Category Archives: Student Guide

Student on laptop

Don’t forget to enrol or re-register by 16 Oct

New students, if you haven’t already, please remember to enrol online by 10:00 on 16 October 2023.

Returning students, you also need to complete Returning Registration by 10:00 on 16 October 2023.

This is to let us know you will definitely be studying with us this academic year. If you can’t register for financial reasons, visit the Financial Aid team in the Arrivals Hub (Canterbury campus).

Find out more on the How to enrol webpage.

Group of students laughing in class

6 weeks to wellbeing: group to support new students in their university journey

Are you struggling with the transition into University and needing some help with healthy habits and routines? Feeling overwhelmed with the new changes and dealing with independence? Sign up to our 6-week wellbeing programme delivered by expert mental health advisers in Student Support and Wellbeing.

What is it?

This six week course is designed to support students with a healthy transition into university life, where they can meet friends, discuss issues in confidence, and learn strategies and share ideas to stay well and connected during their university journey.

Each of the weeks has a specific theme, and the small group (maximum of 12 student participants) will meet for an hour and be facilitated by two friendly and experienced mental health advisers, Alex, and Tara. There will be an opportunity for discussion and all are invited to participate as far as they feel comfortable doing so. You don’t need to bring anything with you, but are asked to commit to all 6 sessions if possible.

Sessions are on the Canterbury campus (location tbc) on Wednesdays from 2pm to 3.30pm.

Want to sign up?

Places are limited, so it it sounds like you could benefit from this, or have questions about the course, email Alex at with a subject line of ‘6 weeks to wellbeing’.

Weekly themes:

  • Overview & Introduction – Week 1 (Wednesday 18th October)

Explanation of the course including an ice breaker. Beginning discussions on self-care & what this looks like for you. Includes a breathing mindfulness exercise.

  • Exploring Self-care – Week 2 (Wednesday 25th October)

How can you develop healthy routines and structure whilst at University.Includes a drawing mindfulness exercise.

  • Boundaries & Communication – Week 3 ( Wednesday 1st November)

What do we mean by healthy boundaries & how do we create healthy boundaries.Includes a drawing mindfulness exercise.

  • How to develop social support systems – Week 4 (Wednesday 8th November)

Includes an ‘eating’ mindfulness exercise.

  • Brief introduction to managing emotion – Week 5 (Wednesday 15th November)

Includes a listening mindfulness exercise.

  • Future goal setting – Week 6 (22nd November)

A focus on your positive traits and attributes.Includes an observation mindfulness exercise.

Booking details

Please email email Alex at with a subject line of ‘6 weeks to wellbeing’ to confirm you can attend all sessions and say you’d like to be allocated a place.

What else is on for wellbeing?

If you’re looking for more wellbeing events and opportunities, check out the Student Support and Wellbeing calendar, and follow @UniKentSSW on Instagram for the latest on what’s on, resources and reminders to stay well and connected. Got a question? Email

Anna Woods

Business Start-up Journey launch: hear from five business founders, 11 Oct

The Business Start-Up Journey Launch 2023: Wednesday 11 October 2023, 14:00-15:30. Sibson LT3, Canterbury, with FREE BUFFET.

Be inspired at the launch of this year’s Business Start-Up Journey where five amazing business founders share their start-up stories.

  • Social entrepreneur Anna Woods went from a highflying career as a buyer for top high street fashion brands, to becoming the founder of her own sustainable fashion business, Positive Retail, tacking the retail industry’s waste issue.
  • Sport and Exercise Science graduate Sophie Broom, the founder of The Awesome Anatomy Co, turned her artistic skills into a thriving business.
  • Computing graduate, Tomiwa Sosanya, the founder of Do You Customs, has won collaborations with big brands with his customised trainers and accessories.
  • Mathematics and Statistics student, Seth Mashate, discovered a gap in the market and plans to revolutionise data usage in the dental industry.
  • Law student, Munya Mwaijumba is launching Glimmer, an app which empowers freelance hairdressers.

Anna of Positive Retail shares:

‘I started this entrepreneurial journey because I knew in my heart the industry needed a solution to overstocks and customers needed to be a presented with a way to shop ‘pre loved & resale’ on the high street that felt compelling.  Resale already had lots of online options ‘vinted/ eBay/ vestiere’ etc but there was no bricks and mortar equivalent that honoured the product properly.  I spotted a gap in the market to create stores where quality and value were honoured, along with the customer experience.  Everything is expertly and thoughtfully curated, we have done the hard work for you- you’re not rummaging in samples sales, or bidding online.  We’re here for you to have a chat and to try on in a premium environment.’

What started as a 6 week popup 2 years ago is now 3 stores with a massively bright future.  We want to be the ultimate destination that brands think of for their surplus stocks and shoppers come for resale.

Being an entrepreneur has felt like a pleasure.  Yes, it’s incredibly tough but after years of bucking against the system and being frustrated with the status quo, I get to bring my own brand to life. It’s thrilling, fun, exhausting and magical.  It’s a gift every day to be able to use all my skills & wisdom to give something to the world I am very very proud of.  I know this is only the beginning.’

