Category Archives: Student Guide

Postgrad surveys are now open

Postgrad surveys are now open – chance to win £250

Are you a postgraduate student?

Fill in your postgraduate survey by 9 May for chance to win £250!

  • Taught postgrads need to complete the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)
  • Research postgrads need to complete the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

We will email you a personalised survey link when the surveys open on Monday 17 March 2025. So keep an eye on your Kent email account.

This is your chance to have your say on what you liked or didn’t like about studying at Kent. Previous student feedback is why you have a 24-hour library and Nexus helpdesk.

It takes about 20 minutes to complete and is anonymous.

Find out more about the postgrad surveys at Kent. 

Careers fair

Events roundup: 17 – 23 March

Find out what’s on this week including the Spring Careers Fair and the start of Canterbury Varsity.

Update: Read more on a new proposal for how support and admin teams will work together at Kent going forward.

Monday 17 March: Prep for Spring Careers Fair and St Patrick’s Day activities

Prepare for the Spring Careers Fair by attending this online session about unlocking opportunities and strategies for success at the Careers Fair.

Monday is also St Patrick’s Day! At Medway, you can join in with some fun St Patrick’s Day themed games and challenges. In Canterbury, there’s a special St Patrick’s Day Karaoke Night at K-Bar.

Elevate slow conference is returning to Gulbenkian from 17 March to 11 April. This innovative programme of events celebrates the many artists and companies working in accessible, inclusive and disabled-led arts practice across Kent and Medway. Book now.

Tuesday 18 March: Spring Careers Fair, Women’s Business Market and Easter Egg Hunt (Medway)

One of the biggest student events of the year, don’t miss the Spring Careers Fair in Colyer-Fergusson Concert Hall. Meet with a wide range of employers and organisations and explore graduate opportunities.

There’s a Women’s Business Market in the Plaza, organised by Kent Students’ Union, highlighting women-owned businesses.

You can also join an Easter Egg Hunt at Medway campus. Explore hidden spots, solve clues and collect colourful eggs filled with sweet treats and surprises.

Wednesday 19 March: ASPIRE Business Start-Up Pitching final and market, Spring Wreath Workshop

On Wednesday our student entrepreneurs compete to win in the ASPIRE Business Start-up Journey pitching finals. You can also look around the ASPIRE Start-Up Market, where you can shop inspiring student and graduate start-up businesses in Sibson Atrium.

For students who live on campus, you can join a ResLife Spring Wreath Workshop, where you will craft a wreath from natural materials such as twigs, flower heads and seed pods.

Thursday 20 March: CV and shortlisting exercise (Medway), managing exam stress and clothes swap

Who would you hire? Join this in-person session at Medway for a CV and application shortlisting exercise, to help you know what employers are looking for.

If the thought of upcoming exams is stressful, considering joining a Skills for Academic Success online workshop around exam techniques and managing stress. There’s also lots more exam revision and technique events coming up.

Our student Global Officers, with Kent Students’ Union Advice Service, are hosting a clothes swap on Thursday 20 March in The Venue.

Friday 21 March: Gulbenkian costume sale and Emp Points drop in

The Employability Points team will be in Keynes Atrium on Friday morning to talk through how the Employability scheme works and how you can apply for rewards this summer.  

The Gulbenkian Arts Centre are selling a lot of their costumes to keep them out of landfill and to raise donations towards their work with children and young people. Head to Colyer-Fergusson Hall on Friday afternoon, or over the weekend, to take a look.

Saturday 22 March: Canterbury Varsity begins and how to measure stars

Canterbury Varsity begins this weekend! It’s a week of sport competition between Kent and Canterbury Christ Church, run by the students’ unions, which aims to promote friendship, pride and passion through the celebration of sport. Go Team Kent!

Want to get more into the Varsity spirit? Come along to DG-01 on Saturday afternoon to make posters with friends to cheer on Team Kent.

Ever wondered how far away the stars are? Join this open lecture on Saturday evening to earn about the parallax method, which is the only direct way to measure stellar distances.

See more student events.


Are you a postgraduate student? Fill in your postgraduate survey by 9 May for chance to win £250! We will email you a personalised survey link when the surveys open on Monday 17 March 2025. So, keep an eye on your Kent email account.

See more student opportunities.

staff and student talking

Updating how our teams work together

At Kent, we’re committed to ensuring you have the best possible experience while you study with us. Universities across the UK are facing significant financial challenges, and we’re taking steps to address these at Kent in a way that prioritises your education and wellbeing.  

