Author Archives: Alice Allwright

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Registration for EARC Conference 2021 now open

The Eastern Arc Conference 2021 is now open for registration. Taking place between 10-14 May, it will be a series of five daily 2-hour online sessions, based around the EARC thematic priorities. You can choose to join as many of the individual sessions as you like; the intention is for it to be flexible and fit with your interests and availability.

Entitled ‘Aftermath’, the conference will look at where we are now, after the tumultuous events of 2020. We will look at how agriculture may change following our departure from the EU, the challenges we face in researching the alt-right and other radical groups, whether the new way of managing health will impact research funding in the UK, and how cultural organisations have survived the challenges of lockdown.

We’ll also hear from the British Academy about how the events of the last 12 months have affected its work, and will look at how Eastern Arc itself has evolved in that period.

Click here to find out more about the conference and to register. There’s also time to submit an abstract to host one of our breakout sessions; the deadline for these is 31 March.

It is free and open to all, both within and beyond the three EARC universities of UEA, Essex and Kent.

Kick-start your fitness journey with our Exercise Referral Scheme

 Article from Kent Sport

It’s difficult to know where to start when beginning your health and fitness journey, or getting back into a fitness routine after some time out. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused disruption to all of our lives; and with gyms reopening on Monday 12 April*, now is a great time to think about kick-starting your journey to a healthier you.

The Exercise Referral Scheme is designed to promote physical activity for people who have an existing health condition and are physically inactive. The weekly check-ins over a 12-week period will keep you motivated to stick to your programme with help and guidance from our Exercise Referral Team.

What does the Exercise Referral Scheme involve?

At the beginning of the programme, a member of our Exercise Referral team will meet with you for an initial consultation, where they will discuss your medical history questionnaire, exercise history, a nutrition questionnaire and a diary to help get you started with your programme. Then, they will provide you with a tailored 12-week personal exercise programme and will support you throughout the programme with diet advice, review your progress and discuss your general wellbeing.

After the 12-week programme, your Exercise Referral instructor will discuss your progress and how you are going to continue with your new, healthier lifestyle.

How do I find out more?

To read more about our Exercise Referral Scheme and to check whether you are eligible, please visit our website.

Staff in Registry 4

Update on the activity to reduce workload pressure

From Martin Atkinson | Deputy Director of HR  

It continues to be an incredibly busy time, with significant workload pressure on staff being further exacerbated by the ongoing Covid pandemic. Both Executive Group and managers more widely fully recognise this and are hugely appreciative of everybody’s ongoing efforts at what is such as challenging time. There are a number of projects underway to address some of the underlying causes of this, which are summarised below. 

Process Improvement 

Adapting to our divisional structure is a continuing priority as new team structures bed in across the University. Alongside this, we have much still to do at a strategic level to improve our processes. This is a major focus in the weeks and months ahead, with the Project Management Office leading a wider look at how we work and what different areas could do to simplify things. This will be a mix of quick fixes and things that will take longer, but is a key activity for us as a University. 

Academic Workload

Alongside this, our DVC Academic Strategy Planning & Performance Georgina Randsley de Moura is leading a longer term project looking at how academic workloads are allocated, with a view to creating an set of agreed principles across the University, that will give better visibility of staff workload overall. This will facilitate the management of academic workload and enhance transparency of commitment towards diversity, equality, and well-being, whilst also allowing space for disciplinary difference. This project includes talking with stakeholders across the organisation (including divisional management teams and UCU) to understand their priorities. The intention is to bring transparency and consistency to managing workloads across the divisions, and facilitate cross-divisional working.

Future of Work survey 

Part of the pressure at the moment is the continued challenge of working from home, and as we start to look ahead to what a return to campus might look like, we are determined find the right balance between old and new approaches. A number of you have already completed our Future of Work survey to help with our planning around this; do share your thoughts if you haven’t already. 

Closer Working Relationships  

We are also looking at opportunities to do more to strengthen the connection between senior leaders and staff on the frontline. Opportunities like our ongoing staff webchats are part of this, but we are also looking into what else we can do to further build those connections. 

Hopefully this will go some way to reassure staff how seriously we take workload as an issue, and how determined we are to lighten the load for staff in the months ahead wherever possible. 

University Teaching Prizes 2021

Each year, the University awards a number of prizes to individual staff or teams for outstanding work in teaching and/or learning support. This year colleagues are encouraged to submitted applications which address three criteria: Excellence in Teaching or Supporting Learning, Dissemination & Influence and Above and Beyond Expectations of Normal Operation. The call for applications for the 2021 prizes is now open.

The closing date for applications is Friday 14 May 2021.

