Category Archives: Finalists

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Lockdown: Study Plus free online events and workshops

During lockdown, why not make the most of all the online Study Plus and Careers events? Develop your skills and meet others with similar interests.

Session include Photography, Editing and Proofreading and Resolving Conflict.

Wednesday 11 November 14.00-15.30 – Introduction to Project Management 

Projects are happening all around us and in the workplace it is likely that you will find yourself either involved in a project or managing one.

The aim of this course is to share some tools and approaches that will help you set-up and deliver your project successfully.

Saturday 14 November – 10.00-14.00 – Emergency First Aid 

An introduction to Emergency first aid. This will be a 4 hour event.
Please note we have limited spaces available so book soon to avoid missing out!

To promote the concept of continuous personal development, positive curiosity, and resilience to succeed.

  • What is a growth mindset
  • Fixed mindset v Growth Mindset – 5 key areas
  • The power of ‘yet’
  • The role of feedback
  • Define what it is and why it is important
  • Common barriers to good time management
  • Understand different types of time management issues, strategies, techniques and tools to address these.
  • Know what their own time management issues are
  • Leave with practical plan specific to their needs

We are living in exceptional times. Lockdown took us all surprise and for many of us it meant reimagining the way we work and manage our lives. But as we ease into this ‘new normal’ what are we doing to ensure that our approaches are as inclusive and emotionally intelligent as possible? You are graduating into a world that is more digital and global than ever before, and this session has been created to give you space to think about your role in making that space accessible and safe for you, and others. This session covers:

  • Why does being inclusive matter: the ethical and business case
  • Power and Privilege and its impact on our working lives
  • The Equality Act 2010 and the legal context
  • Harm reduction: action planning and behavioural changes

No matter who you are, if you interact with people there are bound to be times when we are required to have difficult conversations. Most people would rather not have the conversation, will try to avoid it if possible or hope it goes away, or sometimes we may address the situation ineffectively and potentially make it worse. This course is designed to give you the skills and confidence you need to have those challenging conversations in an effective way.

By attending this course, you will learn:

  • the common reasons why we avoid having difficult conversations
  • principles that will help you get the best out of challenging situations
  • understand common motivations with challenging behaviour
  • how to be assertive

Many organisations now expect all employees to help write quality web content. These skills are a great asset to any company and your career, whatever your academic background and job role.

Whether writing web pages, a corporate blog or helping to build a social media campaign, this session will give you the basics for writing compelling online content. It is highly interactive including group discussion and practical exercises.

During this taster course you will:

  1. Be provided with tools to help you identify your core values, i.e. what matters to you.
  2. Experience increased clarity as to your core values and feel more connected to your own potential and deeper sense of purpose.
  3. Be provided with tools to build self-confidence and curiosity to approach experiences and feedback from a positive and constructive angle.

Learning Outcomes:

  • How you can use the rule of thirds to compose your images
  • How to use layering and  negative space in your images
  • When to change the aperture on your images

The focus of this session the focus will be around language, phrasing, championing and challenging. We will share best practice models, research and advice to ensure attendees feel confident to talk about Equality and Identity in an inclusive and thoughtful way. In the workshop we will explore:

  • Can I say that? Looking at current news stories and challenges
  • Exploring what we mean by ‘tone of voice’ in organisations
  • Guiding principles and best practice
  • Weaponised language and reclaimed words
  • Surgery session

This 2-hour workshop course will provide you with useful communication and leadership skills that will enhance your ability to build relationships and gain respect.

By attending this workshop, you will learn:

  • practical skills to build your confidence when communicating both personally and professionally
  • how to communicate like an influential leader
  • what is needed to build rapport.

Editing and proofreading are transferable skills that will be valued in any job role. At work, you will need to check your own emails and reports. Your employer may also ask you to check other people’s work as part of your role. This session will give you the skills, tools and resources to check written work effectively. It is highly interactive including group discussion and practical exercises.

By the end of the session, participants will have:

  • Understood the need to manage yourself, the team, and the task!
  • Examined their own personality style and therefore how they may manage
  • Explored Problem Solving and Decision-Making tools.
During the second part of this taster course, you will explore how your key values from part 1 are crucial to your chosen career and how to approach your careers and job search from a place of creativity, authenticity and possibility.

Check our Target Connect to see all the Study Plus and careers events on offer. 