As we updated previously, we recently ran a Voluntary Severance Scheme to make savings by supporting staff who are looking to leave the University. Alongside this, we are making some higher-level changes to how support and administration teams work together. There is no change to the support teams you currently work with at this stage – we’ll let you know if anything student-facing does change if and when this is confirmed. 

The proposed changes don’t affect our new Academic Schools and are intended to improve alignment with the new structure. The changes will enable back-office functions to be more student-focused, helping us meet students’ needs now and in the future. 

Under the proposal being discussed with staff now, we would bring existing teams together into nine new directorates: 

  1. Finance
  2. Information Technology Services
  3. Marketing, Recruitment and External Engagement 
  4. Research, Innovation and Business Development
  5. Student Life 
  6. Campus Services
  7. Planning, Insights and Improvement
  8. Human Resources and Organisational Development 
  9. Governance, Assurance and Legal Services  

Several of the current student-facing teams would come together within Student Life, ensuring better cohesion between key teams who support you throughout your time with us. This includes postgraduate support, with dedicated PG activity delivered through the Student Life directorate along with your academic support via your School. 

Your Support at Kent  

We understand how important it is to have consistent and reliable support throughout your time here. Our teams remain focused on ensuring continuity of support in all areas of university life, from your academic studies to wellbeing, accommodation, and campus services. No matter what changes happen behind the scenes, you can rely on dedicated teams to provide a consistent experience through the changes. This includes:  

From September 2025 we are also making broader changes to support your studies, following the changes to our course portfolio last year. This includes new modules with more industry and employability links, along with a revised academic year structure which means your assessments will happen much closer to when you study your course content. Keep an eye out for further updates on this throughout the term. 

University Mental Health Day logo. Students doing crafts together.

What’s on: Uni Mental Health Day, 13 March

On Thursday, we’re celebrating University Mental Health Day, led by UK student mental health charity Student Minds. Here at Kent we’ve got a range of events to help boost your wellbeing, as well as support for your mental health while you work and study.

What’s on: Thursday 13 March

  • Head to Nexus in Templeman Library for therapy dogs, crafts, games and to try a VR headset! You can also speak to staff from Student Support and Wellbeing. 10:00-16:00 with therapy dogs 12:00-16:00.
  • Rehome a house plant or bring yours to the pop-up house plant hospital on the plaza, 12:00-14:00.
  • Enjoy free tea, coffee and pastries at the Tea and Talk Morning at The Deep End, 9:30-11:30.
  • Head to the Oasis Lounge in Medway to cuddle a therapy dog and for free drinks, snacks and colouring12:00-14:00. You can also speak to staff from Student Support and Wellbeing and the Medway Chaplain.
  • Give yoga a try with the Yoga Society in Park Wood Dance Studio, 13:00-14:00.
  • Relax with a Meditation Session led by the Mindfulness Society in Park Wood Dance Studio, 15:00-16:30.
  • Decorate a stress ball and enjoy mindful colouring with ResLife in DG-01, Templeman Library, 15:00-17:00.
  •  Join a free exercise class to boost your mood. Sign up at Kent Sport reception.

See all Uni Mental Health Day events and learn more about support.

want to win £1,000?

Win £1,000 with the return of Santander Brighter Futures Grants

We’re excited to announce the return of our Brighter Futures Grants Programme this spring, in partnership with Santander.

Once again, we’re giving away 10 grants of £1,000 each to University of Kent students. All students can enter, including undergraduates, postgraduates, part-time and full-time students.

You can use the grants for anything you need, whether it’s buying tech or textbooks, upgrading your study space, or covering living expenses – the choice is yours.

Entering is quick and easy:

  1. Register for Santander Open Academy, a free online learning platform (if you haven’t already).
  2. Click the verification link in your confirmation email.
  3. Log in and choose ‘Get Started’ to complete your entry into the Brighter Futures Grants programme. Select ‘University of Kent’ from the menu.
  4. Submit your entry by 23:00hrs on 15 May 2025.

What are you waiting for? Don’t miss the chance to enhance your academic journey with a Brighter Futures Grant.

Enter by 15 May 2025 for your chance to win. T&Cs apply!

Apply today

Student holding graduation message board saying "Slay Queen. I did it!!"

Events roundup: 10-16 March

Find out what’s on this week including Uni Mental Health Day and Graduation Launch events.

