Author Archives: Miriam Sandiford

laptop with glasses and notebook

Extra Mid-Career Workshop dates

Due to popular demand, Learning and Organisational Development have added two further dates for the Mid-Career workshop, facilitated by Planned Future.

The sessions in June and July are now fully booked, but we have two extra dates in August and September. Book your place through Staff Connect.

This short workshop covers a wide range of issues relevant to planning your financial affairs both now and for your future. Looking at your finances now at the mid-career stage can give you enough time to make a significant difference to your future financial goals.

You will:

•Learn how to manage your finances

•Understand how to protect your family financially

•Consider the options for saving and investment

•Learn how to top-up your pension

•Identify the personal and financial actions which will make the most of your finances

•Start the process of planning towards a successful retirement

This seminar is open to any member of staff who has an interest in planning their finances to achieve their personal and financial goals.

people sat on chairs looking at a screen which says "Accessibility in the Microsoft Product Suite"

Kent Digital Accessibility Conference

Over 200 delegates joined us from across the county and beyond for the first Kent Digital Accessibility Conference, which was held on Thursday 6 June at the University of Kent’s Canterbury campus.

The conference celebrated the partnership between the University of Kent and Kent Connects (an IT partnership of public sector organisations in Kent), who have been working together to improve digital inclusion and accessibility. The conference was organised as an opportunity to share information and resources with the wider community in the field of digital accessibility.

The conference consisted of talks from industry experts such as Microsoft, Government Digital Service, Kent County Council and University of Kent staff and students. The talks focused on their experience and advice to organisations in the region who need to meet their obligations under new Public Sector Digital Accessibility Regulations.

Many speakers highlighted the positive impact for all users when digital content is made truly accessible, whether they currently have a disability or not. The afternoon was dedicated to practical workshops to upskill attendees on Accessibility in Microsoft; Auditing for Accessibility; Legislation; Writing in plain English and describing visual content; and Tools for productivity.

Attendees commented that it was a pioneering event, and that the information shared addressed a real knowledge gap in the public sector, inspiring them to return to their institutions and put into practice improvements in their digital offering for greater inclusion.

For further information please see the accessibility webpages

Upnor Castle and the Dutch Raid- upcoming Drill Hall Dialogue

The next Drill Hall Dialogue talk is being held at the Guildhall Museum room DA002 in Rochester on Tuesday 11 June 2019 at 10.00. The focus is on Upnor Castle and the Dutch Raid.

Plague and Fire swept through London in the 1660s and have become established as infamous episodes in England’s history. But the disaster that followed is less well-known, and it happened right here, on the River Medway. This illustrated talk will look at the causes of the event, at the people involved and how it all unfolded in a few momentous days in June 1667.

Dr Jeremy Clarke, who is giving the talk, has been Education Officer at the Guildhall Museum in Rochester since 1998. He is responsible for all formal education and learning programmes supported by the museum collection or its listed buildings.

Most of his work is with or in local schools, but he also runs courses, lectures and illustrated talks for adults. He has also run partnership projects to support children in making music for Dickens’s novels, in illustrating scenes from Great Expectations, and in working with actors at locations made famous by the novel. In 2010 he hosted a shared reading of Great Expectations in the original parts, timed to coincide with their publication 150 years before.

Drill Hall Dialogues is a monthly series of talks held at the Drill Hall Library, the learning resource centre for the Universities at Medway collaborative project. A wide variety of topics has been covered including prison libraries, NHS libraries, Dickens and Christmas, Medway regeneration, the Medway Floods of 1953 and Fort Amherst. We have also received talks from academics based on the campus including the Centre for Journalism (UKM) and the Faculty of Education (CCCU). The talks take place on the first or second Tuesday of the month and usually last no longer than 45 minutes with 15 minutes allotted for any questions and answers.  All staff are welcome to attend.

For more information visit

group of students in graduation gear sitting smiling at each other

Ensure the correct name is on your graduation certificate

DEADLINE: Monday 17 June by 17.00.

Ensure the correct name is on your graduation certificate.

There are strict rules governing your legal name which should appear in full on your certificate as on other legal documents, i.e. passport.

  1. Check your name on Student Data System – this is how it will be printed on your certificate

If it is correct? You do not need to do anything further regarding your legal name.

If it is NOT correct, please see step 2 below.

  1. If your legal name is not correct, you must contact the Central Student Administration Office.

You must contact CSAO ( if your legal name is wrong before the deadline listed above. If you submit a name change after your ceremony, your certificate will not be reprinted.

