Category Archives: Kent 2030

staff and student talking

Updating how our teams work together

At Kent, we’re committed to ensuring you have the best possible experience while you study with us. Universities across the UK are facing significant financial challenges, and we’re taking steps to address these at Kent in a way that prioritises your education and wellbeing.  

As we updated previously, we recently ran a Voluntary Severance Scheme to make savings by supporting staff who are looking to leave the University. Alongside this, we are making some higher-level changes to how support and administration teams work together. There is no change to the support teams you currently work with at this stage – we’ll let you know if anything student-facing does change if and when this is confirmed. 

The proposed changes don’t affect our new Academic Schools and are intended to improve alignment with the new structure. The changes will enable back-office functions to be more student-focused, helping us meet students’ needs now and in the future. 

Under the proposal being discussed with staff now, we would bring existing teams together into nine new directorates: 

  1. Finance
  2. Information Technology Services
  3. Marketing, Recruitment and External Engagement 
  4. Research, Innovation and Business Development
  5. Student Life 
  6. Campus Services
  7. Planning, Insights and Improvement
  8. Human Resources and Organisational Development 
  9. Governance, Assurance and Legal Services  

Several of the current student-facing teams would come together within Student Life, ensuring better cohesion between key teams who support you throughout your time with us. This includes postgraduate support, with dedicated PG activity delivered through the Student Life directorate along with your academic support via your School. 

Your Support at Kent  

We understand how important it is to have consistent and reliable support throughout your time here. Our teams remain focused on ensuring continuity of support in all areas of university life, from your academic studies to wellbeing, accommodation, and campus services. No matter what changes happen behind the scenes, you can rely on dedicated teams to provide a consistent experience through the changes. This includes:  

From September 2025 we are also making broader changes to support your studies, following the changes to our course portfolio last year. This includes new modules with more industry and employability links, along with a revised academic year structure which means your assessments will happen much closer to when you study your course content. Keep an eye out for further updates on this throughout the term. 

Online Module Registration for 2025/26

With Online Module Registration opening soon we wanted to reminder you of the changes to the selection process. These changes are being made following student feedback on how students want to study and how to improve your experience at Kent.

We’ve been in touch previously letting you know about the changes to term times, starting this coming September. The 2025/26 academic year will change to three 10-week terms, instead of the current two 12-week terms and a 6-week assessment term. As we updated last summer, the way you select and take your modules will be changing.

Generally, from September 2025 you’ll study two 20 credit modules in each of the three terms, (four terms for Postgraduates) or sometimes larger modules will be studied across multiple terms. The amount of teaching you receive, and broad module content will remain the same, but with the assessments within each term rather than the end of the academic year.

When Online Module Registration opens (Monday 24 March – Friday 4 April) you will need to select your modules for the next academic year based on your Subject Requirements. Most students will be able to choose from a selection of Optional Modules, which will continue to feature popular topics. If your modules are all compulsory they will be added automatically, and you will not be required to take part in OMR.

Find out more

For full information check the Online Module Registration guidance including Subject Requirements, Exemptions and an FAQ section. You can read more about the Education Modernisation changes here.

You can also drop us a line at if you want to talk it through.

How to have your voice heard at Kent

At the University of Kent, your student experience and academic progress are our top priority. We hugely value the feedback you share with us. We are using your input to shape the university, allowing us to focus on the aspects of university life that matter most to you.

Check out just some of the changes made in response to your feedback in 2024. As well changes coming next academic year in the video below.

However, we are always seeking new ways to do more and better.

A key part of this transformation is amplifying your voice. Through various Student Voice channels like Module Evaluations (ME Moodle forms), Student Voice Forums, and national surveys such as the National Student Survey (NSS) and Postgraduate Experience Surveys, we ensure your feedback is heard and acted upon. These forums and surveys, along with the dedicated work of Kent Student Union Student Representatives, help create a strong, student-centred community where concerns are addressed, and positive changes are made.

These efforts, alongside the changes in university structure, will help us build a better future for Kent—one that prioritizes your success and ensures that we are continually improving the student experience. Your voice is vital in this process, and we encourage you to actively participate in shaping your academic journey and the future of our university.

Templeman Library

Kent 2030: Consultation outcomes on course changes 

In order to help us meet future student demand we are making some changes to the courses we offer. This is linked to data on what students are looking to study nationally, recognising the different needs of new generations of students to come.   

Consultation process and outcomes 

We shared proposals at the end of January 2024 for courses that would potentially be phased out and not recruited to in future. Since then, we have been consulting with staff, during which colleagues from courses proposed for closure were invited to submit counterproposals.  

The Size & Shape Workstream staff, including Directors of Division, have been meeting to carefully consider the counterproposals and have made recommendations to our Executive Group on which courses to phase out and how, in order to allow the University to find the cost savings it needs. The Executive Group have reviewed these recommendations and have now approved plans. Outcomes of the consultation for all subjects proposed to be phased out can be found on the course changes webpage.   

Affected staff and students have been contacted about the outcomes of the consultation in their areas.  See timeline of when detailed information on course changes will become available 

Student Open Forums 

You are invited to attend one of our Student Open Forums to find out more about the Kent 2030 programme and to ask any questions you may have. If you are studying a subject which is unaffected by the course changes, you are still welcome to attend Student Open Forums to find out more: 

Emotional support

Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) team can support you if you are worried about the impact these changes are having on your emotional wellbeing. As well as 1-2-1 support, SSW are also hosting some online group workshops on managing your emotions during a period of change or uncertainty on 28 March, 2 April and 11 April. Check out the SSW events calendar for more information and to book your free place, and  take a look at other online and telephone support which you can access 24/7 as a Kent student.