Person on laptop

Need a place on campus to join online lectures or seminars?

Do you need somewhere on campus to watch a lecture online? Want to join an online seminar but don’t have anywhere to go?

Whether you need a student PC or have your own laptop/device, there are plenty of study spaces on both campuses you can use as an alternative to the libraries.

Study Hubs

There are Study Hubs across the Canterbury campus with socially distanced PCs, laptop spaces and printers. View the Study Hubs map. View the Guide to Study Space and PCs on the Medway campus.

Teaching rooms and PC rooms

You can also use lecture theatres, seminar rooms and PC rooms while they are not being used for teaching. You can now view live room availability online:

If you are already outside a room and want to see if it’s available for you to use, scan the QR code outside the room and it will show you!

QR code on teaching room door

Phone screen after scanning QR code

How to make the most out of Progress Profiles

Students have told us that it can be hard to know how well their studies are going. We created Progress Profiles to give our students a clear understanding of their performance. We think it is important to have regular conversations about your studies with your Academic Adviser. Progress Profiles can help focus these conversations.

Your Progress Profile is now available via a web based platform. It’s a summary of your academic progress to date and it shows your attendance and attainment. Your Progress Profile can be accessed directly from the Student Guide.

Screen shot of Student Guide showing Progress Profiles link in menu bar

Need help using Progress Profiles? Watch the video below for a detailed explanation of how Progress Profiles work and how you can make the most of them.


What do I do if I feel like I need some support?

We hope your Progress Profile will help you feel enabled to steer your studies. However, we recognise that in some cases it may make you feel like you need some support. Please do not feel like you need to work through this alone. We encourage you to speak to your Academic Adviser or to take a look at our student help webpages to see how you can access further support.

Stephen Isherwood

Graduate jobs – Down but not out

As part of the annual EmpFest activities, taking part on the 13 October, 17.30-18.30, our keynote speaker is ,Stephen Isherwood, CEO of the Institute of Student Employers who will talk through what is going on in the graduate labour market.  The Institute of Student Employers, formerly the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), is the UK’s leading independent voice for student employers, representing the majority of major graduate recruiters in the UK.

There is no doubt the jobs market is tough and will remain so for at least another 12 months. But did you know that employers still filled over three quarters of their graduate vacancies in 2020? Stephen Isherwood, CEO of the Institute of Student Employers, will share his insights on how employers have responded to Covid-19 and the steps you take to make sure you have a good story to tell recruiters.

The event will be a short presentation, followed by a question and answer session, hosted by James Corbin, Head of Careers and Employability for the University of Kent. This is a great opportunity for students and staff alike to better understand the current graduate labour market.

To book, students should reserve a place on the Event webpage  and staff should email

Student Damien

How to stand out in the job market – what you can do now

Damien Harateh, Kent graduate and Software Developer at IBM, shares his advice to final year students on how to make yourself stand out from the crowd in a fast-paced job market.

What did you do whilst studying to develop your employability skills?

“During my studies, I spent an enormous amount of time pursuing several initiatives and engaging in a number of roles. I got heavily involved in student representation and student societies, as well as co-organised a number of conferences. I also held a number of positions at the University, such as being a Residents Support Officer for Keynes College and Employability Representative at Careers and Employability Services. I engaged in those roles not because of the employability skills per se but because I always had a desire to try different things and to develop useful skills. 

You really want to be graduating from the University of Kent with more than just a degree. To put it bluntly, having just a degree is simply not enough. You will be competing with thousands upon thousands of graduates with similar degrees. The way to make yourself stand out from the crowd is by developing valuable skills and squeezing the most out of your time at the University. University of Kent provides a plethora of opportunities – get involved in student societies, become a student representative and make sure to get some work experience. The skills developed as a result will be the pillars to your future success. Do not sleep walk through your degree.”

What are you doing now, and how did your involvement with extra-curricular activities at university help you to secure a graduate job?

“Currently, I am a Software Developer at IBM, with one foot in project management. My undergraduate degree had nothing to do with computer science at all — this is an area I pursued solely in my free time, developing websites on the side, and helping several student societies with their IT side of things. Undoubtedly, having worked on a number of projects besides my degree allowed me to develop a range of very useful skills.

