Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bike hire returns to campus

The Cycle Hub, our on-campus bike hire facility, has reopened for weekly and termly bike hire for all students and staff. Hire from a range of bikes and enjoy cycling around campus or take in the beautiful Kent countryside.

Hire prices are £50 for a term, £20 for one week*. To hire a bike, please visit the Cycle Hub at The Pavilion or complete the online form.

We also offer a range of maintenance services and shop items. See our website for more details

The Cycle Hub is open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 14.00 and 18.00.

*A refundable deposit of £50 is required for both hire periods.

EVER:LAND at night

This is a walking event taking place on the 28 & 29 October at 18.00 for people who identify as female or non-binary.

Meet us at the Gulbenkian and join us for an evening walk to a secret location, where you’ll get a totally new view of our beautiful campus.

Ever:land at Night is a rare opportunity to be at one with nature, after dark, as part of a small group, sharing an immersive experience of landscape, and personal stories of our relationship to other life forms. This is collective time outside in the spirit of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing).

Following the lead of the Reclaim the Streets movement, EVER:LAND, led by artist and curator Emma Leach, is exclusively for people who identify as female or non-binary.

Students are free.

Staff can use code EVER50 to get £2.50 tickets.

Book ahead as spaces are limited for each walk.

To book please visit the Gulbenkian website.

Wellbeing photo challenge – open to all Medway students and staff

If you’re a student or staff member on our Medway campus  this photo challenge is an opportunity for you to share an image or moment that made you smile.

Enter this free photography competition to win great prizes!

How to enter

The competition closing date for entries has now been extended until 21 October 2022 at 17:00. (Late, incomplete, corrupt or inappropriate entries will not be accepted.)

Please email your image (1 image per entry) to Medway Campus Chaplaincy with the following information:

  • Your name, contact email address
  • A few words telling us the story behind your image (optional)
  • The name you are happy to be made public

The winner and two runners up will be chosen by Medway Campus Chaplaincy and will be notified directly via email.

All winning photos will also be shared on the Drill Hall Library social media and in the Medway Campus Chaplaincy blog.

All participating photos will be part of an exhibition in the Drill Hall Library.

The winning prizes are provided by the Medway Campus Chaplaincy.

1st prize:  £25 Amazon Gift Voucher & a goodie bag

2nd prize: £15 Amazon Gift Voucher

3rd prize: £10 Amazon Gift Voucher

To find out how to enter visit the Medway website.


Get involved in this year’s VC’s Cup

Looking for a break from your daily work routine? Want to meet new members of staff and engage with your colleagues in a fun and social environment? Then entering a team in this year’s Vice-Chancellor’s Cup (VC’s Cup) is just the thing for you and your department.

 Our VC’s Cup programme is delivered by your friendly Kent Sport – Sports Development Team (Charlie, Billy and Dean) and offers a light-hearted, inclusive and fair inter departmental events programme for all staff across the University of Kent, regardless of ability, experience or fitness levels.

From November 2022 to September 2023 staff departments across the University of Kent compete twice a month against each other in a series of different activities, including but not limited to volleyball, benchball, The Cube, rounders, golf, pub games and more. Last year we had 14 teams including Kent Business School, Division of Human and Social Sciences, Estates, Central Student Administration Office, Division of Computing and, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Kent Union and more.

Typically departments engage during two lunch hours (12pm-1pm or 1pm-2pm) a month. The Sports Development Team contact team captains and vice captains a week prior to each event to inform them of the location, time and rules of the upcoming activity. All you need to do is get a few colleagues together and show up. You will then play against other departments and begin scoring points. At the end of each event, the Sports Development Team tally the results and share these with all the teams. These results count towards your overall ranking and at the end of the last event, our Quiz and Presentation evening, the VC Cup champion is crowned.

Deadline for entries is Friday 28 October at 17.00 – get your entry in now by emailing

You can find out more about the Vice-Chancellor’s Cup, what’s happening and when on the VC’s Cup webpages.

The Sports Development Team look forward to hearing from you! 

What the second round of the KEF means for you

Introducing KEF2: what the second round of the Knowledge Exchange Framework means for you

The second iteration of the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF2) was published last month, providing us, businesses and other users with a clearer understanding of how the University of Kent’s knowledge exchange activity compares to that of other higher education institutions in the UK.

Why is this important? Because knowledge exchange is the third pillar of  University assessment, alongside the REF and TEF, and has long been at the heart of our research and innovation activities. Knowledge exchange is any process through which academic ideas and insights are shared beyond the university, and external perspectives and experiences brought into academia – which includes everything from business workshops and graduate start-ups to commercialisation and public engagement.