See the Kent 2030 course changes webpage for more information including a timeline and support for students affected by the course changes.  

Two students walking through field with canterbury cathedral in background

Kent 2030: Consultation update

Next phase of consultation

As you may know, consultation closed on 7 March on proposals to cease recruitment to some subject disciplines (Anthropology; Art History; Comparative Literature; English Language and Linguistics; Health and Social Care; Journalism; Modern Languages; Music and Audio Technology; and Philosophy and Religious Studies) at the University of Kent. Counter proposals submitted by staff in those areas are now being reviewed, with recommendations then made to Executive Group colleagues to decide on the way forward, meaning that final outcomes are likely to be known towards the end of March.

If it affects you, we’ll be in touch

Once outcomes are shared in late March, we will be in touch with students who are affected to explain what this means for the future of their particular subject areas. There will then be more details to work out in terms of teach-out for any area where the final decision is to cease recruitment. We will keep affected students updated by email each step of the way as those plans are scoped out, as we have more clarity on individual student circumstances and options, and can share how we will support you through the remainder of your degree, whatever your stage and type of study.

Opportunity for all students to hear more and ask questions

We invite you to sign up for an Undergraduate Student Open Forum from  12:00-13:00 on Thursday 28 March or to sign up for an Postgraduate Student Open Forum from 14:00-15:00 on Wednesday 3 April to hear from  Richard Reece, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Education & Student Experience, and Mica Rose, Head of Student Experience. They’ll explain updates on Kent 2030 plans and what they mean for students, and invite you to ask questions. These online meeting will be recorded and shared afterwards, so don’t worry if you are not able to attend. We will continue to update information and FAQs on the Kent 2030 student webpage.

Woman in blue jeans and yellow top using a Macbook Pro

Kent 2030: Student Open Forum on 21 February

Want to hear more about Kent 2030 and ask your questions? Join our Student Open Forum from 15:30 – 16:30 on Wednesday 21 February online via Teams. Register for the forum and submit your questions.

From changes to Kent’s future course offering, to changes to the shape of the academic year, we want to hear from students on your views to help shape our plans.

Richard Reece (DVC Education and Student Experience) and Mica Rose (Head of Student Experience) will be joined with Zaid Mahmood (Kent Union President) to hear your views and answer any questions you might have about Kent 2030.

Can’t make it? The open forum will be recorded and available for you to watch after.

Three students sitting and talking on campus

Introducing our next University Strategy

From Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education and Student Experience

Future plans for Kent

I wanted to update you all on work underway to develop our next University strategy, which is focused on ensuring we do more to put students at the heart of everything we do. This is being delivered through our Kent 2030 plan, which brings together a range of improvements based on suggestions from students.

Lots of this is due to come into effect from Autumn 2025 onwards, including planned changes to the structure of our academic year. We are also looking at the make-up of the courses we plan on recruiting to in the future, recognising that students have different needs and different expectations than they did in the past.

As part of this, we have started talking to staff in some areas about phasing out future recruitment to a number of courses. If agreed, this would only affect recruitment for future cohorts of students in these areas – for those studying them now, your teaching and graduation would carry on as normal.

These proposals are to do with our broader portfolio rather than any specific campus – we remain fully committed to our presence at Medway and as part of this will be looking at how we can refresh what we do to ensure we have a vibrant offer at Medway that matches what students and employers are looking for.

Why are we doing this?

We are always looking at ways we can do things differently as student demographics change, ensuring we match the ambition of students in what they can study at Kent and the ways we support them in doing that. Alongside this, like other universities across the country, we are responding to a challenging financial environment – we want to get ahead of this by building something different and better for future generations of Kent students.

What does it mean for you?

The Kent 2030 programme will be making improvements to lots of aspects of the student experience. As the programme develops, we will be in touch directly should any proposed changes affect you. Our priority throughout will be to ensure we maintain the quality and consistency of your course through to when you graduate, and your Division will be in touch via email shortly if there are proposed changes in your area as part of the current curriculum review.

None of the proposed plans being discussed would impact students’ ability to graduate or complete their courses, and as with any organisational changes, we will do everything we can to minimise the impact on your studies.

Find out more about Kent 2030

Change can be challenging for some colleagues but we are sure that these proposed changes are the right thing to do to ensure a positive future at Kent. We are working with Kent Union and staff unions to do everything we can to support affected staff as a result of the upcoming curriculum review. If you have questions or concerns about any of this, please contact Kent Union at or the Kent 2030 team at

Want to hear more about how changes might affect your student journey and ask your questions? Join our next Student Open Forum from 15:30 – 16:30 on Wednesday 21 February online via Teams.

Sign up to attend Student Open Forum Wed 21 February

Read about Kent 2030 plans online

Four students sitting chatting at table

Kent 2030: give your feedback

Help us bring together our next five-year plan for the University.

We’re looking into an number of big changes which include making it easier for you to fit study around other activity and making sure we build in better links with industry in our courses.

The earliest these changes would come into effect would be the 2025/26 academic year.

Find out more about Kent 2030 and give your feedback.