Author Archives: Alice Allwright

LSSJ Research Festival – 7th and 8th July 2022

The Division for the study of Law, Society and Social Justice (LSSJ) Research Festival will be taking place in July.


  • Thursday 7 July 2022 in Medway from 14.00 – 18.00 in the Rochester Boardroom
  • Friday 8 July 2022 in Canterbury from 9.15 – 18.00 in Darwin Conference Suite

The content is primarily internally facing but colleagues from across the division and the wider University are warmly invited to join us at either or both campuses. Staff expenses for travel between the Canterbury and Medway campuses will be reimbursed.

You are welcome to join us for all or part of the day. To register please visit the Eventbrite website.

Draft Medway Programme:

Rochester Boardroom, Rochester Building

14.00 – 14.05: Welcome and Introduction, Dawn Lyon, Director of Research and Innovation, LSSJ and Kate Ludlow, Research and Innovation Manager, LSSJ

14.05 – 15.20: Panel: Migration and movement, with Tracee Green / Emma Soutar (CCP), Aravinda Kosaraju (KLS), Rachel Larkin, Bridget Ng’andu (SSPSSR), and Jo Warner (Chair, SSPSSR)

15.20 – 15.40: Tea and Coffee

15.40 – 17.00: Workshop: Body Mapping, led by Tara Young

17.00 – 18.00: Drinks (location TBC)

Draft Canterbury Programme:

Darwin Conference Suite, Darwin College

09.15 – 09.30: Welcome and Introduction, Dawn Lyon, Director of Research and Innovation, LSSJ and Kate Ludlow, Research and Innovation Manager, LSSJ

09.30 – 11.00: Panel: Childhood and Civil Society with Ellie Jupp, Emily Lau and Ali Body (SSPSSR), Melissa Nolas (Goldsmiths)

11.00 – 11.20: Tea and Coffee

11.20 – 12.00: Research Choices and Journeys with Miri Song (SSPSSR), and Lydia Hayes (KLS)

12.00 – 14.00: Lunch with parallel sessions

Research Exchange / Walking and Talking / PGR Speed Dating / PGR Posters / Sound Workshop / Craftivism Workshop / Sensory Research (smell/touch stall!)

14.00 – 15.15: Collaborative research: partnerships and co-production with Chrissie Rogers, Vivi Triantafyllopoulou and Serena Tomlinson (Tizard), Amanda Bates (CHSS), Darren Weir (KLS) Helen Brooks (Arts) and others TBC

15.15 – 15.35: Tea and Coffee

15.35 – 17.15: ECR Spotlights with Asta Zokaityte, Clare Williams, Flora Renz and Ida Petretta (KLS), Kayla Wicks (SSPSSR) and Jolie Keemink (PSSRU)

Meet the Author with Beth Breeze, Heejung Chung, Carolyn Pedwell (SSPSSR), and Erika Rackley, Eleanor Curran, Sheona York (KLS)

17.15 – 18.00: Drinks, Darwin Conference Suite

In Conversation with Lemn Sissay OBE

Digitally Enhanced Education webinar – 13 July 2022

The E-Learning Team are pleased to announce that the next event in our series of Digitally Enhanced Education webinars’ will take place on Wednesday 13 July from 14:00 – 16:30 (GMT), with the theme ‘Pedagogy and Practice when Teaching and Learning Online’


  • 14:00 – 14:05 – Dr Phil Anthony (University of Kent): Introduction
  • 14:05 – 14:20 – Dr Martin Compton (UCL): Ungrading: More possibilities than some might think
  • 14:20 – 14:35 – Dr James Wood (Associate Teaching Professor at SNU): Enabling feedback-seeking, agency and uptake, through dialogic peer and teacher screencast feedback
  • 14:35 – 14:50 – David White (University of the Arts London & President of ALT): Design-Research: 15 experiments in online creative education
  • 14:50 – 15:05 – Dr Ellie Davison (University of Lincoln): Top Ten Tips for producing accessible, engaging video microlectures
  • 15:05 – 15:15 – Break
  • 15:15 – 15:30 – Dr Emma Hargreaves (University of Kent): Cocreation in curriculum design – a blended approach
  • 15:30 – 15:45 – Molly Edwards (Student from UCL): Partnerships between students and staff in Higher Education
  • 15:45 – 16:00 – Maria Méndez (Southbank International school): Happy students = Happy learners or Embedding wellbeing activities in our lessons (both online and presencial)
  • 16:00 – 16:15 – Allison Wolfreys (Open University): Creating an audio drama for undergraduate legal education
  • 16:15 – 16:30 – Assistant Professor Eliana Elkhoury (Athabasca University, Canada): A summary of the “Champions of reimagined assessment” campaign

Please share

Colleagues are very welcome to join this community and so feel free to circulate. Please ask anyone wishing to join tocomplete the Digitally Enhanced Education registration form if they haven’t already. We add them to the mailing list linked to the series, and they will receive the joining link via email on Tuesday 12 July.

