Medway Dr Bike- free bike check-ups

Dr Bike returns to Medway campus Tuesday 20 March 2018. Find Dr Bike outside the Student Hub 11.30-14.30 for your free bike check up.

Dr Bike’s services are available to University of Kent and University of Greenwich students and staff. The Dr Bike service is provided by Chris and his team at ByCycle, working with the Transport Team, Estates department.

Additional work will be quoted individually but will always be at a special University of Kent reduced rate.

For more information visit:

02 March 2018 Campus Shuttle service update

Due to local weather and road conditions the Campus Shuttle last service today will be at 3pm from Keynes bus stop Canterbury and at 3pm from Medway.

Please note the Shuttle is stopping at Keynes bus stop only on the Canterbury Campus.

The Kings Ferry will tweet on @CampusShuttle if there are any delays to the service and if the service will be required to stop for any safety reasons.  This can also be viewed [1] or [2]

We recommend that you do not rely on the last service of the day, as we cannot guarantee that this will be in operation or if there will be enough seats available.

Keep safe, keep warm and plan your journey [3]

@CampusShuttle [4]

The Kings Ferry 01634 377577

01 March 2018 Campus Shuttle evening service

The Campus Shuttle will continue to operate the usual timetable this evening (01 March) unless the weather or road conditions deteriorate. The route will continue today between Canterbury and Liberty Quays. It will not be operating to Pembroke Medway Campus.

The Kings Ferry will tweet on @CampusShuttle if there are any delays to the service and if the service will be required to stop for any safety reasons.  This can also be viewed or

We recommend that you do not rely on the last service of the day, as we cannot guarantee that this will be in operation or if there will be enough seats available.

Please continue to check our tweets for updates on tomorrows service (2 March)

Keep safe, keep warm and plan your journey


The Kings Ferry 01634 377577

Large applicant day parking disruption cancelled and adverse weather

There is a large applicant day at Canterbury campus on Wednesday 28 February, as noted in the transport team newsletter, which is sent out every two weeks. 167 spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Where reasonable, you may want to consider alternative means of travel to and from campus, or allow more time for your journey.

Update: The large applicant day has been postponed due to adverse weather. Therefore the parking bays will no longer be reserved or this event.

As snow is forecast for this week, please take extra care and check with your travel provider before you travel. Our planning your journey webpage helps you plan your travel and provides useful links to check the status of your travel routes to and from campus.

Follow @unikent_travel on twitter for transport updates. The twitter feed can be viewed on the planning your journey webpage.

Arriva bus ticket prices

We work with Arriva bus company to provide a substantial discount for students and staff for bus travel across Medway, Kent and East Sussex. The student annual ticket works out as only 39p per day.

Single journey tickets can be purchased on the bus. Four week, 12 week and 52 week tickets are purchased through the Arriva website using the promotional code found on our website. For more information see our travel discounts webpage.

Ticket Journey Student Price Staff Price Public price
Single journey Between Liberty Quays student accommodation and Dockyard Main Gate via the University campus £1* £1* £5.40
Single journey Between Chatham Maritime, Waterfront Bus Station and Chatham Rail Stations £1.20* £1.20* £5.40
Single journey Between Gillingham and the University campus £1.40* £1.40* £5.40
4 week

(South East Unimed)

Unlimited travel on any Arriva bus all over Medway, Kent and East Sussex. See network map £25 £30 £94
12 week

(South East Unimed)

Unlimited travel on any Arriva bus all over Medway, Kent and East Sussex. See network map £65 £80 £282
52 week

(South East Unimed)

Unlimited travel on any Arriva bus all over Medway, Kent and East Sussex. See network map £140** £280 £940

*by showing your KentOne card

**valid from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018 or 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018

Parking disruption- Canterbury and Medway campus

Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)

Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the University. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:

  • Wednesday 21 February- 79 spaces
  • Thursday 22 February- 25 spaces
  • Saturday 24 February- 33 spaces
  • Monday 26 February- to be updated
  • Wednesday 28 February- to be updated (likely to be a large applicant day)
  • Thursday 1 March- to be updated
  • Saturday 3 March- to be updated
  • Monday 5 March- to be updated


Applicant day (Mast Pond car park, Historic Dockyard, Medway)

  • Wednesday 21 February- There are currently 31 visitors who have requested parking for the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Mast Pond car park at Chatham Historic Dockyard. While no parking bays are being reserved, the additional visitors to campus may affect parking on this day.