Having recently started managing a team of my own, the skills such as effective communication, leadership skills, and thinking innovatively to solve small and large problems have been very useful to me — I started developing all those skills at the University, and I cannot imagine being able to jump at the project management opportunity at my firm, had I not had those skills and experiences. Nowadays, less and less employers care about what you studied, but care increasingly more about how you present yourself and what defines you as a person. What defines you are the projects you worked on, your hobbies, your accomplishments, among many other things. If you can pinpoint exactly what you learnt from each of the projects you worked on, then you will have much easier time persuading the potential employer that you are the person they are looking for.”

Did you use the Careers and Employability Service whilst at university? If so, how did they help you?

“I started using the Careers and Employability Services (CES) very early during my time at the University. The simple truth is that you do not know what you do not know. Unless you get familiar with the information and the services offered by the CES, you will simply be unaware of the many opportunities out there. CES, apart from providing interview coaching, CV and cover letter feedback, also has a vast amount of incredibly useful information on their website. Therefore, you should make sure you know their website inside out. Your career development starts the day you arrive at the University. It is much easier to navigate your University years when you know the direction you are heading.

Personally, I used CES throughout my whole undergraduate degree. Their website provided me with many useful tips and recommendations, and thanks to their newsletter, I also learnt about many opportunities I would not have heard about otherwise. As a student, this is a service you really need to use to give yourself a head start. Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. Therefore, make sure you are proactive about your career development from day one.”

What key piece of advice would you give to final year students looking for a graduate job?

“My key piece of advice would be to think about the kind of companies you would like to work for. What industry interests you most? Why does it interest you? Do not look solely at the rankings or the salary. Ask yourself, is this the kind of company I would be happy working at for X number of years? Also ask yourself if you identify with the company’s mission. Reflecting on those questions will dramatically change how you approach job-hunting.

Besides that, you should consult Career and Employability Services about your CV and cover letter. I cannot stress that enough. Imagine being a recruiter, who receives two applications. Both of the applicants have similar degrees and similar accomplishments. Which one of them are you going to pick? The one with a tailored cover letter and a meticulous CV or the one whose CV has not been updated since 6th form? Now, imagine that there are 20 applicants for every position available. The first impression is literally based on those two documents, so do make sure that they are both exemplary.”

-Damien Harateh, Law, Accounting and Finance graduate (2018)

How the Templeman Library can help you

As you approach the end of your final year we are here to support you through the next few months.

Help with your assignments

We have a wide range of resources to help you with your assignments. You an also ask a Liaison Librarian for one-to-one support on either the Canterbury or Medway campus. Online support is available on our Library Research Skills Moodle page, including finding material for your research and managing your references.

Look after yourself

Browse our Wellbeing and Self-Help reading list or check out the accompanying book displays in the Library. Need some time out? The Templeman Library’s Chill Out Zone provides a quiet space to relax and take a break from studying. If you’re on the Medway campus pop along to one of their wellbeing events.

Exam-time study support

During exam time, you’ll find additional study spaces and silent study areas plus bookable individual study rooms in the Templeman Library. Study in the way you want to by choosing a study space to suit you. The Templeman Library is open 24/7 and the Drill Hall Library 24 hours, five days per week until June!

Study and work smarter! Check out our Productivity Tools, to help you manage your time, take notes and stay focussed plus more.

Help with getting a job

Have a look at our Careers and Employability reading list to find books to help you with career choices and preparing for applications and interviews. Sign up for a one-hour workshop on using online business resources to stand out in the job market.

After you graduate

Don’t want to miss out on the great resources when you graduate? You can join the Library as an alumni member.

View more events on these webpages.

Students sat chatting to each other

Making the most of your final year

It won’t come as a surprise to anyone that final year is by far the most stressful and important year of your studies at Kent; a dissertation here, a 4000 word essay there, and pretty soon you can find yourself forced to cut back on the things you loved doing in your first few years. But do you have to? Spoilers, the answer is no.

The pressure to perform in your final year is no joke, but with some good time management you can 100% make time for the other activities you did in your earlier years. It might not be to the same extent as before but you’ll still have the opportunity to escape your studies and be a part of something, whether that be a Kent Union network, Student Rep, committee member, or if your timetable is looking especially lenient, all of the above.

You definitely don’t want to look back on your third year after you graduate wishing you’d made more of it; that you’d been a part of that sports team you’ve been looking at since first year, or joined that society committee you’re passionate about. Studies are important and your degree will set the tone for your future employment, but I would argue that the skills you learn as a rep or committee member or any other volunteering role at Kent will be just as important to a potential employer as a First Class degree.

