Category Archives: Student opportunities

Triangle bus with Cathedral in background

Travel Plan Survey – win up to £150 on your KentOne card

It is that time of year where the Transport Team are working on developing a New Travel Plan and we want to hear from staff and students about your commute to and from the University and travel within the local area.

By completing the survey, you help us plan our future transport strategies, understand what current services are working well, what improvements or changes staff and students would like to the current transport options provided, and help us with our carbon emissions research.

Plus complete the survey for the chance to win £150, £75 or £50 on your KentOne card. Or if you’re based at Medway you can choose a voucher for the Deep End.

The survey closes 23:59 Monday 21 November 2022.

Staff Survey:

Students chatting

Postgraduate Community Experience Awards – event and project funding

What is the award for?

The Graduate and Researcher College (GRC) invites applications for funding from postgraduate students (of all levels across all of our locations) to run events or projects which have an interdisciplinary and/or external focus which will enhance the community experience of postgraduate students at Kent.

Successful applicants will be awarded up to £1500 to fund their project.

What is the criteria for entry?

Successful applicants will put forward:

  • A clear commitment to build community across a number of academic divisions/disciplines.
  • A broad interdisciplinary and/or external focus.
  • detailed breakdown of the planning, implementation and budgeting of the event/project.
  • new, innovative idea not currently in existence.

Proposals must also:

  • Be planned to take place within the academic year in which the applicant has applied for it.
  • Be based on the applicant’s main campus/centre, though external locations (up to 20 miles away) may be considered if vital to the project/event.
  • Be consistent with Kent’s regulations on data protection.

We particularly welcome applications engaging with the themes of wellbeing, internationalisation, career or research career development, and equality, diversity and inclusivity.

How can I spend the money?

  • Successful applicants will work on the project/event on a voluntary basis, with funding put towards materials/external assistance.
  • The GRC will assist with room bookings and small purchases of materials, but all other activities must be managed by the awardee themselves.
  • Applicants are encouraged to use Kent services such as Kent Hospitality and Design & Print Services in order to keep costs down.

Funding cannot be used for:

  • Serving alcohol unless part of a fully justified reception or dinner.
  • Supporting pre-existing projects.
  • Donations to charities, groups, or individuals.
  • Paying current students to participate or support a project/event. Small incentives may be possible, but the panel will favour voluntary support.

How to apply!

Once you have come up with a great idea to enhance the postgraduate community experience at Kent, you will need to think about how you want to make it happen. Discuss your idea with friends and colleagues, and make sure your supervisor is aware that you want to submit an application. You will need to provide a letter of support from your supervisor or School’s Director of Graduate Studies, so talk to them as well.

When you are ready, you will need to fill out an Application Form and email it to by the allocated deadline.

Application deadlines:

Opens Monday 3 October, closes Friday 11 November.

Read about previous winners

Student in a wheelchair talking to Kent Union staff

Share your experiences with disability

At the University of Kent, we believe in being part of the drive for a more inclusive society, where diversity is celebrated, opportunities are created and voices from all corners of  our community are amplified. As we approach Disability History Month (16 November – 16 December), here are some ways you can share your perspective and get involved in showcasing and growing inclusivity at Kent and beyond.

Share your experiences with disability

Are you interested in being involved in a campaign to raise awareness this Disability History Month? We’d like to give everyone at Kent an insight into the experiences of our community in disclosing parts of identity, so we can better understand and support one another.

We’re inviting students past and present as well as staff to share your experiences by writing a blog post, attending a storytelling event to share in person with others, or being professionally filmed for a few minutes at a location convenient for you. To structure what you say or write about we’ll have some questions available that you can think about ahead of time, but you are also welcome to can make up your own question or theme which draws out your particular lived experience of disability and study/work/opportunities at Kent, or how it set you up for where you are now.

Interested in sharing your story at a live evening event in December, in short-film form or written word? Please fill in the online form. so we can contact you about being involved.

