Monthly Archives: July 2022

Mita Mondal wins AUA Member of the Year award

Congratulations to Mita Mondal for her AUA Member of the Year award!

The Association of University Administrators (AUA) is the professional association for higher education administrators and managers. It is committed to connecting every professional within its network and supporting members throughout their career in HE.

Mita, who is Quality Assurance and Accreditations Manager for our Division of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, has been an AUA member since 2014. The awards ceremony took place during the AUA’s 2022 Annual Conference & Exhibition, Manchester and was announced on 7 July as part of their Gala Dinner.

The Member of the Year award recognises the contribution of an individual member. The judges looked for a high level of commitment and dedication to the AUA and Higher Education. Mita said ‘I am truly humbled and excited about winning this award. I am pleased that I can make this contribution as I strongly believe in collaboration and sharing professional knowledge and practice with others. I hope to carry on championing a professional culture in HE and hope to make a difference via my work at Kent and with AUA’.

Mita joined Kent in 2007, working in various roles in student administration, HR and finance, becoming Centre Administration Manager in 2014 and then, more recently, School Administration Manager for the School of Engineering and Digital Arts. She completed the AURORA leadership programme in 2018.

AUA membership

The University of Kent has been active participant in the AUA for many years and more than 50 professional services colleagues are currently members. Membership is open to anyone working in university administration and benefits include:

  • professional recognition
  • networking opportunities & mentoring
  • professional development, including a PG Cert Programme
  • events and conferences
  • access to resources and publications.

If you work in professional services and would like to know more about or get involved in the AUA, you can email Mita. More information is also available by visiting the AUA website

Help us improve your experience. It takes just under a minute

Survey: How can we improve your experience with our Careers Service?

As we gear towards a new academic year, the Careers and Employability Team is looking for your feedback on your experience with the Careers and Employability Service events this year; the good, the bad and the ugly!

This will help know what matters most to you and how best we can engage to ensure you get access to the events that you need.

Complete the short survey now.

Short Life Voluntary Severance Scheme: Update

From Martin Atkinson | Director of HR and Organisational Development

As we updated earlier in the year, we recently ran a short-life Voluntary Severance scheme for specific cohorts of staff across the University intended to explore any potential savings we could make before the end of the financial year. This is part of helping us get ahead of any future financial constraints where we can, bearing in mind the additional pressures we are all facing due to the cost of living crisis. 

We had a good response to this scheme so I’d like to thank all those eligible for their careful consideration of it and extend my good wishes to those who applied and will be leaving the University. Now that we have a clearer picture of the funds available this year to support this scheme, we will also shortly be opening it up to a further cohort of Grade 9+ staff in case there is more we can do to find savings while minimising the impact on overall staffing levels. All staff who will have the opportunity to apply will be contacted directly this week. 

While I know any mention of redundancies can be worrying, creating voluntary opportunities for people to leave the University that will make savings and suit all parties is one of the ways we can ensure we remain sustainable. The University also has a number of existing options available to staff across the organisation who are looking to move on at a time that is right for both them and their division/directorate, including efficiency retirement, flexible/phased retirement and ill health retirement. 

As we approach the end of our Financial Year, we will also be sharing a wider update shortly looking ahead to next year’s budget and updating on some upcoming measures to help staff at a time when so many are feeling the squeeze due to high inflation and rising household costs. In the meantime, do contact either your manager or local HR team if you would like to discuss any of the above. 

Kent passes government digital accessibility audit

A number of the University’s webpages were audited by the Cabinet Office’s Central and Digital Data Office (CDDO) in April and, following some remedial fixes, we have now been informed that they have endorsed our efforts and no further action will be taken. Kent was chosen at random to be audited, alongside a number of other universities, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Checks were expected from 2020 but were inevitably delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The areas raised by the audit were minor and were swiftly rectified by the Web Development and Accessible Information teams in plenty of time for the 12-week deadline.

Digital and information accessibility continues to be a high priority for the University in order to highlight our commitment for equality and inclusivity, and to ensure that all students and staff are able to work and learn in ways that work for them, as well as remaining complaint to relevant regulations. Further work is continuing around this area, particularly around accessibility statements. If you are the business owner of a digital platform, app or service, you may need to create or update an accessibility statement. Please contact the Accessible Information team to find out more.

This positive result is thanks to the many people around the University who have worked hard to ensure that Kent remains a sector leader in digital accessibility, and continue to champion equality, diversity and inclusivity in their work and teams.

Person holding book up to face in frustration

Exam results not what you hoped for? See options and support

If you did not do as well as you hoped, please don’t panic, there is support and processes in place to help you through this.  

