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Pay Freeze Proposal: Staff Poll

Message from Alison Ross-Green, Director of HR and Organisational Development

I am writing to update you on where we are with proposals for a pay freeze ahead of a poll of all staff on its introduction. This is absolutely critical to weathering the severe financial impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, and without it further redundancies will be necessary. However, I also know this is not an easy ask to make, and for many staff in professional services who are also anticipating consultation around new structures with attendant worries about job security, this is an additional burden to lay upon you at what is already an anxious time. I am hugely grateful to all of you for your forbearance and understanding as we respond to what are truly unprecedented challenges for the sector.

Risks of failing to pursue pay freeze

Feedback from staff was discussed at this week’s JSNCC, which, unfortunately, led to no clear consensus. While most attendees ultimately acknowledge the need for these additional measures, this is not currently the case for our UCU colleagues who have confirmed that they are balloting their members with a recommendation that they reject both the proposed pay freeze and the Reward Strategy.

This puts us at a point of enormous risk to the University. Failing to pursue either or both of these initiatives will significantly worsen our financial position, along with the confidence of our lenders, and require a further estimated 80 – 120 redundancies to address the additional shortfall. I am very sorry to set out the position so bluntly, but given the seriousness of our situation, I wanted to make sure everybody was fully aware of these realities. There is further information on the component parts of our response to the severe financial impact of Coronavirus in our updated finance presentation. Put bluntly, unless we agree savings to address these one-off losses, we will run out of money to meet our commitments.

All staff poll on pay measures

Given the huge implications of this, it is very important to understand the preferences and position of as many staff as possible before committing to any course of action. I urge you to complete this confidential poll on both measures to ensure that your views can be directly received by the University and considered. I cannot stress too strongly the importance of as many staff as possible responding to this poll within the timescales that we have. The poll will be open until 5pm on 7 July, before we reconvene discussions with Staff and Trades Union Representatives on 8 July. At that meeting we will remain ready to discuss any further constructive proposals that are brought forward but noting that time is now very short to explore any further adjustments to our proposals, assuming viable ideas could be brought forward at this late stage.

Ahead of this meeting, we have looked at what we can do to adjust the pay freeze proposals to respond to the strongest of the concerns raised via JSNCC. While our room for manoeuvre is very limited, and all staff will be affected by a deferral of the national pay award, we have committed to the following in exchange for concluding a local collective agreement:

  • PSD Promotions will be taken out of scope of additional pay constraints in order to avoid any double impact of both the Reward Strategy and Pay Freeze on staff currently affected by restructuring, and to ensure that key new PSD positions can be filled from existing staff (who may otherwise opt for redundancy); 
  • Extra Responsibility Allowances will be permitted to continue, where appropriate and in accordance with existing HR policy;
  • A Recognition for Staff Support Scheme will be established, dividing a £1.7m budget equally among staff affected by the pay freeze at the point in future where key indicators show we have reached a position of financial sustainability. This would be in the form of a one-off payment to staff affected by the pay freeze and still employed by the University once this point is reached. Executive Group will not be eligible for any performance-related payments until these payments have been made; given their exclusion from the proposed pay freeze, promoted PSD staff will also not qualify for the scheme;
  • In acknowledgement of concerns around the equality impact of the proposal, an Equal Pay Audit will be completed within the next 3-5 years, in collaboration with the Staff and Trade Union members of the JSNCC.

Making your views heard

I very much hope that these adjustments, and the consequences of a failure to reach an agreement, will be sufficient for most of you to feel you can support both measures. Your Staff and Trades Union Representatives are empowered to reach an agreement on your behalf so do advise them of your views on the proposals should you wish to discuss further.

Please do not forget to make your views heard by completing our all-staff poll.

Staff in library 2

University commits to researchers’ career development

The University has underlined its commitment to supporting the career development of our researchers.

