Author Archives: Allie Burnett

Things you can do during lockdown 2:0

To help you through lockdown 2:0 we have organised a series of online events.

Whether you want to develop your CV, try something new or explore local parkland – there is something for everyone!

As well as a programme of events our support services are still available – so please get in touch if you have any questions or need some help.

Please remember – you can still go out for exercise as often as you like, either by yourself, with your household or with one other person from a different household. Read our explanation of the new lockdown rules for details.

We are here to support you and we will get through this together!

Look after your wellbeing

There’s a lot going on in the world at the moment, and students are being faced with challenges not yet seen before, which might make you more vulnerable to feeling anxious, depressed or just low.

Whether or not you have struggled in the past with mental health issues, take a bit of time to actively focus on your wellbeing and remember that whatever you’re going through, support is available at Kent.

View wellbeing support and events at Kent

Develop your CV

Our Careers Advisers have developed a Moodle Module to help you develop your skills at home and will be sharing advice on how to gain experience and prepare applications.

They have also organised a series of employability events for lockdown.

Read careers advice for lockdown

Get crafty

With Christmas around the corner, why not try making some handmade gifts? Student Support and Wellbeing have subsidised some art kits for students during lockdown. You can pick up an art kit for just £4.50 (instead of £10) by 18 November 2020.

Find out how to get an art kit

Studying during lockdown

Studying and keeping focus during lockdown can be challenging. Our Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS) offers free one-to-one appointments and are running a whole series of online workshops.

Find out more on the SLAS webpages.

Let’s make music

We are asking all our students, staff, and alumni musicians to record a piece of music in isolation and submit to our Virtual Music Project. Our Music Department will then build it into a festive virtual performance for Christmas.

Find out more on the Facebook page.

Explore Kent’s scenic walks

One of the perks of living and studying in Kent is access to lots of outdoor space. From beaches to scenic parks and historic buildings, this county has it all!

During this lockdown you can meet one other person from a different household for a walk with a coffee or you could go as a household.

Get outdoors this lockdown by exploring some of these walking routes

Bond with housemates

During lockdown you can still socialise as a household. Kent student Rowena has shared some fun things you can do with your housemates during lockdown.

Try Kent Sport’s online workouts

Kent Sport has created a range of online workouts for you to try at home.

Have a go at Kent Sport’s free online workouts

Photo by Rebecca Grant on Unsplash

Chat to our International Team

Drop in to our live chat starting this week until 25 September, we will be available Monday – Friday, 06.00 – 17.00, via instant messenger on our Getting Started pages for international students.

We will be available to answer any questions you may have about your arrival to Kent and help support your through your first weeks at Kent. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Kent and hopefully can chat with you soon.

Hello Kent 2019 – what we have planned

In October 2018, the Student Experience Board commissioned a review of student welcome, induction and transition activities and communications.

The review aims to better co-ordinate all our welcome activities and communications to ensure our activities are accessible and fully support our diverse student population.

We have worked closely with the Union throughout this project.

For 2019, we are implementing the following quick wins:

  • A joint ‘Hello Kent’ campaign with the Union to welcome new students to campus.
  • This campaign includes a shared ‘Hello Kent’ campaign webpage, which pulls together all events and information for new students in one place. The Hello Kent webpage will be available in early July at –
  • Improvements to our current maps on the Kent website. The new maps will work well on a mobile device and have geo-location.
  • A more co-ordinated approach to arrivals communications.

For September 2020, we hope to build on this work and improve the support we offer to both new and continuing students.

The EU Parliament elections are happening this Thursday 23 May

Where do I vote?

Most people vote in person. If you have applied to vote by post or by proxy head – find out more online.

You must vote at your local polling station (open 7am to 10pm on Thursday 23 May) – you will have received a poll card in the post which gives you the address of where this is.

Lost your poll card? Simply enter your postcode at

You do not need your poll card with you to vote.

What happens at the polling station?

When you arrive you will give your name and address to staff at the polling station.

If you’re in England, Wales or Scotland you don’t need anything with you.

If you’re in Northern Ireland you’ll need to also bring a photo ID – this could be your passport, driving license, Electoral Identity Card or certain kinds of Translink Smartpass.

You’ll be given a ballot paper with the people and parties you can vote for.

  1. Take your ballot paper into the polling booth
  2. Follow the instructions in the polling booth and on the top of your ballot paper to vote
  3. Put your paper in the ballot box on your way out

Who do I vote for?

It’s up to you! Find out who the parties and candidates are running in your region.

If you’re in England, Scotland or Wales you will get to vote for one party (who have put forward a list of candidates), or an individual candidate standing as an independent.

In Northern Ireland you will rank your candidates in order of preference – a system called ‘Single Transferable Vote’.

Your vote matters. Make sure to turn out on 23 May 2019.

Science event

Soapbox Science Canterbury returns in June

After last year’s success, the School of Anthropology and Conservation (SAC) are organising another Soapbox Science Canterbury event to promote women’s research to the public.

Come see some fabulous women scientists from SAC alongside the Schools of Biosciences and Physical Sciences at Kent, and hear speakers from Birkbeck and NIAB EMR talk about their exciting research.

The event will take place on Saturday 15 June between 13.00 and 16.00 in Westgate Gardens in the centre of Canterbury.

