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Professor Rosemary Hunter and Dr Rose Parfitt

Two Kent Law School academics shortlisted for SLSA prize

An article by Kent Law School Professor Rosemary Hunter and a book by Senior Lecturer Dr Rose Parfitt have been shortlisted for a Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) prize.

Professor Hunter’s article, ‘Feminist judging in the “real world”‘ (Oñati Socio-Legal Series, vol 8, n9, 2018) is shortlisted for the SLSA Article Prize. The article presents Professor Hunter’s empirical research on real world feminist judging. Drawing on case study and interview data it explores the how, when and where of feminist judging, that is, the feminist resources, tools and techniques judges have drawn upon, the stages in the hearing and decision-making process at which these resources, tools and techniques have been deployed, and the areas of law in which they have been applied. The article goes on to consider observed and potential limits on feminist judicial practice, before drawing conclusions about the comparison between ‘real world’ feminist judging and the practices of feminist judgmentally projects.

Dr Parfitt’s book,The Process of International Legal Reproduction: Inequality, Historiography, Resistance’ (Cambridge University Press, 2019) is shortlisted for the SLSA Socio-Legal Theory and History Prize. The book explores the legal historiography of the state and features new archival research. It draws upon both anti-colonial and Marxist theory for a critical examination of the role of international law in establishing and perpetuating inequalities of wealth, power and pleasure. The book has also been nominated, in the US, for the Law and Society Association’s J Willard Hurst Book Prize for socio-legal history.

Research for Dr Parfitt’s book was funded in part by a Discovery Early Career Research Award from the Australian Research Council. The grant, awarded in 2015, was for a three-year project on ‘International Law and the Legacies of Fascist Internationalism’.





Staff in Registry 4

JSNCC staff elections

Nominations are invited for the election of staff representatives to the Joint Staff Negotiating and Consultation Committee (JSNCC).

The JSNCC is the main forum for consultation between the University of Kent and its staff on matters of mutual interest and is one of the most important and influential committees in the University.

Staff membership of the Committee comprises representatives of each of the trade unions and four representatives of non-union staff: two from the professional services and research support staff in grades 1 to 6; and two from the academic, research and professional services staff in grades 7 and above. The current non-union staff members are as follows:

Professional services and research support staff (grades 1 to 6)

  • Stephen Rowlstone – leaving his position with the University
  • Becky Verlin – elected in December 2017

Academic, research and professional services staff (grades 7+)

  • Jon King – elected in April 2019
  • Denise Twomey – elected in December 2017

Stephen Rowlstone has notified us of his intention to leave the University, and we would like to thank him for his input and commitment to the JSNCC. As a result, nominations are now invited and welcomed for one position to represent staff in grades 1 to 6. Staff members working within Grades 1 to 6 are encouraged to apply.

Acting as a staff representative is interesting and rewarding. It provides the opportunity to discuss and comment on University plans and policies, to meet a wide range of new people and to gain valuable personal development. Training and support will be provided to the successful candidate.

The deadline for completed nominations is 17.00 on Monday 10 February 2020.

Further information about the JSNCC and the nomination and election processes can be found on the JSNCC website at or by contacting HR via

A group of people listening to a talk or lecture

Inspirations website aims to showcase staff diversity

The Student Success (EDI) Project is delighted to launch their “Inspirations” website, a new platform to increase the visibility of our staff diversity.

The site brings to life the experiences and contributions of our Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff and those considered first in family to attend university. Their stories contain personal, enjoyable and inspiring journeys but they also provide challenging accounts about their views on equality and their aspirations for the future.

We hope these will inspire our BAME and first in family students.

We are looking for new stories, so if you want to share yours with us or know a member of staff who you feel has an interesting story to share,  then please get in contact with the Student Success team



Lecture Hall at the University of Kent

Human Rights Abuses talk

The School of Politics and International Relations and the Conflict Analysis Research Centre (CARC) are delighted to invite you to a talk by Maddy Allen, Field Manager for Help Refugees in Northern France entitled: “Human Rights Abuses on the UK/French Border”

When: Thursday 30 January 2020, at 17.00

 Where: Eliot Lecture Theatre 2 (ELT2)


It’s a critical turning point in the political landscape for Britain. As the conversation about our borders are dividing the nation, thousands of refugees are living in dire conditions in Northern France. It’s over three years since the demolition of the infamous ‘Jungle’ Camp in Calais and for displaced people living in makeshift camps, life is impossibly hard. This presentation will explain the current situation in Northern France, including a closer look at increased securitisation measures, human rights abuses and the impact Brexit will have on the hundreds of unaccompanied children who are currently on the move across Europe. Find out about practical ways you can support the crisis and volunteer on upcoming trips to Calais!

