Tag Archives: Wellbeing

Headphones on a colourful painted wall

5 Ways Music Can Improve Your Well-being

Did you know music releases dopamine, the feel-good chemical in your brain?

Listening to music can provide psychological and physiological support that improves our overall wellbeing.

Here are a few ways music can improve your well-being:

  • Listen to music

Create a playlist with your favourite music to use as part of a relaxation or meditation routine.  Slower tempos can help you wind down and relax whereas faster tempos can make you want to dance or feel more motivated.

  • Play an instrument

Take up an instrument you’ve always been meaning to learn, or discover an instrument you used to play.

Developing a new skill can provide a space for mental for mental freedom where worries and concerns are temporarily set aside.

  • Virtual journeying

Music provides a powerful anchor to associations and memories, including vivid recollection of specific places and positive events.

  • Move to the music

Exercise releases endorphins that are known as ‘happy’ hormones which can contribute to lifting your mood.  Upbeat tempos can also help to you to feel energised, so plug in and dance around your room, go for a run or take a Zumba class.

  • Music making with others

Throughout history, music has been used to bring people together.  Join a fan base and bond over the same taste of artists, sing in a choir or join a music club or society.

Find out about music activities you can get involved with at Kent.

Kent Summer Music Week at Kent

Kent Summer Music Week runs from Sunday 6 June.  Catch up with the Sunday Swing livestream concert on YouTube that happened on Sunday 6 June.

Find out more about Kent Summer Music Week events.

Watch the Scholar’s Spotlights – a series of short filmed recitals showcasing Kent Music Performance Scholars & Music Award Holders on YouTube.

More information about Making Music at Kent.


well being

Introduction to Mental Health

The University of Kent UCU Branch is delighted to announce that on Friday 6 December from 13.00 – 14.00 in Sibson Lecture Theatre 1 at Canterbury. The Inclusion Initiative will be delivering a session for staff at Kent on ‘Introduction to Mental Health’.

The session will cover:

•             Considering the definition of mental health

•             Stigma and discrimination

•             Parity of esteem

•             How to support someone- introduction of the aid memoire HELD

•             Self-care and wellbeing

 Please book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-mental-health-the-inclusion-initiative-tickets-77806658811

 All welcome and please do feel free to bring along non-UCU staff members. As you will be aware, the number of university workers accessing counselling and occupational health services has shot up, according to research which describes “an epidemic” of poor mental health among higher education staff. Mental health problems within the student community are also on the rise, with student suicides reaching a record level in recent years. Please do pass on to colleagues/contacts who may be interested in attending this useful workshop.