The application form can be downloaded from the CSHE website

Equality Diversity and Inclusion – Updates

EDI Forum 

A new EDI Forum Teams site has been created for all staff and students – join the teams site to start talking Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

What’s it’s Purpose

‘On-the-ground’ group to provide an avenue for staff and students to raise issues, concerns, share best practise and ideas for improving EDI at Kent.Actions can be passed to the most appropriate steering group, or inter-sectional issues reported to the EDI strategy group.Completed and in progress actions should be fed back from the relevant steering group to form an EDI forum report and the start of subsequent meetings.

What are the Ground Rules

Please comply with the University IT Regulations IT Regulations – Information Services – University of Kent

Behave respectfully

  • Don’t waste IT resources or interfere with others’ legitimate use.
  • Don’t behave towards others in a way that isn’t acceptable in the physical world

Active Bystander Staff Training 

Staff Training – 3 dates available

The training will provide the skills to challenge unacceptable behaviour including those that have become  normalised

A 90 minute virtual session which will include:

  • A video demonstrating bystander apathy
  • Specific references for the HE Sector
  • References to high profile examples of inappropriate/unacceptable behaviour
  • Decision-making techniques to help people overcome fear and self doubt when faced with a challenging situation
  • Assertiveness techniques to give them the confidence and tools to speak out, whether they are dealing with the challenge directly or calling for help from others.

The session will include group discussion and interactivity and each delegate will receive an PDF  ‘Active Bystander’ toolkit booklet, which contains the main techniques covered in the session.

There are 40 places available on each session and they are bookable on Staff connect

All sessions will run from 14.00-15.30 on the 28 April , 19 May and the 23 June

Staff EDI Rep Induction

Staff – New to Role or need a refresher
8 April 13.30 – 15.00 
Please contact if you would like to attend 
#The induction will provide 
  • Overview of role
  • EDI Governance and teams at Kent
  • EDI Projects/Networks
  • Online resources
  • Good Practice and Communication Tips
  • EDI website

Inclusive Employers webinars

Free spaces for staff

As part of our membership with Inclusive Employers we are provided with 5 free spaces on each of the Webinars that they deliver – they will be allocated on a first come first served basis – if you are interested in attending any of the following webinars – email

Monthly updates of upcoming webinars will be posted.

University Harassment Contacts – we need you!

Staff – University Harassment Contacts are trained staff members who can be contacted for advice and support. Staff or students can choose to contact any of the Harassment Contacts and may prefer to speak to someone from a different department or section about intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive conduct or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, for example.

The EDI team would like a more diverse group of Harassment Contacts. If you are interested in becoming a harassment contact for the University of Kent please email where we can take you through what it involves.

The next introductory session will take place 30 March 14.00-16.00

SYA logo

Neurodiversity online workshop – 30 March

Staff are warmly invited to take part in a free online event on ‘Understanding, Accepting, & Embracing Neurodivergent Ways of Experiencing the World’, which will also cover what support is currently offered to Kent students. It’s a free online event from 12.00 – 13.30 on Tuesday 30 March, bookable via Eventbrite.

We are all part of the neurodiversity of humanity, where everyone experiences the world in different ways. In this short online workshop, Dr Chloe Farahar will work with you to discuss the challenges and strengths of being neurodivergent (e.g., Autistic; attention differences; anxiety; etc.); how autistic students’ strengths can make them great university students; and how the University of Kent has dedicated support for the challenges neurodivergent students face in education.

Session overview:

  • What is neurodiversity and what kinds of neurodivergence are there?
  • Life in labels (trigger warning for non-detailed mention of suicidal thoughts).
  • A rose by any other name would smell of…stigma (the importance of language).
  • Challenges and strengths of being neurodivergent.
  • Being Autistic at university and the support offered at Kent: Q & A ask questions about university life.

You can attend the workshop in a way that suits you, so you can say as little as you like, use the chat function only, or just attend – all modes of participation are welcome.

If you have any queries about this event or support for autistic students at Kent in general, please email

Natalia Crisanti | Student Support and Wellbeing, Student Services 

Graduate and Researcher College Prizes

Graduate and Researcher College Prizes

The annual Graduate and Researcher College Prizes recognises the excellence of Kent’s researchers and the outstanding work carried out by academic and professional service staff members in support of postgraduate research and education.

Nominate someone you feel deserves recognition for their incredible achievements and for the work they do for and with our postgraduate community at Kent. This year there are six prize categories:

Postgraduate Researcher

Postgraduate Professional Service Champion

Director of Graduate Studies (Division/School/Centre)

Postgraduate Teacher

Research Degree Supervisor

Early Career Research Staff

The winner of each category will receive £250 which will be transferred to their school, centre or department to be spent towards their personal research and/or development.

Deadline for nominations is Sunday 16 May 2021, midnight.

Read about last year’s winners .

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Covid-19 student update – 17 March 2021

From Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

I am sure many of you are looking forward to 29 March, as I am, when the next stage of the Government’s roadmap should see further Coronavirus restrictions lifted. From this date, socialising outdoors in groups of 6 or between two households will be permitted.

