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Vice-Chancellor’s update – 11 February 2021

Work continues to put arrangements in place to support a possible return to campus from 8 March. We are working on the basis that any return to face-to-face teaching will be phased with the prioritisation of specific student groups. However, any return is dependent on public health advice and we are hoping for more certainty when the Government announces the outcome of its review of current restrictions which is scheduled for the week beginning 22 February.

The Office for Students (OfS) has confirmed that it will be providing additional funding of £50m to the sector to help address student hardship. Of this money, £40m is for rent-related hardship, with the remaining £10m being added to the hardship fund previously announced late last year. Together with Kent Union, we are now working hard to ensure students are aware of the Covid-19 Hardship Fund as well as other sources of emergency hardship funds that we have available.

This week’s severe weather has brought us additional challenges and, on behalf of students and staff who are on campus, I would like to say a special thank you all those in Commercial Services and Estates who have been working hard to keep the Canterbury campus running and clear of snow and ice.

I also wanted to flag the work that is being done by members of the LGBT+ Staff Network who, once again, have organised a series of events to mark national LGBT+ History Month. Established in 2005, the Month provides an opportunity to celebrate LGBT+ histories and cultures. This year’s events include LGBT in Lockdown and This Is Not My First Pandemic, which seek to highlight the impact of HIV/AIDS and Coronavirus, drawing parallels between the two. As the University’s LGBT+ champion, I am hugely appreciative of the work done by members of the Network on top of their already considerable workloads and thank them for all that they do for our community.

With my very best wishes to you and your families,


Professor Karen Cox | Vice-Chancellor and President

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Covid-19 Update – 11 February 2021 

Students’ return to campus 

According to the current Government guidelines, universities have been required to suspend face-to-face teaching for the majority of study programmes until at least 8 March 2021. New guidance is due to published during week commencing 22 February 2021. We expect this updated guidance to recommend a probable phased return to campus, prioritising students who need access to specialist equipment or facilities. Divisions are currently developing plans outlining which cohorts of their students should be prioritised for return and will be completing this work shortly.

Our teaching spaces are being reorganised to allow for two-metre social distancing, and this will significantly impact the number of students that can be taught face-to-face in any single session. Assuming the Government does allow students to return to campus, preparatory work will take place in the fortnight before to organise accommodation, HR policies, on-campus facilities and other student-facing areas.

Any additional staff required to work on campus will be contacted by HR at least a week in advance so they can make the necessary arrangements. Further information regarding returning to work on campus is available on the Staff Coronavirus webpages.

Regular testing for Covid-19 

As the number of students and staff accessing campus increases, it is vital that regular testing for Covid-19 takes place. The Government recommends that individuals without symptoms are tested twice each week and you can do so at our campus testing facilities at both Canterbury and Medway.

There are currently no reported positive cases of Covid-19 at the University; however, with many students still living off-campus or at their permanent homes, this may not necessarily be an accurate reflection. It is important that all positive cases are reported via the Student and Staff procedures so do please encourage all students and staff to do so.

Since 7 September 2020, there have been 392 reported positive cases among our student population and 33 amongst our staff. These cases reflect community spread rather than transmission through any University teaching and learning activities. This is testament to the hard work and commitment of our whole University community to keep each other safe.


Learn how colleagues are creating and delivering sessions online

The E-Learning Team are pleased to announce that the next event in our series of ‘Digitally Enhanced Education webinars’ will take place on Friday 5 March, from 10.00-12.10, with the theme ‘Pedagogy and Practice when Teaching Online’.