Kent Union summer service relocation

Due to the exciting redevelopment of the Mandela Building a number of Kent Union services will be relocating for the summer.

All of these services will be closed on 14 June to enable their temporary relocation.

They will reopen in the following locations from Monday 17 June, unless otherwise noted:

Kent Union Reception ➝ Student Media Centre

Closed 17 June.

Open Monday to Friday 9.00 until 17.00.

Services available will be limited due to temporary location.

Advice Centre ➝ Student Media Centre

Closed from 12 June until 17 June.

Open Monday to Friday 10.00 until 16.00.

A drop-in service will be available Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June 10.00-16.00 in Eliot Becket Court seminar Room 16.

Home Stamp ➝ Student Media Centre

Open Monday to Friday 11.00 until 15.00.

Jobshop ➝ Woody’s (Downstairs Meeting Room)

Open Monday to Friday 10.00 until 16.00.

New Online Expenses Module via Staff Connect

From 12 June 2019 all professional services, academic and research staff will be able to use Staff Connect to submit expense claims replacing the existing paper based solution.

If you need assistance with transitioning to the new system please contact the Payments Office at

The Staff Connect Expenses module will allow the submission of expense claims online and to attach scanned copies of receipts to the claim. The claim will then be forwarded, via the system, to an agreed Authoriser within your area, for approval.

Once the claim has been approved it will be forwarded automatically for payment. Payments will be made on a fortnightly basis into the same bank account used for your salary payments.

Drop-in sessions
Drop-in sessions will be held in the period following the launch of the expenses module to allow anyone who wishes to attend for informal training, support and to answer any questions. Please find dates, times and room locations within Cornwallis South East Octagon below:

Monday 10 June all day – SE14
Wednesday 12 June all day – SE14
Thursday 13 June 10.00-12.00 – SE20
Tuesday 18 June 10.00-12.00 – SE20
Wednesday 19 June 14.00-16.00 – SE14
Monday 24 June 14.00-16.00 – SE14
Friday 28 June 10.00-12.00 – SE20
Medway TBC

Further help

If you have any questions about Staff Connect and the launch of this new module, there is guidance, including a frequently asked questions section, on the Staff Connect website.

To find out more about using Staff Connect to make expense claims, please come to one of the demo and drop-in sessions available for all staff and line managers.

There is a high level guide available in relation to the process for submission and approval. Please go to support to find out more. Online user guides are available.

students holding student union leaflets

Temporary Student Union shop closures

Due to the exciting redevelopment of the two SU Shops to Co-ops, there will be some temporary closures over summer. But don’t worry – there will always be a store open to ensure you can still get everything you need.

The Park Wood SU Shop will close Monday 15 July, reopening Thursday 25 July as Park Wood Co-op.

The SU Shop, Union Plaza will then close Friday 26 July, reopening Thursday 29 August as Kent Union Co-op.

students sitting and chatting

Part-time student jobs for next year

Are you interested in playing a part in student and college community life, promoting and supporting initiatives and assisting students?

If so, this could be a great opportunity for you to be employed with the University and develop the graduate attributes and experience you need to be a top graduate.

Student College Community Life Officer position

There are six Student College Community Life Officer positions available at Canterbury reference OTR-023-19 for the 2019/2020 academic year starting in September.

There is one officer post available at Medway which should be applied to via the Medway vacancy reference OTR-022-19.

Student College Community Life Assistant position

There are 16 Student College Community Life Assistant positions available at Canterbury reference OTR-021-19 for the 2019/2020 academic year starting in September.

There are three assistant posts available at Medway which should be applied to via the Medway vacancy, reference OTR-020-19.


people doing sit ups

Exercise your pains away with free app Injurymap

University of Kent staff and students can now get a year of free access to the physiotherapy app Injurymap. The proven path to reducing muscle and joint pain is through exercise. Injurymap makes it easy to perform the most effective exercises with a personalised training program. The app adapts each exercise to your strengths and weaknesses and provides you with the safest and shortest path to recovery.

We all experience pain in our muscles and joints from time to time, be it back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain or one of the many other areas that can lead to discomfort and impact your quality of life. So just download the app  and experience the benefit of tailored guidance at your fingertips. To conduct some of the exercises referred to by the app visit Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic in the Sports Centre to collect your free exercise band.

Injurymap is made available to you through a collaboration between Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic, Kent Business School and Injurymap. After creating an account within the app, Injurymap will send you an invitation to join a research project administered by Professor Ben Lowe and Dr Des Laffey from the University of Kent.

Why not book an appointment with Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic to compliment your use of Injurymap. For details to our limited time incentive offer please visit or email