Research England developed the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) as a tool to track this activity across English Higher Education Providers. The KEF groups similar universities into clusters, depending on size, research output, and specialism, and then examines knowledge exchange activities in relation to 7 aspects. Each aspects is measured in 5 quintiles, ranging from very low engagement to very high engagement. The KEF is a benchmarking exercise to measure knowledge exchange activities against peers in the cluster, but is not a ranking or league table.

The first iteration of the KEF (KEF1) was published in March 2021, and Kent was placed in Cluster X, which is defined as “large, high research intensive and broad-discipline universities undertaking a significant amount of excellent research”. Other universities in this cluster include Bath, Birkbeck, Brunel, Durham, East Anglia, Essex, Exeter, Hull, Keele, Lancaster, Leicester, Loughborough, LSE, Reading, Royal Holloway, SOAS, Surrey, Sussex, and York.

Our results for the second iteration of the KEF were published on Tuesday 27 September 2022. Overall, they reflect the amazing KE work being done across divisions at Kent and show that, while Kent has some areas that need development, there is excellent progress being made.

Now the Knowledge Exchange and External Engagement team – responsible for gathering the data which feeds into the KEF – would like to give you an opportunity to explore the KEF2 results in more detail. They will be hosting a webinar alongside the DVC of Research and Innovation, Shane Weller, and Director of Research and Innovation Services, Kerry Barber, to talk through Kent’s KEF2 results and what they mean for you.

Sign up to the staff webinar taking place at 2pm on Thursday 20 October

Following this webinar, you’ll have another opportunity to ask questions about the KEF2 at in-person drop-ins with Cat Tate (Knowledge Exchange and Engagement Manager) and Joe Jones (Knowledge Exchange Officer) on 10 and 11 November. Keep an eye out for more details about these closer to the time!

If you have any questions about the KEF or are wondering whether these sessions are relevant to you, please get in touch with the team at You can also find out more about the University of Kent’s commitment to knowledge exchange on our website.

English language course launched at Ukraine’s Kherson State University

On Monday 3 October, the International Programmes team, part of Global and Lifelong Learning, launched a new 10-week pre-sessional English language course for staff and students at Kherson State University, Ukraine.

The pre-sessional English language course helps enhance students’ skills in academic reading, writing and critical thinking, while also helping them gain experience with using academic sources. These skills are invaluable for students looking to conduct further studies in English and helps prepare them for listening effectively in lectures and classes, and for taking notes. It also gives participants a chance to practice speaking in seminars and delivering academic presentations.

According to Anthony Manning, Director and Dean of Global and Lifelong Learning, “We are delighted to welcome the staff and students of KSU to our classes this term. The war in Ukraine has presented the KSU community with a wide range of challenges and our staff have been pleased to support in this small way. It’s inspirational to see how committed, determined, and positive staff and students at KSU remain, despite the obvious impact and unpredictability that their circumstances bring on a daily basis. I’m sure that we at Kent are learning just as much as our colleagues in Ukraine from collaborating in this way.”

Since the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine in February this year, the University of Kent has been supporting Ukrainians effected by the conflict in various ways but has also twinned with Kherson State University as part of a nation-wide initiative organised by UUK and Cormack Consultancy. The Twinning agreement allows our two universities to continue collaborating over the coming years to help Kherson colleagues continue to deliver educational programmes during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Last month, as part of this agreement, the University of Kent successfully delivered 100 laptops and other equipment to Ukraine to support Kherson State, and we will be launching a new Think Kent for Kherson State lecture series in November.

You can find out more about our work to support Kherson State by reading our news story.

Staff mindfulness sessions starting on 13 October

Regular staff Mindfulness drop-ins

Occupational Health will be providing monthly online Mindfulness drop-ins for staff once a month from October to July this academic year. Sessions will take place on Teams from 8am to 8.50am on the second Thursday of each month (first Thursday in April).

Who will run the sessions?

These drop-in meditation and discussion sessions will be led by Lorraine Millard, an experienced psychotherapist and registered Mindfulness instructor who has spent many years working as a counsellor at the University. Lorraine has run Mindfulness sessions for staff on and off over the years, and you may have come across promotion of her regular Mindfulness sessions for students.

What will the sessions involve?

The sessions will involve an introduction to Mindfulness practice and theory, followed by a guided meditation (think Headspace in a group setting!) and an opportunity to discuss any observations and concerns which might arise from this. This will be a great way to learn more about Mindfulness and how to incorporate it into the working day, as well as a chance to connect with likeminded staff from across the University.

How do I join?

To receive a Teams invitation, please email, specifying that you are a staff member.


Our new brand toolkit is coming!

