Prepping for Online Exams

The summer term has kicked off and you will be busy with assessments and exams. As you know exams will be conducted online due to COVID-19. We have some tips on how to prepare for your end of year assessments.

The library have a variety of resources that will help you to prepare.

Chat to a librarian

This is a service on Teams where you can ask about referencing, researching and digital resources.


There is a a new interactive module on Moodle to support all your research skills. You can access the resources you need for your studies remotely through the digital library. You have online access to a huge range of high-quality digital resources, such as e-books, e-journals, databases, newspapers, and multimedia.

LibrarySearch Digital

There is also a curated selection of online articles and resources to help you relax and unwind your mind.

New Microsoft Teams Student Guide

There is a Microsoft Teams Student Guide available for you to use. Microsoft Teams is a great tool that you can use to communicate and collaborate with your lecturers and other students. You will have been added to a team for each of your modules.

Cancelled fines and extended return dates

You will be pleased to know the library have extended the return dates for books and cancelled overdue item fines.

Kent Union De-Stress Platform

Kent Union have launched the De-Stress platform to support students during COVID-19 and the exam period. They have created a website that acts as a hub for the advice, support and activities that are available over the next few weeks.