Category Archives: Student Guide

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University welcomes BME society statement and demands

Eight of our BME student societies have made a joint submission to the University of their Statement of Solidarity & Call to Action to the University of Kent on institutional racism and the University’s need to take action.

Following on from our joint statement on racism with Kent Union, the University welcomes this submission and is committed to working through the issues raised. We have had conversations with groups of students over the last few weeks and will be continuing these. We are also inviting representatives of the societies named in the statement to meet with senior colleagues and the submission will be part of a discussion on our response to institutional racism at the next meeting of our senior management team, the Executive Group.

Many of our staff and students are actively working to address institutional racism and, following recent online forums, we have already begun additional work on a number of issues raised by members of the University. However, we recognise we have much to do to address these issues through our actions, training, education and through appropriate policies and procedures and we are committed to progressing these in partnership with our students and staff.

Kent Student WebChat – What to Expect in September

The Kent Student WebChat took place last Friday where current students were joined by DVC Education and Student Experience – Richard Reece and other senior staff from across the University.

The subject was ‘What to Expect in September’ where Richard and colleagues shared plans for the new academic year.

There were 150 attendees who had the chance to submit questions in advance and during the WebChat.

You can listen to the recording here.

Close up of exam desks and chairs

Exam results 2020

It’s nearly time to receive your exam results! See below for the results release dates and how to access your results.

Final Year and Diploma

Results will be released on Thursday 25 June 2020 by 18.00.

Stage 2

Results will be released on Monday 6 July 2020.

Stage 1 and Foundation

Results will be released on Monday 13 July 2020 by 17.00.


The Stage 1, 2 and 3 referral exam results will be released on Monday 7 September 2020 by 17.00.

Results 2020 – Postgraduate

Please refer to your School.

Please note exam result dates have recently changed due to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation.

How to access your results

You must log on to the Results Site to view your results using your SDS login details. The results website will be unavailable until results are released. If you have failed to satisfy the examiners, a letter detailing your options will be available from the ‘My Progress’ page on the Student Data System.

If you would like to discuss your results, please contact your School.

Canterbury – School List

Medway – School List

See the exams web page for more information including FAQs.

studyplus campus online

Have you ever considered Study Plus?

The Study Plus scheme is part of the Kent Extra range of activities available to University of Kent students. It provides a range of short-term courses and workshops which can improve your employability skills, develop your personal creativity or expand your cultural and academic knowledge.

Free to students registered on an existing Kent programme of study, Study Plus builds your key transferable skills alongside your main subject specialism. It also enhances your student experience through providing a chance to learn new skills alongside your degree.

Study Plus courses are non credit bearing. You will be eligible for Employability Points and if your attendance on a Study Plus course meets the minimum requirement of 66% the course will appear on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

It’s amazing the impact that a short Study Plus course can have, some students have used the scheme as a springboard to a career path.

Cassie Barnard took Digital Photography when she was a student at Kent. She is now building her career as a music photographer as a result. Read about her experience of the course and see some of her work.

Study Plus will be undergoing some changes for 2020/21, the details of which have yet to be finalised. If you would like to find out about future courses, please join the mailing list (using your student email).

4 different coloured dustbins

Moving out- bin amnesty information (Canterbury)

A bin amnesty will operate from Monday 15 June to Friday 10 July on these Canterbury roads to help you with moving out.

Where black bin bags would not normally be collected, they will be picked up during the amnesty period to cover students moving out of their properties. The black bin bags should be placed next to the normal bins.

The local recycling centre has also reopened and can be used by advance appointment only – please ensure you book a timeslot.

Necessary Furniture are also now open and will accept donations of unwanted items. Items can be delivered to their warehouse, or if items are bulky arrangements can be made for Necessary Furniture to collect. Although they are called Necessary Furniture they accept unwanted household items, such as crockery, kettles, bedding etc.


FREE Online appointments Throughout June from Sports Ready Clinic

Sports Ready Clinic offers free online appointments

The University of Kent’s Sports Ready Clinic are continuing to offer FREE online appointments throughout June!

Are you struggling with an injury or pain?​

Our Clinic Supervisor Harry Rogers, and our 3rd year Medway students are here to help.​

Book a 40 minute appointment via Zoom. Each appointment will consist of:​

  • General advice for improving your current injury or pain. ​
  • Harry will demonstrate a set plan of exercises. ​
  • Answer any worries or concerns.​

You will receive a follow-up email, with your personalised treatment and exercise plan which will include technique reminders and images of each exercise. ​

From July, each appointment will be £15.

To book, email us on:

An iPhone 11 with the Facebook homescreen on it's screen next to an opened grey lantop with a balck keyboard.

Kent students take part in the Kent Digital Accessibility Conference 2020

Paul-Georg Ender and Ben Watson from University of Kent will be taking part in the Kent Digital Accessibility Conference. The event is a collaboration between the University of Kent and Kent County Council.

The event ends this Thursday and the aim is to inform Public Sector organisations about digital accessibility, inclusion and the impact of the regulations.

Paul-Georg and Ben will be discussing the student journey. This will include Paul-Georg speaking from the perspective of a visually impaired student in relation to primary, secondary and higher education both in his native Germany and in the UK, whilst Ben will talk about the work that the University of Kent is doing to map and improve the accessibility of the overall student journey.