Professor Karen Cox, our Vice-Chancellor and President, has written a letter of commitment to the Researcher Development Concordat

The letter of 24 June 2020 reads:

‘As part of our current reorganization, the University has agreed that our Graduate School will become the Graduate and Researcher College (GRC) from the start of academic year 2020. The new GRC will have an expanded remit to support postgraduate students and now also staff across the whole academic career span, including but not exclusively our Early Career Research Staff. The GRC brings together expertise from five support services across the University to provide holistic researcher support across all career stages. It will be central to planning and progressing our commitment to developing our research staff, working across the University with colleagues, Divisions and departments to ensure that the tenets of the Concordat are fulfilled.

‘The University of Kent fully supports the Principles of this revised Concordat and we intend to uphold our obligations and responsibilities as a signatory.’

Professor Paul Allain, Dean of the Graduate and Researcher College, stated: “I am very pleased to have this confirmation of Kent’s commitment to all our researchers. At this difficult time, we need not only more support but also to support each other all the more.”

Read the full letter here. Find out more about the Concordat here.


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Condolences for Gary Blundell

The University is very sad to report the death of Gary Blundell who has worked at Kent for more than 30 years – most recently as an operator and service desk analyst in Information Services.

John Sotillo, Director of Information Services writes: ‘Gary joined us in July 1989 and has given almost 31 years of dedicated service to the department and University. Many colleagues across the University have benefited from his thoughtful and measured support and this was recognised on a number of occasions through the departmental award scheme and at a University long service award event in 2014.

‘Gary’s most impressive achievement has been the wonderful feedback from customers. Those he helped really appreciated his patience, care and sense of humour. He was always willing to ‘have a quick look’ no matter what the issue, and as a result always highly appreciated by those he helped. He was an asset to the University and will be sadly missed.’

Funeral arrangements

Gary’s funeral will take place at Barham Crematorium, on Monday 13 July at 14.40. You can view the ceremony via webcast on the day, and for up to seven days afterwards. The login/order ID is 38968 and the password is hxpewadp. Further information is available in these webcast instructions from Wesley Media.

Gary Blundell (centre front, in navy shirt) at his 25th long service celebration


Students on campus

Clearing 2020 update – Simone Davies, Interim Director of Marketing

I wanted to give you an update on how we will be approaching Confirmation and Clearing this year in light of Covid-19. We will need to do things a bit differently to mitigate working in a virtual environment and a Clearing that is going to be extremely competitive. For Kent to succeed in this year’s Clearing, we’re going to need a lot of help and support from everyone particularly around Clearing offer making teams and also staffing the Hotline.

For Confirmation, there is little change. However, we will be removing paper from the process and taking an Admissions-based approach with the aim of processing all students before A level awards day (13 August 2020). We will be working on a points-based tariff, whilst maintaining any grades that are mandatory. As in previous years, we will contact Schools about any student who falls outside the pre-agreed tariff.

Early Clearing will be managed by Central Admissions – based on previous year’s applications, this will be manageable and enables us to focus on the changes to systems and processes that are required for the main Clearing activity.

All hands-on deck

This year, we need to take an ‘all hands on-deck’ approach to Clearing. We are going to be delivering this virtually and that’s going to require us to make some adaptations. It’s also going to be extremely fast-paced and we need to process and offer quickly and efficiently.

We will be forming ten offer making teams which, in the main, will be based on the six new divisions with Schools staff and support from Central Admissions staff.

We need everyone to be able to make offers across a discrete range of courses – offer making training will be provided. In the main, this will see Schools making offers to their ‘own’ students. However, if they are not making offers to their ‘own’ students, they might need to support colleagues and make offers to courses within the wider portfolio. We only have a limited number of people and phones and can’t afford to have anyone waiting for specific applications rather than making offers – we need to respond as quickly as possible avoiding any bottle necks.

This year, UCAS has introduced ClearingPlus. We are still working though the detail of that, but it will require outbound calls to be made if/when we receive matches (applications).

We need your help

And we need more help. This year, we are unable to employ past and current students to be part of the Hotline Teams. We are currently around 30 people short of what we need to make this a success. Thursday 13 and Friday 14 August will be our busiest days and we’ll be taking calls and answering queries from 7.30am till 8.00pm. We’ll also be taking calls on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 August and over the following two weeks.

