To all our Muslim students, we wish you Ramadan Mubarak!
What is Ramadan?
“The month of Ramadan is the month in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people, and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.” [Qur’an, 2:185]
Ramadan is the holiest month in Islam. It is a month of intense spiritual rejuvenation during which Muslims commemorate the revelation of the Qur’an and when Muslim students and staff may be abstaining from food and drink during daylight hours. They may also have an altered sleep pattern and may be taking more time to pray.
When is Ramadan?
This year, Ramadan takes place approximately between the 1 and 31 March 2025
Muslims follow the lunar calendar, so the exact start and end dates depend on the sighting of the moon, so these dates can vary slightly.
If you are a Muslim student, it is possible that observing Ramadan may impact some aspects of your studies. For example, we understand that during Ramadan:
- You may need to briefly leave part of a teaching session to pray
- You may find it harder to concentrate in the afternoons
Accessing Student Support and Guidance
We would like to support you so that you can continue studying during this time. If you are struggling with any academic sessions, particularly if these are lab based, physical or in the afternoon, please do discuss with the relevant academic staff in the first instance.
If, in extreme circumstances, you are unable to attend a teaching session due to Ramadan, you are able to record this as a reason for absence in the free text field, however please note that this will still affect your attendance record.
If you are observing Ramadan, and you have any concerns about how it may impact your studies or want to know what academic support may be available to you, then please get in touch with the Student Engagement Team. For emotional and wellbeing support, please contact Student Support and Wellbeing. For faith support or enquiries, please contact the Chaplaincy.
Ways to support your Muslim peers during Ramadan
Send well-wishes
Here are some common greetings you can use to share your well-wishes with your Muslim peers during Ramadan:
- ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ – ‘Blessed Ramadan’
- ‘Ramadan Kareem’ – ‘Noble Ramadan’
- ‘Kul ‘am wa enta bi-khair’ – ‘I wish you well on this occasion every year’
Consider hosting an Iftar
Consider inviting your Muslim peers to Iftar (break fast) or dinner at your place. Or, you could even bring them over a dish so that they don’t have to cook.
ResLife have also organised an Iftar dinner in Canterbury on Friday 7 March.
Don’t feel guilty about eating or drinking in front of them.
While you may think you’re being considerate by not eating in front of a peer observing Ramadan, this could actually create unnecessary awkwardness.
Fasting is not solely about abstaining from food and drink, but is more so about reflection, prayer, and connection with God. Observing Muslims know this and so make an intention each day to adhere to the fast despite urges to do otherwise.
If you notice a peer isn’t fasting, try not to publicly ask why.
Not all Muslims will fast for a number of reasons – sickness, needing to take medication, pregnancy, women being on their period etc. Care should be taken not to offend people who are not fasting, by publicly asking for reasons as to why.
Similarly, some Muslims who may not be observant during the rest of the year, may observe Ramadan. Try to reserve judgement and not make any assumptions.
Do not trivialise their fast
Be mindful not to link their fast to a fad diet or reduce it to simply being a great way to lose weight.
To your Muslim peer, this is a deep and highly important religious practice, and they sacrifice their time, appetite and energy because they are committed to their faith.
Join the Ramadan spirit of giving to charity
The essence of Ramadan involves recognising the blessings one has and showing gratitude by supporting those who are in need. While this is a prescription for Muslims, Ramadan could also be an excellent time for non-Muslims to offer their support.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
You might be embarrassed by the lack of knowledge, but most Muslims welcome questions from colleagues and friends.
Fasting is an individual experience. Asking a specific fasting person if they need or want anything from you is the best way in ensuring you are actually being supportive and inclusive.