The session takes place on Thursday 11th June between 15:30 – 16:30.

Have you ever consider a part time Msc?

Are you wondering what to do after your degree? How about a part time Msc? The Centre for Professional Practice offers flexible, part-time work-related Postgraduate degrees. Teaching is structured around a series of extended taught weekends between Friday to Sunday from 9.00 to 17.00. The duration will be an average of four weekends a year at our Medway campus.

You will be working with a team who have a wealth of knowledge and experience in #professional development courses. This will enable them to support you and help you realise your potential in working life.

These are the courses on offer:

Advanced and Specialist Healthcare – PCert, MSc

The PCert and MSc in Advanced and Specialist Healthcare is a flexible, part-time, multi-professional programme.

Advanced and Specialist Healthcare (Advanced Dental Clinical Practice) – MSc

The MSc Advanced and Specialist Healthcare Articulated Pathway (Advanced Dental Clinical Practice) is a part-time Master’s-level programme studied over 18 months.

Advanced and Specialist Healthcare (Applied Dental Professional Practice) – MSc

This part-time, flexible, multi-professional Master’s-level qualification is suitable for all dental care professionals and offers opportunities for Accreditation of Prior Experiential and /or Certificated Learning or Credit Transfer.

Professional Practice – MA, MSc

MA/MSc Professional Practice programme is a part-time, work-related learning programme designed for participants from private, public and third sector settings.

Professional Practice (Teaching and Learning) – MSc

Professional Practice (Teaching and Learning) MSc is a part-time, work-based programme for qualified teachers who want to develop and enhance their working practice at Master’s level.

Watch our academics talking about the MSc Professional Practice programme:

Find out more and apply.

Pic by Elaine Potter.

presenting to students

Student-led Research Symposium (PG students)

Following student feedback, Kent Union will be hosting a virtual symposium for postgraduate students over the Summer.

The aim is to help students develop their presentation skills and engage the wider student community with their research.

They are looking for unique, engaging and passionate voices to take part. The presentation should be 10 minute presentations and be based on a current or past research project, dissertation or end of year project.

Once they have collated expressions of interest and curated the presentations they will support students to deliver these live online to the wider student community.

Register your interest.

For any questions please contact your Vice President for Postgraduate Experience Laura Carlin at

Wellbeing over the Summer

Now that the stress of your end of year assessments are over, it is time to relax and enjoy your summer. However, sometimes change can be overwhelming especially in these challenging times so here are some ways for you to manage your anxiety and fears during the upcoming period.

Identify your triggers

The first thing to do to manage your anxiety is to identify what triggers them.

Work out

Some exercise can help to clear your mind. We highly recommend doing 15 minutes of yoga each day to keep you nice and relaxed.


Controlled breathing can gives you feelings of calm and relaxation and most breathing techniques can be used just about anywhere.

Write down your thoughts

Writing down what is making you anxious is a great way to ease your anxiety. 

Listen to a podcast

There is a podcast that serves every need and purpose; so whether you are interested in popular culture, sport, music, interviews with personalities, you will find a podcast that is perfect for you.

Big White Wall

Don’t forget Big White Wall which is a Care Quality Commission registered service recognised nationally through awards by the NHS and is a safe environment overseen by qualified therapists called Wall Guides.

Wherever you are located, you can access free, 24/7 online support for issues around mental health and wellbeing. The Big White Wall (BWW) is a Care Quality Commission registered service recognised nationally through awards by the NHS and is a safe environment overseen by qualified therapists called Wall Guides.

Student Support Appointments

The Student Support and Wellbeing continue to operate remotely and have capacity to offer online appointments. They can support students with a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) such as Dyslexia; discuss academic adjustments for people with temporary or permanent disabilities or chronic conditions; support autistic students, and offer support for anyone at Kent experiencing distress arising from psychological, emotional or mental healthissues.

If you’d like to make an appointment with an adviser, please email us at, giving us some information about the help you seek and your availability for online appointments. 

Their counselling team can also offer you a safe space to address issues concerning you which aren’t related to academic life, and can help get thoughts, feelings, behaviour and perspective back in balance again.  If you’d like to explore remote counselling at this time, please email

They also have a number of support groups running via Zoom you may be interested to join:

Student Support Online Groups

Wellbeing Cafe

All welcome to share common experiences & ideas to stay well & connected. 

Mondays from 15:30 – 16:30. 

Email for more information and a Zoom link with ‘Wellbeing Cafe’ in the subject title

International Wellbeing Group

Peer support and social activities for any international student who wishes to join.

Thursdays from 14:00 to 15:30.

Email for more information and a Zoom link with ‘International Wellbeing Group’ in the subject title

Autism peer support

Peer support and social activities for any autistic student who wishes to join.

Wednesdays from 16:00 to 17:30. 

Email for more information and a Zoom link with ‘Autism Peer Support Group’ in the subject title


Guided mindfulness meditation, no previous experience necessary.

Wednesdays 13:10 to 13:50 and 17:10 to 17:50. 

Email for more information and a Zoom link with ‘Student Mindfulness’ in the subject title.

You can also access any of the self-help resources which are listed on our webpages.