Car park disruptions- Canterbury and Medway campuses

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the university. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

  • Wednesday 7 February- 10 spaces
  • Thursday 8 February- 19 spaces
  • Saturday 10 February- 176 spaces
  • Monday 12 February- to be updated
  • Tuesday 13 February- 38 spaces
  • Wednesday 14 February- to be updated
  • Thursday 15 February- to be updated
  • Friday 16 February- to be updated
  • Monday 19 February- to be updated


Applicant day (Mast Pond car park, Historic Dockyard, Medway)

  • Wednesday 7 February- There are currently 52 applicants to the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Mast Pond car park at Chatham Historic Dockyard. While no parking bays are being reserved, the additional visitors to campus may affect parking on this day.


Car park disruptions Canterbury campus

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park)

Applicant day season is underway and so parking will be affected on these days. Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the university.

Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once booking for the events have closed:

  • Thursday 25 January- 28 spaces
  • Saturday 27 January- 17 spaces (Sibson car park)
  • Wednesday 31 January- not yet known
  • Thursday 1 February- not yet known
  • Saturday 3 February- not yet known

Thursday 25 January- Home Stamp (Darwin car park)

21 bays will be reserved in Darwin car park for exhibitors to the Home Stamp event, as requested by Home Stamp, Kent Union.

Friday 26 January- University’s Court AGM (Giles Lane car park)

45 bays will be reserved in Giles Lane for VIP guests to the University’s Court annual general meeting, as requested by the Council Secretariat.

Present- Spring 2019- Construction of New Economics Building

Construction of the new Economics Building has commenced. The building is being constructed on the site of the now demolished Kent Research and Development Centre. Access to the construction site is via the Sibson car park, so please take extra care when passing through this area.

Who is Dr Bike?

Dr Bike are trained bicycle mechanics who regularly come onto campus to check and adjust your bike for free.

Additional work will be quoted individually but will always be at a special University of Kent reduced rate.

Chris and his team at ByCycle are continuing the excellent services on campus provided by CyclingAge, working with the Transport Team, Estates Department.

Dr Bike is at the Cycle Hub in Canterbury each Wednesday 8:30-15:30.

Dr Bike is next visiting Medway campus Thursday 15 February 2018. Check for updates on twitter @unikent_travel on the day.

For more information visit

Canterbury car park disruptions

12 January 2018- Giles Lane car park, event

170 spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park for Kent Business School’s “Shaping Kent’s Future” event. This is a high profile event for the University.


18 January 2018- Giles Lane car park, Applicant Day

31 spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Applicant Days are essential recruitment events for the University.

Please refer to our transport event calendar in between newsletters to keep up to date.

Arriva January-December 2018 discounted bus ticket

Missed out on the Arriva discounted bus ticket at the start of the year? You have another opportunity to purchase the discounted bus ticket which is valid until 31 December 2018.

The ticket allows travel on any Arriva bus all over Medway, Kent and East Sussex. This includes the 191 service which operates to and from Liberty Quays- Campus- Chatham- Isle of Grain, and stops on Pembroke campus and at Western Avenue and Dock Road for access to the Historic Dockyard Chatham.

The student annual ticket is £140 which works out at around 39p per day. The staff annual ticket is £280 which works out at around 78p per day. To get access to these huge discounts you will need to enter the relevant promotional code found at . Once you have entered the code, the price will drop down from £940 to £140 or £280 accordingly.

Arriva are attending the Refresher’s Fair at the Student Hub Wednesday 31 January 2018 if you want to find out more information about tickets and timetables.

Cycle Hire and Dr Bike- Canterbury and Medway

Cycle hire

January cycle hire dates are this weekend, 13-14 January 2018, 10.00-16.00 from the Cycle Hub by the Pavilion.

Hire a bicycle complete with lights, lock and a bell for only £30 per term.

Chris and his team at ByCycle are continuing the excellent services on campus provided by CyclingAge, working with the Transport Team, Estates Department.

For more information about Canterbury cycle hire, contact

You can hire a bicycle at Medway campus from Liberty Quays, please ask at reception.

Dr Bike free bike checks

Dr Bike is at the Cycle Hub in Canterbury each Wednesday during term time to check and adjust your bike for free.

Dr Bike returns to Medway Thursday 18 January outside the Rochester Building. Check for updates on twitter @unikent_travel on the day.


Campus Shuttle booking now open

Online booking for the Campus Shuttle is now open. Book a seat at

Booking guarantees you a seat on the shuttle service. If you do not book and there are spaces available, you can board by showing your KentOne card.

The Campus Shuttle is a free coach service between Medway and Canterbury campuses which runs during term-time only.

The shuttle will start running again from Monday 15 January 2018, which is the first day of term.



Planning your journey- adverse weather

Remember weather can change at any time, be prepared for this before you leave. Please ensure you are familiar with the University’s Snow and Ice Policy to understand what to do during adverse weather. Learn more about gritting and snow clearing on campus.

Ensure that you and your vehicle are prepared for driving in adverse weather conditions. Read some top tips to prepare for driving during the winter and don’t forget to plan your journey before you leave so you are aware of any disruptions.

Public transport, cycling and walking

  • Plan your journey, check if there are problems on public transport or local roads
  • Delay your journey, if possible, to allow temperatures to rise and ice or snow to melt
  • Avoid footways in the shade. It takes longer for ice or snow to melt in the shade
  • Always wear appropriate footwear and reflective/bright clothing
  • Ensure that you have a torch or lights so motorists and others can see you when walking or cycling

Plan your journey and be prepared for times of adverse weather.

Winter vacation parking and road disruptions

20- 22 December 2017- Giles Lane traffic control

We have been informed by Kent County Council that there will be two way traffic control on Giles Lane outside the Colyer Fergusson building for works to be completed by South Eastern Power Networks.

Christmas road closures (Canterbury and Medway campuses)

To preserve the private road status of Park Wood Road, University Road, Darwin Road and Library Road, these roads will be closed from 8.00 Monday 25 December until 8.00 Tuesday 26 December.

Similarly, Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust are closing Pembroke Gate North Road from 22.00 Sunday 24 December to 22.00 Monday 25 December.

General parking during the winter vacation

You may park within a marked bay without displaying a permit during the University shut down (midday 21 December 2017 to 2 January 2018) as the Transport Team will be unavailable to provide parking permits.