If you would like to present at a future event, please submit a short synopsis and Phil Anthony will be in touch.

Emma Spiller completed Coppatrek!

Emma Spiller, Education and Student Experience Manager for LSSJ at the University of Kent has completed Coppatrek with Gi in support of the breast cancer prevention charity CoppaFeel!

With ‘I’m a Celebrity winner’ and author Giovanna Fletcher leading the way, Emma and 100 fellow participants trekked 100km of the beautiful, but unforgiving Pembrokeshire coastline navigating rocky terrain and steep accents over 5 days, and 6 nights whilst camping in between treks.

Celebrity captains including Strictly Professional dancer Amy Dowden, Comedian Kiri Pritchard-McLean, Body Positive Public Figure Megan Crabbe, and Love Island contestant Sophie Piper, led the groups and kept morale high throughout the week bringing laughter, support, and dance warm ups from Amy.

All of the trekkers had been affected by breast cancer either directly or indirectly, and some had only recently finished treatment making the achievement even more inspirational.

Emma has raised £2665, and the whole group together are on track to raise the target amount of £400,000.

The money raised will go towards raising awareness to educate young people on the signs of breast cancer, and how to check themselves regularly to empower individuals to seek help and advocate for themselves should they ever need to.

Whilst undertaking the fundraising Emma connected with Kent Uni Boob society who are also doing fantastic work in fundraising for CoppaFeel! and spreading this important message to University of Kent students.

Evidencing Impact Workshop – 11 July

We would like to invite you to participate in our Evidencing Impact Workshop, on Monday 11 July, from 12.00 – 13.30.


Woolf seminar room 6, Woolf College, Canterbury campus

About the workshop

This workshop provides you with the tools to understand how to evidence impact. We will discuss what does and doesn’t work for different types of impact and what pieces should be part of a good evidence parcel. We will learn how to obtain strong testimonies, and we will have a hands-on breakout session where we have identify strong pieces.

How to sign up

There are limited places available so make sure you book your space as soon as possible. Please visit Evidencing Impact Workshop – Research Policy and Support to book your spot on the workshop.

Home Office computer desk display

Care first fortnightly webinars

Our official Employee Assistance Programme provider, Care first offers a numbers of services and provide useful advice and support.

Due to the stabilising situation of Covid, they’ll be doing a side-range of webinar topics. Here’s the schedule for two weeks:

Week commencing 4 July 2022

Monday 4 July – ‘What is short term solution focussed counselling’– This webinar provides further information on short term solution focussed counselling and ‘in the moment’ support.
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Wednesday 6 July  – ‘How Care first can support you’ – A webinar for awareness and how to access the EAP service provided by Care first.
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Friday 8 July – ‘Talk to us 2022’ -This webinar highlights how talking over how we are feeling about certain situations and life events can improve our overall wellbeing. In association
with Talk To Us Month 2022.
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Week commencing 11 July 2022

Monday 11 July – ‘Practical information and advice through Care first’ – The webinar provides detail about our Information Specialists and their role as part of your EAP service.
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Wednesday 13 July – ‘How Care first can support you’ – A webinar for awareness and how to access the EAP service provided by Care first.
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Friday 15 July – ‘Top tips for a good night’s sleep’ – A webinar detailing how a good night’s sleep can improve your overall wellbeing whilst offering tips how you can sleep better.
Time: 12.00-12.30 – click on this link to sign up

Come and join Little Amal on 27 June!

Staff and students are warmly invited to the return of Little Amal to our campus in Canterbury!

After captivating the world by travelling 8,000km from Syria to the UK embodying the urgent message “Don’t forget about us”,  Amal – a 3.5-meter puppet of a 10-year-old Syrian refugee and now a symbol representing hope for migrants is once again coming back to the University of Kent!

