Category Archives: Uncategorized

safety graphic

Help us keep our community safe

Keeping our university community as safe as possible is a top priority for us all.

Staff working on campus should ensure that they are fully aware of the safety measures we have put in place to limit the spread of Covid-19.  Whether it’s arranging a meeting, in a teaching setting or simply walking across campus, please remember to follow the guidelines for ‘hands, face, space’ and the ‘rule of six’ as they apply in a work setting.

Risk assessment

Make sure you are aware of the detailed risk assessment, which has been applied across the University ahead of staff return to work across campus.

The risk assessment covers measures such as

  • Disease control (including downloading the NHS Test and Trace app, and staying at home if you feel unwell)
  • Improved hygiene (such as extra hand-washing and sanitisers in all key areas and enhanced cleaning of buildings)
  • Social distancing set at 2m in most areas but 1m+ in teaching rooms (where all students should be wearing face coverings and staff have access to face shields, particularly for over-the-shoulder supervision)
  • PPE/face coverings
  • Safeguards for vulnerable individuals

Code of Conduct

You should also familiarise yourself with our Covid-19 Code of Conduct for Staff and Students.

The Code of Conduct is updated regularly in line with latest government guidelines. It outlines changes to our environment, adaptations to ensure our sites are Covid-secure, and what we all need to do to make sure we keep each other safe.

All staff and students are expected to follow the Covid-19 Code of Conduct guidelines while on campus, as well as standards within our existing Charter/Code of Conduct.

Find out more

To find out more about staying safe while on campus, see our staff Covid-19 webpages.

A lion

Oxford University, Hinduism and Narnia: Nostalgia interview with Jessica Frazier

In the latest episode of the Nostalgia podcast series, Dr Chris Deacy, Head of the Department of Religious Studies, interviews Jessica Frazier, former University of Kent member of staff and current Lecturer in Theology and Religion for the University of Oxford.

Jessica was born in Washington D.C. and came to England when a child. Jessica reveals how she fantasized about going to Narnia as a kid, and we learn about the appeal of Thailand where it is always summer – indeed, a portal into something magical.

Jessica also talks about teaching Hinduism at Oxford, how she wanted to be an explorer growing up, why she has become more of a Platonist as she gets older, why she has never been frightened of solitude, and how it is okay to be a nerd.

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Attitudes to Perinatal Mental Illnesses – Study for recent parents

Are you an expectant parent or did you become a mum or dad last year?

You are invited to take part in an online study about your mental health and wellbeing around the time of the birth of your child.

If you want to take part then click on this survey.

Led by the NHS Kent and Medway Partnership Trust, with the University of Kent as one of 24 formal participant identification centres, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a perinatal mental health multimedia campaign (PATHMC) in England. In light of the current coronavirus pandemic, the study also includes questions which aim to assess the differential impact of COVID-19 on parents and partners.

BAME Staff Network All Staff Survey 2020

Don’t forget to have your say in the BAME Staff Network All Staff Survey 2020, which is open until 8 November.

Why we are running this survey
The University of Kent has committed to addressing racial inequalities and creating an inclusive culture and environment where individuals are able to thrive, irrespective of their race, ethnicity or various intersections. To help facilitate progress, the University of Kent’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network is working in collaboration with the University senior management team.

We want to hear your views on working at the University of Kent, and whether you think there is anything the University can do to eradicate racial discrimination and advance race equality. This survey is just one of the ways you can be involved. We will be communicating with you regularly to keep you up to date with the race equality work we are undertaking and will seek your views on future actions we intend to propose. If you would like to be further involved in this work, or become a member of the University of Kent Staff Network, please email

Who should take part?
This survey is for both BAME and White staff working in academic or professional services roles within the University of Kent.

Why should you take part?
This survey is the first part of a wider piece of research that seeks to understand the culture of the University of Kent, in order to advance race equality. By taking part in this survey, you are adding to the knowledge of the University of Kent and helping us to identify areas for improvement, and ways to make those improvements.

The results of this survey will be published on our website. We hope you will see your views and ideas acted upon and reflected within the University Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy, in order to make progress on race equality. The survey will be followed by a qualitative study that will involve participants from this survey who have willingly expressed an interest in being part of a case study. The second phase will involve participants of the survey who have willingly expressed an interest in being part of a case study who will be contacted by the management research team. At the end of this survey, you will be asked to indicate if you would be willing to participate in the case study.

Data security and anonymity
Throughout the survey, please only answer the questions with which you are comfortable. All of the information you provide will be held in the strictest confidence and will only be seen by the University of Kent BAME Staff Network management team which comprises the four co-Chairs of the BAME Staff Network, Dr Heejung Chung and research associate (RA) Hyojin Seo. The data will be stored according to the Data Protection Act 2018. The University’s privacy notice contains information that outlines how your personal data will be processed as part of this research process.