Your options include: 

  • Appealing your results – this is when you appeal your result because you disagree with the outcome of the Exam Board. It is strongly advised that you speak to your Division to start with (within 5 working days of the release of your result) to try to come to an early informal resolution. This can be helpful because you will get a speedy outcome and may not need to enter the formal appeals process, which will take longer. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the early informal resolution, you can submit a formal appeal. Formal appeals must be submitted within 15 working days following the release of your results (there is some flexibility to this deadline if you are waiting for a response to an early informal resolution request).
  • Resitting means you will either retake an exam or resit a piece(s) of coursework in August. Fees for resitting have been waived for 2022.You can find out more on the Exams FAQs webpage.  
  • Repeating means that you need to attend all lectures and seminars and follow the full assessment requirements. You will also need to pay tuition fees. Tuition fee costs are calculated on the number of credits you repeat – please contact the Income Office for more details. 


We understand getting your results can be stressful, especially if they were not what you were expecting or had hoped for. If you are feeling distressed or upset, there are trained professional staff at Student Support and Wellbeing who can help and support you. We can offer text, online and in person appointments to help you deal with and process this difficult experience, as well as out of hours emergency support. 

For information on what your academic options are, you can contact you tutor or Student Support Office in your Division 

Kent Union can also provide independent advice and support with processes such as mitigation and appeals. Use this online form to contact the advice centre to let them know what you need. 

Find out more  

Full information, including FAQs and contact details, can be found on the Student Guide. 

It is also a good idea to speak to your Division as early as possible to talk through your options.   

Kent hosts third Innovations in Internationalisation at Home Conference

Staff and students from across the university are invited to join colleagues from across the sector for our third conference to share good practice in the fields of Internationalisation at home and Internationalisation of the Curriculum.  Building on the success of last year’s 2021 conference where colleagues engaged from more than 27 countries, and its digital content received over 1,600 views, this year’s conference is already looking to surpass this.

This year’s theme is ‘The Power of Co-creation’.  We have received 20 pre-recorded video presentations from colleagues around the world sharing their experiences and insights in this area of work.  Topics range from working with students as partners, developing intercultural competences and skills, building a community, to examples of COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Initiatives. Colleagues are able to watch these in advance of the live conference which take place on Friday 15 July, 2022 from 14:00 – 17:30 BST.

The full schedule of events for 15 July live conference can be found below:

14:00: Welcome

14:10: Opening Plenary

The Potential of Virtual Exchange/COIL as co-creative experience

Speaker: Eva Haug, Educational Advisor for Internationalisation of the Curriculum and COIL, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

14:40: Live Q&A Session with presenters (Round 1)

15:15: Panel Discussion

Our panel discussion will explore whether internationalisation at home (IaH) activities meaningfully contribute to inclusivity on campus.  We are delighted to bring student’s views on this topic in addition to our plenary speakers.

16:00: The IC Global Café Networking Session

In this session we will dive into the conference theme and if, and how, Internationalisation at Home can benefit inclusivity.  During the Cafe, there will be an opportunity to meet colleagues in small, informal breakout rooms, where you can virtually share your hot or cold drinks as well as your experiences of inclusivity and Internationalisation at Home

16:30: Live Q&A Session with presenters (Round 2)

17:00: Closing Plenary

Innovations in IaH Towards an impact practice: a critical reflection

Speaker: Eveke de Louw, International Policy Advisor for the Curriculum and Co-curriculum, The Hague University of Applied Sciences

17:30: Closing Remarks and Conference Close

Registration for this free conference is now open.  Please sign up here.  For more information, please contact us at

We hope to see you there!

Complete our cyber security awareness survey

We are conducting a survey on cyber security awareness at the University. We are trying to get an understanding of your training needs and preferences. We hope to use this information to build the most suitable cyber security awareness program for the university students and staff that address exactly what you need.

It’s completely anonymous and will only take a few minutes.

Your participation would be very helpful and much appreciated.

Just click on the survey link to get started and please share it with your colleagues.

The deadline to complete the survey is Monday 19  July.

Listen to our new Researching the Rainbow podcast!

This week we celebrate the launch of a brand new podcast, Researching the Rainbow! This project, developed by the LGBT+ Staff Network, explores the exciting world of LGBTQIA+ research taking place at the University of Kent and beyond.

About the show

Join us on Researching the Rainbow to hear more about the exciting and thought-provoking advances in LGBTQIA+ research. Listen to staff and student researchers across a wide range of disciplines talk about their work… and themselves!

Researching the Rainbow is coming (out) to you from a flamboyant little closet in the Locke Building at the University of Kent, UK. Hosted by the wonderful Rasa Mikelyte (she/her), and produced by the fabulous Josh Turner (he/him) this podcast is for anyone who’s into exploring the big queer questions!

