Category Archives: Uncategorized

Old family photo of South Asian family (provided by student EDI Officer Becky Lamyman).

South Asian Heritage Week: Seeking your family stories

Did your family come to Britain from South Asia in the 30s, 40s, 50s or later? Are you proud of both your British and South Asian heritage? Do you have a family history and story that you would love to share?

South Asian Heritage Week is being celebrated for the first time at Kent from the 28 March to the 1 April.

Alongside an exciting programme of events and activities taking place, we are looking to create an oral history exhibition exploring the culture and heritage of our British South Asian students and staff and are looking for students and staff participants. 

We are looking for stories and photographs showcasing family life, both in South Asian and in Britain, from the first day at school to the last day at work, from going on holiday to a family celebration.

We are particularly interested in the migration stories of your grandparents or great-grandparents, told either with their words or the words of other family members about their journey to Britain.

Key questions to explore could be:

  • How did you come to Britain?
  • Why did you choose to come to Britain?
  • What were your expectations versus reality?

We will be turning your family heritage into a display in Keynes Atrium to run throughout the duration of the week.  You can submit your stories either as a word document or as an oral recording.

The featured image in this story is a family photo from our Student EDI Officer Becky Lamyman, showing her grandmother, mother and uncles. We’d love to see your family photos too.

We are very interested in photos, including those of family life both in South Asian and in Britain right up to modern day. These can be submitted independently of a story if preferred.  Please submit these in a digital format with a relevant caption. 

If anyone is interested in writing a blog post about their memories, identity, family traditions or any other topic then these would also be most welcome.

Please do ensure that you have permission from the relevant family members to share the stories and pictures.

If you are interested in taking part, or if you want more information, please contact Becky Lamyman, Student EDI Officer on for a participation form. 

The deadline for all entries is Wednesday 9 March 2022.

Join Professor Dame Jane Francis for the latest in the Stephen Gray lecture series (March 23)

Join us on March 23 from 16:00 for the latest in the Stephen Gray lecture series.

The Stephen Gray Lectures are a series of talks named after one of Canterbury’s most prominent scientists. Gray had a broad range of interests spanning from solar astronomy to palaeontology but he is best known for his seminal experiments demonstrating electrical conduction and insulation (1729). The lecture takes place annually at the University of Kent’s main campus in Canterbury. It is organised by the university’s Division of Natural Sciences.

This March the series bring to you a talk by Professor Dame Jane Francis. This free hybrid event will be held on Zoom and in person (Covid permitting) with an opportunity to put forward your questions. Join us on March 23 from 16:00-17:30. During this public talk Dame Jane will discuss the topics of ‘Greenhouse to Icehouse: fossils of forests and dinosaurs amid icesheets of Antarctica’.

Submit your questions for Professor Dame Jane Francis

After the lecture, Professor Francis will be joined by a panel of experts from the University of Kent for a round-table discussion of questions posed by audience members. If you have questions for our panel of for Professor Francis, you can forward them to in advance of the event. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions during the event itself.

About Professor Dame Jane Francis

Professor Francis is Director of the British Antarctic Survey, a research centre of the Natural Environment Research Council (UKRI-NERC). She is involved with international polar organisations, such as the Antarctic Treaty and European Polar Board, and on several advisory boards of national polar programmes.

Jane Francis is a geologist by training, with research interests in past climate change. She has undertaken research projects at the universities of Southampton, London, Leeds and Adelaide, using fossil plants to determine the change from greenhouse to icehouse climates in the Polar Regions over the past 100 million years. She has undertaken over 15 scientific expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica in search of fossil forests.

Jane was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (DCMG) in recognition of services to UK polar science and diplomacy. She was also awarded the UK Polar Medal by H.M. The Queen is Chancellor of the University of Leeds, and a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Tickets for this event are free, and you can book an in-person or virtual ticket on our Eventbrite page:

Darren Griffin is raising money for infertility by running many, many miles!

Professor Darren Griffin is raising money for the Donor Conception Network and Fertility Network UK by running… A LOT! Darren is a self-professed non athlete, but is challenging himself for these amazing causes.

Infertility affects 1 in 6 people of reproductive age all over the world. The Fertility Network UK is a unique national charity that provides free support for people experiencing fertility related issues. The charity has been running for over 2 years and provides a sorely needed, unbiased service that helps people deal with the repercussions of infertility.