After an incredibly challenging year, it feels great to look ahead to summer and the chance to spend quality time with our friends and loved ones.

Summer examinations

As I have previously highlighted to you, all this year’s examinations will be held online. Our guidance for your Summer Term online examinations is now available. Your examination papers will be released via Moodle in accordance with the examinations timetable which will be published on 29 March 2021.

Travelling home during the Easter vacation

For those of you already in your term-time accommodation, Government guidance states that although you may travel back to your permanent home during the Easter vacation, it is preferable to remain at your term-time address if you can. This will help to reduce the spread of the virus. If you do intend to travel, please ensure you get tested before you leave, plan your journey in case of delays and get tested at a local community testing facility if possible before you return to campus. Remember that if you test positive for Covid-19, you must self-isolate and are not permitted to travel.

If you plan to travel from abroad, please see our international information page for more on the travel and testing arrangements that must be followed if you are returning to the UK from abroad.

Regular Covid-19 testing

Thank you to all of you who are regularly using the on-site Covid-19 testing facilities. It is incredibly important for any staff or students on campus to be tested twice a week. We will only be able to return to the life at Kent we all miss if our Covid cases on campus remain low, so please play your part, help keep your friends safe and look after our campus community.

Medway rent discount

If you are based at Pier Quays, please see this information published by Unite regarding the extension of their rent discount scheme for students not able to access their accommodation because of the Covid restrictions.

Best wishes,


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

Kent Sport Centre building

Kent Sport phased reopening

Article from Kent Sport: 

We’re excited to share with you the proposed phased reopening of Kent Sport facilities over the next few months, starting on 29 March.

While Kent Sport facilities remain closed until this date (with the exception of the Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic), the proposed reopening dates are as follows:

29 March – Outdoor sports under current guidelines (individual bookings and organised training) at The Pavilion will resume and we are excited to introduce a new timetable of outdoor fitness classes. Booking for these sessions will open on 22 March. A full timetable for outdoor classes will be available on our classes webpage shortly. We will also be open on the bank holidays Good Friday, 2 April and Easter Monday, 4 April.

*12 April – The gym will reopen for cardio and weights sessions only, and the Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic will continue to offer face-to-face and online physio consultations and once again be able to offer massages and exercise referrals.

*17 May – Our indoor tennis courts at The Pavilion, indoor sports at the Sports Centre and indoor classes will return.

Please note that all sessions will need to be booked in advance. All Kent Sport facilities follow strict social distancing and a mask or face covering is required on arrival, before and after your activity. A mask or face covering is not required during your activity.

*All dates are subject to change and are reliant on Government guidance. Further updates on the reopening of our services will be shared through @UnikentSports on social media as soon as we are able to.

While we wait for the reopening of our services, make sure you check out our Stay Well @ Home webpage for at-home workouts, virtual classes and wellbeing advice.

See our Coronavirus webpage for specific information and FAQs.

Woman holding her back while working at a computer

Aches and Pains Caused by Working From Home? We Can Help!

Article from Kent Sport:

We are now rapidly approaching the anniversary of the start of the first national lockdown back in March 2020. A whole year has passed since many people started working from home, and as restrictions stay in place, many will still be working from home for some time yet.

Many of us aren’t equipped with ergonomic chairs, adjustable desks or even a permanent workspace at home, so we’re having to make do with temporary work stations such as the dining room table or the kitchen counter. All of this is a minefield for body aches and pains due to bad posture and a less-than-ideal work setup.

We’ve put together the following links to help support you as you continue working remotely.

Holistic online classes

When working from home, it’s important to inject movement into your day, especially with varied workstation setups. Our range of holistic classes are great for unwinding, relaxing or simply getting you up and moving. Join our instructors in a range of sessions including mindfulness, desk workouts, yoga and stretching. We’ve even filmed a Bedroom Bootcamp which is centered around exercising in a small space.

Our Vimeo library also contains loads of at-home workout videos – conditioningdance, and cardio sessions will help keep you active at home.

Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic

The Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic remains open throughout the current restrictions, and offers online or face-to-face physiotherapy appointments. Our experienced physiotherapist, Victoria Annis, has helped multiple clients with back pain and other issues throughout the pandemic and is available to staff, students, and the public.

To book an appointment, email, or visit our website for further information.

Please read our FAQs to find out how we’re keeping our staff and customers safe during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Stay Well @ Home

Our Stay Well @ Home webpage is our primary space for all things health and wellbeing during the pandemic. Here you’ll find our virtual class library, at-home workout videos, wellbeing blogs, and much more.

Occupational Health at the University of Kent

Occupational Health is a specialist branch of medicine and healthcare that deals with the relationship between a person’s health and the work they do. If you have a health concern related to work, please contact the Occupational Health team for advice.