Author Archives: Wendy Raeside

Warning sign

Launch of eSAFETY online accident/incident reporting system

The new online accident/incident reporting system eSAFETY has now been launched.

The link to the system and further information and guidance can be accessed via the button called ‘eSAFETY accident/incident reporting system’ on the front page of the Safety Unit website.

Please ensure that any incidents recorded on the Interim Accident/Incident/Fire Related Report form are now entered via the eSAFETY Portal as soon as possible.

In addition, please ensure that any links to iCASS that you have saved are updated.  The new system should work in multi-browsers.

Relevant staff will be notified of new accidents/incidents by email from with a subject heading including the word ‘eSAFETY’.

Any enquiries to Julie Martin (ext 4589 or email or Angela Hewlett-Day (ext 4588 or email

Spice jars

DICE talk on wildlife trade – 12 December

‘Wildlife Trade on the New Silk Roads’ is the theme of the December DICE talk.

The talk will be  given by Dr Amy Hinsley, Postdoctorate Research Fellow at the University of Oxford and a Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) alumna. Amy will talk about her work looking at threats and opportunities from the global expansion of traditional Chinese medicine.

The talk takes place on Thursday 12 December, from 18.00-19.00, in Grimond Lecture Theatre 3, Canterbury campus. It  is free to attend and everyone is welcome.


Studio 3 Gallery

New Studio 3 exhibition: Derek’s Room

The Studio 3 Gallery at the School of Arts will be running a new exhibition, entitled Derek’s Room, from Wednesday 4 to Saturday 7 December 2019,  from 10.00 to 17.00.

Derek’s Room is the first juried open submission exhibition in Studio 3 Gallery, and aims to display the rich variety of creative practice blooming in Kent: from painting, sculpture, and photography, to performance, textile, poetry and digital media.The opening night of the exhibition will be held on Tuesday 3 December 2019 from 17.00, and will feature live performances.

This first presentation of Derek’s Room is organised by Dr Eleen M Deprez, Curator of Studio 3 Gallery; Callum Foad and Alice Richardson, currently studying MA History and Philosophy of Art; Yannis Grimm, currently studying BA (Hons) Drama and Theatre; Emily Harman, currently studying BA (Hons) Art History; Debbie Patterson, a Kent alumna; and Kostas Xanthopoulos, currently studying BA (Hons) Multimedia Technology and Design.

The artists whose work features in the exhibition include Kent students, staff and alumni as well as the general public. The artists are: Elaine Almond, Claire Anscomb, Georgiana Barcan, Chris Blunkell, Danny Burrows, Joseph Clarke, Peggy Eagle, Izichi Elenwo, Jonathan Fryer, Elena Hansen, Emily Harman, Melanie Jordan, Hannah Joy King, Daniel Loveday, Euphemia MacTavish, Lorrain Mailer, Joy C Martindale, Kate Matthews, Jane McCourt, Ines Mourato, Rémy Noë, Philip Ofe, Ian Palmer, Marina Panayiotou, Sandra Pearson, Nic Ramsden, Clare Ruddock-West, Corinne Smallman, Clare Smith, Sam Vale, Kristy Widdicombe, Emma Williams, Kostas Xanthopoulos, Jinhao Xie.

More information about Studio 3 Gallery can be found on the Gallery’s blog.


Musical notes

Chorus and Orchestra concert to explore musical legacy

The University Chorus and Orchestra join forces this Saturday (7 December) to explore the musical legacy of three great composers, in a programme including Haydn’s rousing ‘Te Deum’ and Beethoven’s effervescent First Symphony.

Two Music Scholarship pianists also join the performers for two of Brahms’ lyrical ‘Liebesliederwaltzer.’

Tickets for the performance are still available from the Gulbenkian Box Office; join them this Saturday night!


Warp It logo

Look how far Warp It has come!

Since implementing the furniture reuse and management system, Warp It, back in January 2016 we’ve hit a huge milestone!

Warp It is designed to make it very easy for staff at the University of Kent to loan or give surplus items to other staff. Furthermore, items that aren’t needed within the University can be passed onto partner organisations and charities. This has helped us to achieve savings in time and money and being smarter with our resources.

So far, we’ve saved:

  • £744,988
  • 120,157KG waste
  • 366,130KG CO2

And we’ve:

  • donated £49,680 to not for profits organisations
  • gained 711 members

So, if you have an item that is taking up space that you don’t need, put it on Warp It. Or if you’re looking for an item check Warp It before you buy new!

What items can be reused through Warp It?

Reusable furniture, fixtures and fittings and office consumables (such as stationary and folders) and much more *, if you’re not sure if your item can be listed please contact for advice.

How do I register?

Visit our Warp It homepage. Make sure you bookmark it. Hit the big green button which says ‘register’ now. Once you register you’ll get further instructions. You can browse items on Warp It by hitting the search button.

  • Learn how to add an item here.
  • Learn how to claim an item here.

If you want to know more about the system in general, go to where there are examples of how the system is working well in other organisations just like ours. You can also check out the Frequently Asked Questions here.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with

*items remain the property of the University-not for private use

Any claims made by 9 December will be delivered by 19 December. Any items claims after this date will not be delivered until the New Year.

