Pub quiz

The School held it’s first pub quiz on 27 November in Origins. The event was a huge success with 17 teams entering: 3 staff and … Read more

Postgraduate scholarships for 2015/16

The School of Economics is offering a generous package of scholarships for outstanding students who enrol for an MSc programme in 2015/16. Our Scholarships for Excellence are worth 60% of … Read more

Thirlwall Visiting Research Fellow

Professor Kevin Nell from the University of Porto will be visiting the School of Economics as a Thirlwall Visiting Research Fellow from 14-17 October. Professors … Read more

Nobel Laureate Meeting 2014

In August 2014, Dr Wei Jiang was selected among other promising young economists worldwide to attend the 5th Lindau Meeting of Laureates of the Sveriges … Read more

From gold to paper and back again

Starting his series on the history and science of monetary policy, Jagjit Chadha examines the gold standard in his Gresham College lecture: