Tag Archives: Publish on Site Editor

Testing out a theory

close up of hedgehog on leaves

Hedgehog Friendly Campus webinar, 10 June

Hedgehog Friendly Campus will be running a live training Webinar on Facebook for Kent staff and students 12.00 Wednesday 10 June. The webinar which will provide useful information on how to identify if hedgehogs are using your garden and what to do if you find a hedgehog in need.

Hedgehogs are in decline, with populations dropping as much as 50% since the year 2000. The University of Kent is working towards the SILVER award from Hedgehog Friendly Campus and would like to give you the opportunity to learn more about hedgehogs.

The webinar will include:

· basic info on hedgehogs
· how to recognise hedgehog field signs
· gardening with hedgehogs in mind
· what to do if you find a hedgehog in need

Register your interest to attend the free webinar.

Parking permit changes from 1 September 2020

The University’s Executive Group has confirmed the 2020/21 increase for parking permit charges. These charges will apply from 1 September 2020.

Kent’s parking permit prices remain low compared to other universities and we continue to offer free parking permits for those who have a Government Blue Badge or travel by motorcycle.

For staff, there will now be four tiers of payment in accordance with your salary. The new fourth tier will apply to anyone paid on the professional and management scale who will pay a higher rate (£1.24 a month above the higher rate of the other tiers).

All other permits (except daily permits) will continue to be charged according to staff gross monthly earnings, irrespective of the length of time the permit is valid for. 

Find out more about staff parking on campus and the permit changes on the Transport webpages.



Share your favourite story!

Update – deadline to send in your favourite stories is extended to midnight on Sunday 7 June! 

Do you have a favourite book that you just couldn’t put down? Perhaps it’s one that you’ve read recently, or a story that you just keep going back to – either way, we want to hear from you!

To celebrate National Share a-Story-Month, we’re encouraging colleagues across our campuses and centres to share their one all-time recommended read.

It could be a crime novel, a favourite childhood book or a work of non-fiction – the only essential is that it’s a book you’d love others to get lost in and enjoy a sense of escapism.  We will then pick 10 of the best recommendations and include them in a ‘Top 10 Books to read!’ feature on our staff home page.

What to do:

Please send the title of your one favourite story/book to stories@kent.ac.uk, along with  your name, the department you work in and a brief sentence/one line describing why it’s your ultimate read.

Send your recommendation by Friday 29 May – and who knows your much-loved book could be included in our Top 10 books feature!

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Alice and Wendy, Corporate Communications

Top 10 ideas:

If you have some good ideas for other possible ‘Top 10’ feature topics, share your thoughts with us at stories@kent.ac.uk.

Students learning in a classroom

Learning and Teaching Conference 2020

The Centre for the Study of Higher Education will be convening the annual Learning and Teaching Conference from the 8 to the 15 June via Moodle. This year’s conference will focus on enhancing relevance: how we connect academic learning with the wider world.

The recent Principles for Powerful Learning Experiences at Kent study showed that students want and value opportunities to apply their learning to everyday life, real world problems and challenges, and potential career paths and activities. While this principle is one of the most important to students during their time at Kent, undergraduate student feedback suggests we can do more to embed it across the institution. This conference explores how we can create opportunities for students that are relevant to their goals, interests, cultural experiences, and ambitions.

Relevance pervades all of our decisions as educators. What do we want students to learn – and why? How do we develop students’ attributes to prepare them for productive and fulfilling lives after university? What do we ask students to read? With what other resources do we connect students? What examples are used to illustrate a concept? How are assessments designed? How do we engage students with local, national, and international communities, issues and perspectives? How do we help them see how professionals use the knowledge and skills we teach? Twelve papers will explore these questions and more in this online conference from 8 June to 15 June 2020.

To ensure maximum flexibility for academics juggling multiple commitments during this difficult time, the conference papers will be available online either as short (750 word) papers or 5 minute videos, with a facilitated discussion board from 8 June to 15 June. We recommend that participants allow 2 to 3 hours between 8 June and 15 June to review papers and contribute to the discussion board. Participants can use the discussion board associated with each session to ask questions or share their own experiences. Authors will be checking regularly during the week to answer questions and stimulate further discussion. In addition, feel free to connect with paper presenters individually for more in-depth discussion.

We recommend you revisit the discussion board before the live capstone event at 13.00 on 15 June. The capstone session will also be recorded for access for those who cannot participate in the live event. Conference papers will be archived for future reference.


To book your place, please sign up via Moodle

View of Canterbury Catherdral

Share photos of your isolation walks

Do you have any great photos of our campuses or the local area from your walks during lockdown?

If so, we would love to share them on the University’s Instagram account – @unikentlive.

If you are happy to be featured on our Instagram account please tag us (@unikentlive) in your photos.

Alternatively, if you don’t have Instagram but would like your photos to be considered, please email communications@kent.ac.uk

The photo shown above is from Stephen Burke, Master of Eliot College.

Don’t forget to also share your favourite book with us by emailing stories@kent.ac.uk! 