Only the research team will have access to this database. Aggregated, anonymised analysis will be shared with other departments in the University to inform the development of services, policies and processes. At no point will the information you provide be shared in a way that would allow you to be personally identified. Any published material will be anonymised.

If you have any questions about this survey that have not been answered by this information page, please contact the BAME Staff Network by emailing

Proceed to the survey
To proceed to the survey, please click on this link.

The link also includes more information about the survey’s purpose and objectives, and outlines its complete anonymity and confidentiality.

The Survey will be open until 8 November 2020 and the Network hopes that as many staff members as possible will participate. Please remember, if you have any questions about the survey, email the Co-Chairs at

Thank you,
Bridget, Dave, Barbara and Vanisha, Co-Chairs of the BAME Staff Network

Macbook pro on white table next to a plant and yellow table lamp

Care first webinars w/c 26 October 2020

Our official Employee Assistance Programme provider, Care first offers a numbers of services and provide useful advice and support, including weekly webinars.

This week’s (Monday 26 October – Friday 30 October) webinars are as follows:

Monday 26 October 2020 –  ‘How Care first can support you’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link.

Tuesday 27 October 2020 – ‘Tips for improving posture’
Time: 14.00-14.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Wednesday 28 October 2020 –  ‘Fear & Anxiety’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Thursday 29 October 2020 – ‘How the Pandemic has affected how people have accessed support’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

Friday 30 October 2020 – ‘Finding joy in 2020’
Time: 12.00-12.30 – to register please click on this Go to webinar link

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Applied health and social care researcher survey

Are you a health care professional, social care professional or an applied health and social care researcher in Kent, Surrey or Sussex currently involved with, or interested in, applied research? Then NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC KSS) would like to hear from you.

ARC KSS is keen to find out how your interests align with its themes and hear about your learning and development needs and preferences. The findings from its survey, which takes about 15 minutes to complete, will help develop and shape the ARC KSS Academy’s activities that will support applied health and social care researchers across the region, over the course of the next four years.

If interested please complete the ARC KSS survey

If you have any questions about the survey please email

Professor Julia Anderson with comedian David Walliams

History Professor appears on BBC’s Who Do You Think You Are

School of History Professor Julie Anderson has appeared on BBC’s ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ helping comedian David Walliams find out more about his family history.

Julie provided David with some information on his great great grandfather, who was a patient at Salisbury Infirmary in 1884, suffering from cataracts. You can watch the full episode on the iplayer here, and Julie has shared more about her appearance with the School of History team…

What was it like being on ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’

Being on the show is really good fun. When the researchers call you months in advance, you have no idea of the identity of the person you are going to be working with – it is revealed shortly before you start filming. Before that, there is lots of discussion and the researchers on the show get tips from you about what they should be looking at and images and documents that might work on tv. The crew was so professional and patient and they made me feel relaxed.

What was David Walliams like?

David is obviously an experienced professional who was funny in real life, and curious about his family. He was tall too.

Did anything funny happen while you were filming?

When we were standing outside doing our ‘meet’, people kept recognising David and shouting hello to him. But most people were really respectful as they could see we were working.

Were you nervous?

Not really – I have done TV before and I did a WDYTYA before with Martin Freeman before I came to Kent – I did a lot of work on his show as it was centred on the sensitive topic of venereal disease – that time I ended up on the cutting room floor – which can happen with TV shows as they only have so much time to present everything. It was disappointing, but working with Martin and the crew was great and I remember laughing all day.

What is the strangest thing about doing a tv show like WDYTYA?

Probably all the walking and pointing. You have to make sure you have nice clean nails as you have to point to lines on documents. What goes on behind the scenes is a surprise – our cameraman was contorting himself in all kinds of ways to get the best shot, and you have to try and not notice. There are lots of people in the space – producers, director, camera and sound persons, so it is not as ‘intimate’ as it looks. There were about seven of us in a little staircase.

Did the segment take a long time to film?

That is one of the oddest things about performing in front of a camera. It takes a really long time to do the filming, so that the director is satisfied. Things can go wrong with the sound and you have to wear a microphone which attaches to your clothes – it is usually stuck under your jacket and then a pack with batteries attached behind you which is really heavy and is why I always wear trousers. I sat in a stairwell with David for at least an hour and a half and I was numb and stiff when I finally got up, even though we took breaks to get different camera angles. You have to do the same thing over and over with different camera angles.

Is filming WDYTYA different from other types of tv?

It is because you are moving and engaging. In a lot of tv historians are talking heads and you stand or sit in a chair. When you are walking and moving it is harder. And when the enthusiasm for history overtakes you, you often forget yourself and get really enthusiastic. With tv you have to think about where your body is in relation to the camera and not bump your microphone.

Did you ever think that being in front of a tv camera would be part of your job as a historian at a university?

Never! I thought tv was only for male historians who did war and royalty. It is good to see a more diverse range of historians on tv these days. I have done a couple of programmes a year since 2011, and I really enjoy doing them.