#DHMKent22 is coming soon!

Stay tuned for events and resources as we approach Disability History Month 2022 #InclusiveKent @UniKentSSW.

Women of Colour sat or leaning against wall

Exploring intersectionality therapeutic support group for Women of Colour

The University environment may have provided opportunities for you to notice things about yourself that you might want to explore and talk about. This therapeutic support group will take place online over six sessions and will provide a safe space to explore experiences and themes with others, who you may have things in common with. Commitment to attend all six sessions is required.

The group has been run over the last two years and came about as a response to feedback from students in the context of Black Lives Matter and the pandemic. Having access to others and role models that look like us is fundamental to our wellbeing; all of participants reported feeling a sense of connection and a sense of belonging.  Quotes from previous participants include “everyone listened and supported each other”, “felt a sense of sisterhood”, “felt seen in a way that gave me comfort, topics resonated”.  All participants felt that the group had a positive impact on their sense of identity as a Black woman or woman of colour.

The group will be experiential, and you are expected to bring yourself and be willing to share your thoughts with others and to be able to listen to others. We will decide together in week one which themes we would like to explore each week. Previous themes include; Who am I? – What does it mean to be me? – Relationships – Friend or enemy? – Self-love – Mental health – Self-care. You may have other themes that you want to suggest and explore.

Please note that you need to commit to attending all six sessions which take place on Tuesdays from 12.00-13.30 on the following dates: 1 November, 8 November, 15 November, 22 November, 29 November, and 6 December 2022.

If you are available for all six dates and would like to participate, please email to book your place, you will then be contacted for a brief 1:1 online meeting with the group facilitator at a mutually convenient time before the course begins. Please think about why you would like to join the group and what you would like to get out of it.

Find out more about the group. If you have any queries, please email

Comtemplativee person looking out at view

Student expectations survey – chance to win £300 Amazon voucher

To be in with the chance of winning a whopping £300 Amazon voucher, take just 10 minutes to fill in the Student Success Expectations Survey.

This questionnaire is for first year students and aims to find out your academic expectations and plans for the year. We use the results to find out what you hope to achieve at Kent, and how best to support you (so taking part is a win-win). 

Complete the survey to be in the running for our star prize, and you’ll also be added to a Divisional draw for a £20 Amazon voucher! The more students that complete the survey in your Division, the greater your chance of winning, so remind your friends to take the survey too (we’ll even organise a Divisional social if enough students take part).

Completing the survey is also worth 5 Employability Points – these can be cashed in to apply for exclusive internships, placements and training on the Employability Points Scheme. The Student Success Team will get in touch directly with any lucky winners to arrange prize collection.

The survey closes on Monday 24 October at 17.00.

Leading Routes

Leading Routes – empowering the next generation of Black academics

We have recently partnered with Leading Routes to deliver a series of events and workshops aimed at Black students, who would like to explore opportunities to continue studying and working in academia.

Leading Routes is a pioneering initiative that aims to prepare the next generation of Black academics, by exploring new ways to strengthen the academic pipeline for African Caribbean students, from a Black-led perspective.

Leading Routes will be running a series of events and workshops at the University of Kent for students and staff. These events and workshops are being promoted and managed by the Graduate and Researcher College, learn more and book your place on our website now!

Please see below for student workshops currently scheduled:

Don’t miss out and book your place today!

Read more about Leading Routes


Food for Thought survey

We would like to hear about your experience of dining at our Canterbury outlets.

This short survey asks questions about value for money, customer service and food/drink quality, and gives you a chance to provide feedback after each visit.

Customers who leave feedback can enter a monthly prize draw to win a £20 catering voucher to spend on campus, and each month presents a new opportunity to enter! The feedback received will help the catering team maintain and improve their services and the customer experience.

If you’ve eaten at Bag It, Create, Dolche Vita, Gulbenkian Café, Hut 8, K-Bar, Mungo’s, Origins, Rutherford Dining Hall, Sibson Café, Sports Café or The Street Kitchen, we want to hear from you.