Financial Sustainability: May Update

Following last month’s update on the programme of activity required to return the University to a financially sustainable footing, work is continuing to carefully reduce costs while specifically targeting increase in income in areas that make sense. 

Staff Cost Savings 

Work has continued with the JSNCC on proposals to mitigate the need for redundancies in order to deliver the staff savings required this year, with a number of proposals either in effect or under consultationThis includes suggested changes to the University’s Reward Strategy, which staff are invited to give feedback on before 5 June, alongside specific proposals regarding promotions and discretionary payments for some senior staff.  

Cash & Capital Approvals 

A number of measures have been introduced to reduce our day-to-day costs, building on the good work already underway in a number of areas to reduce staff costs. This includes restrictions on both credit cards and travel use, work with budget holders to reduce end-of-year spend and tighter control on the use of external providers. 

Business Improvement & Value for Money 

Recent changes to our European strategy are now being implemented, centred around a strong hub in Brussels supported by an increased focus on partnerships with universities across Europe. Alongside this, progress has been made in a number of areas in exploring online opportunities through Future Learn as part of ways to complement on-campus teaching in the future. 

Find out more on the Financial Sustainability and Improvement programme. 

Kent Union officers May 2020

Leaving card for Kent Union officers

Four long-serving Kent Union officers will be leaving at the end of this term – and you can say goodbye to them via their e-leaving card. Please note that you’ll need a free Google account in order to sign the card.

Students’ Union President Sasha Langeveldt is leaving after, in her words, ‘five long but extremely fun years’. Also leaving are Omolade Adedapo, Vice-President Welfare and Community; Emily Window Vice-President Student Engagement (both after two years’ service); and Laura Carlin, Vice-President Postgraduate Experience (after one year).

Describing her Kent experience Sasha said: ‘It’s been a pleasure to work with the University in creating a better student experience for all. We are sad to leave but are grateful to have worked alongside some amazing people.’

Normally the four departing officers would be gathering goodbye messages around campus. But, because of Covid-19, they are hoping that as many University staff as possible will be able to sign their e-leaving card.

Picture shows (from left): Laura, Sasha, Omolade and Emily.

staff at keyboard

New EDI Harassment website launched

Kent is committed to fostering a positive working environment where all staff and students are treated fairly, with dignity, courtesy, respect and consideration.

All of us are responsible for creating an environment that’s free from harassment and bullying. We are therefore excited to launch our new EDI Harassment website, which sets out how to report incidents of harassment, how to become a Harassment Contact, and includes an up-to-date Harassment Contact list.

If you are interested in becoming a Harassment Contact for the University, please email the Learning and Organisational Development team and we can talk through what it involves.

Vicky Annis at the Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic

Free online consultations with Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic!

UPDATE: Our free initial online consultations have been extended throughout June 2020!

The Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic is pleased to now offer free 20 minute online or telephone consultations with Vicky Annis, lead physiotherapist. Consultations are open to all, whether you have used the clinic previously or whether you have never experienced physiotherapy; and whether you are a student or staff member at the University of Kent or whether you are from the wider community.

The clinic, situated at the University of Kent sports centre on the Canterbury campus, remains physically closed while following government coronavirus guidance. However, Vicky has a wealth of physiotherapy experience and expertise and is keen to continue to assist and support people during these challenging times.

“I am extremely excited to offer free online physiotherapy consultations. This will enable me to keep in touch with clients and is currently the closest opportunity to fulfil what I enjoy doing the most. Whether this time is used to simply touch base, update on where you are at or ask questions, I am more than happy to help.”

She recognises that the unusual circumstances that we find ourselves enduring may for some lead to increased stress, anxiety, discomfort or pain. Many people may be tolerating issues without knowing where to turn for help and advice during this time of social distancing and isolation. The clinic wants to continue to support your freedom, ease of movement and quality of life during this pandemic. You can hear more from Vicky about this announcement in this video.

“The online physio appointments with Vicky have been so helpful and beneficial. She was able to apply her skills and knowledge about physiotherapy via a Zoom meeting during our consultation, and she provided me with a variety of exercises to work on during a two-week period after which we had a follow up appointment. Vicky is genuinely nice and caring and really helped me improve my running performance–I would not hesitate to contact her again!” Suzy Mejia-Buenano

To find out more about Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic please visit our website and to stay up to date Like us on Facebook.


Lockdown Lunchtime Music Scholars’ Concert

Join the Music Department for a unique event on Tuesday 2 June, as we present a online Lockdown Lunchtime Concert as part of an online Summer Music Week!

From Scottish piping and Baroque woodwind to nimble electric guitar and a song from ‘The Prince of Egypt,’ we’re delighted to present a special Lockdown Lunchtime Concert!

Taking place between 13.15 – 13.40, this virtual concert will be featuring several University Music Performance Scholars and Award Holders recorded performing in isolation in their homes (and gardens!).

Click on this YouTube link and you can watch from wherever you are as we bring a selection of musical morsels for your lunchtime viewing pleasure.