This return has been organised in collaboration with the Migration and Movement Signature Research Theme.  Amal will join us as part of her New Steps New Friends tour with focus on Together Again on Monday 27 June at 14.00, where she will mark World Refugee Week and share a message of resilience, healing and hope with anyone who has been forced to leave their homes.

This event is a platform for us to heal through movement with Amal – a moment to express ourselves, exchange learning and our shared lived experiences, and to embody different cultures and communities through music and dance.

Come join us and Amal share awareness of the worldwide mass displacement!

For more information about Amal’s visit and register your attendance, visit  Together Again: Healing through Movement with Amal – Public and Community Engagement

Leave Canterbury Clean | Kent Community Litter Pick

At this time of the year, as students move out of their off-campus accommodation, litter can build up in our community. We want to make sure we leave Canterbury clean and as such we are organising a community litter pick!

Clean and green environments can nurture positive mental and physical wellbeing and promote a happier community. A litter-free place reduces damage to local habitats, and by recycling materials that might otherwise become litter, natural resources are also protected.

This links with goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and goal 15: Life on Land on the UN sustainability goals.

Find out more about this community litter pick on our events page here.

You can sign up individually or with your team by emailing All gloves, litter pickers and bags are provided, and you can come along for as long or as little as you want!

We hope you can come with us to protect our local environment and develop the excellent relationship we have with our neighbours off-campus.

Booking Open! Research and Innovation Support Network Conference

Join colleagues from a range of research and innovation roles at the University of Kent for this one-day opportunity to share expertise and experiences.

Time and place

The conference will take place on Tuesday 5 July, Templeman Library, Canterbury campus.

What to expect at the conference

Lunch and refreshments will be provided for all delegates as well as opportunities to meet with colleagues from across the University.

A fascinating range of presentations, workshops and discussions, from our professional and academic colleagues, will help you to discover new opportunities and find out about different ways of working, including:

  • Building a positive research and innovation culture at the University of Kent
  • Understanding the Knowledge Exchange Framework and how this applies to our institution
  • Discovering the expertise that technical, and other professional roles, can bring to funded research projects
  • Attitudes to the role of part time and flexible working in Higher Education, and how this looks at the University of Kent
  • How members of the public, including professional staff, can get involved in designing and carrying out research.

How to book your free place

All staff who support or have an interest in research and innovation across the university are invited, but we particularly welcome staff in professional support roles.

Book your free place via Eventbrite by Tuesday 28 June.

Contact us

Email the organising committee with your comments or questions.

Have your say on our University brand

How we communicate and present ourselves to the outside world is more and more important in the increasingly competitive environment we work in. More than ever, we need to make sure the University stands out, creates impact, and that we way we talk about what we do really shows who we are and what we stand for. 

The imagery we use, the colours and fonts we employ and the design of our marketing materials are all part of how we convey who we are. However, this is also about the identity that’s shared by so many across the University – from student societies to research communications, student recruitment to staff engagement. With it being almost a decade since Kent last refreshed its look and feel, this is time to consolidate our identity with something that all audiences can feel proud of and that brings us all together as one University. 

Your feedback is key! 

Throughout the work to refresh our brand, we have been seeking views from different stakeholders on what most resonates with them – including current and prospective students. The cross-University working group steering this has drawn upon the in-depth research last year into the themes of Connection, Collaboration and Community that run through our work , while also carefully thinking through how our new position fits with our evolving global perspective. 

Now we need to hear from all of you about how our new direction is coming together to help shape things further before we launch our updated look and feel in September.  

We want as many staff and students as possible to come along to our Brand Roadshow, with events in Canterbury and Medway. There is also an online-only version for those who can’t attend in person. 

We want our new direction to work for everyone and celebrate the best of who we are – getting your feedback is key to that so we hope to see as many of you as possible this week! 

Share your views at our Brand Roadshow events 

Canterbury: Templeman Library Foyer between 10:00-15:00 on Thursday 16 June and Friday 17 June. 

Medway: Student Hub social space between 11:00-14:00 on Thursday 16 June.  

Brussels and Paris: Simone Davies, Director of Marketing, Outreach, Recruitment and Admissions will be holding a drop-in on our Brussels campus on Wednesday 15 June and a drop-in on our Paris campus on Thursday 16 June. If you have any questions please visit Simone on these dates.