2020 unless they choose to opt out before 31 January 2020. An opt out form is available on Staff Connect.

You can find out more about the way PensionsPlus works, and calculate how it will affect your take-home pay, on the PensionsPlus webpages.

Or you can attend a presentation/drop-in session this month (January) to obtain more information and ask questions:

-Drop-in – Tuesday 14 January, 09.00-11.00 (Cornwallis East Seminar Room 1, Canterbury)

-Presentation – Friday 17 January, 10.30-11.30 (Grimond Lecture Theatre 3, Canterbury)

-Drop-in – Monday 20 January, 17.00-19.00 (Keynes Seminar Room 15, Canterbury)

-Drop-in – Thursday 23 January, 11.00-14.00 (Keynes Seminar Room 20, Canterbury)

-Drop-in – Tuesday 28 January, 15.00-17.00 (Peter Brown Room, Canterbury)

All staff are welcome. There is no need to book in advance.