If you’re able to help, particularly on the 13th and 14th, and you’re not already on a Clearing rota please get in touch with Laetitia Gullett: Full training will be given and, for anyone who hasn’t done it before, it is a really rewarding experience. You will have full support and supervisors are on hand to help at all times.

Thank you for all your help and support with Clearing. You might like to see the Clearing pages, which includes a link to this year’s campaign video. From 6 July, there will also be a link to the Clearing application form.

Simone Davies | Interim Director of Marketing

Physiotherapist Vicki checking on a client

Free initial online consultations at Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic

Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic online consultations continue to be highly successful and have curved their way through the obstacles created by the pandemic to remain open – virtually.

They’ve been able to adjust the way they approach assessments of functional movements, joint range of movement(s) such as squatting technique corrections and have found the production of online videos to show specific movements has been highly effective. Many have been increasing their running or getting involved in virtual fitness classes, but found themselves getting niggles. The consultations have been great to speak to people and look at their techniques and movements then discuss exercises to help combat the symptoms.

They’re extremely proud of what they’ve achieved and, to date, have been able to reach out and provide more than 150 free initial consultations with clients kindly donating to the NHS Charities.

They will continue to provide free initial consultations and hope to be able to provide face-to-face consultations, with a triage system, in the near future to add the manual therapy treatments which they know many will benefit from and make those next steps towards their goals. This may be the lingering neck pain, back pain or perhaps shoulder pain where exercises have been completed daily as recommended with significant improvements already gained.

“I have recently taken advantage of the free online consultations that are available through Kent Sport Physiotherapy clinic. Although I was unsure whether Vicky would be able to help me online, she diagnosed my problem almost straight away during our first Zoom meeting. She then sent me some exercises which I have been doing daily and which have been helping to reduce the pain I was in. Vicky has also given me a follow up consultation just to check that the exercises are working. It has been really good to know exactly what was causing my pain and to be able to talk to someone so knowledgeable and friendly. Thank you Vicky for all your help!” – Susan Grimer, Library Assistant

So far, they’ve been able to reach out to 32 members of University of Kent staff, who have not been to the clinic before and provide professional physiotherapy advice to them. This number does not include the many staff members who have visited the clinic before lockdown and continue to have contact.

The testimonials from staff members has been incredible and they thank you for your feedback.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the clinic via email:

Find out more about Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic by visiting their website and like them on Facebook. Please consider showing your support by donating to the NHS charities.

A close up of the inside of a purple flower

Supporting your wellbeing during Covid-19

As social restrictions continue to ease during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, a number of us will be feeling apprehensive, or even anxious.

Remember that our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is here to help you at times like these. You can find series of webinars on all aspects of living under lockdown and the Covid-19 crisis, on the home page of the EAP website, (login: uokent and password: university).

The EAP home page also offers webinars on many other mental health issues – especially timely during the coronavirus crisis.

Alongside the EAP, the University has plenty of other support available to help staff manage their mental health positively. Much of this can be found by browsing the staff Health and Wellbeing website

The University provides counselling for all staff via the EAP. This can be telephone, online or face-to-face counselling; the pathway is agreed between the EAP assessing counsellor and the individual. Counselling can be accessed most easily by using the EAP’s freephone telephone number: 0808 168 2143.

When you ring, you will always speak to a trained counsellor who does an initial assessment and discusses the best form of counselling the EAP can offer to support you. Up to eight sessions are available for University staff.

You can find out more about the EAP and all it can offer on the OH website

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Condolences for Dr Arthur Keaveney

It was with great sadness that the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies learned of the death of Dr Arthur Keaveney, our dear friend and colleague for many years, who passed away on Tuesday 23 June after a short illness.

Arthur Keaveney

Arthur began his teaching and research career at the University of Kent in 1979, developing a distinguished reputation as an Ancient Historian. He was an immensely popular teacher and published frequently, this interest covering wide themes in the history of the Classical World and extending as far as Elizabethan political thought. He retired as Reader in Ancient History in 2014 but remained fully committed to promoting his subject, and primarily assisting and enthusing students and all these who came to share in the fascination of exploring the ancient past.

