permit system

Easily switch the active vehicle on your permit

Why do I need to switch the active vehicle on my permit?

Only the active vehicle will show as having a valid permit on Campus Security’s handheld enforcement devices. Therefore it is important that you have the correct registration as your active vehicle.

How to switch the active vehicle on your permit

To switch the active vehicle on your permit, login to the permit system, select “my permits” and select the green vehicle icon. If you have two vehicles on your permit record press “switch vehicle”. If you have more than two vehicles, untick your vehicle and tick your new active vehicle.

Tip 1: Save the webpage to your internet browser

Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer and select the cog icon in top right corner.
  2. Select “Internet Options” and on the first tab (general), copy and paste into homepage box on a separate line to any other webpage URLs. Press “Apply”.
  3. Re-open Internet Explorer.

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome and select the ellipsis (three vertical dots) in top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings” and scroll down to “On startup”.
  3. Choose “Open a specific page or set of pages” and “Add a new page”.
  4. Copy and paste and press “Add”.
  5. Re-open Google Chrome.

Tip 2: Save the webpage as a desktop shortcut

Windows or Mac

  1. Open web browser and copy and paste
  2. Adjust size of webpage so you can see some of the desktop.
  3. Select the entire URL and click and drag onto the desktop to create shortcut.

Tip 3: Save the webpage to your smartphone’s home screen (similar to an App)


  1. Open Safari and type in
  2. Select the button “log in to permit account” and enter your usual login and password.
  3. Press icon in the bottom of screen (square with arrow), scroll across bottom row of icons, select “Add to Home Screen” and “Add” to confirm.

Android (using Google Chrome)

  1. Open internet browser and type in
  2. Select the button “log in to permit account” and enter your usual login and password.
  3. Press the ellipsis (three vertical dots) in the top right corner and select “Add to Home Screen”.


  1. Open Internet Explorer and type in
  2. Select the button “log in to permit account” and enter your usual login and password.
  3. Select the ellipsis (three horizontal dots) in the bottom right corner and select “pin to start”.

Cycling- access to lockable cycle shelters on campus

As the weather starts to get better, you might want to try cycling to campus. Cycling is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. See our walking and cycling map to find where your nearest cycle shelter is located.

How to gain access to Canterbury lockable cycle shelters

  • For access to the Library cycle shelter email with your name, staff or student number, number on back of your Kent One card, type and colour of bike and any identifying features of your bicycle.
  • For other lockable cycle shelters come to the Security and Transport Centre with your Kent One card to gain access.

How to gain access to Medway lockable cycle shelters

  • For access to the lockable cycle shelter at Medway, email with your name, staff or student number and number on the back of your Kent One card.

Car park disruptions at Canterbury and Medway campuses

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the University. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

  • Wednesday 4 April- 114 spaces (large applicant day)
  • Thursday 5 April- 30 spaces
  • Saturday 7 April- 186

AUDE Conference (rear of Stacey, Sibson and Sports Centre car parks, Canterbury)

The AUDE Conference (Association of University Directors of Estates) is a high profile event being hosted by the University of Kent this year. The following parking bays are being reserved for this event, as requested by the Estates Department and Conference Office:

  • Friday 6- Tuesday 10 April- the reserved bays for Kent union minibuses and the School of Physical Sciences vehicle behind Stacey building bay will be reserved for a delivery lorry. The bays will be reserved Friday at 17.00
  • Sunday 8- Wednesday 11 April- the Sports Centre blue zone car park will be closed to permit holders. This area will be reserved for exhibitors attending the event
  • Monday 9- Wednesday 11 April – 5 bays will be reserved within Sibson car park for AUDE VIP guests

Applicant day (Mast Pond car park, Historic Dockyard, Medway)

  • Wednesday 4 April- Currently 63 visitors have requested parking for the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Mast Pond car park.

Find someone to car share with

Did you know the University of Kent are a member of the UniShare South East car sharing community? We have partnered up with Canterbury Christ Church University and the University of Greenwich to help match up those who want to car share.

Simply sign up and add the journey you wish to share.

Car sharing can…
• Save money on your petrol costs
• Reduce congestion and pollution
• Help you network and make new friends
• Be safer, for example having company if your vehicle breaks down
• Free up car parking spaces

See our car sharing webpage for more information.

Campus Shuttle running dates

The Campus Shuttle will continue to run to the usual timetable over the Easter weekend including the bank holidays- Friday 30 March 2018 and Monday 2 April 2018.