Monday 10 March: Wellbeing workshop, graduating reflection (Medway) and time management workshop

On Monday you can attend the monthly wellbeing workshop in Keynes on the theme of ‘New beginnings – any time of year!’, led by Mental Health practitioners in Student Support and Wellbeing.

Are you graduating soon and based at Medway? You’re invited to this in-person session to encourage reflection and help you decide what you want to do next.

Does your time management need improving? Join this online Study Plus workshop all about time management, including common barriers and creating a practical plan for your needs.

Tuesday 11 March: Medway Graduation launch and mindfulness colouring

If you’re graduating this year at Medway, drop into the Oasis Lounge for the Medway Graduation Launch. Find out when your graduation ceremony will be and ask the graduation team any questions you may have. Tempest Photography and the Graduate Gowning Company will also be there to answer your photography and gowning questions.

Members of the counselling team will be available in Nexus to answer any queries you may have about therapy and mindfulness. Take some time to de-stress and unwind with mindful colouring.

Wednesday 12 March: Canterbury Graduation launch and PG Talk

On Wednesday it’s the Canterbury Graduation Launch! Taking place in Darwin Conference Suite, this is your chance to find out when your graduation ceremony will take place, get measured for your gown and ask any questions about your graduation day. Open to final year and PG students graduating this year. Drop by between 12:00-19:00, or 11:00-12:00 for the quiet hour (needs to be booked).

The next PG Talk is about ‘Research at Kent: Shaping the future’ and is open to all PG students. This is a chance for research students to present their research to fellow postgrad students in a safe, friendly and constructive space, and for PGT students to learn about the types of research taking place at Kent.

Thursday 13 March: Uni Mental Health Day and ‘Ice and Fire’ workshop and performance

Thursday is University Mental Health Day! There’s lots on including therapy dogs, VR headsets, games and crafts in Nexus, where you can also speak to members of Student Support and Wellbeing. Plus, there are society-led yoga and mindfulness sessions, free exercise classes and house plant hospital on the plaza. At Medway, head to the Oasis Lounge for a therapy dog session, crafts and to find out how you can look after your mental health.

We are delighted to welcome Actors for Human Rights bringing ‘Ice and Fire’ to campus.  Join them for a participatory workshop: Mapping the Asylum Process exclusively for students which will give you an opportunity to understand the complexities of the UK asylum seeking process and the challenges people face as they navigate it to gain legal status.

Later, Actors for Human Rights will perform Asylum Monologues, a stunning performance crafted from first-hand accounts of the UK’s asylum system in the words of people who have experienced it. This will be followed by a Q&A featuring panellists from KRAN, Care 4 Calais alongside Ice and Fire moderated by Student Action for Refugees (STAR) society.

Friday 14 March: Holi celebration (Medway) and Spring Career Fair prep

Get ready to dive into a world of vibrant colours and festive joy at The Hub’s Medway Holi Colour Throwing event on Friday afternoon!

The Spring Careers Fair is coming up on Tuesday 18 March. Join this online session on Friday about unlocking opportunities and strategies for success at the upcoming Careers Fair.

Saturday 15 March: Trip to Leeds Castle

If you live in on-campus accommodation, you can enjoy a coach trip to Leeds Castle. Enjoy a day out to King Henry VIII’s beautiful castle in the stunning Kent countryside for just £5 (includes coach trip and entry).

See more student events.


See more student opportunities.

Exercise class

Join a free exercise class on Uni Mental Health Day, 13 March

In support of University Mental Health Day, Thursday 13 March, Kent Sport will be offering 10 free spaces in 10 different classes on our fitness and dance class timetable to support everyone and promote mental wellbeing within our community.

The classes available to access on the day are listed below;

  • Virtual: BodyAttack, Sprint, BodyCombat, Dance & GRIT
  • In-person: Body Blast, Power Pilates, Core & More, LBT & Boxfit

For all class start times and descriptions, visit our classes webpage.

To book a free class as a Plus, Pay to Play, or non-member, visit the Sports Centre reception and fill out the paper form for the class(es) you would like to join. There are 10 free spaces in each class so sign up quickly before they’re gone! If you’re a Premium Plus member, all classes are included in your membership so you can book online as usual.

If you’re not yet a Kent Sport member, you’ll need to create a free Pay to Play membership before you’ll be able to join the classes. You can create an account quickly and easily through our online booking system.

Ice and Fire performance

‘Ice and Fire’ workshop, performance and panel discussion for Student Refugee Week

Student Refugee Week in March is an opportunity for students to galvanise and engage with the issues and resilience of people seeking sanctuary.