Steve Willis, Head of Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies writes:

‘Arthur was a cornerstone of our teaching in Ancient History for many years. His style of delivery and guidance was invariably popular with our student cohorts year on year. He had a rich hinterland of interests, with stories and anecdotes to accompany his observations on the human condition. There was something of the old-style political Radical to him. Well-travelled, often to less commonly visited locations, I recall that at the end of three terms of very full teaching and marking, culminating in long Exams Board meetings, he delighted in the prospect of his imminent departure on a Caribbean holiday: to Cuba’.


A bowl of food with chopsticks

Rutherford Dining Hall – open all summer to staff

To those of you already working on the Canterbury campus and others preparing to return, we are delighted to inform you know that Rutherford Dining Hall will be open throughout the summer 12.00 – 18.00, Monday to Sunday.

– All staff have been given access to Rutherford College via their KentOne card (staff ID card)

– The Wok bar is serving daily with other special menu items such as breaded haddock, curried duck leg, all day brunch, chicken katsu, roast dinner, fresh salad and veg options and more

– Check out Twitter for the daily menus.

Please note we are only accepting card/contactless payment and currently it is takeaway only, however from 5 July this may change to some socially distanced seating within Rutherford Dining Hall.

For further information or queries, please contact

JSNCC Papers now available

Staff representation on the JSNCC

The Joint Staff Negotiating and Consultation Committee (JSNCC) is one of the most important committees in the University, with a remit that covers consultation on topics such as the University’s plans and proposals as well as negotiation on pay and staff terms and conditions.

At present, the JSNCC is consulting and negotiating with the aim of reaching agreement on a new reward strategy and will shortly begin consultations on a proposed pay freeze.  If agreements are reached, the proposals will be implemented and staff contracts will be varied automatically without the need for staff to agree individually.

It is therefore vitally important that staff are properly and fully represented on the JSNCC.  In addition to elected representatives of our recognised trade unions, there are also four seats on JSNCC for elected representatives of staff who are not trade union members: two representing the professional services and research support staff in grades 1 to 6; and two representing the academic, research and professional services staff in grades 7+.

One of the two grade 7+ staff representatives, Denise Twomey, will be leaving the University at the end of July 2020.  Denise has been an active and committed representative and has played a full role in the work of the JSNCC over the past few years.  Two candidates have been nominated to replace Denise and to act as grade 7+ staff representative alongside Jon King.  The two candidates are:

  • Mita Mondal – School Administration Manager from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts, who has been nominated by Farzin Deravi and Melissa Mulhall
  • Charlotte Ransom – School Administration Manager from the School of Computing, who has been nominated by Andrea Peett and Alison Webster

Details of how to vote will shortly be emailed to all staff in grade 7 and above along with a link to the two candidates’ election statements.  Please take a few minutes to read the candidates’ statements and to cast your vote – it is very easy to do and totally confidential.

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Statement of support for trans colleagues

The University is committed to ensuring we provide an inclusive and welcoming community where all staff and students are enabled to meet their full potential and are treated as individuals. This includes providing support and understanding to those who wish to take, or have taken, steps to present themselves in a gender different to their birth gender.

We are aware that the impact of Covid-19 is particularly acute for trans and non-binary colleagues, and that their situation is compounded by the uncertainties surrounding the implementation of proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act 2004.The proposals would make it more straightforward for trans people to get legal recognition of their gender, and would improve the lives of many trans people immeasurably. The majority of the public responses to the consultation on reforming the Gender Recognition Act supported the proposed changes.

We stand firmly with our trans and non-binary colleagues in calling for trans equality, with better support and recognition for trans and non-binary people and the struggles they face.

We know that we, as an institution, still have work to do, but we are unequivocal in our commitment to make the University a safe and welcoming place for staff and students of all genders and identities.

Trans people are our colleagues, our students, our friends, and we will continue to support them on the journey to true equality.

If you would like to learn how to be an ally, or wish to find out more about the rights of trans and non-binary people, further information is available from Mermaids and Stonewall.

University resources