Please find the agenda for the event below:

10.00 – 10.05 – Dr Phil Anthony: Introduction

10.05 – 10.20 – Sideeq Mohammed (University of Kent): Lessons Learned from Teaching a 550-Student Blended Learning Module

10.20 – 10.35 – Pip McDonald (Royal Agricultural University): Indiana Jones and the Temple of Zoom. A Transnational Online Pivot Adventure

10.35 – 10.50 – Dominik Lukes (Oxford University): What should educators know about User Experience and User Interface Design: Lessons for learning and teaching

10.50 – 11.05 – Joseph Berry (University of Birmingham): Digital Fieldwork During Lockdown

11.05 – 11.20 – David Bedford (University of Kent): How academic departments and librarians can work together to help students develop important skills

11.20 – 11.35 – Terese Bird (University of Leicester): Learning Medicine Mobile, Online, Blended, and Hybrid

11.35 – 11.50 – Debbie Holley & John Moran (University of Bournemouth): Creating, supporting and sharing: moving value-based learning online

11.50 – 12.05 – Future Teacher project: Lilian Soon (University of York), Alistair McNaught & Ron Mitchell: Supporting skills in online delivery by modeling good practices

12.05 – 12.10 – Phil Anthony: Wrap-up

If you would like to join the webinar series, please express your interest by enrolling on the Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars Moodle module, or by requesting access to the Team ‘Digitally Enhanced Education webinars‘ linked to the webinar series.

We hope to see you there.

Dr Phil Anthony
Learning Technologist | Division of Natural Sciences & KBS

Marsh family singing their song 'Totally fixed where we are'

The Marsh family go viral…again!

Dr Ben Marsh of Kent’s School of History, Danielle Marsh of Kent Business School (KBS) and family have once again recorded a song which has gone viral.

Adapted from Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ their version ‘Totally Fixed Where We Are’ reflects on people’s current feelings and frustrations during the third lockdown.

Becoming internet sensations with their first song ‘One Day More’ back in March 2020, the Marsh family have once again appeared on television for an interview with BBC Breakfast.

You can find a link to their video on our Twitter post or watch their latest performance on their YouTube channel.

Kent People: Talent and Organisational Development team

What’s new in your team and why have you changed your name from Learning & Organisational Development?

We used to offer learning and development at Kent in a trusted and traditional way, with a heavy reliance on classroom training. We’re now moving towards a ‘blended’ model. There will still be plenty of opportunities to engage with colleagues in bite-sized training sessions but also greater access to e-learning. This means we can reach more colleagues, giving them the freedom to learn away from the classroom, at a time that suits them.

So ‘Talent & Organisational Development’ better represents our support for the University’s strategic plans and what’s happening elsewhere in our profession. It’s important to make sure learning and development isn’t a standalone activity, but part of a more holistic approach to people development at Kent.

Who’s who within your team?

From top left: Claire Chapman, Loretta Izod, Amy Terry; middle left: Clemence Marest, Lyn McBriar, Kitty Fairweather; bottom left: Jena Dady.

The first person you’re likely to meet is Kitty Fairweather, our T&OD Co-ordinator. Kitty manages our team email box ( and is always happy to respond to general enquiries. As well as co-ordinating learning and development activities, Kitty works on a range of T&OD projects including communications and budget.

Our team is headed up by Clemence Marest, Assistant Director. Clemence is the strategic lead for our full T&OD remit, including Employee Apprenticeships and equality, diversity and inclusion. Clemence has a particular interest in how we can best develop talent and maximise the potential of staff across the organisation. She ensures that best practice and current thinking, both within and outside HE, are reflected in the design and delivery of our leadership development.

In 2020, we created two exciting new posts for Talent & Digital Learning Specialists. We were delighted that Jena Dady (previously L&OD Adviser) secured one of these posts. We also welcomed Amy Terry, who joined us from Saga. Jena and Amy have been working hard developing and shaping our new digital content and modules. A great example of this is our Future of Work e-learning suite on Staff Training Moodle. Here, you’ll find practical tips and guidance on working remotely, managing remote teams and support for staff wellbeing.

Loretta Izod, our Employee Apprenticeships Manager, offers specialist advice and guidance to the University regarding Apprenticeships and, in particular, how Kent can maximise the Government’s Apprenticeship Levy. Loretta is the ‘go to’ person for those interested in the opportunities Apprenticeships can open up for divisions, departments and individuals.

We have two T&OD Consultants, Claire Chapman and Lyn McBriar, who provide specialist professional learning and development support. Claire and Lyn work closely with the new academic divisions, central directorates and networks of partners to support the identification, design, delivery and evaluation of an expanding range of learning and organisational development initiatives.