At this year’s Staff Conference we introduced the new brand identity for Kent, centred around the theme of Ambition. Since then we’ve been working on rolling this out across the University, with our new website homepage live at the end of September, updated social media pages in place and recruitment campaigns being built in the new brand. If you’ve been walking round our campuses you may have also spotted changes to signage and some of our Open Day materials too! 

The next stage of this is to support you, wherever you work, in how you can make use of the new brand too. It may be you just want to update your email signature or pull together a quick presentation, or you may be planning an event that needs wider promotion. Whatever level of support you need, we will be providing templates and guidance to help make your comms look right and sound right – making ambition count! 

We’re aiming to have the new Brand Book available online next week, which will have comprehensive guidance on the new brand. This will be supported by key templates including: 

  • PowerPoint template 
  • Social Media templates 
  • Email signature 
  • Email headers, footers and templates 
  • Poster template 
  • Video start and end frames 
  • Stationery 

Alongside this will be tone of voice guidance, top tips on using images and advice on what to do yourself and when the Design team are there to help.  

Watch our brand video and look out for more updates next week! 

Professor Karen Cox, Vice-Chancellor

Vice-Chancellor’s start of term update

Colleagues – I hope the new academic year has started well for you all. There is so much going on across the University I thought it might be helpful to communicate directly and more regularly going forward, sharing especially external updates but also importantly, what we are discussing at Executive Group.

Higher Education in the external landscape

Externally, we now have Kit Malthouse as the new Secretary of State for Education and Andrea Jenkyns has been appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Skills, Further and Higher Education). We’ll have to see what this means in practice but it’s probably fair to say that Higher Education is not high on the agenda, so we are going to have to work hard as universities to ensure government is aware of the work we do and the importance of universities to their regions, economically and socially.

Cost of living support for staff and students

The economic issues mean that there are impacts across the board on the cost of living. This is impacting our students, our staff and the University as a whole. Colleagues across Kent Union and the University have been working through these issues, and have pulled together information on support for students and staff to help with addressing what we can to help our community. We are also looking at what we can do to address our energy costs and to reduce the impact of very rapidly increasing costs in this area.

We have been discussing these issues at EG over the last couple of weeks and will continue to keep them on the agenda. Other items we have covered include KentVision performance issues, which I’m very aware continue to have a real impact on colleagues. The internal IS team is working directly with the supplier to address this, while we have also commissioned an external review of the system set up to make sure that we address these issues before we add in further functionality.

Actions from the NSS results and TEF performance

EG have reviewed the NSS results and the action plans that the University and divisions have developed to address the areas where we need to improve. Thank you to everyone involved in this work, improving our student experience is a key focus for us this academic year. Linked to NSS, the Office for Students on Friday 30 September published a large amount of data, relevant for a range of regulatory purposes, including the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). We are looking carefully at all this now and what it will mean for our performance at Kent in the TEF.

Ensuring the sustainability of Arts and Humanities

We also discussed Arts and Humanities at Kent. As you may know, there has been a national decline in the popularity of many Arts and Humanities subjects for students – and Kent has been very ‘squeezed’ by competition from the Russell Group as they have expanded numbers in these areas, our numbers almost halving since ‘16/17. This is especially disappointing given how well so many of our Arts and Humanities disciplines have done in the REF. We agreed that we need to improve the financial sustainability, and that doing nothing is not an option. The next steps are to engage colleagues in feasibility work to develop a streamlined divisional structure. This work will focus on the division considering viability of courses, having fewer organisational units (Schools/Departments), and a reduced cost base.

Once the feasibility work has been undertaken, this will be reconsidered by EG. This is expected for late November. Colleagues in the Division will have the opportunity to be engaged with all of this work to shape what we do next to ensure the sustainability of Arts and Humanities at Kent. I appreciate that this is further change, and we will do all we can to support colleagues through this period.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement

Finally, thank you for your involvement in the staff conference and staff barbeques at Medway and Canterbury, and during registration and the beginning of term, providing students such a warm welcome. Thank you also to those involved in supporting the Youth Summit, welcoming almost 700 young people from local schools and colleges to focus on their voice, engaging with learning opportunities and articulating what they want to see in the future to make a better world.

We are living in turbulent times, with a new sovereign, new Prime Minister and new economic paradigm. Alongside this the recent escalation of the war in Ukraine, particularly around Kherson, and the emerging situation in Iran, where protests are being heavily restricted, has prompted enormous concern. This is especially worrying for staff and students with loved ones in each area so do seek support from your manager if this is affecting you. This also reminds us of the importance of supporting each other in our community, taking the opportunities we can to come together following the difficult Covid period.

I look forward to working with you in the months ahead, and I hope to see many of you at upcoming events or around campus.

With my best wishes