Hear from Anna and the other business founders at the launch event, plus find out more about how ASPIRE can support you to start your own business and develop entrepreneurial skills to enhance your career and employability. There will also be a free buffet lunch provided.

See full programme of Business Start-Up Journey events.

All students are welcome to attend.

Email to book your spot.


Make a difference: Be a widening participation student advisory panel member

Become a Widening Participation Student Advisory Panel member

Are you passionate about equality of opportunity in higher education?

Do you have an interest in contributing to the decisions which underpin the University’s outreach work and strategic direction?

Then why not make a difference and gain valuable experience by becoming a member of the University of Kent’s Widening Participation Advisory Panel!

Find out more information and apply.

Deadline for applications is 4 October 2023 or sooner if lots of applications are received, so we recommend you apply promptly if you are interested.

photo of a packet of contraceptive pills, and various condoms, photographed from above on a pastel-coloured background

Do you know where to get effective contraception?

World Contraception Day is 26 September and is an international campaign, aiming to improve awareness of what contraception is and how it is used, as well as encouraging young people to look after their sexual and reproductive health. Not being educated about contraception can have colossal impacts on your life. For example, the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) reported that “More than 217 million women and girls in the world who want to avoid getting pregnant aren’t using effective contraceptives.”

Stay safe at uni

As a part of the University of Kent community, we want you to stay safe and to stay informed. If you would like to talk to a professional about your sexual health, there are two places on the Canterbury campus that you can visit:

  • The University Nursing Service is open 24 hours, seven days a week (term-time only). Visit the Banking Hall (next to Campus Security) or call 01227 823503.
  • The University Medical Centre is located on Giles Lane. Register online to access this service and call 01227 469333 to book an appointment.

If you study at the Medway campus, you can register with a doctor near to your accommodation or go to The Advice Centre at The Hub.

Free condoms

You can also access free condoms on campus in the Mandela Student Centre reception or order online at GetIt.

Sexual health clinics and information online

Additionally, the BISH website helps you to find your nearest sexual health clinic and offers advice to address any of your sexual health concerns.

For information on sexual health and wellbeing, and initiatives for Kent’s sex positive ‘Consent Get It’ campaign, follow @UniKentSSW #ConsentGetIt.

Cyber security awareness and engagement campaign

From the Welcome Week of the 2023-24 academic year, iCSS is launching a new student engagement cyber security campaign for all University of Kent students. This is a major area of activities of iCSS and the University of Kent, as a newly recognised ACE-CSE (Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education) with a Gold award status (2023-29) by the UK Government (click here to read a news article about this new achievement).


A major component of the campaign is a new Moodle space DP101010 “Cyber Security: Training, Awareness and Engagement for All Students”, which is made open for all University of Kent students to self-enroll.

This new Moodle space will be used as a “one-stop shop” for all students to learn about cyber security and other closely related topics such as online safety, cyber crime and mis-/disinformation, and to benefit from / participate in a wide range of student-facing resources / activities such as training materials and opportunities, competitions, placement and student ambassador opportunities, and a diverse range of events organised by the University of Kent and other organisations.

The moodle page has already been populated with a wide range of useful information, and we call more students to have a look and self-enroll.

Another major component of the campaign is around the newly established KMCS3 (Kent & Medway Cyber Security Student Society). The student society was piloted in the 2022-23 academic year, and has been formally established over the summer of 2023. iCSS supports KMCS3 as its financial sponsor and administrative supporter on various activities, e.g., for overseeing the operation, seeking and appointing its leaders, providing necessary funding and resources for various activities, booking rooms, recommending speakers and co-organising events.

More about KMCS3 can be found on this page in the above-mentioned Moodle space. The recruitment of members for KMCS3 has started from Monday 18th September, the first day of the Welcome Week. To register as a member of KMCS3, interested students should first visit the above-mentioned Moodle space, self-enroll and then fill the following membership registration form:

KMCS3 membership registration form in Moodle

Among many activities iCSS and KMCS3 will be co-organising, one of them is the 2023 iCSS-KMCS3 Cyber Security “Anything” Competition. This competition is based on the 2022 iCSS Cyber Security Photography Competition, which attracted many to submit photos they took to express their real-life experience about the cyberspace.

In 2023, the new competition will enlarge acceptable submissions to other categories of artefacts, including not just photos, but also drawing, short videos, essays, poems, and even physical objects such as 3-D printed objects and hand-crafted artefacts. A number of prizes will be selected at the end of the competition and Amazon e-vouchers will be awarded to prize winners.

The deadline for submission is 15 November 2023, and the prize winners will be announced before the Christmas. To learn more about the competition and to submit your work, please visit

2023 iCSS-KMCS3 Cyber Security Anything Competition

Last but not the least, on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 September, iCSS and KCMS3 will have a stand at the Kent Union’s Welcome Fair. Please come and join us to learn more about what iCSS and KCMS3 will do for all students in the 2023-24 academic year. There will be a fun cryptographic quiz (download a PDF file of the quiz here) for all to have a try and if you are lucky you may win one or two Amazon e-vouchers each of £20!

