A special event on Wednesday 2 October will mark the launch of a new BAME/Staff of Colour Network and the Kaleidoscope Network set up by the Centre for Sexuality, Race & Gender Justice (SeRGJ).
Among the aims of the BAME/Staff of Colour Network are to:
- support the University in meeting its commitment to equality, diversity and inclusivity
- raise awareness of the broad range of knowledge, skills, expertise and contributions of BAME staff/staff of colour
- provide a forum for coaching, mentoring and advocacy for BAME staff/staff of colour
- raise awareness of discrimination, harassment, micro-aggressions, pay and/or promotions gaps and other disadvantage experienced by BAME staff/staff of colour
- work in collaboration with the University to address inequalities.
The Kaleidoscope Network (KN) is a collective of students and staff of colour and ‘allies’ hosted by the Kent Law School Centre for Sexuality, Race & Gender Justice (SeRGJ). The idea to set up the KN originated from students involved in the Decolonising the Curriculum Project led by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj as part of its manifesto which was launched at a University conference earlier this year. The KN is committed to implementing the manifesto at Kent and staff and students are welcome to join by pledging to its principles
The launch event on Wednesday 2 October takes place from 17.00-20.00 in the Moot Chamber, Widoger Building on Canterbury campus. Refreshments will be available from 17.00.
The keynote address will be given by Professor Heidi Safia Mirza, Emeritus Professor in Equalities Studies, UCL Institute of Education and Visiting Professor of Race, Faith and Culture at Goldsmith’s College, University of London. She is known for her pioneering intersectional research on race, gender and identity in education and has an international reputation for championing equality and human rights for Black and Muslim women through educational reform.
The event is open to BAME staff and others interested in becoming members of the Kaleidoscope Network which is open to Kent staff and students. You can book your place via Eventbrite.