-Ethan Basso, Undergraduate Sciences Faculty Rep

Ethan Basso

Life as an alum

Just because you’ve finished your studies, you don’t leave Kent behind. There are lots of ways to play your part in the Kent community. You are one of over 183,000 Kent alumni worldwide – so why not make the most of the fantastic opportunities that being part of this network provides?

Most importantly, make sure that you don’t miss out on any opportunities by ensuring that we have got your correct contact details. By giving us your up-to-date details when you register for your graduation – and keeping them updated – we will be able to send you information about upcoming events, share the latest alumni news, and make sure you don’t miss a thing. We’re only ever an email away – get in touch via if you think we can help. And follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.

As you take your first steps into a new career, Kent is here to provide you with help and support to guide you along your chosen path. You can use the Careers and Employability Services for three years after graduating.

Every year we host a wide range of events, from campus-based lectures and reunions across Europe to formal and informal alumni events and get-togethers around the world, including online events which we’ve introduced recently. In the last 12 months alone, we’ve hosted alumni activities in Malaysia, the United States, France, Belgium, Italy, Canada, Greece, India and China, as well as in Canterbury, Medway and London.

We have alumni groups and chapters all over the world, with formal associations in North America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Find out if there is a group near you on our website – where you’ll also find links to social media groups associated with them. If there isn’t a group near you and you’d like to start one, get in touch, and we’ll help you find alumni in your area!

We hope you have enjoyed your time at Kent and that your university experience opens up new opportunities for your future. Please keep in touch!

And if you plan to return to study, come back to Kent and receive a 10% discount on tuition fees for the first year of a full-time course.

Tim Farrow-House
Acting Director of Development

overhead view of students sat at sofas studying

Why I chose further study at Kent

After doing my undergraduate degree in History at Kent, I went straight into an MA beginning in September 2015. I would love to say I had a burning ambition to go further into academia, but I wasn’t sure of anything. In fact, I chose to do an MA mostly because of that – having no clue what came next! 

I had no real idea of my dream job, I felt I wasn’t done yet and I panicked quite a bit. A year of further study seemed like the solution. Modules were running that seemed better tailored to my interests than my undergraduate ones. I could keep learning and it served as a procrastination to entering the real world. My family joked I wanted to be a student forever, and it actually came true.  

I’m not ashamed of those being my reasons for carrying on to PhD study. It brought me to my PhD which I’m almost finished with and it’s given me a dream. 

There were many reasons why I chose to stay at Kent for my MA. Canterbury was a city that felt like home and I wanted to stay living here. In terms of the staff, I had developed good relationships with them and received a great quality of teaching and dissertation supervision. I had an idea of my research interests, but I wanted to find out more – I didn’t quite feel like a historian yet.  

If I had to give advice to a UG student considering PG life, I’d say go for it! I justified it to myself as most people have a degree these days; a PG one is a way to stand out. But when you’re doing your Masters, make sure you get involved in PG specific events and things that are going on in your school. Know what career you’d like to get to at the end, and consider employability and work experience to enhance your CV with that goal in mind. You’re only here for a year for a Masters, so it all seems like a lot, but know your limits and ensure self-care is on your radar. And most of all, enjoy it. 

–Ellis Spicer, Research Postgraduate, School of History 

Taking photo of group of students

A few words from a past finalist

It may be cliché to say, but everyone should treasure their memories of University. While the workload may at times seem insurmountable and each essay title not too dissimilar to the next, there is always someone who can help.

Having moved beyond my undergraduate course at the University of Kent, I can say without a doubt it was the support that saw me through. Through the guiding hand of my seminar leaders, I met a seemingly innumerable number of deadlines with confidence. The range of experiences on my course broadened my horizons and have helped me to become a more focused individual.

When the threat of the occasional close deadline appeared, the Support and Wellbeing department saw me through. Their mentoring offered me a relaxed environment where I could talk through my issues.  When buses failed to appear yet again or there was another inter-club scandal, someone in the University would always be there to comfort me.

The experiences I have had and the friends I have made during my time at Kent have changed me for the better. University has helped build my confidence and I am excited for whatever comes next.

-Angus Nisbet, English and American Literature MA

Angus Nisbet in graduation gown and cap