Tag Archives: Publish on Site Editor

Testing out a theory

HR seminar

5th Annual HR Conference draws sector professionals to Kent

The fifth annual HR Conference last week welcomed just under one hundred HR professionals and sector workers to the University of Kent. The event took place at the Canterbury campus and the aim was to learn about and share their thoughts on wellbeing in the workplace.

The event is facilitated by the University’s business and innovation gateway, Kent Innovation and Enterprise, and this year’s sponsors were KIMS Hospital. The goal was to provide businesses and individuals with the knowledge to effectively look after employees and themselves, as well as spread awareness on methods and programmes one can use when struggling with stress and anxiety.

Wellbeing engagement and interaction was high, thanks to our brilliant speakers, and the interactive wall by Wellbeing People. The day included talks from academics as well as leaders in wellbeing from the local business community. 




Woody’s have launched their festive menu

Christmas is in just under 5 weeks – how time flies. Woody’s is now taking bookings for Christmas Parties, so if you have not yet booked your department festival celebration, now is your chance.

You can book 2 courses for just £11 or 3 courses for £14 per person. They have a range of vegan, vegetarian and gluten free dishes available.

Pre-orders need 24 hours’ notice for up to 10 people and 48 hours’ notice for groups of 10+ people. All bookings require a £5 deposit per person.

To find out more about Woody’s  festive menu or to book a table, please head to our website. 

Organising for Success: Director Operations appointments

Following the recent announcement on our new Directors of Division, we have also now made the following appointments to our divisional Director of Operations roles:

Division of Humanities

School of European Culture and Languages; School of History

Kerry Barber

Division of Natural Sciences

School of Biosciences; School of Physical Sciences; School of Sport and Exercise Sciences; Medway School of Pharmacy (affiliate); Kent and Medway Medical School (affiliate)

James Redmond

Kent Business School

Paul Verrion

John Crook and Rachel MacPhee have also been appointed as Directors of Operations, with an announcement on the division they will be deployed to follow.

We are currently in the process of recruiting all final Director of Division and Director of Operations roles. In the meantime, all those appointed will now be brought into discussions around the transition to the changes under Organising for Success, and the decisions we need to make, both in the short and longer term, to make the new arrangements a success.

Postgraduate study

Postgraduate Information Evening, Thursday 5 December

Our next Postgraduate Information Event takes place on Thursday 5 December 2019, from 17.00-19.00.

This informal event is a great way to find out more about Kent’s wide range of programmes for personal or career development. Talks will be given by Dean of the Graduate School, Professor Paul Allain, and members of our Scholarships team.

Staff who apply to study at Kent may be eligible for a discount – details are available on our Staff Finance webpage.

Book your place now for the information evening on our Open Days webpage.



E-Learning Forum on the Digital Classroom

Colleagues are invited to attend the E-Learning Forum (ELF) titled ‘Digital Classroom’ on Tuesday 3 December 10am-11.30am in Templeman Seminar Room 6.

Over the past two years the success of the digital classrooms (TS5 & TS6) has led to improvements in a number of seminar rooms across the University. Room upgrades include group tables, repeater screens, wireless connection and, in some cases, touch screen monitors. These teaching spaces can give the Academics greater flexibility in teaching approaches and, when used correctly, enhance the Student learning experience.

During the academic year 2018/19, UELT collected user feedback from Academics and Students on their experiences in these spaces. In this session, Phil Anthony will present the findings on how these rooms are currently being used by Academics and Students across the University. He will then give an example of how group work can be conducted in these rooms using multiple technologies. Finally, Academics currently using the rooms will share their experiences.

To confirm your attendance please complete the online booking form.


Disability History Month

Disability History Month runs throughout November and December.

Themed around Leadership, Resistance and Culture, DHM 2019 features a variety of events and activities that all staff and students can get involved with.

Key highlights include:

The Mike Oliver Exhibition in Canterbury (Keynes Teaching Foyer) and Medway (Drill Hall Library)

The Mike Oliver Exhibition Launch, Tuesday 26 November, 6-8pm, Keynes Teaching Foyer

Talk by Dr Damien Milton: The Influence of the Social Model of Disability on the Neurodiversity Movement, 5 December, 12-1, Grimond LT3

Talk by Dr. Howard Leicester, MBE: researcher in the field of health informatics and campaigner for accessible information. He has made a significant contribution to the NHS Accessible Information Standard. 13 December, 6-8pm, Grimond LT3.