The first episode available to stream now is with the wonderful Dr Jolie Keemink, speaking about her research into LGBTQ+ inclusive care.

New episodes released every Wednesday! Upcoming episodes include interviews with PHD Social Psychology Student Kirsty Gravestock, Kent Law School’s Senior Lecturer Dr Flora Renz and MA Comparative Literature student Michael Redmond.

Listen, like, subscribe and follow

You can listen and subscribe on all major Podcast platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts and you can follow our social media accounts on:

Instagram: @Researching_The_Rainbow

Twitter: @RetheRainbow


It really helps us out if you can follow, like and subscribe so please do if you can!

Does your research explore  LGBTQIA+ themes? Click here to sign up to be on Researching the Rainbow.

Work space with coffee and croissant

Careers support over the Summer break

Our Careers and Employment Service are still around to support you over the Summer:

Book an appointment with a Careers Adviser

You can access help through online or face-to-face appointments using our booking system, where you will find 15-minute Quick Advice appointments, 45-minute Careers Guidance appointments, or even practice interview slots for when you have a job interview lined up.

If you aren’t sure what you want to do after Kent, a Careers Guidance appointment will help you in making decisions and future plans. If you just have a quick question, or would like a CV or application reviewed, a Quick Advice appointment is best.

Online events and workshops

Throughout the summer, the Careers Team are continuing to run online events and workshops. There’s a wide range of events from advice on using LinkedIn, how to make the most of your vacation, how to network and career management.

Online resources

There’s also have a practice interview system that will help you improve your video interview performance.

If you find yourself being invited for an assessment centre, you might want to check out the practice tests which give feedback on how you are performing. If you’re looking to gain some experience, but want to work remotely, check out the guide to developing skills at home.

Have a great summer!

National Student Survey Results 2022

This year’s NSS results were published yesterday and, while we are still looking into the subject level data for the complete picture, it is clear they present a challenging set of results for Kent, with our overall satisfaction score for Full-Time First Degree being 73%. Our students’ views and – more fundamentally – the experience they have with us is of huge importance, so I wanted to update you on the work we are doing to ensure we see steady improvement in this area.

A challenging year for many  

As many have acknowledged across the sector, last year was yet again unusual for a number of reasons as we all adapted to the relaxation of Covid restrictions and the return of face-to-face teaching. Both student behaviour and the campus experience itself have undoubtedly changed through the move to more hybrid models of both work and delivery. Our own student surveys present a mixed picture of what aspects of this students have and haven’t liked, and it will take time to work out which shifts are permanent and which are unique to this cohort.

We also cannot avoid the fact that the NSS survey itself ran during a period of industrial action at Kent with an inevitable impact on student sentiment at the time. Notions of student satisfaction are complex, relying on a wide array of individual factors and interactions with staff from across the University and with our facilities and services. However, what is clear is that we have more to do to ensure the effort we put in to support students is felt by them and comes through in what they report back to us.

Improving students’ experience of Kent  

There are a number of initiatives already underway to make sure students have the best possible time with us, all of which will be a key priority throughout next year:

  • Student Voice and Student Participation will be major areas of focus, with our Head of Student Experience Mica Rose leading work to better embed them in our work. This will include developing our Your Uni, Your Say campaign to ensure we give students quicker feedback on how their views shape our work and exploring the use of Listening Rooms so we get a deeper understanding of what they are looking for
  • Our Assessment and Feedback Steering Group will work to put in place a more systemic approach to ensuring all students get timely and supportive feedback from their lecturers – this will be done in conjunction with ongoing work to review the shape of the Academic Year so that we can bring teaching and assessment closer together
  • After a very difficult initial rollout, enhanced KentVision functionality is now being added at pace which will help address the initial issues many faced
  • We have a number of EDI initiatives with a focus on student experience, including our work on both the Race Equality Charter and the University Mental Health Charter  
  • We will also focus on building a better sense of belonging for students through a more joined up approach to our communications, following an extensive university-wide review

This work will need to be backed up by robust action plans in specific areas highlighted through the NSS and I will be working with Divisions to ensure these are in place going into next year. We will also set up an NSS Working Group in the Autumn Term led by Mica Rose, our Head of Student Experience and Louise Naylor, our Director of Education, to make sure we get positive engagement from students in the 2023 survey from the start.

Student Experience is a key strand of our University strategy and it is critical that we continually evolve what we do to meet the needs of those who study with us. While yesterday’s results make for difficult reading, I know just how much this matters to all of us across the University and look forward to working with many of you to build on activity underway to get things moving in the right direction.

With all good wishes,


Professor Richard Reece | DVC Education & Student Experience