Templeman Library is reopening with a limited service on Wednesday 15 July. There will be a limit on the number of people allowed in the building and you will need to follow a one-way route to ensure social distancing.
The Library will be open Monday to Friday 9.00-17.00, via Main Entrance and Library Road Entrance only. Don’t forget your KentOne card to gain access.
Because of the restricted numbers allowed in the Templeman Library at this time, please consider whether your visit to the Library is essential. If you need a resource, please consider looking for an e-resource in the first instance using LibrarySearch Digital. We wish to give those people most in need access to the Library including postgraduates and those studying for August exams/assessments.
A limited ‘Click and Collect’ book borrowing service will be available for items not available in a digital format.
To use a study space (with or without a student PC), collect a ‘clean me’ sign from the Welcome Hall to place on the desk you’re using. This lets us know that the space needs cleaning and tells others not to use it before it’s been cleaned. You’ll be able to use a recently cleaned study space and PC.
Printers are available in all open study spaces. You will be asked to use a wipe to clean the touchpad before use.
See more information about reopening of Templeman Library for details on safety measures in place and which services are available. These services will be regularly reviewed and are subject to change.