Stagecoach bus ticket prices

We work with Stagecoach bus company to provide highly discounted tickets for students and staff.

From 18 February 2018 some Stagecoach ticket prices have increased. This is reflected in the table below.

Ticket Journey Student Price Staff Price Public price
Canterbury dayrider Unlimited travel for one day within Canterbury megarider zone £3.10 £3.10 £4.20
Canterbury megarider week Unlimited travel for 7 consecutive days from the date of purchase within the  Canterbury megarider zone £10.90 £10.90 £14.50
South East dayrider Unlimited travel for one day within the South East network £7 £7 £7
Student Unirider Academic year (16/09/17-17/06/18)

Unlimited travel within the South East network

£175 £801*
Academic year (16/09/17-17/06/18)- purchased after 02/10/17

Unlimited travel within the South East network

£250 £801*
Terms 2-3 (13/01/18-17/06/18)

Unlimited travel within the South East network

£175 £466*
Summer- (18/06/18-15/09/18)

Unlimited within the South East network

£75 £267*
Staff Canterbury megarider- 13 weeks Unlimited travel within the Canterbury megarider zone for 13 weeks £116 £173*
Staff Canterbury megarider- 36 weeks Unlimited travel within the Canterbury megarider zone for 36 weeks £318 £477*
Staff Canterbury megarider- 52 weeks Unlimited travel within the Canterbury megarider zone for 52 weeks £435 £689*
Staff South East megarider- 13 weeks Unlimited travel within the South East network for 13 weeks £163 £290.50*
Staff South East megarider- 36 weeks Unlimited travel within the South East network for 36 weeks £418 £801*
Staff South East megarider- 52 weeks Unlimited travel within the South East network for 52 weeks £530 £1157*

*standard price for 13, 36 and 52 week tickets are calculated using the best value combination of tickets for that period of time.

Day and week tickets can be purchased on the bus with cash, card (contactless) or through the Stagecoach mobile app.

Student Unirider tickets can be purchased online through Stagecoach.

Staff 13, 36 and 52 week tickets are purchased through the Transport Team in the Security and Transport Centre. For more information visit our travel discounts webpage.

Library card access cycle shelter

The card access cycle shelter outside Templeman library (near library road entrance) is now available to use. For access to this cycle shelter, please email with the following details:

  • Your name
  • Your student or staff number
  • The number on the back of your KentOne card
  • Type of bike
  • Colour of bike
  • Any distinguishing features of the bicycle which would help identify it as yours if it was found by Campus Security

Access to all other lockable cycle shelters is on a different system run by Campus Security. Please bring your KentOne card to the Security and Transport Centre to gain access to the other lockable cycle shelters.

Refer to walking and cycling map for cycle shelter locations.

Dr Bike at Medway (Student Hub)

Dr Bike are now offering their services to University of Greenwich staff and students as well as University of Kent staff and students.

The next Medway date is Thursday 15 February 2018.  Find Dr Bike outside the Student Hub 11.30- 14.30 for your free bike check-up. Check for updates on twitter @unikent_travel on the day.

Dr Bike are trained bicycle mechanics who regularly come onto campus to check and adjust your bike for free.

Additional work will be quoted individually but will always be at a special University of Kent reduced rate.

Chris and his team at ByCycle are continuing the excellent services on campus provided by CyclingAge, working with the Transport Team, Estates Department.

For more information visit