The shuttle runs during term-time only. This means the last day the shuttle will be running this term will be Friday 6 April 2018.

The shuttle will start running again at the start of the summer term on Tuesday 8 May 2018. Booking will be available a week or so before this date.

For more information visit or follow @CampusShuttle on twitter.

Travel Plan Survey winners being announced soon

There are three £100 cash cards to spend at the University’s catering outlets at Canterbury and Medway campuses, as well as 300 hot drinks vouchers to be won.

We are sending out emails to the winners of the Travel Plan Survey over the next week or so. If you entered your email address when you completed the survey, be sure to check your emails in case you are a winner.

Thank you once again for everyone who took the time to complete the Travel Plan Survey. The Travel Plans are in the process of being written, and some of the information is being shared with the consultants for the developing Canterbury campus Masterplan.

Car park disruptions at Canterbury and Medway campuses

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the University. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

  • Wednesday 21 March- 102 spaces (large applicant day)
  • Saturday 24 March- 8 spaces
  • Wednesday 28 March- to be updated (likely to be a large applicant day)

Wellbeing festival (Eliot car park, Canterbury)

  • Friday 23 March- 21 parking bays will be reserved in Eliot car park for exhibitors and workshop leaders at the Wellbeing festival, as requested by Student Support and Wellbeing.

Applicant day (Mast Pond car park, Historic Dockyard, Medway)

  • Wednesday 21 March- Currently 43 visitors have requested parking for the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Mast Pond car park.

Extra buses- exams and Easter vacation

As exam time is approaching the Transport Team, Estates department, are working with Stagecoach to provide extra Uni2 buses on Sundays and Bank Holidays between 25 March and 27 May 2018.

During term-time we provide a 24 hour bus service 6 days a week, serviced by the Uni1, Uni2, 4 and Triangle buses. The additional Uni2 services mean that there will be a 24/7 bus service for this period to help you travel to and from the library to prepare for exams. See additional Uni2 services below or on posters at Keynes and Darwin bus stops.

Buses to town centre

Hales Place Tenterden Drive 2130 2230 2330 0035 0135 0235 0335 0435
The Beverlie 2134 2234 2334 0039 0139 0239 0339 0439
University Darwin 2138 2238 2338 0043 0143 0243 0343 0443
University Park Wood 2142 2242 2342 0047 0147 0247 0347 0447
University Keynes Stop A 2146 2246 2346 0051 0151 0251 0351 0451
St Dunstans Westgate 2153 2253 2353 0058 0158 0258 0358 0458
Canterbury bus station 2201 2301 0001 0106 0206 0306 0406 0506

Buses to Hales Place

Canterbury bus station A5/B1 2105 2205 2305 0010 0110 0210 0310 0410
St Dunstans Westgate 2111 2211 2311 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416
University Keynes Stop B 2117 2217 2317 0022 0122 0222 0322 0422
University Park Wood 2121 2221 2321 0026 0126 0226 0326 0426
University Darwin 2125 2225 2325 0030 0130 0230 0330 0430
Hales Place Tenterden Drive 2130 2230 2330 0035 0135 0235 0335 0435


The Uni1 and Uni2 buses will also continue to the usual timetable over the Easter vacation (6 April to 8 May 2018) despite being outside of term-time. See usual timetable.


Thank you for your patience during adverse weather

We would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding during the recent adverse weather disruptions to travel and parking at the University.

We would also like to thank everyone who tried to keep the University operational, particularly Grounds Maintenance, Campus Security and the FM Team at Medway for helping with snow clearance.

If there is further adverse weather predicted, please check our planning your journey webpage and follow @unikent_travel and @CampusShuttle on twitter to keep up to date.

Parking disruptions at Canterbury and Medway

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the University. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

• Wednesday 7 March- 146 spaces (large applicant day)
• Thursday 8 March- 17 spaces
• Saturday 10 March- 182 spaces
• Monday 12 March- to be updated
• Wednesday 14 March- to be updated (likely to be a large applicant day)
• Thursday 15 March- to be updated
• Saturday 17 March- to be updated

BOCCIA event (Sport Centre blue zone car park, Canterbury)

•Thursday 8 March- The Sports Centre blue zone car park will be closed to permit holders. The car park is being reserved for minibuses to transport disabled children to the BOCCIA school games being held at the Sports Centre, as requested by Kent Sport.

Applicant day (Drill Hall car park, Medway)

•Saturday 10 March- There are currently 85 visitors who have requested parking for the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Drill Hall car park. As this is a Saturday it should not cause much disruption.