The Donor Conception Network is a supportive charity network for families with children conceived with donated sperm, eggs, and embryos; alongside those thinking about, or undergoing donor conception procedures and for donor conceived people themselves. The Target:

  • The Brighton Marathon on April 10th
  • 9x5K park runs – 3 down 7 to go!
  • 2 half marathons the first February 27th!!!!!
  • 10 miles race – Completed in Canterbury
  • 3x10km runs – One is Ashford already down!
  • Virtual walk “Lands End to John O’ Groats” – 400 miles done!

Dig deep into your pockets, dive behind the sofa and support Darren to reach his target.

Follow Darren on social media as the plan unfolds and use the hashtag #NextGenFertility.


Discussion with Kent Refugee Action Network on 23 February

23 February, 15:00-17:00, Grimond Seminar Room 1 – Workshop and Discussion with Kent Refugee Action Network. 

Recently awarded the Hans Albrecht Foundation Human Rights Award 2022, Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN) work with separated young refugee and asylum seekers who have arrived in Kent alone and are claiming asylum. At this workshop, Dr Razia Shariff (CEO, KRAN) and Osama (a KRAN Youth Ambassador) will talk about the organisation’s core work and about their current efforts to counter the incoming Nationality and Borders Bill.  

Dr Razia Shariff has over 25 years of experience working in senior management in the third sector in London and Kent for arts regeneration, training providers, community empowerment networks and development trusts. She was previously Head of the Knowledge Exchange Team of the ESRC Third Sector Research Centre. She has held several trustee roles for women’s charities.  

Osama is one of the first Youth Ambassadors at KRAN. Originally Syrian, he has been in KRAN as a service user and later as an employee for over three years. He is studying Computer Science. 

The Gulbenkian with red flowers at the forefront of the image.

Covid-19 Update: Changes to Covid Restrictions

From Martin Atkinson | Director of HR and Organisational Development

Last night the Prime Minister outlined the Government’s ‘living with Covid’ plan, including an announcement that all legal Covid restrictions in England will end this Thursday. Further changes to testing provision will also follow from 1 April.

This will have a number of implications for us at Kent, with keeping our campuses safe still our key focus as it has been throughout our response to Covid. While we work through the Higher Education-specific guidance, for now all of our current recommendations remain in place – including testing regularly, isolating if you have Covid symptoms, and wearing masks in crowded indoor spaces.

I will be in touch with a further update shortly once we are clear on any changes we need to make in the weeks and months ahead.

With all good wishes,


Martin Atkinson | Director of HR & Organisational Development

Aerial view of Canterbury

Covid-19 Update: Changes to Covid restrictions

From Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education and Student Experience

Last night the Prime Minister outlined the Government’s ‘living with Covid’ plan, including an announcement that all legal Covid restrictions in England will end this Thursday. Further changes to testing will also follow from 1 April. 

We are currently working through what this will mean for us at Kent, with keeping students, staff and visitors safe still our key priority. In the meantime, all of our current recommendations remain in place – including testing regularly, isolating if you have Covid symptoms, and wearing masks in crowded indoor spaces. 

My thanks to all of you for your continued support in our response to Covid, which has been a big part of keeping infections as low as possible throughout. I will be in touch with a further update shortly once we are clear on any changes we need to make in the weeks and months ahead. 

With all good wishes, 

Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education and Student Experience

Loretta Finch wins the Apprenticeship Champion for Covid-19 award

National Apprenticeships Week 2022 (NAW) took place between the 7 – 13 February 2022, the 15th annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships.

Bringing businesses and apprentices together

The week brought together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses, and the wider economy.

Build the future

The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2022 was ‘build the future’. This reflected on how apprenticeships can help individuals develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, whilst businesses develop a talented workforce that is equipped with future-ready skills.

Loretta Finch wins the Apprenticeship Champion for Covid-19 award

Loretta Finch is the Employee Apprenticeship Manager and has built employee apprenticeships from nothing over the last 5 years. There is now a well defined process which is used to recruit new staff, provide development roles and aid in personal development for individuals. During NAW, Loretta supplied updates and information on what Kent does via the T&OD teams site and SharePoint to raise further awareness of the benefit of apprentices.