Can you tell us more about your immediate plans?

Since our new structure went live in September last year, our focus has been on rationalising and prioritising how we deliver our service to staff.

As well as the new e-learning content, we’ve refreshed and updated many of our mandatory training modules (like Unconscious Bias). We’ve also introduced new sessions such as Assertive Communications and Trans Awareness.

We’re continuing to translate our leadership and management training into engaging and accessible format (for example, our Crucial Conversations and leadership programmes).

From an EDI perspective, we’re committed to doing all we can to ensure an environment and culture that support a balanced, inclusive and diverse community

What else do you have in mind for the longer-term?

We’ve lots of exciting projects planned for the future!  

For example, we’ll be continuing to develop our digital offer on Staff Moodle and also making the most of opportunities offered by Employee Apprenticeships.

We also have a number of University-wide projects underway to update our Induction and support career development and mentoring partnerships.

In time, many of these key projects will feed into the development of a talent development strategy for Kent. This will help us ensure that University leaders are supported, and that future leaders are identified, nurtured and developed to confidently take on relevant strategic leadership roles.

How can interested colleagues find out more/get involved?

We’d love to hear from you! Do connect with us and we’ll continue to keep you updated as our own plans and services develop further.

To get involved, you can:

  • Check out our blog for our latest news and what’s happening in the world of T&OD
  • Explore our range of e-learning sessions on Staff Training Moodle
  • Join our Staff Training Teams channel so that you won’t miss out on news of upcoming sessions, including those provided by our internal and external partners
  • Book onto training via Staff Connect – you can check out a short video explaining how it works and another video showing how to book
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Email us at: for general enquiries or to find out more about Employee Apprenticeships.
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Covid-19 student update – 5 February 2021

From Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

I hope you are well and enjoying your Term 2 studies despite the current challenges.

The latest Government briefing outlines that universities should continue to provide online teaching for most study programmes until at least 8 March 2021 and that you should not return to campus unless for a specific reason. If you have any questions about what this means for your teaching, do please speak with your module convener or academic school/department.

No detriment

Many of you have raised questions concerning your progression during this academic year. I understand this is a concerning time and want to reassure you that the University is focused on this very important area of work.

This year, we will be using a range of different academic mitigation methods to ensure no student is disadvantaged by the pandemic. We have already implemented many changes to our teaching and student support and have now published information on how we will be continuing to do this throughout the year in our No detriment measures for 2021.

Student support

I understand this is a difficult year however must stress how important it is that you remain committed to your studies. There is a wealth of help and support available to ensure you continue to develop academically and achieve the learning outcomes you need to progress and graduate.

Our new Head of Colleges, Jacqui Double, has written a brief introduction to the support available from your College and Community Life team no matter where you may be living at present.

We have a number of emergency funding options to help any student in financial need and instructions on how to apply are online. Please contact our Financial Aid teamKent Union or GKSU if you at all unsure whether or not you are eligible or which option might be best for you. They will be happy to help you.

Covid-19 testing for students in term-time accommodation

To those students who are living on-campus or accessing University facilities under the Government’s exemptions, I must urge you get tested for Covid-19. You should have two tests 3-5 days apart on your return to your term time address or self-isolate for ten days. After that you should be regularly tested twice a week. Please book your tests now and get tested at our on campus testing sites at both Canterbury and Medway. This is a vital part of the Government’s strategy to combat the virus.

Web chat

The next Student WebChat is on tuition fees and student finance and will take place on Wednesday 10 February 13.00-14.00. The booking form is now available online.

New weekly updates

From this Monday, 8 February, we’ll be sending you a new brief weekly update of the main student events of the week, top tips and quick links to key support services and information informed by the feedback we receive from you and the questions raised at our WebChats.

We will continue updating our website as often as we can. Please do continue to email with any urgent enquiries and we will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued dedication to your studies.

With best wishes,


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

Award of Honorary Degrees in 2021 and onwards

The next meeting of the University’s Honorary Degrees Committee will take place in March 2021 and we are looking for nominations for the award of honorary degrees for the consideration of the Committee.