Student workshop

We are delighted to welcome Actors for Human Rights bringing ‘Ice and Fire’ to campus on Thursday 13 March in Aphra, Grimond Building. Join them 16:00-17:00 for a participatory workshop: Mapping the Asylum Process exclusively for students which will give you an opportunity to understand the complexities of the UK asylum seeking process and the challenges people face as they navigate it in order to gain legal status.

Performance, panel and reception

Following the workshop, Actors for Human Rights will perform Asylum Monologues, a stunning performance crafted from first-hand accounts of the UK’s asylum system in the words of people who have experienced it.

Ice and fire - exploring human rights stories through performance

This will be followed by a Q&A featuring panellists from KRAN, Care 4 Calais alongside Ice and Fire moderated by Student Action for Refugees (STAR) society, and a reception. The performance, panel and reception are free and open to all.

Get Exams Ready

If you are sitting exams at Kent this summer, our Exams 2025 guidance is now out!

Guidance includes technical support with online exams, what to expect from in-person exams and support available to you. Your exam timetable will be available on KentVision around two weeks before the end of the Spring term, so week commencing 24 March.

Apply for Exam Adjustments by Friday 7 March

If you need, or think you need, adjusted exam arrangements because of a disability, medical condition, or mental health condition and haven’t yet arranged your ILP, the deadline is this Friday 7 March.

ASPIRE pitching finals

Eight Kent students will enter the dragons’ den in the ASPIRE’s pitching finals to try to impress judges including the founder of international fashion brand Dune London, Daniel Rubin. 

Selected following the inspiring 15-week Business Start-Up Journey programme, students who could win £1000 prize money are:

  • Toyin Sanyaolu (KBS) with Wonder Lab – immersive STEM teaching. 
  • Jane Davidson (History) with Positive Procrastination – time management tools. 
  • Danika Hossain (KBS) with Banghra Blends – Indian inspired range of cocktails and drinks. 
  • Felicity James (School of Social Sciences) with Dive Right In – an inclusive swim school. 
  • Isidora Grey (KBS) with Protein Cookies 
  • Akash Ramakrishna Iytha (KBS) founder of a new customised clothing brand 
  • Aamir Khokhar (KBS) with Khocars tours – inclusive sports car road trips 
  • Rhoslyn Singh (School of Engineering, Mathematics and Physics) – Rhoslyn’s Art – direct to consumer hand-painted artwork 

The finalists will compete in the pitching finals to be held in Sibson on Wednesday 19 March. They each have 5 minutes to pitch their business, followed by 4 minutes of quick-fire questions from the judges. 

The judges are: 

  • Emay Enemokwu, KBS graduate and founder of JEHUCAL streetwear brand  
  • Nadia Simpson, KBS graduate and founder of Your Amora and NuEleFa beauty brands  
  • Daniel Rubin, KBS graduate (second 500), Kent Hon Doc and founder Dune London  
  • Alex Ford, Computer Science graduate, serial entrepreneur and founder Claro Wealth  
  • Laura Bounds MBE owner of award-winning brands Kent Crisps, Kentish Oils, Kentish Condiments and A Little Bit Food Co  
  • Debbie Zaman, Angel investor and mentor for the Innovation RCA incubator at the Royal College of Art. Supporter of woman in business and (Exited) Founder of With, PR agency. 

Nadia was a finalist last year and is judging the competition this year.

In the audience will be family, friends and supporters of the ASPIRE’s work including investors, mentors and ASPIRE alumni.

The finalists will all be working with mentors to help them prepare for the pitching finals. Mentors include owner of Garage Coffee, Luke Underdown, owner of Macknade Fine Food Hall, Stefano Cuomo and Dan Crooks, MD of iFruits. 

Pop-up market

Alongside the pitching finals, other students will be showcasing their businesses in an exciting pop-up market held in Sibson atrium from 10:00 – 13:00 on March 19. 

Businesses taking part in the pop-up market include 1823 fashion including clothes, shoes and accessories; Divine Lashes by Isha; EntreConchitas jewellery, Hampers by Dani, Heretical Studios VR experiences and delicious cakes from Spontaneous Bakes and Sugar Sweet. 

Shop the pop-up market any time between 10:00 – 13:00 to show your support for Kent’s student entrepreneurs. 

Places to watch pitching finals from 14:00-16:00 are limited and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. To request a reserved place please email