Maddy Allen is Field Manager for Help Refugees in Northern France. Help Refugees is a group of everyday people, taking action to improve lives of refugees. It is the biggest facilitator of grassroots aid on the continent, supporting more than 110 projects across Europe and the Middle East.

The talk is open to all and free to attend with no booking necessary.



Worried man

New staff help and advice service

Staff have easy access to expert help with both workplace and personal issues – thanks to a new Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) being launched this week.

Whether you have questions on issues from debt and landlords to nutrition and stress, the EAP website should have the answers.

If not, you can telephone the providers, Care first/Sodexho, free of charge and get help from an information specialist or an accredited counsellor.

Key facts

-All EAP communications and consultations are completely confidential between you and the EAP.
-The same confidentiality applies to any additional support provided or organised for you by the EAP, eg counselling.
-You contact the EAP directly; you do not have to go through your manager to access any of the support the EAP provides
-For managers, a dedicated area of the EAP website offers generic advice on dealing with both individual and team issues; access the link below and click on the Managers tab.

The EAP providers, Care first/Sodexho, were chosen following a competitive tender and interview process, which included input from trades unions. Advice and support is provided at no cost to staff; the University funds all costs associated with the EAP

The EAP incorporates the existing University Wellbeing resource provided by Revitalised, which offers advice on all aspects of wellbeing, including self-assessment.

How to access

Take a look at all the EAP has to offer on its website:

Log-in details are: USERNAME: uokent PASSWORD: university

For telephone advice, the freephone number is 0808 168 2143.

If you wish to know more about the EAP before accessing its website or services, see the Occupational Health intranet pages. If you still have questions after this, email or discuss with your manager, HR or trades union representative.

Remember that the EAP is a great resource so keep these log-in and contact details handy!

Apply for the Medway Student Support Bursary

The Universities at Medway have been awarded a further significant donation to The Medway Student Support Bursary.  This donation will provide bursaries to home (UK/EU) students from Canterbury Christ Church University, University of Greenwich and the University of Kent each year.  This is an excellent opportunity to apply for additional funding and the selected recipients will receive a bursary of £1,250 (Spring applications).

Applying for this bursary is easy. Check the eligibility criteria below, if you meet the requirements, all you need to do is complete the attached application form and return it along with the required evidence by the deadline. The Selection Criteria and Important Notes below will provide guidance on this.

The deadline to apply by is 12 noon on 7 February 2020 (Spring Term applications)


In order to be eligible to apply for The Medway Student Support Bursary you must:

Be a home student (UK/EU).

Be currently registered full or part-time on an undergraduate degree programme based at the Medway Campus.

Demonstrate a household income of £42,875 or less.


Your application will be considered on the basis of your fulfilment of the eligibility criteria and the 350-500 word statement sections demonstrating:

Why you are in need of financial support and what has changed in your financial circumstances since embarking on the programme.

What the award will be used for (See important note below)I

Information about you and your aims and aspirations for the future.

You may want to include additional information relating to volunteering or ambassadorial work that you have done or are planning to do within the local community e.g. voluntary work, paid work, sports contributions, community activity organisations such as the Scouts etc.)

Important notes:

Awards will not fund general (exceptional travel may be considered) programme travelling expenses or new equipment such as laptops or phones.

Awards are intended for the students use only and not for family support.

The first payment will only be made upon submission of a thank you letter to the donors outlining how the Bursary will be used to support the Bursary recipient.

The second payment will only be made upon submission of a report outlining how the Bursary has supported the Bursary recipient and how this support has impacted on their academic studies.

Successful recipients will be able to hold other awards whilst in receipt of the Medway Student Support Bursary such as the NSP and may reapply for a further bursary in subsequent years.

Successful recipients will be required to sign a Bursary Agreement which sets out the conditions of the bursary award.

Recipients are expected to remain in satisfactory academic standing.

Students out on a placement year are not eligible for that year, but may apply once academic studies are resumed.

Successful recipients will be required to write a report to the board detailing how the bursary has supported them and how this support has impacted on their academic studies.  The deadline for submission of the report by the Medway Student Support Bursary recipients is 24 May 2020 (Spring applications).