Anyone can put forward a nomination and to ensure the award of honorary degrees across a broad range of academic disciplines and subject areas it would be helpful to receive a number from each Division (for example one from each School/Centre).

You can find all the necessary information, including the nomination form on the honorary degree nominations webpage.

Nominations should be returned by 25 February 2021 by email to

NUE Awards 2021 Shortlisted_

Kent shortlisted for excellent careers support

The Careers and Employability Service at the University of Kent has again been shortlisted for ‘Best University Careers Service’ in the upcoming National Undergraduate Employability Awards.  The awards celebrate excellence in undergraduate employability, and are judged by a mix of graduate recruiters and professional bodies, who are looking for excellence in delivery as well as innovation and proactive industry engagement.  The Careers and Employability Service last won this award in 2017, and has continued to develop and grow.  Last year, they supported thousands of students, delivering 6,342 appointments, with 8,000 students attending events.

‘We are very proud of what we have been able to achieve in recent years, changing the way we work to better meet student need.  We have increased student engagement by 80% over 3 years, and hope to continue building on this success. Students and graduates are entering a challenging labour market, with graduate jobs running at about 70% of 2019 levels.  This means that Kent students and graduates need to be prepared to compete harder for roles, which is where effective career planning, application writing, and interview preparation are key’.

James Corbin, Head of Careers and Employability

If you would like to speak to someone in the Careers and Employability Service about supporting your students, you can contact James on There is also a wealth of staff resources, including advice for Academic Advisers on the Careers and Employability Service website.

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Covid-19 update – 4 February 2021

Students returning to campus

The Government has announced further guidance concerning students’ return to campus and this outlines how the majority should not return to campus until at least 8 March 2021. This date links to the continual roll out of the vaccine programme and, by this time, the four priority population groups should have been vaccinated.

The Government intends to conduct a review of the vaccination programme during week commencing 15 February and this will be announced the following week with an outline of how higher education institutions should provide teaching and student experience for the remainder of the Spring Term. It is likely that a phased return will be recommended, prioritising those students who need access to specialist facilities to complete their study programmes and those in their final year.

We currently have approximately 1,200 students on campus and this number is increasing. It is vital that any students and staff who are working on campus or using campus facilities are tested twice a week for Covid-19. This is a very important part of the Government’s strategy to reduce the spread of the virus. Twice weekly testing is available at our asymptomatic test sites at both Canterbury and Medway.

Professor Karen Cox

Vice-Chancellor’s update – 4 February 2021

As many of us continue to feel the strain of living and working with the impact of Covid-19, the Executive Group is actively considering ways we can ease the pressure on staff.

You will know from the email sent to all staff by Alison Ross-Green, Director of HR and Organisational Development, that we now have agreed that RPD paperwork and the requirement for formal probationary paperwork, apart from academic probation plans, should be suspended for this academic year.

We are now looking at what further short-term adjustments can be made and we will keep you updated on this work. In addition, our longer-term project ‘How We Work’ will consider our key processes with the aim of minimising the administrative burden on staff. Please let us know your ideas on the changes we could make in order to achieve this.

This week the staff webchat focused on online learning teaching, practice and advice and covered a wide range of areas including our revised no-detriment policy, the approach to exams and technical support available. If you were unable to attend this meeting, a recording of the meeting has now been included on the webpage.

While much of our focus is inevitably on how we manage the impact of Covid-19, a great deal of work continues across the University in support of our engagement with the wider world.

Last week, we held a ‘Kent in Europe’ special event designed to support our continued commitment to our European partnerships and our links with the world at large. Over 40 of our partner institutions took part including representation from the SGroup Universities in Europe, of which we are a member, and the 3i Network, a new initiative we have formed together with Universiteit Gent, KU Leuven and the Université de Lille.

The event provided us with the opportunity to present our new Signature Research Themes and to explore future collaborative opportunities under Horizon Europe and the new Turing scheme which replaces the UK’s participation in Erasmus+.  My thanks go to all those involved in organising such an exciting event.

Best wishes to you and your families,


Professor Karen Cox | Vice-Chancellor and President