KMCS3-iCSS Cyber Security Quiz 2023-1 in Moodle

If you have any advice on what we should do or if you are interested in helping out (e.g., contributing to KMCS3), please get in touch via (for iCSS) or (for KMCS3).

Empowering Tomorrow: Unleashing Creativity through AI – a free conference

Dr. Bogdan Vrusias from Amazon Web Services joins an exciting schedule of speeches and panel discussions at our Unleashing Creativity through Generative AI conference, Wednesday 18 October 2023 at The Sibson Building from 14:00 – 19:00. 

This free conference will showcase the latest research and applications of AI in various domains, such as health, education, business, and innovation that is taking place across the University of Kent and Amazon.  

Kent staff, students and alum are invited to join us on the Canterbury campus for the event – book your free tickets here.

The day will include talks from Amazon guest speaker, Bogdan Vrusias, as well as experts from Kent around the role and impact of AI in a number of areas including education, business and healthcare. There will also be demonstrations from Kent students who are working in AI, and from Dr Anna Gruebler, Senior AI Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. 

By bringing together experts in the field, the event will facilitate a joined up and collaborative approach AI across researchers, practitioners, policymakers and business – minimising the risks and challenges it poses, while capitalising on the opportunities. 

The day will include talks from Amazon guest speakers as well as experts from Kent around the role and impact of AI in a number of areas including education, business and healthcare. There will also be demonstrations from Kent students who are working in AI. 

Panel Discussions 

Join our panel discussions to have your say. Each session will include short talks with a range of presenters including academics, students and professionals with an opportunity for questions and discussions with the audience.  The discussions are: 

  • Generative AI in Education 
  • Generative AI in Business & Healthcare 
  • Using Generative AI in Your Studies. 

Networking drinks and a live piano vs. AI improvisation by German pianist Dr Esther Fee Feichtner will take place in the foyer alongside stands from ASPIRE, our Employability Teams including live demo CV checks and University of Kent Computer Science Department. 

The talks will also be streamed via Teams. Find the links to join us online here.

Three students sitting on campus with iced coffee

Events roundup: 25 September – 1 October

The start of term is here! Teaching begins this week, make sure to regularly check your timetable for any updates. 

This week Canterbury Festival begins (26 Sept – 4 Nov) with an extravaganza of music, performance, talks, science and more.  The University are also running various activities during the festival.

Monday 25 September: Wellbeing Café, Medway Move classes and outdoor cinema screening 

The Wellbeing Café is a great place to connect with others in a relaxed environment with a focus on promoting your wellbeing and mental health through activity. The Wellbeing Café is facilitated by Tara and Helen, Mental Health Advisers and meets each Monday afternoon in K Bar Red Room (next to K-Bar).  

At Medway you can take advantage of Medway Move, a range of free exercise classes for students and staff. On Monday, you can try out yoga and social badminton 

On Monday evening watch the Spielberg classic, E.T, at the Gulbenkian’s free outdoor cinema screening. Dress warmly and bring a blanket or something to sit on. You’ll also be able to buy a range of snacks and hot food at the screening.  

Tuesday 26 September: Kent Police drop-in and Ruby Tuesday 

On Tuesday mornings during term-time, Kent Police are running a drop-in clinic in Locke Building on Canterbury campus. You can chat to them about crime prevention and safety or any general enquiries you may have.  

Dive headfirst into the gritty underworld of indie rock at Kent’s regular alternative music night at K Bar 

Wednesday 27 September: Kent Community Oasis Garden, introduction to university study and how to find a part-time job 

Kent Community Oasis Garden is located at our Canterbury campus at the end of Park Wood. It’s a collection of students, staff and community members working to create a sustainability hub centred around growing food. Join them for an open volunteering session on Wednesdays and Fridays. Also, at Kent COG on Wednesday – you can get the pots, soil, seeds and advice to start growing your own herbs! 

If you’re a new student and want to know more about what to expect for your first year at uni, these introduction to university study sessions are for you! There is a session at Canterbury and at Medway campus.  

Wondering how to find a part-time job? This session from our Careers and Employability Service highlights options for part-time work and where you can look for opportunities. You can either join the session in person in Keynes or online.  

Thursday 28 September: Free house plants and trampolining trip 

Pick up a free house plant (while stocks last!) from the central plaza, Canterbury, and find out about the house plant hospital as well as the Kent Community Oasis Garden.  

On Thursday evening, the students’ unions at the Hub, Medway, are running a Soar trampolining trip (tickets cost £2). Enjoy an exhilarating day of trampolining including jumping into foam pits! 

Friday 29 September: Therapy dog in K Bar 

As the academic year kicks off, take some time to unwind and find comfort in the presence of  gentle therapy dogs in K Bar 

Saturday 30 September: Braiding workshop  

Ahead of Black History Month, Kent Union is running two free beginner cornrow and braiding workshops, led by IVY WILD qualified hairdresser. These 2x 4-hour sessions are limited, so make sure to reserve your place to avoid missing out.  

Sunday 1 October: Harry Potter pub quiz 

Enter a world of magic and wizardry at our spellbinding Harry Potter quiz night at K Bar on Sunday evening. 

See all student events