All applications confirmed as meeting the eligibility criteria will be taken forward. The bursary recipient(s) will be chosen by the Medway Student Support Bursary Board which will meet in early March (Spring applications) and all applicants will be advised of the outcome shortly afterwards.

Your completed application along with all required evidence can be scanned and emailed to us at or a paper application can be submitted to Medway Building, 2nd floor Medway floor.

You can also apply online.

The deadline is 12 noon on the 7 February 2020 (Spring applications).

University of Kent building

Congratulations to our new Senior Fellows of the HEA

The Centre for the Study of Higher Education warmly congratulates the following colleagues who applied for Senior Fellowship of the HEA through the Route to Recognition for Experienced Staff (RRES) and successfully gained national recognition for their leadership, excellence, expertise and commitment to professionalism in teaching and learning.

Dr Tracee Green – Centre for Child Protection

Vanisha Jassal – Centre for Child Protection

Dr Suhraiya Jivraj – Kent Law School

Debbie Kemp – Kent Business School

Dr Lex Mauger – School of Sport and Exercise Sciences

Steve Robinson – Kent Business School

Sophia Vanttinen-Newton – Centre for English and World Languages

Dr Rocio von Jungenfeld – School of Engineering and Digital Arts

Dr Samantha Winter – School of Sport and Exercise Sciences

A group of people listening to a talk or lecture

Learning and Teaching Conference 2020 – Call for Proposals

The University of Kent’s Annual Learning and Teaching Conference will take place on Monday 15 June 2020 in the Darwin Conference Suite.

This year, we will be focusing on enhancing relevance: how we connect academic learning with the wider world. We invite proposals for workshops, discussion papers, mini-presentations and posters from University of Kent staff involved in teaching or supporting students’ learning (including GTAs, HPLs and professional services staff) that address the conference theme. We particularly encourage collaborative presentations with students. Sessions should involve reflection, exploration, scholarship and evaluation as well as describing activities undertaken.

The deadline for receipt of proposals is the 28 February. You can find more details of the theme and arrangements and a straightforward and friendly form to fill in on the events website 

To book please sign up via Eventbrite by 8 June 2020

The Annual Learning and Teaching Conference is open to all who are interested in celebrating our excellent teaching at Kent, improving our support for students’ learning, sharing good practice, and trying out new ideas. It’s a welcoming space for us to think, talk and learn together; but we know the impact lasts much longer than the day itself. From previous conferences have come successful funding bids, published papers, collaborative research, and changes to practice.

Please send us your proposals to and come along on the 15 June to join us.

If you have questions in the meantime, please get in touch with Dr Kathleen M Quinlan (

A close up of the inside of a purple flower

Resilience and Wellbeing session at the Medway Campus

Calling all University of Kent Staff, especially if based on the Medway campus for a Resilience & Wellbeing session being held next month!

When: Tuesday 4 February between 10.30 – 12.30 .

Where: At the Medway campus

You can book your place through Staff Connect.

The objectives of the session are:

  • How to manage the balance between pressure, performance, wellbeing and resilience.
  • How to use natural strengths in responding positively to workplace demands.

This workshop covers the capacity to maintain wellbeing and work performance when under pressure and during times of change.

This course is open to all members of staff so please feel free to come along!

A robotic hand touches fingers with a human hand

Will a Robot take my Job?

Dr Colin Johnson from the School of Computing is to deliver a STEM@Kent lecture entitled ‘Will a Robot take my Job? Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work.’

When: Wednesday 5 February from 17.00 – 18.00

Where: Grimond Lecture Theatre 3,

A new industrial revolution is upon us, as intelligent machines take the place of humans across the economy. The impact of this could be vast – from increasingly sophisticated robots carrying out manual work, to artificial intelligence doing work in the law and accounting, through to robots working in the most human of jobs such as health and social care. This talk will examine whether the hype around AI is justified, which areas of work this will revolutionise, and which jobs will be untouched.

Furthermore, he will discuss how the structure of the workplace and management will need to change, and where legal responsibility will sit in cases of error, harm or negligence. Of course, this revolution will not happen in a vacuum – in the final part of the talk he will consider how the economy and politics will need to change to cope with one of the most disruptive changes of the 21st century.

This talk is open to all and will be followed by a reception and networking event in the Aphro foyer.

To book this event please go to the Eventbrite website