Tag Archives: parking disruption

Large applicant day parking disruption cancelled and adverse weather

There is a large applicant day at Canterbury campus on Wednesday 28 February, as noted in the transport team newsletter, which is sent out every two weeks. 167 spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Where reasonable, you may want to consider alternative means of travel to and from campus, or allow more time for your journey.

Update: The large applicant day has been postponed due to adverse weather. Therefore the parking bays will no longer be reserved or this event.

As snow is forecast for this week, please take extra care and check with your travel provider before you travel. Our planning your journey webpage helps you plan your travel and provides useful links to check the status of your travel routes to and from campus.

Follow @unikent_travel on twitter for transport updates. The twitter feed can be viewed on the planning your journey webpage.

Parking disruption- Canterbury and Medway campus

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the University. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

  • Wednesday 21 February- 79 spaces
  • Thursday 22 February- 25 spaces
  • Saturday 24 February- 33 spaces
  • Monday 26 February- to be updated
  • Wednesday 28 February- to be updated (likely to be a large applicant day)
  • Thursday 1 March- to be updated
  • Saturday 3 March- to be updated
  • Monday 5 March- to be updated


Applicant day (Mast Pond car park, Historic Dockyard, Medway)

  • Wednesday 21 February- There are currently 31 visitors who have requested parking for the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Mast Pond car park at Chatham Historic Dockyard. While no parking bays are being reserved, the additional visitors to campus may affect parking on this day.

Car park disruptions Canterbury campus

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park)

Applicant day season is underway and so parking will be affected on these days. Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the university.

Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once booking for the events have closed:

  • Thursday 25 January- 28 spaces
  • Saturday 27 January- 17 spaces (Sibson car park)
  • Wednesday 31 January- not yet known
  • Thursday 1 February- not yet known
  • Saturday 3 February- not yet known

Thursday 25 January- Home Stamp (Darwin car park)

21 bays will be reserved in Darwin car park for exhibitors to the Home Stamp event, as requested by Home Stamp, Kent Union.

Friday 26 January- University’s Court AGM (Giles Lane car park)

45 bays will be reserved in Giles Lane for VIP guests to the University’s Court annual general meeting, as requested by the Council Secretariat.

Present- Spring 2019- Construction of New Economics Building

Construction of the new Economics Building has commenced. The building is being constructed on the site of the now demolished Kent Research and Development Centre. Access to the construction site is via the Sibson car park, so please take extra care when passing through this area.

Winter vacation parking and road disruptions

20- 22 December 2017- Giles Lane traffic control

We have been informed by Kent County Council that there will be two way traffic control on Giles Lane outside the Colyer Fergusson building for works to be completed by South Eastern Power Networks.

Christmas road closures (Canterbury and Medway campuses)

To preserve the private road status of Park Wood Road, University Road, Darwin Road and Library Road, these roads will be closed from 8.00 Monday 25 December until 8.00 Tuesday 26 December.

Similarly, Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust are closing Pembroke Gate North Road from 22.00 Sunday 24 December to 22.00 Monday 25 December.

General parking during the winter vacation

You may park within a marked bay without displaying a permit during the University shut down (midday 21 December 2017 to 2 January 2018) as the Transport Team will be unavailable to provide parking permits.

Canterbury car park disruptions

Applicant Days (Giles Lane)

Applicant days are essential recruitment events for the University. The number of reserved parking bays within Giles Lane car park for visitors to these events is as follows, as requested by Enrolment Management Services:

  • Wednesday 6 December- 20 bays
  • Thursday 7 December- 30 bays
  • Saturday 9 December- 30 bays
  • Thursday 14 December- 30 bays

Gulbenkian events (Giles Lane)

To assist with school visits to performances of The Little Match Girl, a number of bays will be reserved in Giles Lane car park, as requested by the Gulbenkian:

  • Thursday 7- Friday 8 December- 15 bays
  • Wednesday 13- Friday 15 December- 8 bays

Engineering recruitment workshop (Pavilion car park)

  • Tuesday 12- Wednesday 13 December- 24 bays will be reserved in the Pavilion car park for an engineering workshop recruitment day, as requested by the School of Engineering and Digital Arts.

Please refer to our transport event calendar in between newsletters to keep up to date.

Canterbury car park disruptions week commencing 20 March

Applicant days

Applicant days are essential recruitment events for the University. The number of reserved parking bays within Giles Lane car park for visitors to these events is as follows:

  • Wednesday 22 March- 76 bays
  • Thursday 23 March- 9 bays

Wellbeing Festival

  • Thursday 23 March- 10 bays will be reserved in Eliot car park to assist Student Support and Wellbeing with their Wellbeing Festival

Rothford path resurfacing works

  • Monday 13 March to Friday 24 March- approximately 5 bays will be closed in Rothford car park. The pathway alongside Rothford, Belmont Bungalow, Highlands and Hilltops will also be closed while essential resurfacing works take place

Innovation Centre

  • Reminder that the car park in front of the Innovation Centre is not a University of Kent car park and any member of staff or student parked within this area will be subject to 4.1.9 of the University Traffic Regulations. University of Kent pink zone permit holders and visitors can use the Beverley farm car park

Where to park

Please remember that Accessible Bays can only be used by valid Government Blue Badge holders or University of Kent Accessible Permit holders. It is essential that these bays are kept free for those who require them.

There are 528 parking bays in Giles Lane car parks. As over 50 bays will be unavailable to permit holders on Wednesday, Campus Security will endeavour to inform staff and students when the car park is full on this day by placing notices on Giles Lane.

You may find that you are required to park in the Park Wood Courts car parks in front of the residences and therefore we recommend you consider this when planning your journey to the campus.

As per the Traffic Regulations, although we do not guarantee a space, parking should still be available in other car parks including car parks around Park Wood Courts. There are pedestrian signs within Park Wood Courts which inform you of the average time required to walk to the main campus. Alternatively, you can use the Park and Ride bus ticket that was sent with your parking permit to travel to and from the main campus.

Car Park locations can be found on the following link but if you are unsure please contact us.


Parking enforcement will continue in accordance with the University Regulations for the Management of Traffic.

Thank you for your cooperation


Canterbury car park disruptions week commencing 27 February

Applicant days

Applicant days are essential recruitment events for the University. The number of reserved parking bays within Giles Lane car park for visitors to these events is as follows:

  • Monday 27 February – 34 bays
  • Wednesday 1 March- 174 bays
  • Thursday 2 March- 43 bays

Kent Sport

On Thursday 2 March the Sports Centre blue zone car park will be closed on request of Kent Sport. This is to assist them with hosting their annual Boccia event.

Where to park

Please remember that Accessible Bays can only be used by valid Government Blue Badge holders or University of Kent Accessible Permit holders. It is essential that these bays are kept free for those who require them.

There are 528 parking bays in Giles Lane car parks. This means that around a third of the parking bays will be closed to permit holders on Wednesday. On this day, Campus Security will endeavour to inform staff and students when this car park is full by placing notices on Giles Lane. You may find that you are required to park in the Park Wood Courts car parks and therefore we recommend you consider this when planning your journey to the campus.

As per the Traffic Regulations, although we do not guarantee a space, parking should still be available in other car parks including car parks around Park Wood Courts.  There are pedestrian signs within Park Wood Courts which inform you of the average time required to walk to the main campus. Alternatively, you can use the Park and Ride bus ticket that was sent with your parking permit to travel to and from the main campus.

Car Park locations can be found on the following link but if you are unsure please contact us.


Parking enforcement will continue in accordance with the University Regulations for the Management of Traffic.

Thank you for your cooperation