Take the survey today!

Prospective students

Interested in pursuing a PhD with CHASE or SeNSS?

Are you interested in pursuing a PhD? Find out more about possible studentships at Kent:

What is SeNSS?

The South East Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS) provides ESRC-funded studentships and postgraduate training in Social Sciences. It is one of only 14 UK ESRC-funded Doctoral Training Partnerships and offers a number of full-funded ESRC doctoral studentship.

What is CHASE?

The University of Kent is proud to be part of the Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE). We are one of 8 leading institutions offering an extensive programme of training and development for all doctoral researchers in the arts and humanities.

Find out more at our online briefing sessions for prospective students

The Graduate and Researcher College are running online briefing sessions  for prospective CHASE and SeNSS funded students, so you can find out more and and learn how to apply.

SeNSS – Information and online briefing session for prospective students

CHASE – Information and online briefing session for prospective students

Sign up to Medway Talks Open Lecture Series

Medway Talks is a free open lecture series run by the University of Greenwich, University of Kent and Canterbury Christ Church University.

About this event

What is Medway Talks?

Medway Talks is a new open lecture series run by our academic staff at the Universities at Medway – University of Greenwich, University of Kent and Canterbury Christ Church at Medway. There will be 6 talks in total, running from October 2022 until May 2023.

Who can attend?

The talks are open to everyone in the local community, including students and staff at the Universities at Medway. Talks will be free of charge to attend, but registration is required.

What’s on offer?

Talks will run from 6pm until 7pm with refreshments available on arrival.

The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday 26 October 2022: Professor Alex Stevens (University of Kent) – Drugs: what are the problems and how can we solve them?

Professor Alex Stevens has worked on issues of drugs, crime and public health in the voluntary sector, as an academic researcher and as an adviser to the UK government. His talk will focus on the reduction of drug-related deaths and crime, reflecting on the possibilities opened up by the new drug strategy to make progress on these harms.

Register now

Wednesday 23 November 2022: Professor Gurprit Lall (University of Kent) – Sleep and our Biological Clock

Professor Gurprit Lall is a neuroscientist based at the University of Kent, Medway School of Pharmacy specialising in mammalian circadian rhythms. In this talk he will discuss how ageing effects the brain’s circadian clock and its impact on our day-to-day routines. We will look at how the clock synchronises our bodily functions, from hormonal fluctuations through to sleeping patterns and why disruption of such rhythms can have a significant impact on our health and wellbeing.

Register now

Wednesday 25 January 2023: Dr Noel-Ann Bradshaw (University of Greenwich)- An evening with Florence Nightingale: find out how she used data to save lives

DrNoel-Ann Bradshaw is the Deputy Dean for the Faculty of Engineering and Science at the University of Greenwich. In this talk, Nightingale herself will show how her understanding and management of data influenced policy makers, in the British Army and Government, during and after the Crimean war. Her methods resulted in improved conditions for both soldiers and the working classes, and are as relevant in today’s data-focussed society as they were in Victorian Britain.

Register now

Wednesday 22 February 2023: Dr Neil Saunders (University of Greenwich) – Mathematics, Memetics and Artificial Intelligence: An exploration through performance.

Dr Neil Saunders is a Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences and works in the field of algebra, specifically group theory and geometric representation theory.

Register now

Lit up Canterbury Cathedral

Discount: Cathedral Shine: Let there be light event, 3 Nov

** Discounted tickets have now run out. We are checking to see if we can access more discounted tickets and will update soon**

Canterbury Festival is taking place 15 October – 5 November with lots of events across venues in Canterbury.

Kent students and staff can get a discount for the ‘Shine: Let there be light’ event at Canterbury cathedral for the 20.15 display on Thursday 3 November. The discounted rate will be £6.00 (inc booking fee).

To enjoy this offer, use the code UKCShineCF22 when booking either through the website or over the phone.