As part of NAW, creative and content agency Pillory Barn organised the East Kent Apprenticeship Awards (EKAA), in partnership with the EKC Group. These awards showcase what is being achieved across the sectors engaged with apprenticeships. It celebrates outstanding apprenticeships, employers and those who go above and beyond to champion these opportunities.

We are pleased to announce Loretta Finch won the Apprenticeship Champion for Covid-19 award! Loretta was recognised for the work she did in supporting breaks in learning, increased the number of apprentices, supported the recruitment and induction of a number of apprentices, refreshed the strategy and ensured the spend of the levy.

This award is well deserved and T&OD hopes you will join us in congratulating Loretta for her outstanding work.

If you would like more information on Apprenticeships please contact Loretta on or take a look at the T&OD Apprenticeship SharePoint page

Training Opportunities: February – April 2022

The T&OD are happy to share a number of upcoming Training Opportunities, open to all staff, which will be running from February to April. A full overview on what’s on offer can be found in our latest SharePoint News Story – Training Opportunities: February – April 2022.

Here’s a glimpse of what’s on offer to you:

RPD Process and Preparation Training, Wednesday 24 February, 15.00 – 16.30

At the end of the session you will:

•Understand the purpose of appraisals (RPDs)
•Be aware of how the process for recording appraisals (RPDS) via Staff Connect
•Be able to prepare for and participate/ hold an effective, informed, transparent discussion, understanding your own needs and those of the organisation

Eligibility Checking Refresher Training, Monday 28 February, 14.00 – 15.00

This training is for staff who are current right to work signatories and who have attended the main session, but may not do right to work checks on a regular basis, or have not done a check recently and would like a refresher in the process. The training will ensure staff feel confident to continue undertaking right to work checks.

Menopause Awareness, Wednesday 2 March, 12.30 – 13.30

This Positive Pause’s empowering session is designed to help you feel more confident talking about & understanding menopause!

  • Myth busting Menopause – what everyone needs to know: the phases, stages and impact on personal & work life.
  • Recognising & understanding the symptoms of perimenopause & menopause.
  • Outlining options & strategies available for managing symptoms.
  • Signposting resources that may help.
  • How to have conversations about menopause, as a woman and/or as part of the line management process.
Kent logo

Storm Eunice: Campus Update

From Nikki Hyde | Deputy Director HR and Organisational Development

Thank you to everyone involved for the prompt response to today’s campus closure following the impact of Storm Eunice. Whilst an Amber warning remains in place until 21.00, the Met Office’s ‘Red’ warning for the South East has now passed and at this stage the impact on our campuses has been largely contained. 

With the forecast improving, our assumption is that our Canterbury and Medway campuses will return to being open as normal tomorrow. Any planned activity can therefore continue as scheduled over the weekend. 

Please do continue to take care and limit any unnecessary travel into this evening while the storm continues to pass through. There are also a number of road closures and other transport disruption affecting Kent and Medway so please check ahead before you travel. 

Thanks again and safe journeys home to all of our essential workers on campus.


Nikki Hyde | Deputy Director HR and Organisational Development


Care first fortnightly webinars

Our official Employee Assistance Programme provider, Care first offers a numbers of services and provide useful advice and support. 

Due to the stabilisting situation of Covid, they’ll be doing a side-range of webinar topics. Here’s the schedule for the next two weeks:

Week commencing 21 February 2022

Monday 21 February – ‘Your counselling call to Care first’ – This webinar provides an overview of what you can expect when making a call to the counselling help line. 
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Wednesday 23 February – ‘How Care first can support you’ – A webinar for awareness and how to access the EAP service provided by Care first. 
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Friday 25 February – ‘Supporting care givers – In line with ‘You can care week’– This session looks at the role of care givers and how compassion fatigue and burnout can impact mental health.
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Week commencing 28 February 2022

Monday 28 February – ‘Practical information and advice through Care first’ – The webinar provides detail about our Information Specialists and their role as part of your EAP service.
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Wednesday 2 March – ‘How Care first can support you’ – A webinar for awareness and how to access the EAP service provided by Care first. 
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Friday 4 March – ‘Regaining confidence in social interaction’ – A webinar providing tips and encouraging discussion on how to reintroduce social interaction after a difficult two years
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up