Student Employability Sessions

‘Accessible Employment, A Useful Guide for Students’, 27 November, 1-2pm and 2-3pm, Cornwallis Octagon LT3

Change 100 Career Session (Medway), 5 December, 10-11am, Gillingham 4-03

Change 100 Career Session (Canterbury), 5 December, 1-2pm, ELT2

Staff Training Sessions

‘Improving Accessibility, What Can I Do?’, 26 November, 1-2pm, Keynes S15; 3 December, 1-2pm, Keynes S17; 10 December, 1-2pm, Keynes S17

‘ We All Have Mental Health’, 11th December 1.30-2.30pm, Keynes S16

‘Reasonable Adjustments’, 13th December, 10.00-11.00am, Keynes S16

All bookable through Staff Connect.

For the full programme, please see www.kentunion.co.uk/DHM

Thanks giving

Global Thanksgiving Hangout Special!

International Partnerships is delighted to invite Kent students to come and relax at the Thanksgiving themed Global Hangout. Hosted by this year’s new Global Officers and supported by the Worldfest Bitesize Fund.

The Global Hangout will take place on Wednesday 27th November, 1-3pm. This event is free but ticketed as there are limited spaces. Students are invited to book through Eventbrite. 

Staff and students are also encouraged to bring donations for Canterbury Food Bank who will also be present at the event.     

Any questions, please get in contact at internationalevents@kent.ac.uk.



Kent’s commitment to European network

Kent was proud to host the annual meetings of the SGroup European Universities Network (SGroup) from 6-8 November 2019.

This event saw representatives from the SGroup’s 32 member institutions from 17 European countries attend as well as one of the network’s associate partners from Colombia.

The Network, which was established in 1989, is based on four core areas of co-operation – internationalisation strategy, academic collaboration, academic mobility, and transfer of knowledge.

Kent joined the SGroup in April 2011 and has used its membership of the network to strengthen both its European and international partnerships, giving rise to a range of mobility opportunities for students and staff.

Our Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Karen Cox gave the formal welcome to network representatives and stressed Kent’s commitment to continued European and international collaboration in the context of its civic mission.

The meeting of the SGroup concluded with a workshop on collaboration in the context of Brexit and included the perspectives of Professor Philippe de Wilde as Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation and Professor Jeremy Carrette, Dean for Europe.

Find out more about the SGroup on International Partnerships website, or email Primrose Paskins

Professor Karen Cox

DVC Academic Strategy, Planning and Performance

Message from the Vice-Chancellor

After an open competition I am delighted to announce that Professor Georgina Randsley de Moura has been appointed to the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Strategy, Planning and Performance. Georgina is currently in the interim position and will transition to the substantive post with immediate effect. I am sure you will join me in offering her many congratulations.


Industrial action

Industrial action update

The University and College Union (UCU) has announced its intention to launch industrial action in the form of a strike and action short of a strike (ASOS) as a part of its dispute relating to the national pay award.

The strike action is scheduled to begin on 25 November and last eight days, ending on 4 December. The ASOS is to begin on the same day and continue until April.

The Executive Group (EG) recognises the strength of feeling surrounding the dispute and is aware that this is unsettling for many staff and students. Although this is a national dispute, and cannot be resolved at a local level, work is already underway at the University to address many of the issues raised as part of the pay claim.

To ensure all staff have the information they need, the University has launched dedicated industrial action web pages for staff, including links to the industrial action pay policy, FAQs, information about the background to the dispute and what Kent is doing. Web pages for students are also now available to help answer students’ questions and ensure they have the support and information they need. Both websites will be updated routinely in coming days and weeks.

The Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) and Universities UK (UUK) have issued a joint open letter to staff affected by the disputes confirming that UCU have been formally invited to discuss what the employers’ association can do at sector-level to support individual institutions on issues around workloads, equality and casualisation.

In the meantime, EG will continue to do all it can at a local and national level to find a way forward.

The University is also doing everything it can to minimise disruption and to mitigate against the impact on students whose experience remains the utmost priority during this time.