Hear twelve women speak about their scientific work on a broad range of topics including forensic anthropology, planetary science, molecular biology, illegal wildlife trade, biological anthropology and conservation science. Come and learn about capuchins and elephants, your brain and your teeth, and many more interesting topics in the lush surrounds of Westgate Gardens.

The event is free and open to all ages. whether you choose to drop by for ten minutes or stay the full three hours.

Our Soapbox speakers:

  • Dr Emmy Bocaege (School of Anthropology and Conservation, Kent) – Toothy tales from an archaeologist
  • Dr Gillian Forrester (Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck University of London) – Your 500 million year-old brain
  • Dr Julieta G. Garcia-Donas (School of Anthropology and Conservation, Kent) – Dem bones, dem bones!: What forensic anthropology tells us about the dead
  • Dr Ana Loureiro (School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, Kent – From 1 to infinity
  • Dr Emma McCabe (School of Physical Sciences, Kent) – Superconductors and levitating magnets!
  • Ms Louisse Paola Mirabueno, (NIAB EMR and University of Reading) – Xylella fastidiosa: a fussy bacterium
  • Dr Marie-Jeanne Royer (School of Anthropology and Conservation, Kent) – Climate change and cities, how green can help
  • Dr Agata Rożek (School of Physical Sciences, Kent) – Space potatoes and rubber ducks: shapes of asteroids and comets
  • Dr Helena J. Shepherd (School of Physical Sciences, Kent) – Shapeshifting Molecules in the Spotlight
  • Dr Jill Shepherd (School of Biosciences, Kent) – Where are my stem cells?
  • Dr Barbara Tiddi (School of Anthropology and Conservation, Kent) – Female (monkey) power: how black capuchin females choose their mates
  • Ms Laura Thomas-Walters (School of Anthropology and Conservation, Kent) – Saving rhinos and elephants from the illegal wildlife trade

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the research they do. The events transform civic areas into an arena for public engagement and scientific debate.

Changes to 190 and 191 bus services

From 11 May 2019 Arriva introduced new buses, services 1 and 2, to replace the 191 bus service.

View the new timetable.

The 191 will no longer stop at the Medway campus but the new services will arrive on campus approximately every 10 minutes.

Arriva has introduced these new services to improve reliability.

The 116 bus route remains the same and continues to stop at the University.

The new Campus Shuttle route also connects Liberty Quays accommodation, central campus and the Dockyard. Find out more on the Campus Shuttle webpage.

REF2021 – Draft Code of Practice

The Code of Practice is a vital document for the University’s REF 2021 submission.  It is a requirement that all institutions submit a Code of Practice outlining the process of defining Researchers and selecting outputs and showing that the university supports equality and diversity in the REF.

We have now drafted the University’s Code of Practice and are inviting all staff to comment from 1 – 21 May 2019.

Following the consultation, any revisions will then be made and the Code of Practice will be submitted to the REF on 7 June for final approval.

For this REF cycle the University intends to submit 100% of eligible staff defined as those on teaching and research (T&R) contracts and some research only contracts.  The criteria for selection will be outlined in the Code of Practice.

You are invited to review the REF2021 Draft Code of Practice webpage for full details.


Exams 2019 – what you need to know

My timetable

7 May – 14 June 2019

You can view your timetable and module codes now by logging into your Student Data System.  (SDS) 

What time should I arrive

You should arrive 15 minutes before the start of your exam.

Morning exams begin promptly at 9.30; afternoon exams begin promptly at 14.00.

Where is my exam venue

Not sure where you need to go?  – See exam venues

Where do I sit

You will be allocated a seat for each exam, please find the seating plan at your venue before the start of each session.

What to bring

  • KentOne Card. If you have lost this please contact us
  • Pens, pencils and writing equipment (in a clear pencil case)
  • Still water in a clear plastic bottle

What NOT to bring

  • Mobile phones/smart watches/headphones
  • Bags
  • Food (unless permission given prior)
  • Any drink other than water

Bag room

If you have a bag to drop off, please arrive 30 minutes before the start of your exam at the following locations:

Canterbury Campus –             Keynes Seminar Room 7

Medway Campus –                   Pilkington Building Room 014

Gillingham Building Room 2 – 03

Dockyard Church – Foyer Entrance


If you have an Inclusive Learning Plan (ILP) please take a moment to check your exam adjustments are correct. On SDS select ‘Details and Study’ and ‘My Details’. You’ll see a button marked ‘My Inclusive Learning Plan’ if you have been in contact with the Student Support and Wellbeing team (SSW).

We appreciate Exams season is a stressful time of year, we are here to support and help you throughout this period.

If you have, any questions please contact:

Visit the exams webpages

Follow us: @UniKent_CSAO

Short-stay student accommodation now available in Eliot College

Do any of your students commute to the Canterbury Campus? We now have short-stay accommodation in Eliot College available for students living off-campus to book online.

This accommodation package is ideal for anyone worrying about getting to campus and missing an exam because of traffic or other travel delays outside their control, or for students who want more time to concentrate on studying without traveling home late at night. Rooms are £20 a night, with a minimum of a two night stay required to book.

Students will live in a corridor of up to eight other short stay students, all rooms are self-catered singles and have bedding and towels provided. Find out more.

Short-stay accommodation in Eliot College is only available for Kent students, however don’t forget that we also have year-round visitor accommodation available in Beverley Farmhouse next to Canterbury Innovation Centre, ideal for guests who want to stay on campus for the duration of their visit.

If you have any questions please email: