Find out what’s on this week including the Spring Careers Fair and the start of Canterbury Varsity.
Update: Read more on a new proposal for how support and admin teams will work together at Kent going forward.
Monday 17 March: Prep for Spring Careers Fair and St Patrick’s Day activities
Prepare for the Spring Careers Fair by attending this online session about unlocking opportunities and strategies for success at the Careers Fair.
Monday is also St Patrick’s Day! At Medway, you can join in with some fun St Patrick’s Day themed games and challenges. In Canterbury, there’s a special St Patrick’s Day Karaoke Night at K-Bar.
Elevate slow conference is returning to Gulbenkian from 17 March to 11 April. This innovative programme of events celebrates the many artists and companies working in accessible, inclusive and disabled-led arts practice across Kent and Medway. Book now.
Tuesday 18 March: Spring Careers Fair, Women’s Business Market and Easter Egg Hunt (Medway)
One of the biggest student events of the year, don’t miss the Spring Careers Fair in Colyer-Fergusson Concert Hall. Meet with a wide range of employers and organisations and explore graduate opportunities.
There’s a Women’s Business Market in the Plaza, organised by Kent Students’ Union, highlighting women-owned businesses.
You can also join an Easter Egg Hunt at Medway campus. Explore hidden spots, solve clues and collect colourful eggs filled with sweet treats and surprises.
Wednesday 19 March: ASPIRE Business Start-Up Pitching final and market, Spring Wreath Workshop
On Wednesday our student entrepreneurs compete to win in the ASPIRE Business Start-up Journey pitching finals. You can also look around the ASPIRE Start-Up Market, where you can shop inspiring student and graduate start-up businesses in Sibson Atrium.
For students who live on campus, you can join a ResLife Spring Wreath Workshop, where you will craft a wreath from natural materials such as twigs, flower heads and seed pods.
Thursday 20 March: CV and shortlisting exercise (Medway), managing exam stress and clothes swap
Who would you hire? Join this in-person session at Medway for a CV and application shortlisting exercise, to help you know what employers are looking for.
If the thought of upcoming exams is stressful, considering joining a Skills for Academic Success online workshop around exam techniques and managing stress. There’s also lots more exam revision and technique events coming up.
Our student Global Officers, with Kent Students’ Union Advice Service, are hosting a clothes swap on Thursday 20 March in The Venue.
Friday 21 March: Gulbenkian costume sale and Emp Points drop in
The Employability Points team will be in Keynes Atrium on Friday morning to talk through how the Employability scheme works and how you can apply for rewards this summer.
The Gulbenkian Arts Centre are selling a lot of their costumes to keep them out of landfill and to raise donations towards their work with children and young people. Head to Colyer-Fergusson Hall on Friday afternoon, or over the weekend, to take a look.
Saturday 22 March: Canterbury Varsity begins and how to measure stars
Canterbury Varsity begins this weekend! It’s a week of sport competition between Kent and Canterbury Christ Church, run by the students’ unions, which aims to promote friendship, pride and passion through the celebration of sport. Go Team Kent!
Want to get more into the Varsity spirit? Come along to DG-01 on Saturday afternoon to make posters with friends to cheer on Team Kent.
Ever wondered how far away the stars are? Join this open lecture on Saturday evening to earn about the parallax method, which is the only direct way to measure stellar distances.
See more student events.
Are you a postgraduate student? Fill in your postgraduate survey by 9 May for chance to win £250! We will email you a personalised survey link when the surveys open on Monday 17 March 2025. So, keep an eye on your Kent email account.
See more student opportunities.