Christmas tree

Carols Around the Tree – 4 December

We would like to invite you to join us for Carols Around the Tree on 4 December 2019.

Staff, students and alumni will be coming together on campus to sing carols. Accompanied by a student brass ensemble, the carols will take place around the University of Kent Campus Christmas Tree beside the Registry from 16.30 on Wednesday 4 December.

We hope you can make it!

For more information please contact

Development Office team

University of Kent's Canterbury campus

Findings from accessibility tour of Canterbury campus

The latest accessibility tour of the Canterbury campus took place on 20 November.

The accessibility tour is an initiative resulting from the Disability Staff Network’s aim to better understand the campus experience for disabled members of staff or students.

For the latest tour, Network members met at the student entrance of the registry and walked around the campus viewing main external access routes. · ​

Findings from the tour were that the University is making good provision for disabled students and staff. Much has been done to improve the built environment over the last few years – and since the last external Canterbury tour – and previously reported issues have been actioned.

The full summary of the latest accessibility tour highlights a number of these improvements and areas where further work is required.

hp laserjet printer

Printer retirements from Monday 2 December

If you use the new print copy scan service, you don’t need to read this!

We’ll be retiring some of our older print servers from next week which will mean that any printers that rely on them will stop working.

Check whether it will affect you
To check whether a printer you use will be affected, please follow the steps below.

  1. Using your University computer, click Start and type Printers
  2. Open Printers & scanners
  3. Review the name of your printer to check whether its printer name includes the words Staffprinting, Valient or Printserver2 – for example, a printer named Jimi would show as jimi on staffprinting

There are around 150 printers that still use these older servers (Staffprinting, Valient and Printserver2), which need to be retired for security reasons.

The ‘switch off’ timetable
-Monday 2 December – any printers that haven’t been active for a month will be disabled
-Monday 9 December – the remaining printers will be disabled

If your printer is affected and you want to keep it
Please contact James Thompson explaining why it’s needed, the full name of the printer, its location (building and room), and your contact details.

Your request will be reviewed and a decision made about whether to move the printer onto a new print server, replace it with a new printer or remove it from service, as appropriate.

Entrance to the Drill Hall Library in the sunshine

The Knights Templar and Strood – Drill Hall Dialogue 10 December

The Knights Templar and Strood is the theme of the next Drill Hall Dialogue on Tuesday 10 December from 10.00. The talk, in room DA002, will focus on fascinating local detail rather than the spurious international myth, examining the working of this military order through its remarkable and little-visited 13th century building in Strood.

The presentation will be given by Dr Jeremy Clarke, Education Officer at the Guildhall Museum, Rochester, since 1998. He is responsible for all formal education and learning programmes supported by the museum collection or its listed buildings. Most of this is work with or in local schools, but he also runs courses, lectures and illustrated talks for adults.

Drill Hall Dialogues is a monthly series of talks held at the Drill Hall Library, the learning resource centre for the Universities at Medway collaborative project. A wide variety of topics has been covered including prison libraries, NHS libraries, Dickens and Christmas, Medway regeneration, the Medway Floods of 1953 and Fort Amherst. We have also received talks from academics based on the campus including the Centre for Journalism (UKM) and the Faculty of Education (CCCU).

The talks take place on the first or second Tuesday of the month and usually last no longer than 45 minutes with 15 minutes allotted for any questions and answers.  All staff are welcome to attend.

christmas bauble

Christmas in Colyer-Fergusson – and beyond!

The festive season is nearly at hand, heralding the advent of plenty of music-making with the University Music department.

We usher in the Advent season with a meditative combination of carols and antiphons with the University Cecilian Choir this week, on Friday 29 November. The choir visits St Michael’s and All Angels, near Faversham, for an atmospheric sequence of music and silence by candlelight in a fifteenth-century church as part of the church’s Breathing Space series. Admission is free, and the hour-long event promises to be a wonderfully contemplative way to begin the festive period.

The last of this term’s Lunchtime Concerts welcomes the choristers of Canterbury Cathedral to Colyer-Fergusson Hall, for a wide-ranging concert including seasonal works, on Wednesday 4 December at 1.10pm; admission free, with a suggested donation of £3.

The combined forces of the University Chorus and Symphony Orchestra trace the musical legacy of Haydn, Beethoven and Brahms in Passing the Baton on Saturday 7 December, ranging from Haydn’s boisterous Te Deum to Brahms’ profound Song of Destiny.

The season comes to a lively culmination on Wednesday 11 December with two events; the 1940’s dance orchestra, General Harding’s Tomfoolery, takes to the foyer-stage at 1.10pm for a mix of period classics and festive swing with guests vocalists Robbie Frederick and Elle Soo; and then the University Big Band’s annual Christmas Swingalong brings the term to its usual festive conclusion at 5.15pm with some of the cheesiest Christmas classics and star turns, followed by mulled wine and mince pies.

From medieval antiphons to Dean Martin, the Music department is getting ready for a seasonal finale to the term ranging across the centuries; come and join us to celebrate the festive season!

View all these events and more on the Music What’s On webpages.