Who are the people you enjoy working with the most on tv programmes?

I really enjoy working with the researchers and producers. They work so hard to get the context and interpretation right, and there is a lot of communication before the programme is filmed. Interestingly, they often have History degrees, so that may be something for our students to consider as a career in the future.

What did you learn from David Walliams?

He gave me instructions on how to walk up stairs when you are being filmed from above. Not necessarily a life skill necessary to a historian, but you never know.

man waring mask on bus

Tips for planning your journey during Covid-19

It is important to plan your journey, especially at the moment to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Here are some tips from the University’s Transport Team.

  • Plan all your journeys before leaving your house.
  • Make sure you bring a face covering (unless you are exempt) and hand sanitiser with you. The Government has also provided a useful checklist that includes questions to ask yourself and what to take with you before leaving home.
  • Be prepared for travel disruptions. For example, due to lower capacity, the bus you were expecting to catch may be full and you may need to wait for longer than anticipated.
  • Ensure your vehicle/bicycle is serviced regularly.
  • Social distance and follow the travel providers’ rules.
  • Ensure you know what payment methods travel providers require.
  • Be familiar with and follow the Government travel guidance.
  • Avoid travel during busy times, if possible.
  • Keep up to date with the latest advice from your travel service provider. See the list below for up to date guidance on public transport.
  • Remember to be kind and support each other – there are health reasons that mean not everyone is able to wear a face covering or may need to use a particular route that others are not able to use.

If you are travelling via public transport, it is important to ensure that you are familiar with what is required to travel with the service provider. For example, you are required to wear a face covering (if you can) when travelling on public transport or Campus Shuttle service. Some travel services may request card payment only and/or bookings only.

The travel providers have published some guides to explain their journey planning, social distancing and how to pay for travel:

For more information, please visit the Covid-19 travel webpage and the coronavirus information webpages.

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Covid-19 update – 21 October 2020

This Covid-19 Update explains the ‘Tiers of Restriction’ set out by Government which concern HE provision. These differ to the national Covid Alert Levels, which are sometimes called ‘tiers’ or ‘local lockdowns’.

The Tiers of Restriction recommend restrictions to HE provision based on the infection rates within a particular area. The Government recommends that if restrictions are required, these should be implemented in a phased manner to ensure students and staff are supported.

The National Institute of Health Protection (NIPH) will provide guidance on how any additional restrictions will apply to students travelling between university and home.

Currently, Kent is at Tier 1 teaching provision out of a possible 4. The Tiers are outlined below:

Tier 1 (default position): This is our current position. HE providers are expected to deliver blended learning, with online and face-to-face tuition, whilst following public health guidance (for example, the use of suitable face coverings)

Tier 2 (fallback position): HE providers will move to an increased level of online learning. Face-to-face teaching should be continued according to the provider’s own risk assessment. In most cases, this will be for clinical or practical teaching and research.

Tier 3 (stricter measures): HE providers will further increase online learning and face-to-face teaching will be reserved only for priority courses (e.g. clinical and medical courses), and in as limited number of situations as possible. At this Tier, providers should support students by keeping key services such as libraries and catering facilities open. Students will need to follow local Government guidance including remaining in their current accommodation to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Tier 4 (last resort): The majority of HE provision will now be online. Buildings will be open only for essential workers and students who must still attend for face-to-face teaching. This includes the continuation of essential research.

We have produced a new FAQ for staff and students explaining the Tiers of Restriction. These can be found on our Coronavirus webpages (under Returning to Campus/Safety on Campus for staff and in the Studying section for students).

All our academic and professional service departments are currently planning how to continue their service should our Tier status change. This ensures we are prepared for any future context we find ourselves in and can support all our people to work and study effectively at Kent.

Further information concerning the Tiers can be found on the Government guidance concerning reopening buildings and campuses.

Man sitting on a sofa with his head in his hand

Managing Mental Health – online workshop for managers

This interactive workshop for managers, team leaders and supervisors will highlight essential good practice in supporting staff wellbeing and mental health. The aim of the workshop is to enable and encourage managers to develop a management style that strikes the right balance between the needs of the individual/team and the needs of the business.

Course content

  • Signs that might indicate that a staff member is struggling
  • Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic – issues to be aware of
  • 2 golden rules for managing stress and mental health at work
  • Practical problems for managers
  • Good practice framework for managing mental health at work
  • Clarifying the role of the organisation, individual staff and the manager
  • Guidelines for managing sensitive conversations about stress and mental health
  • Practical support – ‘reasonable adjustments’ during and after the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Sources of support for staff and managers

Your trainer

Anna’s background is in mental health where she has accumulated 30 years of practical and managerial experience in both statutory and voluntary sector settings, including 10 years in mental health crisis services. Anna was senior associate trainer for Mind, the mental health charity for over 10 years and is a UKCP accredited Integrative Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor in private practice.

To sign-up

Numbers are restricted so book your place via Staff Connect now.